Kyan Douglas

"And what do you want for Christmas, little boy?" Santa said to the perfectly coiffed six-year-old on his lap in a shopping mall, somewhere in Florida. The boy looked up, teeth gleaming like an Ultra-Brite spokesmodel. "Santa, all I want for Christmas is to let the world know how important exfoliating is to rejuvenating new skin cells. It helps people's skin look younger and gives their face a chance to retain a youthful appearance well into their prime of life."

Kyan Douglas realized on that day he had a mission to save the world and even Santa could only help minutely in this huge task. So with his mixture of sea salts and moisturizers, he set out to share his secrets of youth with the men of the world — even the straight ones. And while he is well past 28 years old, he looks not a day over 27.

Kyan is a specialist in men's skin care has had extensive training and professional experience in the Hair, Spa and Retail industries. He received his certification in cosmetology from the Aveda Institute New York, and worked as a colorist at the upscale Arrojo Studio in Soho. He has worked as a colorist for television and magazine projects including TLC's What Not To Wear, While You Were Out and Child Magazine.

Source: Kyan's Official Site!

Famous Quotes

"Call me old fashioned, but I like my shampoos separate from my conditioners."
"More lotion! Go bro! Go bro!"
"This is like Hell on crack."