April 2002
"Is that it? Aren’t you going to snarl and tell me I will ‘die like
the abomination I am?’" inquired an amused Angel, shaking his head.
"You know, for an enlightened demon religious cult, you’re not very clever."
The leader of the pack of blue-robed Breel demons sucked air in through
one of its sets of front teeth and threw its head back.
"Everybody down!" shouted Angel as he fell flat on the dingy warehouse
floor. Wesley, Gunn, and Kate followed suit.
As the Breel straightened, it blew a colorless, foamy liquid out of one
of its mouths and into the air. The substance seemed to hang motionless
in the air. Angel opened his mouth in an attempt to warn the others
to roll out of the way, but the stuff fell on them before he could utter
a sound. Angel had only been able to roll a few feet, and the liquid
enveloped his left leg from the knee down. He ignored his leg and
urgently looked for the others.
Wesley and Kate had had the presence of mind to anticipate what was going
to happen and were safely out of the liquid’s range. Gunn was in
much the same predicament as Angel. The stuff was all over him from
the waist up.
"Gunn, shut your eyes!" Angel called above the noise of the Breel’s roaring.
Angel grabbed the young black man and roughly deposited him in a corner
away from the fighting. Angel wiped the goo off his hands as much
as he could, but he could feel his skin start to tingle and burn.
His left pant leg was beginning to dissolve.
Kate jabbed her billy club into the neck of a Breel, screams and choking
sounds emanating from its many mouths. She took a half a second to
gauge the position of the others. Angel was pummeling one of the
bigger ones near the slab of stone where the ritual sacrifice was to take
place. Gunn was writhing about in the corner, and Wesley was dodging
the vicious snap of jaws. A quick backhand and a kick to the midsection,
and Kate’s Breel was knocked completely off balance. She raised the
club and brought it soundly down on the creature’s head, breaking its skull.
Angel had wedged his hands inside one of the jaws of a Breel. With
one swift motion, he ripped the lower half of the jaw from the Breel’s
head and immediately jabbed a sword into the gaping and unprotected maw
of the beast. The next moment, he was splattered with the same foaming
liquid, as Wesley had chopped a Breel head off and burst a venom sac in
the process.
"And I just had this shirt cleaned," Angel muttered to himself, grunting
under the weight of another advancing Breel.
After much hacking and splattering, seven Breel monks lay dead on the warehouse
floor. The intended sacrifice, a hysterical young man, had long since
run to safety.
Wesley wasted no time in seeing that Gunn and Angel got back to the Hyperion.
Gunn had sustained what appeared to be second-degree burns all over his
skin from the waist up, and Angel’s left leg and right arm were also showing
the same signs of damage. Even his quickened vampire healing ability
did not relieve him of the pain of the burns.
"Angel, you can’t drive," declared Kate, hands on hips.
"Why, because you say so?" he said through gritted teeth. He opened
the driver’s side door, but Wesley blocked his path.
"No, because you are in too much pain to see straight, that’s why!
Now, give me the keys, and we’ll get you home where there’s aloe vera lotion
and bandages," Wesley reasoned.
"Wesley, get out of my way and let me drive," said the vampire in a dark
"Really, Angel, I am not in the mood to put up with your stubbornness or
your intimidation tactics." Wesley shook his head impatiently and held
out his hand for the keys, as though Angel was a headstrong child.
"Wesley, if you don’t get—"
"Would one of you just drive the damn car before my face falls off?" screamed
a previously silent Gunn, and his eyes were still shut tightly.
Angel hammered the keys into Wesley’s outstretched hand and sat in the
backseat with Kate. Wesley made a noise of approval and started the
"One scratch, Wesley, and I swear…" Angel murmured, itching at the burns
on his arm.
"Do you need to be sedated?" said Kate, half-jokingly holding up her billy
"It might be nice," replied the very uncomfortable vampire.
"Ick, this stuff really doesn’t wear off," said Kate softly, concentrating
on wrapping bandages around Angel’s bare right arm. There was a pile
of partly dissolved bandages on the floor.
"Wes and Fred have been gone a long time," remarked Angel worriedly.
