“On Our Own”

Episode Thirty-Three (#1T33)

The Gang Tricks Benji


Written by Joe Termine


Scene One:

“Just For the Fun of It”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang


Joe: Hey everybody.

John [shouting]: Joe, you need to open the door first.

[ Joe walks in through the door]

Joe: You heard me, didn't you?

Katie: Heard what?

Joe: Do I need to go outside again?

John: NO!!  Joe, it’s okay.

James: Where were you anyway Joe?

Joe: I went to…

Katie: I went to the bathroom!!

John: Thank you for that thrilling and grossly not needed tidbit, but we were talking to Joe.

Katie: Oh, I see when I’m not wanted.

John: What’s wrong with her?

James: It’s her time of the month.

Joe: 7:30?  That's funny, I thought we had those everyday.

John: No Joe, it’s a female thing. [he looks happy with himself]

James: Actually you’re both wrong.  John more wrong than Joe.

John: Don't you mean Joe more than me?

James: No, that is why I got you guys those hats, so I don't forget who I’m talking about.

[Each hat has the wrong name on it]

John: This is a real change of events, Joe being righter than me.

Joe [confident]: I think you mean the opposite of less righter…thank you very much [shines fingernails on his shirt]

James: Okay, back to what I was saying.  It is her time of the month not for either of your reasons, the reason is because it is play a joke on anyone with a B or K day.

Joe: Then why is Millie mad?

John and James: Millie?

Joe: That's what it says on the hat she’s wearing.

James: Well we have to make sure to be extra nice to her.  I was thinking of playing a joke on Benji instead.

[Everyone laughs]

Katie: You guys better not be laughing at me.

Joe: Don't worry Millie, we aren't.




Song: (to the same theme music as Cheers)

1. Musical Beginning

2. Sometimes you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,

3. And you'll always be in pain.

4. You wanna be where you can see, the people are all insane,

5. You wanna go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.

6. Musical Ending


Sequence: (corresponding line by line from the song above)

1. A view of downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the screen.

2. John is seen, startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.

3. James is seen in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.

4. Joe is seen in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.

5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.

6. John comes running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your life."  The Gang runs as the store collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes.  On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting and James Achaia."


Scene Two:

“And So It Is Done”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Guys, Benji


Joe: So, this plan.  Does it involve us actually haven’t to make physical contact with Benji?

John: No.

James: Um, John, it is my plan.

Joe: Geez John, you are stepping in on everybody’s thunder today?

John: I was wondering why my hair kept standing up and all I smelled was toast.

James: Well as I was saying, we don’t need to touch him.

Joe: No, I meant like any physical contact like looking or smelling him.

James [laughing]: Joe, I don’t think Benji smells.

[ Just as James goes to knock on the door a powerful order comes from under Benji’s door]

Joe: See, told you.

[The door opens and Benji is standing in a giant pink and purple muumuu]

Benji: Can I help you guys?  I’m in the middle of a big talking to with my babies.

James: And why are you in a dress?

Benji: Muumuu, and it is to give me confidence.  They have power over me.

Joe: That’s kinda funny.  No one’s animals have control over them

[ Joe, John and James look at the cats]

Joe: I feel like I want to do things for them [sneezes]

James: I need to buy 100 dead mice.

John: And what is with the colors of the muumuu?  At least look halfway manly.

Benji: The gaze didn’t work on you?

John: When you’ve seen one hypno-glare, you have seen them all.

[ John slaps Joe and James]

James: Thanks, I needed that.

Joe: Wow, that was weird, I felt like [ John slaps him again] Ouch, what the hell was that for?

John: Sorry, I was just kinda peeved that you were more right then me.

Joe: Understandable.

John: What’s the plan again.

James: Oops, I knew I forgot something.  Benji, could you go back inside?  We have to plan against you.

Benji: Can do.  [he closes the door]

[the three guys huddle and talk]

Benji [pops back out ]: Wait, did you say…

Joe: Back inside Benji.

