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.:: Planet FRIENDS .::. Monica Geller/Bing Bio

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Monica Geller

Monica is neurotic and very competitive, an independent gal. But underneath this hard exterior, lies a vulnerable little girl. She has very high expectations for herself, but this may be due to her mother. Judy Geller rarely had a good thing to say about her daughter as she was growing up. Ross was always her golden boy. This is why Mon has always been closer to her dad, Jack Geller. He was supportive of her, but he’s so spacey that he couldn’t have offered her much motivation. Her brother Ross annoyed her when she was younger, but now they’re great friends as well as family.

As well as having little support from her family, Monica had other problems when she was a kid. She worked really hard at school and had the best grades to try and please her parents. This willingness to please even made her decorate the gym for the prom-but she didn’t get invited. She was also fat, very fat. Monica ate and ate and then ate some more. She even went to fat camp, which didn’t help at all. It was actually an insult from Chandler one thanksgiving that led to Monica’s transformation. She slimmed down a lot, but she still lacks self-confidence.

Monica is like a mother to her friends. She was the one who knew most of them from ages ago. Rachel was in her high school (Lincoln High) and went to the city to find Monica on her wedding day. Ross is her brother and Chandler knew her, as he was Ross’ college roommate. Phoebe also used to live in her apartment although we have never really known how those two met.

Chandler did seem to be very influential on Mon. He made a remark one thanksgiving about her being a chef, which led to her choice in career. She has been through a lot to get where she is now nevertheless. She’s been fired, worked in a 50’s themed diner, catered, been involved with mockolate and more.

Monica didn’t have much long-term success in her love life until she got together with her now husband, the hopeless-in-love Chandler Bing. (See here for more) Before happiness set in with Chandler, she’s been with her share of problem men. There was Paul the wine guy who tricked her to get her to sleep with him. There was Alan, who didn’t have any problems. The rest of the Friends even adored him, except Monica didn’t. There was Fun Bobby who was also an alcoholic, very young Ethan and glory seeking millionaire Pete Becker. Richard was her other true love. Despite the 21 year age gap, they got on really well together. But he couldn’t give her what she really wanted, kids. He then re-appeared on the night of Chandler’s proposal to win her back with a promise of marriage and children. She was really tempted as she thought Chandler didn’t want any of that stuff. She made the right decision though, and (nearly, before Chandler took over) proposed to Chandler in one of the most romantic moments ever!

So that is the obsessive, clean freak lady that is Monica. She may be tough, but she has a very caring nature underneath it all, which makes her perfect and happy with her husband and friend, Chandler.