"I hate to think—"
"Gunn will be fine," she interrupted flatly. She held a safety pin
in her mouth. "You know how long it takes to get anywhere in the
emergency room these days."
Angel nodded. He hadn’t wanted to send Gunn to a hospital, but the
Gunn’s burns were so bad that it was too much for the Angel Investigations
staff to handle.
"There, that should do it." She clasped the last safety pin and gave Angel’s
arm a soft pat.
"Thanks," he said, following her with his eyes as she wandered over to
the round couch in the middle of the lobby.
"No problem. What are employees for, right?" She smiled and leaned
back on the cushions.
"You know you’re more than an employee." Angel stood up, taking care not
to upset the bandages on his leg.
"Am I?" she asked, incredulously arching an eyebrow.
"Yes," he replied, sitting next to her. "You’re a friend. A
trusted one."
Kate laughed quietly.
"Why is that funny?"
"I have a hard time believing that you trust me after all this time." She
stared at the ceiling and crossed her arms over her chest. "After
you saved my life the last time, I didn’t say word one to you for almost
a year. Then, a month ago, I run into you again. I honestly
didn’t think you would let Wesley hire me, even though I had been training
and practicing to go into the demon-killing line of work. I expected
you to assume I was a flake and send me packing."
"And he didn’t," said Cordelia as she came down the stairs.
"You’re awake," said Angel, smiling at her. "Did you sleep well?"
"Um, not at first. The whole pain thing kinda prevents any actual
sleeping, but after an hour or so, I passed out and slept like a very uncomfortable
baby." Seeing Angel’s pained look, she smiled reassuringly. "It wasn’t
actually that bad this time. My nose didn’t bleed as much as it did
yesterday. That’s good, right?"
"Smashing," said Kate as she retreated to Wesley’s office.
"She’s not very happy right now," said Angel in an attempt to explain.
"So I gathered."
"I think I’m gonna go talk to her."
"You know what? I think I’m gonna field this one," said Cordy, and
she sounded almost as surprised as Angel looked. "Yeah, you know,
she’s been having fewer and fewer emotional baubles lately, so I figure
I ought to leap at every chance I can get to be part of the cheering up
"Cordy…" warned Angel.
"Trust me, Angel. I’ll be nice. Honest, but nice."
"You can do that?" Angel put a hand to his chest in mock surprise.
Cordelia hit his bandage-free arm and went to Wesley’s office.
When Cordelia opened the door, Kate was sitting on one of the chairs in
the corner, eyes closed, hands on her temples.
"Why don’t you sit in the big chair?" Cordelia suggested conspiratorially.
"Because Wesley would find out," she replied, eyes still closed.
"He always finds out. He’d be able to smell it. And then he
would throw one of his hissy fits."
"Oh, let him! What can he possibly do to you except fire you?
And even then, it’s not so bad." Kate looked up at Cordelia, eyebrows raised
"Aren’t you the one who’s always guilt-tripping Angel for firing you all
last year?"
Cordelia dismissed her with a wave of her hand.
"I’m never really serious about it," Cordelia lied.
"You know, Kate, you’re fitting in around here much better than I thought
you would," Cordelia suddenly mused thoughtfully.
"Really?" Kate’s expression was one of mild amusement, but her voice was
edged with interest.
"Yeah. I mean, when I first saw you walk in the door with Wesley
and Angel last month, I didn’t remember who you were at first. Then
I did, and I started to not like you again." Despite the sensitive nature
of the subject, Cordelia proudly congratulated herself on how tactful she
was being.
"You know no one liked you before, right? No one except Angel, of
"Well, I had a feeling, but—"
"I mean, we hated that you were after Angel so much. It was never
"I see. And Angel still liked me?" Kate seemed confused more than
"Yes, but that’s beside the point. The point is that we like you
now. We’re glad to have you with us. I’m glad there’s another
woman around besides Fred. She’s great and everything, but she’s
one sweater short of a sweater set, if you know what I mean." Cordelia
smiled, and it was a genuine smile.
"Absolutely." Kate smiled, too. It was a small smile, but it was
there just the same.
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