Benji: Okay.


Scene Three:

“He Will Never See It Coming”

Location: The Hallway Between Penthouses

Characters: The Guys, Benji


[The huddle breaks up]

Joe: Okay, so we have decided on whose plan?

John: I think yours.

Joe [shaking John]: THINK THINK!!

James: Wow, calm down Joe, it’s just a little prank.

Joe: I know, I just wanted to get him back for slapping me twice.

[They knock on the door again]

Benji [with curlers in his hair]: Hello.

[The three guys are smiling]

Joe: Those for confidence?

Benji: No I just wanted to look pretty.

James: For who?

Benji: Wouldn’t you like to know?

James: Not really.

Joe: Me either.

John: I’m kinda…[ Joe and James stare at him coldly]…I mean me either.

Benji: Well, what did you guys need?

Joe: Oh yeah, you guys ready.  [both guys shake their head yes] … 1… 2… 3…

All Three [shouting]: YOUR SHOES ARE UNTIED!!

[They run in their penthouse]

Joe [feverishly giggling]: Did you see the look on his face?

James: You guys did realize he was wearing sandals right?

John: Are you serious?

Joe: Great, there goes my plan.

[screaming is heard outside]

Joe: Or maybe not.

[Benji is trying to tie his sandals in vain grabbing at nonexistent laces]

James: Hey it actually worked!

Joe: Were you doubting my skill?

James: Yes, very much so.

John: I was behind you all the way.

Joe: Thank you John.

John: What are you thanking me for, James knocked me behind you trying to run inside the apartment, I had no choice.

Joe: Oh, even still, thanks.

John: No problem.

[the shouting gets louder]

Joe: Just look at him out there, looking like an ass.

John [angrily]: Joe!

Joe: Sorry, I meant more like an ass.

John: Thank you.

James: I never thought something this simple could bring us so much joy.

[ Joe is in the corner playing with a ball of yarn]

John: I know!!

James: No, I meant with Benji, but that is pretty great too.

Joe: Hey, you guys really should try this, it is great!!

[All three guys start playing with a ball of yarn]


Scene Four:

“All is Quiet on the Dayboqrx Front”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Guys


Joe: Who knew a ball of yarn could be that much fun?

John: Not I.

James: I did.

Joe: And you didn’t share this secret with us?

James: I like to have some things that I just have for myself.

John: Did you guys notice something?

Joe: Yeah at the fifth hour of playing with the yarn it started to bunch up, that was so much…

John: No, I meant outside

Joe: What?  I don’t hear anything.

John: Exactly, where is the feverish screaming of Benji?

James: John is right, I should be hearing our plan in Dolby screaming sound [points at a box next to the door]

Joe: Where did you get that?

James [shouting]: MALL!

Joe: Ok, James, just because it’s Dolby out there doesn’t mean it has to be that loud in here.

James: Oh…right.

John: Someone better check on him to make sure… [ Joe and James look at John coldly again]  What? I was going to say to make sure that he still has problems, what do you have no faith in me?

Joe: I have a quarter in you at least. [he pulls out a shiny quarter]

John: Why did you put that in there?

Joe: Couldn’t find my wallet.  Plus, you didn’t seem to be using it.

John: Next time put it in your own ear.

Joe [laughing loudly]: And rupture my hearing, I don’t think so.  I will be sticking with my plan, thank you very much.

James: We still have to check on Benji.

Joe: Well I’m not doing it, I made the plan, my work is done.

John: Yeah, but because you made the plan, you have to see your work.

Joe: Really?  So I guess you should have went back into James’s room and checked on him when you put that replica of Abe Lincoln in his bed.

James: What!!!

John: Hehe, Joe is just going through yarn withdrawal, don’t mind him.

James: Okay, we will all go check on him.

[the three open the door carefully]

Joe: There’s no one there.

John: And Benji left his curlers…which means he is stepping out on the town.

