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The "Simple" Wired, Part 1

Episode #Air Date Episode Title
14 May 07, 2005
"Wired, Part 1"

Teleplay by
Jackie Marchand
John Tellegen

Directed by
Britta Johnstone

         The episode opens up with Gruumm preparing to zap Mora with his staff for failing so many times. She talks him into giving her one more chance if she finds a general for him—Valko. He is a heartless warrior, and Gruumm wants him to be his general. On earth, the five rangers train a group of D-Squad Cadets, and they are suddenly attacked by Krybots. The rangers watch the cocky D-Squad begin to lose, when one of the girls stands out and takes out all the Krybots. The simulation ends, and reveals them all to be in simulation training. The rangers dismiss the D-Squad, but not before praising the girl for her performance. When Sky makes a negative comment about cyborgs the girl shifts uneasily.

         On a strange planet, an alien fires at a bunch of space rocks. Mora approaches him, Valko, and tells him that Gruumm wants him to join his army, but he has to prove himself worthy. Valko says he is honored, and that he can prove himself worthy by going to earth and awakening Goradon—a powerful creature that has been dormant for years. At the Delta Base, Bridge shows the D-Squad cadet around the command center. She is there as a computer intern, and Bridge reveals her name to be Sophie. Bridge introduces her to Kat and Cruger. She is honored, and wants to offer all of her help. She looks on a computer monitor and sees “D.B.D.S”, and questions about what program it is. Kat says that it is the Delta Base Defense System: an upgrade system for the Delta Base that she is working on, but it is far from finished. Meanwhile, Valko has awakened Goradon. The sirens sound off in the Delta Base, and Cruger sends the five rangers off with Kat to search for clues. At the scene, they find the empty hole from which Goradon came from.

         In Gruumm’s ship, Valko is introduced to Gruumm. Valko explains that he awakened Goradon, and can control it once he has a “series 1 processor hyper-intelligent encryptor” will help him. Back at the Delta Base, Kat investigates on what came out of the hole. Sophie’s curiosity leads her to the DBDS computer and she offers to help, but Kat says that it is under top level security. Later, Sophie helps Bridge to get a soda from a broken machine, and tells him to respect machines. He also tries to read her aura, but she tells him not to, and leaves.

         Back in a forest, Valko meets with Broodwing, who labels Valko a fool for trying to harness Goradon’s power. Valko ignores him and pays Broodwing for a robot, explaining that he plans to attack the Delta Base to steal the technology needed to control Goradon. In the Delta Base, Kat reveals to Cruger that the legendary Goradon has been awakened. Later that night, Sophie sneaks into the command center to access the DBDS, but Kat is heard approaching, and Sophie flees. Later, Cruger and Kat wonder who snuck in last night—there are no fingerprints, or any traces of human activity. Later that day, outside the Delta Base, the D-Squad cadets are being trained again by the rangers, when Valko and a group of Krybots attack. Valko explains that they have what he wants—a “series 1 processor hyper-intelligent encryptor”. Not knowing what the heck he is talking about, they morph and fight off him and the Krybots. During the fight, Valko looks at Sophie and gives an “Aha, there you are” line, and tries to attack her. The D-Squad escapes and the rangers continue to fight when suddenly a giant robot appears. It begins to attack the Delta Base! However, the rangers can’t call on their Delta Runners—the bay doors are under attack, and the runners could be destroyed.

         Cruger orders Kat to initiate the DBDS. A laser fires from the Delta Base, holding off the robot for a while. The front half then moves forward, becoming the Delta Command Crawler. It drives forward and fires at the robot again, and then launches the Delta Runners. The Delta Squad Megazord is formed, and the rangers nearly destroy the robot when suddenly, the arms of Goradon appear out of the ground. They grab the robot, and retreat underground again. Valko follows.

         Later, the rangers discuss the situation in the Delta Base. Bridge says that he wants to check on Sophie, and when the rangers enter her room, they see her robotic arm revealed as she works on some damage suffered earlier during the attack. They are all shocked, and want to know why she wouldn’t tell them she was a cyborg. She was afraid that they wouldn’t like or respect her. They then question why she was so interested in the DBDS, then they put two and two together—it was she who snuck in the command center last night. There were no traces of human activity. She tells them that she did sneak in, but she only wanted to help. Not believing her, Sky expels her from the academy.

         Later that day, a depressed Sophie walks down the streets of New Tech City, when Valko approaches her…she is defenseless…

.to be continued.

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