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The "Simple" Dogged

Episode #Air Date Episode Title
5 Feb 26, 2005

Teleplay by
Jackie Marchand

Directed by
Andrew Merrifield

         While Z tries to read, Bridge sits over her and eats his "buttery" toast. Syd comes in with an SPD Emergency--PEANUTS (her stuffed animal) IS MISSING! She turns around to see R.I.C chewing away at it, and is not happy. Meanwhile, in the evil layer, Mora wants to have a tea party, but Gruumm doesn't want to give in. Instead, he wants her to come up with an evil plan. She does, but will only tell under the condition that Broodwing has a tea party with her. He reluctantly agrees, and she enjoys their little get-together.

         Back on Earth, Piggy gives Rhinix some sort of formula in exchange for some rotten eggs to make an omelet. This formula lets Rhinix turn things into some sort of slime and suck it all up into a container, which he begins doing against the citizens of Newtech City. The rangers are reported to the "Command Center", where Commander Cruger informs the rangers on this danger. Syd agrees to interview some people to find any information while the rest search for any alien activity. Syd isn't happy, however, when an annoying RIC messes up her uniform. Cruger orders him to back off, but then RIC urinates on Cruger! Syd heads off on her investigation...only to find that RIC snuck in her jeep.

         Rhinix is attacking again, and only the four SPD Rangers are there to fight him! Meanwhile, Syd investigates Piggy, but he points her in a direction and tells her to look over there. When she does, she is bombarded with Krybots, which end up badly damaging RIC after he jumped in the way to save her from an attack. She defeats the rest of the Krybots and brings RIC back to the SPD Headquarters.

         Kat experiments on a sample of the slime and discovers that there are traces of human DNA within it. Syd discovers that the damage on RIC was far extensive, and most of his parts aren't made anymore. He was deactivated, and sent to the recycling center. Syd finds a cadet taking the destroyed RIC in many pieces before he is sent to be recycled, and takes him from the cadet. She brings RIC to Bridge and Boom to have him "remade".

         Meanwhile in space, Mora and Gruumm are interviewing some evil aliens to find who will be best to carry out Gruumm's evil plan. One is Rhinix, and he hands Gruumm the human slime. Back at SPD Headquarters, Bridge and Boom reveal RIC 2.0, who has many new features. Syd gives RIC a sample of the slime to find more, and he races out the door. The rangers chase after him down the streets of Newtech City in their SPD Vehicles. He picks up the scent and finds an area where Syd grabs a shovel and starts digging. Time passes, and she finds nothing. The team explains how he is still glitching, and leaves. Syd holds her faith and keeps digging, even through the rain. After digging, she falls through the ground and into a hidden chamber which has tons of containers of the green slime.

        After climbing out of the hole, however, she is attacked by Rhinix. She morphs and begins to fight him. RIC senses her danger, and goes to help. The rangers follow after hearing the alarms. RIC and the rangers come to Syd's aid, and they manage to weaken him by transforming RIC into the Canine Cannon. After weakening the monster, he is transported into a containment card, and the slime is reverted back to humans and friendly aliens. Later, RIC is given an award for being a good asset to the team...but not before urinating on Cruger once more. ;)

.the end.

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