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The "Simple" Perspective

Episode #Air Date Episode Title
20 June 25, 2005

Teleplay by
Bruce Kalish

Directed by
Paul Grinder

       This week’s episode opens up with a monster named “Green Eyes” stealing a large supply of gold with a group of Krybots. Sounds like trouble, right? Well luckily, the SPD rangers gear up and head to fight (while a ball of light floats around the background…). After the unseen battle, they return victorious. However, Kat’s satellite surveillance thingy went down, so they were unable to watch the battle. (Some high tech assistant she is, right?) So with no clue of what happened, Cruger asks the rangers to tell him what went down. Jack decides to start off his story which basically ends in the rangers battling and defeating the monster, but while all the rangers were admiring Jack and his bravery.

       Okay, since that was obviously a lie, Cruger asks someone else to tell the story. Sky steps forward, and describes the same exact story…but with the Blue Ranger leading, and everyone gawking over him. Right-o…once again, that’s another lie. Sooooo Bridge steps forward. Being very predictable, he describes the same story…and as you guessed, with Bridge saving the day. Everyone says it’s a lie, so the next ranger steps forward to describe the story. Okay, I’m getting bored with this. Z steps up, lies, then Syd steps up, and lies. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5…coincidence? I think not.)

       Kat comes to rain on the rangers ego-filled parade when she mentions that she has the video footage recovered. The rangers watch the video and see that they were all getting their butts wooped by Green Eyes. Suddenly, a ball of light appeared and defeated all of the Krybots for them, but they didn’t notice while they were fighting. Anyway, they chase after Green Eyes, now piloting a giant robot. They call the Delta Squad Megazord and contain him for trying to steal the “worlds supply” (in that one warehouse?) of gold, tying up the guard against his will, and piloting a robot without a license (where did she pull that last one out of?).

       Later, the rangers question what the hell that ball of light was…

.the end.

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