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The "Simple" Boom

Episode #Air Date Episode Title
16 May 21, 2005

Teleplay by
Greg Aronowitz

Directed by
Andrew Merrifield

        Boom wet dreams that he is the Orange SPD Ranger. He wakes up from his dream with a message that his parents are coming for a visit.

        In Piggy's restaurant, Morgana comes for a visit, and Piggy recognizes her as Mora, but she says her name is Morgana now...or something. Anyway, she asks him for help to destroy the rangers so that Gruumm will transform her back into Mora. Piggy introduces her to Tomars, a terrible monster with a laptop that has powers to teleport people anywhere in the universe. She orders him to test it on Piggy, who is transported to some field of sheep. Excited, she says that the rangers will find Tomars now because of the large amount of energy produced from the laptop. In SPD, Jack and Sky are ordered to investigate it. While watching a movie, Bridge, Z, and Syd meet Boom's awkward parents. The five of them look for Boom, who was hiding in a closet. The parents say they are happy to see their "little ranger".

        While investigating, the two stumble upon the laptop and are transported into some sattelite in space. On earth, Boom tells the other rangers that he told his parents he was a ranger. The three agree to play along. In the sattelite in space, the rangers morph and fight Tomars, but the three of them are transported to some area on earth where they continue fighting. Meanwhile, Boom and the rangers train in front of his parents to make it seem like he is a ranger. The rangers are ordered to the command center, and Syd tells Boom's parents that he promised to let the three of them do the mission on their own, hence Boom's staying behind. The rangers are informed about Jack and Sky missing. They go to investigate.

         The rangers run into a Bluehead with the laptop, so they morph and fight. Outside, Boom is giving his parents a tour when they see the fight. Boom runs off, and moments later arrives in a horrible, hand-made costume while riding on RIC in motorcycle mode. Boom getting in the way causes the Bluehead to escape with the laptop, and the rangers chew him out. Later, he hands Cruger his resignation letter and walks off, but not before telling his parents he lied about being a ranger.

         Meanwhile, Jack and Sky fight Tomars in various locations, including on top of a moving vehicle. They are transported back into the sattelite. Back in SPD, Boom goes to his room to clean out his stuff when he sees Kat, Syd, Z, and Bridge typing away on the computer. Kat says she wanted to use Boom's analyzer to detect the energy signal of the laptop to trace Sky and Jack. She also mentions that the control has to be sent to the exact location of where Jack and Sky are and be activated there to reverse the signal send them home. Boom helps, and then volunteers to be the one to teleport to Jack and Sky's location. He goes, and with some stumbling, teleports everyone home. Nobody mentions the fact that Tomars is still out there......

        Cruger says he can't accept Boom's letter for not signing it. Not that Boom cares--he's just happy to be back. And his parents are still proud of their little gadget tester. .the end of the worst episode yet.

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