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The "Simple" Shadow, Part 1

Episode #Air Date Episode Title
11 April 16, 2005
"Shadow, Part 1"

Teleplay by
Bruce Kalish

Directed by
Mark Beesley

        During one of Cruger’s dreams, we see him and many others fighting hundreds of Krybots led by an unknown monster and Emperor Gruumm. When he wakes up, he is angered, and stares at a nearby saber which is displayed on the wall. Meanwhile, Syd and Jack are fighting an Orangehead Robot. Meanwhile, a gigantic monster starts trashing the city. Syd heads off with the other three in the Delta Runners while Jack fights the Orangehead. They end up defeating the monster, which starts to cry, and Jack defeats the Orangehead. In their spaceship, Gruumm yells at Mora for making a weak monster. She then explains that in order to defeat the Power Rangers, they need to take out their leader first.

        Bag in SPD Headquarters, an edgy Cruger yells at the rangers for very small reasons. When they leave the room, Kat follows them and tells them that Cruger had lost his entire family years ago. Meanwhile, Piggy is excited to find out that he had won the lottery--$10 million! Later that night, Gruumm takes over a human’s body. With his $10 million, Piggy opens up a restaurant called “Piggy’s”. Meanwhile, Gruumm explains to Broodwing that he is sending one of his top generals, and he wants Broodwing to give the general everything he needs.

        Back in SPD Headquarters, the rangers are told to investigate some sort of energy disturbance in the city. Meanwhile, the top general, Benaag, appears. Broodwing offers to give him anything he needs. During that time, the rangers crash in Piggy’s to gain some info, when Benaag suddenly appears with a message for Cruger. Back at SPD Headquarters, the message states that this will be Cruger’s last sunrise. This forces Cruger to tell the rangers about his past—General Benaag attacked Sirius with Gruumm and thousands of Krybots. The inhabitants of Sirius formed the first Space Patrol Delta and tried to fight, but everyone was unsuccessful. At the end of the battle, Cruger was the only living form on Sirius. Suddenly, a robot begins to attack the city, forcing the rangers to suit up. When they are gone, Kat argues that he left a major part out of the story. She shoves a box in his face, stating that she made something for him, then she storms off.

        The rangers try to fight the monster, but have trouble. Gigantic spikes begin to rise out of the ground, and the rangers question what their purpose is. Before they rip them out of the ground, Cruger instructs them not to, since it could be a trap. The rangers head back to the headquarters, and argue with Cruger about how they should have pulled the spikes out. They then realize that Kat is missing, and Boom explains that she is not answering any of his calls.

        In the city, Kat walks down the street by herself, and is attacked by two unknown figures. She fights them pretty well, but RIC comes to her aid. They are revealed to be Krybots. As RIC races towards them, Kat yells out “NO!”, and it fades to black.

.to be continued.

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