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Day & time: Mondays-Fridays on NBC (daytime, one-hour; check local station for time)

Premiere: July 5, 1999

Executive producer: Lisa S. Hesser

Producer: Richard R. Schilling

Producer: Mary-Kelly Weir

Coordinating producer: Jeanne Haney

Associate producer: Denise L. Mark

Consulting Producer: James E. Reilly

Created by: James E. Reilly

Headwriter: James E. Reilly

Writers: N. Gail Lawrence, Marlene Clark Poulter, Darrell Ray Thomas, Jr., Peggy Schibi, Roger Newman, Pete T. Rich, Maralyn Thoma, Nancy Williams Watt

Directors: Peter Brinckerhoff, Grant Johnson, James Sayegh, Karen Wilkins, Phideaux Xavier

Casting: Jackie Briskey

Production designer: George Beckett

Costume designer: Jane Janiger

Music Composers: John Henry & Wes Boatman

Music Supervisor: Paul Antonelli

Produced by: NBC Studios in association with Outpost Farms Productions

Origination: CBS Radford Studios, Studio City, Calif.