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The "Simple" Zords Section

The zords are all stored in the SPD Academy base where they
can be deported to the city and used to stop the attacking villain.
They each have their own unique qualities, but in theend they
all combine into gigantic human-like robots with enough power to
take down any challenge.

Delta Squad Megazord


The Delta Squad Megazord is a powerful fighting machine used to fight monsters who either don their own machines, or who grow to gigantic sizes. Red Delta Runner has powerful claws which can extend to attack or hold onto the Yellow and Pink Delta Runners. Blue Delta Runner can fire lasers and also stores the handcuffs used to arrest large enemies. Green Delta Runner stores all of the arsenal. Yellow Delta Runner has a strong armor. Pink Delta Runner can direct traffic and also has a large SPD Badge.

.Delta Squad Megazord arsenal.
The Delta Saber can be attached to the Red Delta Runner and used for quick, low-hitting attacks. The Delta Saber is used for powerful slashes. It can be split in half and stored in the Green/Yellow Delta Runners.
From its gun, the megazord can fire a powerful strip of
tapeto confine large criminals.
The SPD Megazord has a pair of handcuffs that can be used to take in extra-large criminals
The Megazord also
has its own form
of Judgement Mode…

.Delta Squad Megazord finishers.
The Delta Squad Megazord can fire powerful blasts from its gun to destroy the enemies. The gun is stored in Green Delta Runner.
The Delta Squad Megazord can energize its saber to destroy large criminals. Half of the saber is stored in the Green Delta Runner, and the other half is stored on the Yellow Delta Runner.

Delta Command Megazord


The Delta Base is the main building of operations for Space Patrol Delta. It houses hundreds of cadets, as well as the five rangers, Kat, Boom, and Cruger. When it is under attack, the Delta Base Defense System, or DBDS, kicks in. Phase 1 allows it to transform into the Delta Command Crawler, its first mobile mode. From there, it can escape an attack, and fire back at the attacker. It can also deploy the Delta Runners in a different way other than in Delta Base mode. Next, Phase 2 allows it to transform into the Delta Command Megazord, as shown left. The many cadets race into "safety zones" where they are secluded in by metal walls that jet down from the ceilings. All the hallways, stairways, and all other interior areas in the Delta Base are locked down, as well. From there, it transforms into the megazord mode.

.Delta Command Megazord finishers.
Using every laser possible, the Delta Command Megazord can fire an ultimate destruction blast at any attacking criminal to ensure its end.

Omega Megazord


Piloted by the Omega Ranger and one of the fastest zords ever, the Omega Max Cycle is able to travel at speeds unheard of. Villains can't see it coming until they feel the pain of lasers being shot at them. When it transforms into the Omega Megazord, it is even more powerful, being able to punch, kick, and weild two blades. When even more power is needed, it can combine with the Delta Squad Megazord.

.Omega Megazord finishers.
Two blades pop out of the Omega Megazord's arms and power up. When the blades slash the villains, evil no longer stands a chance.
To keep up with the Omega Max Cycle's speed, the Delta Squad Megazord is able to ride on top of the Omega Max Cycle. This can be used to fire even MORE weapons while racing at incredible speeds.

Delta Max Megazord


.coming soon.

.Delta Max Megazord finishers.
.coming soon.