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Die Reiter der Apokalypse


“Be Somebody“


Gespielt während der Opening Credits.


 Paula Cole


Offizielle Homepage:


 Album: Amen


“Be somebody”

I want to be somebody
I want to make a difference

Little boy caught in a drive-by
Witnessed the killer who made his daddy die,
And 'cause he identified and signed the dotted line,
He could feel it in his stomach, he signed away his life
Little boy who once was the leader of his class
The little source of joy, always neatly dressed
Now would hang his head and be left crying at his desk,
Was found with his mother, lying in her lap
With two bullets in his chest

And,oh my god,what is this madness?
I will not let it kill by gladness
And,oh my god, what is this madness?
My joy inside will send this message

I want to be somebody
I want to make a difference,
For we all are children of the Mother
I want to be somebody
I want to make a difference,
For we all are children of the Father

Outspoken man, leading sisters and brothers,
Picked himself up from hustling,drugs and gutters
Doing time on the inside, he found a higher power
Now, back with a mission to help us help each other

Respected from bourgeoisie to homeless in the street
From universities, Africa, the Middle East
And through the threats of death he spoke truth and set men free
But the power of the truth made enemies of the weak
He was killed by his own people

And, oh my god, what is this madness?
I will not let it kill my gladness
And, oh my god, what is this madness?
My joy inside will send this message

I want to be somebody
I want to make a difference,
For we all are children of the Mother
I want to be somebody
I want to make a difference
for we all are children

Ignite This Fire inside, this light that is the Truth
Shake off the system's chains, no longer be their fool
In the face of brutality, show the other cheek
Trigger-happy policing will never kill our dignity

And,oh my god, what is this madness?
I will not let it kill my gladness
And, oh my god, what is this madness?
My joy inside will send this message

Lift up your heart and See
Open your heart and See
Lift up your voice and Sing...

I want to be somebody
I want to make a difference,
For we all are children of the Mother
I want to be somebody
I want to make a difference,
For we all are children of the Father





Die Szene entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis. Sachdienliche Hinweise werden erbeten an:


 Paula Cole


Offizielle Homepage:


 Album: Amen




I'm siphoning gass from the high school bus
Into the tank of my beat-up bug
So I can drive away from the shouting and misery
I drive into the night, to the hill, to the water tower
To lie on my back and drink in the meteor shower
Knowing that many men have lain as i do now
Ptolemy,Copernicus,Carl Jung
Pondering his existence,pondering,
Is God with me now?

And I look to the sky
And I ask these questions
Yes,I feel something I don't understand
Can somebody say Amen?

My life is but a short and precious seed
Like three seasons of life in a leaf on a tree
And when I cascade to the ground I will not be done
I will mingle with the earth and give life
To the roots again

Can somebody say Amen?

And I look to the sky
And I ask these questions
Yes, I feel something I don't understand
Can somebody say Amen?
Amen for the drivers in their garbage trucks
Amen for our mothers,for the lust to fuck
Amen for the child with innocent eyes
Amen for Kevorkian and the right to die
Amen for NASA,The NSA
It's all a front anyway
Amen for Marilyn Manson,Saddam Hussein
Amen for America and the Milky Way.
Amen for Elvis,for Betty Page
Amen for Gloria Steinham and Ronald Reagan
Amen for O.J.,Clinton too
Amen for the Republican witch hunt coup
Amen for Gandhi,for Malcolm X
Amen for the uprising of the weaker sex
Amen for Babylon, the third world's call,
Amen for the unity of us all

And I am not unique.
We are all leave on this great big tree.
this tree that is life,that is God,that is you,that is me
And I lie under my tree like the Buddhas before and after me
And I ask the stars, "What for?"
Yes, I feel something I can't explain
A light that flickers off and on again
And I look to the sky
And I ask these questions
Yes, I feel something I don't understand
Oh,can somebody say Amen?





Gespielt am Ende der Episode.


 Everything but the Girl


Offizielle Homepage:


 Album: Temperamental




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