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What will happen this Fall? Will Antonio find out truth about Sheridan and Luis' relation ship? Will Luis marry Beth or Sheridan? Will Simone find out the truth about her sister and Chad's secret relationship? How will Simone react? Will Kay finally get Miguel? What will happen to Charity? Will everyone find out the truth about David, John and Ivy?

All this and more on PASSIONS, NBC Daytime!

Tabitha's plan to destroy everyone in Harmony to avenge Timmy's death kicks into high gear. Hecuba returns! Tabitha and Hecuba bury the hatchet and team up to bring unimaginable pain and suffering to Harmony! Meanwhile, Tabitha takes a young Harmony woman under her wing and prepares to steer her in the right direction where heartache and evil is concerned.

vy and Rebecca's days are numbered as they begin to become tangled in their own web of lies thanks to Alistair and Julian. All of their secrets are on the verge of being revealed once and for all. Meanwhile, Gwen turns to lies and manipulation to hold on to Ethan after learning how he truly feels about Theresa. Theresa has no idea the danger she and little Ethan are in now that she is Mrs. Crane and living in the mansion with Alistair. Alistair prepares to take Theresa's baby away from her if she refuses to allow him to be raised as a Crane. Will Ethan come through for Theresa in a custody battle? And what will someone do when they find out the truth about little Ethan's paternity?

Julian's Would-Be Killer:
The identity of the person who tried to kill Julian resurrects a long-buried mystery.

Sheridan/Luis/Antonio/Beth/Mrs. Wallace/Pilar/Liz/Julian:
Antonio remains blissfully unaware of Luis and Sheridan's relationship. He, Sheridan, Luis, and Beth continue to plan their double wedding as Pilar and Mrs. Wallace come to blows over their children. Liz arrives in town to reunite with Brian, but she is forced to put her feelings on hold when she learns of the Brian/Sheridan/Luis/Beth dilemma. Liz decides to stay in Harmony and face her past. Luis finally gets his hands on proof that Julian tried to kill Sheridan, but will he be able to put Julian away? Meanwhile, Sheridan and Luis become involved in an adventure to save Antonio; however, the adventure soon turns dangerous when the reasons behind Martin's disappearance and Antonio's leaving town resurface. Meanwhile, watch Beth to stop at absolutely nothing to hold on to Luis!

Charity and Miguel learn they will not be able to make love for a while because of her recovery. Miguel decides to not tell Charity about him and Kay making love until after she is better. Charity wises up to Kay's feelings for Miguel and vows to fight for her man, but how will she use the information she has attained? Stay tuned! Meanwhile, Kay sinks to a new low to get Miguel. Kay continues to turn to the dark side, and it appears as if there is no turning back, especially with Hecuba and Tabitha's interference.

Simone learns the truth about Chad and Whitney just as Whitney receives shocking news. What will Simone do? Meanwhile, Whitney finds herself forced to make a difficult choice between tennis and music, and her health situation may help ease the choice.

T.C. and Eve's rock steady marriage starts to crumble when T.C. becomes increasingly violent and obsessed with his locked shed. T.C. turns to a new face in town who has connections to many characters on the canvas. Meanwhile, Eve's past starts to unravel as Chad decides to investigate his parentage again. The walls close in when all of Eve's lies begin to catch up with her.

Grace finds herself starting to return David's feelings, much to Sam's dismay. Kay catches on and creates havoc in the Bennett marriage. Her actions may destroy Sam and Grace's marriage forever, especially when Sam finds himself turning to Ivy for support. Kay learns the truth about John, and plots to use it to rock the boat. David's secret past comes back to haunt him, but David's and Ivy's secret seems secure. The only thing that could hurt Ivy now is if Grace remembers her past...

A cataclysmic event caused by Tabitha's evil-doings threatens to destroy Harmony around Halloween. Also, Tabitha may finally be revealed as a witch!

Don't miss PASSIONS this fall on NBC!