James: Or he took them out.

Joe: Guys, I have a bad feeling about this.




Scene Five:

“Tie a Shoe; Save a Fool”

Location: Pushor Avenue, The Penthouse

Characters: The Guys, Benji, and Old Woman


[Benji is clunking around the city trying to find someone who will tie his sandals for him]

Benji: Excuse me stranger, could you tie my shoes?

Old Woman: Sure [she sees that he’s wearing Velcro sandals] Ummm, no.

Benji: But I’m Benji!!

Old Woman [seeing the flyer for practical joke on people with K or B day]: Benji eh, sure let me see what I can do…[goes into pet shop and walk out with bird]…this bird will help you tie your shoe.

Benji: Oh my Dayboqrx, thank you!

Old Woman [giggling]: No problem…sucker.

Benji: Is that the bird’s name?  Sucker?

[Old woman prances away laughing loudly]

Benji: Wow, people sure are nice to me today…first I get talked to by the guys at the apartment, that one’s going into my journal.  Then that old crotchety woman gives me a shoe-tying bird…can it get any better?

[Benji skips back to the apartment]

Joe: Something smells like failure.

John: Benji must be back!

James: Let’s go out and check.

[the three peek out their heads and look at their work]

Joe: What the…

John: He looks happy.

James: And what is up with the bird on his shoulder?

Joe: He does realize that his cats are going to destroy that bird the second it gets in the apartment right?

John: I don’t know, but it is gonna be one hell of a funny thing to watch.

[ Just as Benji is about to open the door, there is a giant thud from behind the other side]

Benji: Hmm, the babies only get worked up like that when I bring home food.  Well, guess they just must be off today.

[the door closes and the guys spring out and listen on the other end of the door]

Benji: Okay babies, I’ve brought home a new friend.

[all the cats sit there, eyeing up the bird]

Benji: You are paying attention to me and I’m not even wearing the muumuu.

[As Benji is about to speak again, all the cats jump on him and pounce him to the ground]

Benji: Okay babies, I know you’re excited to meet your new friend but…[he gasps] SUCKER?!! SUCKER?!!

Joe: That he is.

John: Shhh, I can’t hear the bloodshed right with you talking.

James [displeased]: That’s disgusting.

John: Sorry.

James: You telling Joe to be quiet like that.

Joe: Its okay, I like the abuse, it makes it all that much better in the police report.

John: That’s right, in the police…wait, what?

James: Shhh!!

Benji [crying]: Now I will never be able to tie my shoes…why?…why ?

[Benji feverishly looks to find the bird in all of the cats mouths]

Benji: Here Andy #13,434, give daddy his bird…no sweetie, don’t flip daddy off.  Damn Cat Fancy magazine, teaching them bad habits.

Joe: Well, our job is done, let’s go back to the apartment and celebrate.

John: Who wants a refreshing Brandy?

Joe: I’d much rather listen to a different artist please.

James: Umm, let’s just go in.


Scene Six:

“All is Lost…Or is It?”

Location: A Pet Store

Characters: Benji, and the Pet Store Owner


[After searching for fourteen hours in all the cats, he finally finds half of a hairball, the TV remote, and the skeletal remains of a human hand]

Benji: Nothing worth interest in your small little mouths.  Now I know why I was made fun of so much as a child.

[flashback to Benji standing in a tutu with his sandals on and everyone laughing at him]

Benji: It must have been because I couldn’t tie my shoes.  Well, I’ll just have to go back to the pet store and get another bird.

[all of the cats eyes glare at him with anticipation]

Benji: But this time I will bring it somewhere it can’t be hurt.

[all of the cats snap their paws]

Benji: What was that noise?  Well whatever it was, it probably isn’t that important

[Benji goes back down the block to get a new bird]

Pet Store Owner: Hello.  How may I help you?

Benji: Yes, I’m Benji, I’m here to buy a new shoe-tying bird.

