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An Interview with Passion's Lopez-Fitzgerald Clan

Sure, we haven't seen all the Lopez-Fitzgerald sit down for a Sunday supper on Passions yet, but Digest gathered the gang together for a rare and memorable family reunion. 

Lindsay Korman (Theresa): This is the only family left on the show with the original cast still intact. 

Galen Gering (Luis): We were even bragging about it the other day. We're proud of that fact.

Jesse Metcalfe (Miguel): We rule!

Eva Tamargo Lemus (Pilar): And this is the first family portrait. I'm so excited. 

Gering: It's awesome; we're all here... except Martine... and what about Paloma?

Digest: At least the until-recently-long lost Antonio is making an apprenance.

Gering (joking): I don't know if he's really a Lopez-Fitzgerald. I think he's half. He's a Fitzgerald.

Digest (to Christopher Douglas, Antonio/"Brian"): Do you feel like a you're a part of the family yet?

Douglas: No, not yet because I haven't really worked with anybody besides Galen, and the times that I have, we've been at each other. 

Gering: I think we'll have a heated story-line coming up. It's unfortunate because Chris is such a nice guy, but when your characters hates someone in storyline, you take a little bit of that with you. 

Digest: How did you feel about a new family member coming in to the mix?

Gering: Who came in? Oh, Antonio/"Brian" {laughs}. What is his name this week?

Digest: Chris, have you been able to bond with any of you on-screen sibs yet?

Douglas: No, just the normal rapport that we have on-set. It's hard to develop a friendship if you don't hand out with them, and you only see them five or ten minutes a day. Everybody is nice, I see Galen out every once in awhile. Jesse and I went to an appearance together. 

Metcalfe: Yeah, we got to spend a little time together in San Francisco. I think Chris is a cool guy. He's really down to earth and nice. 

Korman: I don't see him a lot, but when I do, he's very kind and hysterical; he's so funny. He's quiet in some ways, and then he's got this strong personality. 

Douglas: I'm looking forward to working with different people for a change of pace. 

Gering: It's cool because we talk about a lot of characters who don't necessarily appear, so it's always exciting when someone shows up. 

Digest: Speaking of missing characters, where do you think Martine is?

Douglas: Who's Martine {laughs}?

Gering: I wish he were around, especially now, Mama really wishes he were around. Enough of lightening the candle. 

Digest: Do you think Pilar should move on?

Korman: That's a tough question. My character know, just as much as everybody else, that your first love is your true love. Pilar is so accepting that whatever will happen with Martine is going to happen. 

Gering: At this point, I think she should move on. It's been like, 15 years! I would have to okay any guy who was brought into the house. 

Metcalfe: Yeah. She needs a hot, young pool boy.

Digest: Is there any man in Harmony you'd want her to be with?

Metcalfe: There are a bunch of slouches in Harmony. A bunch of losers.

Gering: Harmony surprises me. For a small town, I've got to say, we've got some of the world's most powerful and richest people. We've also got an international airport and a team that can bring down the French Drug Cartel. Harmony's got a lot going on. I wouldn't be surprised if there were an eligible bachelor in this town for Pilarita. 

Digest: Who would you want to portray Martine?

Korman: Gosh, I don't know about naming anyone in particular. He must have a good heart of gold. I would imagine that Martine is the most loving human. He married Pilar, for crying out loud! And he must be just as powerful as the rest of the family. 

Gering: I think Al Pacino  would be a great Martine. He's as Irish as I am!

Metcalfe: Robert Duvall.

Gering: He would be a good one; he'd be slammin'. Duvall rocks. Or Billy Bob Thornton; he could do anything. 

Lemus: I used to give it a lot of thought and I don't anymore. I have found peace being my self, the character. But it should be someone who has strong spirit, I would go for someone who has a strong spirit. I would  go for the inner beauty than the outside. I don't know a lot of these actors, so to pick someone would be frivolous choice. 

Digest: If the Lopez-Fitzgerald sat down for a family dinner, what would they talk about?

Gering: We'd talk about who died and who's missing, We'd be like "Where's Paloma?"

Korman: They would continue to encourage Miguel to be with Charity because everyone feels she is the right one for him. We would talk about Sheridan and pray that she would come back, even though we're very happy for Luis and Beth. They would continue to tell Theresa that she's the worst sister, but they still love her. 

Digest: In what ways are you like family off-screen?

Metcalfe: Pretty early on in the show, I felt like these people were my family. I spent a lot of time with Galen before the show even started, and Lindsay and I spent a lot of time together. Eva just has that motherly thing about her. She's always sweet and sensitive to me because she  knows that I'm easily effected by things around me when I'm acting. She's always there with emotional support doing scenes. 

Lemus: I do tend to be very maternal, especially with Lindsay. 

Korman: Yesterday, for example, I spent the day with Eva after work. I picked up her daughter Gabriela from school and she picked up her son Mathew. And I went to Mathew's t-ball game with Eva. There are no words to express; she's amazing. As far as Jesse, I saw him during the auditioning process and it freaked me out because my real life brother has the same energy, attitude and vibe, and they look so much alike. Then there is Galen, who's is the total older brother. When he met my brother, the first thing he said to him was ,"Finally, after two-and-a half years, you came to the set!" It's a really good family. The casting on the show is incredible.

Gering: One of the neat things about being on a show for a long time is that, like the fans, you start believing in this imaginary set of circumstances     that you've been forced into. With Jesse and I , for instance, I feel like I'm his older brother in a lot of ways. And Eva and I have a mother/son relationship... even though it's almost physically impossible for her to be my mother.

Digest: Eva, give us one word to describe each of these actors. 

Lemus: Galen... self-centered {Laughs}

Gering: That's two words!

Metcalfe: It's hyphenated.

Lemus: Galen... big-hearted. Lindsay... one word is impossible for her... angelic! Jesse... sensitive. Christopher...powerful!

Digest: Just like the Lopez-Fitzgeralds.