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Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this memory bittersweet
Until we meet

Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget

Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light

This is so sad that josh Ryan Evans died in a san Diego hospital last night i have decided to say some words about him though.

On passions he played a great role and he can never be replaced there is a one and only Timmy and no one else can fulfill his shoes in that aspect.

He is a fantastic actor and even though he has been sick and not well I am sure he is glad he has gotten to do lots of things regarding his career in his life even though he was so young and he shouldn't have had to die but we will forever will remember him.. so this is like a memorial for his honor and I will keep his family in my prayers and i feel terrible for their loss i know what it is like to lose someone and its horrible.

let god be with you
God Bless!
By: Jen

I miss josh so much and I am sorry he's gone.

By: Clarence

What to say? Everyone is saying how sorry they are but I'm going to take a different approach. Of course I'm very sorry for what happened and I send my deepest sympathy's to the cast, crew and Josh's' family. When my Great-Grandma recently passed away, I found that the best way to grieve was to remember the things that she achieved in her life. So I think I'm going to do the same thing with Josh.
First off, the life that he brought to Timmy. What other actor could make a doll come to life and have such an impact through that role. Secondly, he's a real inspiration, he comes into a business where looks are almost everything. He opened up another door for 'little people' and provided inspiration for everyone. IT was his dream to be an actor and he overcame some challenges. He's just a real inspiration for me especially.
Now for Timmy, my fav moment had to of been when he kissed Sheridan in her casket. Then there was Timmy's overall infatuation with Charity. Just recently all of Timmy's adventures with Julian and we can't forget Tabby and Timmy, what unforgettable moments they have provided us with to cherish.
He will be forever missed!

By: Alanna

What is there to say? else than I am in total shock and that I can't stop crying since I found out- this has truly devastated me- I am a loss for words right now. my heart goes out to Josh' family and to the cast and crew of "Passions" we love Josh and we are going to miss him very much

"Fly me up to where you are beyond a distant star. I wish upon tonight, to see you smile. if only for a while to know you're there, a breath away's not far to where you are"
~To where you are~ Josh Groban
By: Katers

Dear Josh,

You were an inspiration to millions. You were a little guy who sure did Dream Big. You brought hope and joy into millions of homes everyday when fans tuned in to watch their favorite soap, Passions.

Not to see your smile beaming from our television screen's sure will be sad, but we know you have moved onto a better place and are at peace.

I want to personally thank you for making me laugh when I was down. You will be missed.

Josh, Rest in Peace and God Bless.

By: Colleen

Dear Friends,
As you probably know already, our friend Josh Ryan Evans has passed away. I don't have the words to express the sorrow this loss has created. I can only say that I love being a part of the Passions family and all of our hearts are broken by the loss of this special family member.

Thank you all for your concern, I know each of you share in this sorrow and it'll take all our love and support to pull through it. As we all do, Josh loved coming into each of your homes each day. A smile will always light up my face when I think of him.

Ryan McPartlin

I am deeply saddened by the loss of Josh Ryan Evans, the amazing actor who embued "Timmy" with so much heart and merriment.

A great part of the pleasure of working on PASSIONS was due to working with Josh. It must be said that he made a lasting impact during his brief life by spreading joy and laughter to millions. Thank you, Josh. 

With love, Marianne

"As I'm sure most of you have heard by now, we lost the beloved Josh Ryan Evans last night. As sad as it is that he's gone I must say he led a very full life. "Dream Big", that was his motto. And that was the advice he used to tell people when they asked him if he thought they could make it as an actor. He would say things like, "...hey if I've done it certainly you can", and flash that charming and mischievous little smile of his. He was such a courageous person who never seemed to be daunted by his physical limitations and he was always so proud and excited by his work. For Christmas two years ago he gave me The Grinch c.d., but he had taken out Jim Carrey's picture and replaced it with one of his. At first, I admit, I found it a little odd that he had done such a thing, but then I realized, hey, he should be proud of what he's done...imagine if you were in his shoes. I would have been proud to have just gotten up in the morning and not felt sorry for myself, not to mention held my own in a blockbuster movie. It's impossible for me to imagine our show without him. His energy, spirit and strength will be missed. I'm sure I speak for all of you when I say, Josh we love you."

By: Galen Gering

I must say that my heart is absolutely broken right now over the loss of our dear "Timmy"! Josh was such an amazing soul - he had such a huge heart filled with so much love and laughter! He was such an inspiration to me as well as all who knew him - his outlook on life was one that we could all learn from - to always Dream Big! I feel so blessed to have worked with him, but more importantly to have known him! My heart and Prayers go out to his mother and family! I know that Josh is watching over all of us right now because Heaven was made for people like him!
We Love You Josh and you will never be forgotten!!
God Bless!!

By: McKenzie Westmore

Tuesday, August 06, 2002
I just found out.......I can't believe it....but it's true....Josh Evans has passed on...Please pray for him and his mother...who must be devastated.......
I am dumbstruck....he was so young....and had everything going for him.....He was a huge Star wars fan......I like to think he's sitting with Yoda........oh God...this is such a tragedy....

