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The "Simple" A-Bridged

Episode #Air Date Episode Title
6 March 05, 2005

Teleplay by
Mark Hoffmeier

Directed by
Andrew Merrifield

         The A-Squad is officially listed as missing in action, now. Also, there is an intergalactic bank robber on the loose, and the rangers must investigate. Now it's an SPD Emergency when a monster is on the loose, apparantly rampaging the city! The rangers confront and fight him, but he escapes.

        Back at SPD Headquarters, the rangers nickname the villain as T-Top, and classify him as the bank robber. Bridge, however, disagrees. Their time is cut short then the bank robber strikes again. The rangers head out, but are too late. The bank has been sliced into, strangely, and there is water all over the place. Meanwhile, Broodwing is seen being paid by a mysterious figure to keep the rangers off of his tail...

         Back at the crime scene, a beautiful eye witness tells the rangers what she saw--a monster cutting into the bank, stealing money, and attacking anyone in his way. Bridge starts to...sniff her, but Jack stops him. Back at SPD Headquarters, a doubtful Bridge sets off to start his own investigation. T-Top attacks again, and the four rangers set off to stop him. The four fight him, but all he can tell them is that they are "way in over their heads. He escapes again.

        Bridge's investigations lead him to Diane--the witness that was at the scene earlier. He has her blow up a balloon so he can make her a balloon animal. Once she fills it up, he leaves, and tests the air inside it at the SPD Headquarters. When he leaves, Broodwing talks to her, and we are revealed that she paid Broodwing to take care of the rangers for her earlier...why, we still don't know.

        Broodwing sends down a bat that bites T-Top and makes him grow. Thinking he is attacking the city, the rangers head off in the Delta Squad Megazord to fight. They use Judgement Mode and find out he is innocent. They then use the Tree Cuffs to shrink him down to regular size, where the rangers meet up with him. He reveals that he is a bounty hunter who was sent to chase after the bank robber. Diane comes over and tells the rangers that he is the bank robber--arrest him! However, Bridge claims SHE is the bank robber, and procedes to throw a car at her. She morphs into her monster form and cuts the car in half using her ability to shoot water at a high-pressure stream. He explains that the clues led to her because there was water at the crime scene, but it didn't rain. Diane was walking her dog near the crime scene in the busy streets when she lives at a beautiful neighborhood--and she was wearing high heels! She tells the rangers that she paid Broodwing to have T-Top framed. After fighting, Bridge judges her, and she is found guilty and confined in a card. Also, T-Top is sent away from Earth for causing so much commotion--never allowed to return.

        The rangers are given a profile about Broodwing, and fear that he may have an alliance with Gruumm. However, we already know he does. Later, Jack apologizes to Bridge for not believing him.

.the end.

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