Pet Store Owner: Okay?  But sir, for one…why do you have that comb over your face?

Benji: I want to keep my identity secret.

Pet Store Owner: But you just told me.

Benji: You are a crafty one, I see you are well suited for this job.

Pet Store Owner: And second, there is no such thing as a “Shoe-tying bird.”

[A paper boy comes by and throws a stack of papers through the man’s window]

Pet Store Owner: Ah, right on time.

Benji: Why don’t you just tell him to throw them at the door?

Pet Store Owner: Because I collect insurance for the broken window, and then I buy a new window.  It is a very complicated cycle.

Benji: Yes.

Pet Store Owner: Yes what?

Benji: No, my name is Benji, not What. [he laughs]

Pet Store Owner: You say you need a special needs dog?  Because you seem kinda retar…

Benji: No, a bird.

[Man glances over headline “ALPHABET ANIMOSITY: People With Names With K or B Pranked Today”]

Pet Store Owner: Benji is your name?

Benji: [stupidly grins] Yup.

Pet Store Owner: Well I have a good news.  We have a better animal then a silly old bird.

Benji: Really?

Pet Store Owner Yup, I have a crate of shoe bees, the tie with the speed of a hundred birds.

Benji: Great, how much?

Pet Store Owner: For you, free.

Benji [angrily]: I keep telling you my name is Benji not “What” or “You.”

Pet Store Owner: Okay Benji, have a nice day, and remember to shake up the crate a few times and tell them you love the letter C more.

Benji: Will do.


Scene Seven:

“Don’t Look a Gift Bee in the Stinger”

Location: The Penthouse and Benji’s Penthouse

Characters: The Guys, Benji


[Benji anxiously bring home the crate and thinks of all the fun shoe-tying he’ll get done]

Benji: Wow, today must be lucky day.

Joe: Do you think he’s learned his lesson yet?

John: It’s Benji, what do you think?

Joe: I am going with no for 200.

James: What?

Joe: I was answering it like they do in Jeopardy.

John: Oh. [he smiles] Don’t do that.

Joe: Gotcha.

[Benji is heard in the apartment talking to himself]

Benji: I wonder why the man was so eager to give me these shoe-tying bees?

Joe: Oh my.  He has bees now, this is going to bee priceless.

John: Did you mean the insect bee or the word bee?

Joe: Which one is funnier?

James: I am partial to the word one.

John: I fancy the insect one.

Joe: And I resign my vote, so it is now half funny and half not funny, you decide which is which.

John: Well played.

Benji: Man I am so stupid, I was about to open up a crate of bees.

Joe: Guess he’s smarter then I thought.

Benji: And I almost forgot to shake up the crate [yells] I love C much more [he opens the crate]…AHHHHHHHHH!!!  That’s not my shoe!

Joe: Hey, I wasn’t expecting to be right on that one.

James: Do you think that maybe we should help out Benji?

Joe: He seems to have it under control from what I can hear. [listening to the radio]  Man, Benji must really hate Bosnia, he’s bombing it.

James: So John, do you think we should help Benji?

John: Not if hates Bosnia that much.

James [giving John a puzzled look]: Guess so.

Joe: Have we ever steered you wrong James?

James: YES!  There was that time…

Joe: See, I told you we never did.

John: Wow Joe, you didn’t even let James finish.  Go on James.

James: As I was trying to say, there was that time that you and John…

John: You are right, we have been great friends.

[feverish screaming coming from Benji’s apartment]

Joe: Jeez, Benji is a real drama queen.  All he does is scream and whine about the thousands of bees stinging him.  Give it a rest.

John: I know, I stubbed my toe yesterday and I didn’t say anything about it.

Joe: That was me.

John: Exactly, and I didn’t say anything about it.

James: You are so humble John.

John: I know, it’s just a gift I was born with.

Joe: I found my humble at a truck stop.

James: That was your keys Joe.

Joe: I was wondering why my car never started.

