The Origin
of Flower Horn
花羅漢的存在,至今大概已有五年歷史了.在1996年,1997年左右首先在馬來西亞研發出來的魚種.由於花羅漢是由慈鯛魚雜交而成,所以有關它的來源眾說紛雲,但一般相信花羅漢是由一種名為"青金虎"的野生慈鯛(Amphilophus Trimaculatus)繁殖出來,並在人工飼養環境下培出育,由於飼料,水質與原居地有異,身體顏色及外貌慢慢有所改變,後來更經繁殖者將這種俗稱為"青金虎"的慈鯛與金剛鸚鵡雜交,而演變成現時人們稱為"花羅漢"的育種雜交慈鯛.經過整個人工選種,改良培育,身體外型開始變得更為大眾接受,並在市場上推出,取名"花羅漢".
Flower Horn first came into existence in Malaysia sometime during 1996, 1997. It is commonly believed that this fish is a descendant from a wild cichid known as "Amphilophus Trimaculatus". After some generations in Malaysia, the appearance of the fish changes slightly and look somewhat different from their wild ancestor. This maybe caused by the changes in food types, climate and water quality. Later some local breeders uses these tank-bred fishes and cross them with the "Giant Blood Parrot" and became what we call today the traditional Flower Horn. Initially, it was not well received but after a series of breading exercise the shape of the body improved to the people liking and was crowned "Flower Horn" because this sounded much like it's original Chinese name.
Although the early day Flower Horn has a nice body shape but the fish lack colors. Some breeders then slelctively crosses different lines of the home-grown decendant of the Amphilophus Trimaculatus and turn out much more colorful Flower Horn fishes. These then became more acceptable by the public and thus was the birth of the modern version of the Flower Horn which we today call them the "Pearl Flower Horn".