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PREY For Us Campaign Site

For more information go the PREY For Us Campaign site (click on the image above)!

During a PREY Chain Reaction on 9 March 2001 on the SciFi Channel, several pop-up ads mentioned different factions of the PREY Fan Community. Here are some screen shots (click on the picture to get a larger version):


Did you know: "Prey" fan fiction writers call themselves "Preywrights" 

German Faction I
German Faction II

Did you know: the "Prey For Us" campaign to revive the show includes a German faction

For the complete list click here

Video clips from a Sci-Fi Buzz Prey feature (1998)
(to view these clips you need RealPlayer)

Adam Storke (approx. 2.7MB)
Vincent Ventresca (approx. 2.3MB)
Larry Drake (approx. 2.1MB)

(Please don't use these clips on another web site without giving credit to this site!)

German Campaign Site / Sitemap in German and English
Legal disclaimer: This page is not authorized or endorsed by The ABC Television Network, Warner Bros. Studios, The SciFi Channel,
Lars Thorwald Inc., Edelson Productions, the cast, crew, writers or producers of Prey, or any of their affiliates, etc.
This is a fan-written page designed to appreciate Prey and is not intended to infringe on any trademark rights or copyrights.