By: Justin Carroll

AR: On Monday night the soap opera world lost a young talented actor. Joshua Ryan Evans is best know for his role as Timmy the doll who came to life on NBC's soap opera Passions. Juliet Mills plays Tabitha Lennox, Timmy's creator. Juliet, good morning and our condolences to you and the Passions family.

JM: Thank you Al, Thank you.

AR: Now tell us what was it like the first time you met Josh?

JM: Well it was mutual love at first sight. He was a very rare special little human being and we got on well from the start. We had wonderful roles to play and we did you know, many, many shows..hundres of shows together and we were very fortunate.

AR: He passed away while he was in the hospital. What happened do you know?

JM: Well, you know he had a history of heart problems. He had several operations as a child. He was going in for an evaluation, a heart evaluation. I don't know all the medical terms, but he didn't make it through that fairly routine surgery I believe.

AR: The eerie part of this, Juliet, is that his character Timmy died on the show Passions the same day.

JM: I know. You know at first I was appalled by that fact. I mean I thought it was so bizarre and it is bizarre. And yet as I thought about it yesterday during the day it became a very positive thing for me because I thought how much Joshua would have liked that fact. He's a real Hollywood kid, he loved Hollywood. The show, his job, he loved everyone on the show. And how many actors can claim they die on a show on television that day and then they pass over on the same day. That is pretty historic.

AR: I mean no one would believe that if you told them that.

JM: Right and Josh he would have liked that. It's sort of legendary. He wanted to make his mark in the business.

AR: And he did too because he played a young Grinch in the big screen movie, The Grinch stold Christmas. He had a lot of talent didn't' he?

JM: He did, he was very talented and it was his whole life and he loved working on Passions. He made his dreams come true. He never signed a picture that he didn't write on it "Dream Big-Josh Ryan Evans". That's what he did and he made his dreams come true. He was an inspiration for a lot of people who have dreams. His infirmities and all of his disadvantages he turned into advantages.

AR: Today will be the first day you go back, you all go back to work since his passing. What's it going to be like on the set of Passions today?

JM: Well, I suppose we'll all support each other. It'll be very hard. It'll be very saddened we shall miss him but we'll carry on the show, which is what he would have wanted. You know he was the kids who said the show must go on. He believed alot of that. And we're family at Passions. We'll all be there for each other and we'll be remembering Josh. It'll be very hard for me because I loved him.

AR: Juliet Mills are thoughts are will you, the Passions cast and also with Josh's family as well. Thank you very much for joining

By: Juliet Mills on Today Show!

To All the Passions and All Josh Ryan Evans Fan,

I am still in shock that Josh is not in this world anymore. I am completely heartbroken. I never thought I'd cry over an actor but I did. I cried over Josh. Josh was very special to me, and millions of his fans. I am in tears as I write this. Josh may not be in this world anymore but he will always be remembered and will NEVER be forgotten by his fans, family and everyone who he loved. We, the fans will always cherish the memories we shared with him and our dearest "Timmy." The role of Timmy was definitely was only for him. Josh loved playing Timmy and we loved seeing him as Timmy. He made us laugh, shed tears and make us realize what life really is about. He made us realize that being a Human being had so many advantages and disadvantages. We will always cherish his memories his heart and our lives. To me he will always be a part of Passions Cast. Josh will definitely be missed and as of Timmy we the fans will NOT want another Timmy. We do not want Josh replaced. Josh was, is and will always be very special. Him not being in this world anymore doesn't mean he will be forgotten. I hope he stays in peace in Heaven. Being alive for him meant going the pain he did because of the problem he had. The worst part is that his character died the same day he did. That really hurt all the fans but Josh made history. He will always be remembered by everyone even the people who didn't know him. I hope he stays in Peace and Josh We love you and God Bless You!!!

By: Uzma, Remember Love Web mistress.

I was so heartbroken to hear about the passing of dearly beloved Josh Ryan Evans. He was the reason I started to watch Passions. I was never a big soap fan, but one day I was flipping through the channels of my tv, and it was his cute personality and adorable character that stole my heart and got me hooked on the show. Passions won't be the same without him, and nobody will ever be able to replace him. He had it all going for him. For being the size he was, he truly had a big heart. I'll always remember his personal motto to "DREAM BIG." He's now in a better place, with the angels where he belongs. May God take good care of him and his family who are experiencing a great loss, may God give them the strength to stay strong. His family and friends will definitely be kept in prayer. Josh, remember I love you and you'll always hold a special place in my heart.
Katherine Yvette Tijerina

I'm trying to find the words to describe how hard it is for me to believe that he is gone. I feel like I want to do so much more to comfort those who were close to him and knew him personally.  The only thing that I can do to make me and the rest of you feel better, is reassure that God took took Josh at the right time. Try to keep in mind , that he is now in the loving arms of the angels and is smiling because he has found a happiness far beyond what he ever had here on earth.

We will miss you Josh.
God Bless you,
And God bless you all.

By: Katy

If you would like to let Josh Ryan Evans know how much YOU love him and will miss him please click on the E-mail graphic above to e-mail me and I will put your message in this page!

All the Help will be appreciated!