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The "Simple" Allies Section

The allies of the SPD Rangers reside in the SPD Academy, where
they interact with the rangers. Sometimes they're helpful, but
other times they're annoying. Either way, everyone loves them.

Commander Anubis "Doggy" Cruger/S.P.D Shadow Ranger
Many years ago, Gruumm invaded Cruger's home planet, Sirius. Cruger brought together his comrades to form the very first Space Patrol Delta. However, their attempts at saving Sirius was unsuccessful. Cruger woke up to an empty, destroyed planet. Years later, he's managed to continue SPD on Earth with an integrated force of humans and aliens. He takes carge of SPD's operations, and commands the Power Rangers in their fight against Gruumm. Using his Patrol Morpher, he is able to morph into the Shadow Ranger to aid the rangers in battle.

Ms. Katherine "Kat" Manx
Kat helps the rangers in designing their weapons, vehicles, and other arsenal. She is Cruger's assistant. She does not mind standing up to Cruger, and has also proven to be a fighter.

Though he was rejected from the academy, Boom still helps Kat test out her gadgets.

R.I.C. (Robotic Interactive Canine)
This little dog was created by Kat, but is always malfunctioning. In fact, it had almost driven Syd into insanity. However, Broom and Bridge modified it into R.I.C. 2.0--complete with CD/DVD player, projectir, refrigerator, new weapon systems, surveillance capabilities, new tracking software, and the ability to become the Canine Cannon.

A-Squad Power Rangers
These guys are at the top of the food chain in the number of "squads". They are SPD's toughest team of heroes. They were last reported as M.I.A.

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