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    Last week's couple of the week was Ivy and Rebecca. Although they are not really a "couple" they work together and come up with the most brilliant plans, even though most of them backfire after they've been doing them for a while.
    I think that these two should be couple of the week because they are so good together, and they are truly two of a kind. It amazes me how two people can go from hating each other to best friends in such a short amount of time. I guess after Julian left they realized what all they truly had in common.   
    This week, they were at the hospital and they kept whispering back and forth about the tape. I'm surprised that a "policeman" didn't come by and hear them. I think that sooner or later, the tape is going to get into the wrong hands and they are both going to be exposed for who they really are. And although I don't want to see that happen to Ivy because after all, she is the only character that I like on the show, I would love to see it happen to Rebecca.
    I hope that Ivy and Becky keep all of this scheming up because they are what makes the show interesting. You may say that you hate them, but that means that the actresses are doing a great job at portraying their characters, because they are supposed to be hated. Kim Johnston Ulrich is incredible and so is Andrea Evans. I hope these two are never replaced, it just wouldn't be the same.