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The "Simple" Wired, Part 2

Episode #Air Date Episode Title
15 May 14, 2005
"Wired, Part 2"

Teleplay by
Jackie Marchand
John Tellegen

Directed by
Britta Johnstone

        Cruger talks to Kat about having to find Goradon before Gruumm does. Meanwhile, Sophie is being attacked by Valko. After a short fight, she runs. Back at the Delta Base, Bridge has second thoughts about expelling Sophie. When Cruger asks what happens to her, they explain how she was expelled. Cruger is angered, and tells them to find her. They head off to the city, and question people while placing posters of Sophie around the city. They ask Piggy what happened to her, but he doesn’t know, and they leave. Sophie continues to run from Valko, and races into Piggy’s restaurant. She tries to hide, but Piggy rats her out, and is placed under control by Valko and taken away to the Weary Woods.

        Inside Goradon, Sophie is connected to a machine of some sort, and is ordered to pilot Goradon. When Kat explains how it will take time for the DBDS to progress, Goradon attacks. Meanwhile, Bridge finally realizes that “SOPHIE” stands for “Series One Processor/Hyper-Intelligent Encryptor”, and realizes that is why Valko wants her. An eavesdropping Piggy tells them where she is hidden and they race off to the Weary Woods. Valko exits Goradon and faces the rangers who morph and fight. When Bridge judges Valko, he is found guilty, but escapes to Goradon.

        Valko begins to use Sophie to pilot Goradon. The rangers head for their zords to fight, but they ultimately find themselves losing. Before Valko can pilot Goradon any further, Sophie breaks free and exits, sending Goradon on an out of control rampage through New Tech City. Valko has no choice but to exit the machine and chase after her. His plan is cut short, however, when the Shadow Ranger appears to fight. He judges Valko, and places him in a confinement card.

        Back at the Delta Base, Sophie is allowed back in SPD by Cruger. He orders the rangers to retreat from the battle. In the Delta Base, Sophie volunteers to sequence the logarithms to process phase 2 of the DBDS by connecting her body to the computer. After some doubt, the unanimous decision is to allow her to follow through her plan. The rangers head back to their zord to try to hold off Goradon,. Sophie connects via wire, and has the logarithms sequenced in seconds. Alarms sound off as Kat orders ALL cadets in the base to head for the “safety zone”. Cadets around the Delta Base are seen scrambling around to safety while metal walls jet down from the ceilings and cover all areas in what Kat calls “lock down”. As a morphed Cruger heads into a separate room, the Delta Base transforms into the Delta Command Megazord! The rangers exit their zord and enter the new zord with Cruger, and they begin to fight Goradon. They destroy him after many blasts.

        Later, in the Delta Base, we find out that Sophie has been promoted to the “Theta Quadrant” to help them with their systems. Back in Gruumm’s ship, he fights with Mora, and finally transforms her back into what she didn’t want to be—an adult.

.the end

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