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Title: Being a Hero
Author: Argent (a friend of mine)
Description: Set in Season 7 of BtVS...spoilers up to the Season 6 finale.  Buffy looks at Xander in a much different light...finally.

Title: A Different Kind of Watcher...1...2(unfinished)
Author: argel
Description: First BtVS fic I ever wrote.  The Scoobies must save the world...again.  Oh, and I'm afraid this is a Mary Sue fic...

Title: Untitled
Author: argel
Description: Silly, short, light dialogue fic.

Title: The Destination...1...2(unfinished)
Author: argel
Description: Now, this is an up-to-date fic that I just started a little whlie ago.  I may or may not finish it...

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