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    Of course, Argel isn't the name my parents wrote on my birth certificate, but it's my name on the Internet and the name that, I feel, suits me best.  It's funny, but I rarely capitalize it.  Normally, I'll simply go by "argel."  It looks funny to me when other people address me and my name is capitalized.  However, this isn't important.
    Currently, I live in California.  I have a BA in Television Production from a university here.  I hope to someday write for television or write feature films.  I love to write.
    I love TV.  TV fascinates me.  Not only do I follow several shows obsessively, I am interested in the creation and production processes of TV.  My intense interest in television convinced me early on that I ought to try to turn that enthusiasm into a career.  Some kind of career involving television would be a dream come true.  Why on Earth do I like TV so much?  I have no idea.  I don't know why it is that every time I watch a show, I have this involuntary urge to watch it more.  Perhaps the concept of being able to present one's creative endeavors to millions, sometimes billions, of people is what draws me.  Then again, perhaps it's escape factor.  To watch a television show is to peek into someone else's dimension, someone else's world.  That idea alone is enough to excite me.
    Films also intrigue me.  Film production doesn't capture my attention as decisively as television does, but it certainly holds it fast.  I like to watch movies for many of the same reasons I like to watch TV.  However, most films don't offer the continuity of television, if you get my meaning.  TV shows will often chronicle a long period of time, sometimes many years, and to be able to have a weekly window into whatever particular world is being watched far outweighs the 'one time shot' of film.
    I like pets.  My favorite food is pizza.  My favorite color is blue.  I think you could've figured that one out by now, right?  LOL.
    Enough about me, already! :P

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