John: Um Joe, you don’t have a car.

Joe: Of course not, I don’t have any keys to start it with…psssh.

James: Anyone hungry?

Joe: I am starving.  All this laughing at Benji’s misfortune makes me famished.

John: I know!  Who needs a diet when I can lose weight by just laughing at Benji alone?

James: I wonder where he comes up with all the pain from?

Joe: Probably the muumuu.




Scene Eight:

“And Then it Hits Me”

Location: Red Light Park

Characters: The Guys, baseball players


James: Man, and then there was that one time that I forgot my gerbil in the dryer.

Joe: James, where did that story come from?  You just started that in the middle…or the end, I’m not sure.

James: Sorry about that.  It was the end, that should clear it up for you.

John: It is all clear for me now, thanks!

James: My pleasure.

[ Joe points at a field in the distance]

John: It looks like they are playing some sort of sport over there.

Joe: Hey, I was gonna say that.

John: Well, you snooze you lose.

Joe: Just because my Snoozian nationality is not known for winning doesn’t mean you have to insult me for it.

James: Let’s go and play if they’ll let us.

Joe: Weren’t we going to go and e…

John: Yup, exhilarate ourselves with fun sports.

Joe: Alright, if you say so…you don’t have to use mob mentality on me.

John: I was by myself on that one.

Joe: It was in the eyes…[points at knees]

James: Yes Joe [pats Joe on the head]

[as the three of them reach the field something is heard in the distance]

Joe: What’s that noise?

James: I think it’s the sound of a oncoming ice cream cone.

Joe: Really? [opens mouth]

John: I want one too.

[ Joe and John fight]

[baseball hits Joe in the head]

John: You can have it Joe, I don’t like that flavor…too many carbs.

James: I think the ball knocked Joe out.

John: Must be a major ice cream headache, he should really learn to pace himself.

[a field full of people are just playing a fun filled game of baseball]

John [screams]: Hey, can we play?!?

Guy [standing right in front of him]: Ow…and sure.

John: Sorry, the game makes me excited.

Guy: I can see that, you already have on all your gear.  And also stuff for other sports.

Guy #2: Like cricket I see…nice paddle.

John: No, that’s just for the fun of it, I didn’t know it had anything to do with any sports.  Hmm…learn something new everyday.

James: We gonna talk or play ball over here?

Guy: Well over here it’s talking, but over there it’s playing.

James: Oh okay, sorry to break up the tea party.

Joe [mumbles]: TEA!

John: Oh yeah Joe, you want to play ball, or are you still all milking that concussion for all it is worth?

[ Joe falls over]

John: I’m guessing he’s just going to milk it for a bit longer.

James: So guys, what are we going to play?

Guy #3: We’re just gonna go and do meaningless running drills to tire us out.

James: Sounds fun.

Guy #3: Oh it…[he just starts running]

[Thirty minutes go by]

John: Man, I sure am hungry, I really wish I ate something right now.

James: I sure could go for some eating right here.

John: Let’s just go then.

James: Good idea.

[all the team says goodbye to them]

John [looking at the field]: Man, where did all the players go?

James: Look at the field next to it.

John: Oh.  [he laughs]


Scene Nine:

“The Two Amigos”

Location: A corner restaurant near the park

Characters: John and James


[the two of the guys walk from the field up the street to a nearby shop to eat]

John: It is sure nice to get something to eat.

James: I know, it’s like I was missing out on something special in life.

John: Really?

James: No, but it’s still good.

John [smiles while munching]: Right oh!

James: So, what do you think is the best part of the whole day thus far?

John: Well I would have to go with…wait did you just say thus?

James: I believe I did.

John: Ok ay, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, it would have to be the whole making nuts of Benji.

James: I know, it is soooo much fun to torture him.

John: He is like a human size mini punching bag.

James: Or just a regular sized one then.

John: If you like to sound all profound and all then yeah.  I’m happy with my own wording.

