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If you think you know everything about Passions then why not be a Fan of the Week. All you have to do is choose an answer from each questions. You need to get all the questions right, if you are the first one to get it right, you will be the Fan of the Week. I'll Update the next contest as soon as some one wins this one.
Good Luck!

What gift did Luis buy Sheridan when she broke the one she had?
a. Radio
b. Crystal Mirror
c. Purse
d. Compact

2.) Where does Chad work?
a. He does not work.
b. Book Cafe
c. Book Store
d. Coffee Shop

3.)Where is Hecuba's final resting place?
a. Bottle
b. In Heaven
c. Bermuda
d. underground

4.) What did Hank find in the candy box delivered to his hospital room?
a. Chocolate
b. Gun
c. Money
d. Cell Phone

OK now all you need to do is e-mail the answers to me ASAP! Be sure to include your Full Name, Location and Your Age