James: You are entitled to your own wrong opinion, as wrong as it is.

John: Thank y…[he shrugs and returns to eating his food]

James: I feel like our conversation has been missing something.

John: Is it mustard?  Because this sandwich sure is.

James: Then put some mustard on it, it’s right there on the table.

John: And pay extra?  I don’t think so.  They put it on there to test you.  I am not falling for that.

James [staring blankly at John]: As I was saying, there’s something we’re missing.

John: I wonder what?

[ John and James look at each other at the same time and say…]

James: Joe!

John: Mustard!

James: Will you get off the mustard?

John: Shhh!  No one is supposed to know I’m on it.  They’ll know I’m using it then.

James: No, it’s okay, you will not be charged for it, trust me.

[the check comes in]

James: Okay mine was $1.99.

John: Mine was $34.99.

James: You ordered lobster and lamb.

John: Yes, but I got charged ten cents for the mustard.

James: That was the tax for the food.

John: Sure.

James: We really should go and get Joe, he’s probably all dehydrated.

John: How could that be?  He had that ice cream cone.

James: It was a baseball!

John: If he can eat it, then that is all that matters.

James: But he can’t.

John: Oh jeez, then we better get a move on.  Why did you waste our time like that James?!


Scene Ten:

“Oh Where, Oh Where, Could My Little Friend Have Gone?”

Location: Red Light Park

Characters: The Guys, a small boy


[ John and James rush to the aid of Joe and find that he’s not there]

John: Here’s the ball that hit him.

[a boy comes back and snatches it out of John’s hand]

Boy: I was holding that in my hand.

John: [shakes the kid down] Where’s our friend punk?

Boy: What??

John: He’s tall, has brown hair, goes by the name John.

James [whispering in John’s ear]: Pssst, that’s you John.

John: Yay!  Mystery solved.

James: His name is Joe.

Boy: Hmmm, don’t know of any Joes, sorry.

James: It’s okay.  John, go back to shaking that kid down.

John: My pleasure!

Boy: Noooo!!!

James: So you’re gonna talk?

Boy: I don’t know what you even want.

John: Shaking is the order of the day, so I hope you brought your knife and fork and other eating utensils, like a shrimp fork and…

James: I think the kid gets the point.

John: Oh, will get the point real soon…the shaking point.

James: Okay, now I’m getting tired of you here.

John: You want some too??  Huh?!  Huh?!

James: John!!

John: Sorry, I kinda get all caught up in the shaking mood.

James [sarcastic]: Really, I couldn’t tell.

John: Good, the lessons are paying off.

John: Hey James, remember what happened last time?

James: You mean when we skinned that w…

John: No, recently.

James: Oh, the wrong field thing?

John: Yeah.

James: What about it?

John: Just asking.

Joe: Hey everyone!

John: Oh my Joe, where were you?

Joe: Other field.

James: Really?

Joe: Yup.

Joe: So what did I miss?

John: By any chance, do you still have any more of that ice cream?

Joe: The what?

James: The thing in your pocket.

Joe: Oh, the baseball.

John: Yes [air quotes] baseball.

Joe: Sure it’s all yours.

John: Yes, all mine.




Scene Eleven:

“It’s All Out”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Benji


[Benji is covered in seaweed as the three guys get back to the apartment]

Joe: Um, Benji…?

Benji: Squids don’t make great shoe-tiers.

John: You would think all those tentacles, and not one knows how to tie.  Hmmm…go figure.

Joe: Man, it was great out there on the field, in the sun, all alone…[stares at the wall]…Hey, did you ever notice that big spot on the wall?

John: What spot?

Joe [punches the wall]: That one.

John: Now that you mention it, yes.

James: The food we ate was great.

Katie: I don’t have my period!!!!

John: We already went over this a while ago.

Joe: Yeah, I was right about it all along.

Katie: Oh.

[everyone laughs]


Joe: Another fun day.

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