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TGH * Rippled Hearts Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The Wedding

The Q Mansion

“Are you sure you have them?” Lucky continued to pace around the Groom’s room, that the Quartermaine’s had reserved for the wedding.
“Yes,” replied his irritated brother. “You’ve asked me a dozen times already,”
Nikolas interjected, “And I told you I have to the rings.” Nikolas laid on the chaise, with a headache growing in his temple by watching his half-brother pace.
“You sure?” Lucky asked again, straightening his bow tie. Nikolas gave his brother an annoyed frown.
“Okay. Fine.” Lucky backed off. “I just want everything to be perfect for Emily. It’s worse as it is that we have to have the ceremony here. And why are you acting so calm?”
“I’m not the one getting married. Would you relax?” Nikolas got up and buttoned his suit.
Lucky moved to the mantelpiece. He just couldn’t seem to keep still today.
“Emily loves you, man. And she’d marry you anywhere. If it makes you feel any better, take a look,” he said pulling out the rings to his view.
“I trust you.” Lucky stated, as he continued to pace.
“Will you stop pacing?” Nikolas shook his head.
“All right. And would you quit howling orders. I know its one of the only things you’re good at but--.”
“Haha. Shut up. Now just sit back. And soon enough, you and the future Mrs. Spencer will be walking down the aisle together.” Nikolas said, trying to calm his little brother before he walked towards the door.
“Where are you going?” Lucky asked.
“Downstairs. Take a look at the outcome. Why don’t you come along?”
“No. Thanks. I think I’m going to see Emily.”
“What?” Nikolas laughed. “Good luck. She has practically a dozen bridesmaids guarding her door just to make sure you won’t enter.”
Lucky sighed, “Nik. Nik. Nik. You seem to forget that Emily won’t mind seeing me before the wedding. You said it yourself, she loves me. Besides, I have charm on my side.”
Nikolas shook his head, “I guess you can never teach a Spencer new tricks.”

Q Hallway

“NO!!” Elizabeth, Laura, Monica, Skye, and Bobbie shouted at Lucky. They were getting aggravated at his pleads and demands.
“Why not?” I just want to see her for a few minutes?” Lucky exclaimed as he tried to move past the women and into the Bride’s room, but ironically enough, he had no luck.
“Lucky,” his aunt interpolated, “Haven’t you ever heard that it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.”
“That’s ridiculous. I just want to talk to her.” He again tried to move through, but his mother shoved him back. “Lucky Spencer stop this right now. Now go back to the Groom’s room with your brother.”
“Mom, all I want to do is talk to her for awhile. Please.” Lucky pleaded.
“Well,” Laura started nearly giving in.
“Mrs. Spencer. No.” Elizabeth interposed. “It’s bad luck.”
“She’s right, Laura. Lucky. You are perfectly allowed to see Emily. At the aisle,” Monica added.
“Listen here Spencer,” Skye said, poking Lucky, “I am not letting you ruin Emily’s wedding because you’re acting like an impatient little school boy who can’t sit still. Now out!”
“But I--,” Lucky began to move backwards.
“Out!!!” Yelled Monica, Skye, Elizabeth, Bobbie, and even Elton, who was on the phone in a corner of the hallway.

Q Mansion – Living Room

Taggert entered the Quartermaine’s living room. The wedding was supposed to be held in the garden, but apparently the Quartermaine’s had held a pre-wedding ceremony indoors. He looked around the crowd for his date, who was no where in sight. He strolled around, greeting a few people, and saw his sister a few feet away talking to AJ Quartermaine. Taggert waved to Gia, who shook her head and came up to him.
“Hey. What are you doing here?” Gia asked giving her brother a quick hug.
“Well,” Taggert looked around before facing her, “My date invited me.”
“Date?” Gia smiled. “Well, it’s about time.”
Taggert frowned at his sister.
“So who is the lucky lady?” Gia inquired, but noticed her brother wasn’t making any motion to answer her. “C’mon. I know you wanna tell me.” Taggert gave her a hesitant look.
“Sorry, I took so long,” Skye said as she came next to Taggert. Gia’s jaw had mentally popped open.
“Skye,” she acknowledged, “I didn’t know that you and Marcus--,” Gia laughs, while Skye is being hauled away by Monica.
“No, wait a minute, Gia,” Taggert began but his sister was still chuckling. “This was Ms. Quartermaine’s idea.”
“Right.” She said in a derisive tone. “And I suppose you just went along with it because you didn’t want to hurt her feelings?” Gia smiled.
“Well actually, I partly came here to see who you’ve been spending your time with.”
Gia stopped laughing in an instant. “Excuse me?”
“Well, I haven’t seen you around lately. You’ve been trying to avoid me. And did you really expect me to believe the whole “it was my television set” when I called you.” Gia’s incensed look covered her whole face. “First of all, Marcus, it’s none of your business if I’m seeing someone. Hello, I’m not in high school anymore, where you can beat up every guy that comes my way.”
“So, you are seeing someone.” Taggert pointed.
“Forget it,” she walked off, trailing, “You are so damn annoying.”
Taggert smiled. “What else are big brother’s for?”

Jax and Kristina took neighboring seats on the settee. Kristina turned around to her date, who was looking around the room, as if trying to target a peculiar object.
“Hey,” she took a gentle hold of Jax’s arm. Jax turned to her and smiled. “How was Manhattan?”
“Manhattan.” Jax sighed. “Let’s just say, it was an interesting experience.”
“Really?” Kristina elevated a brow. “I have trouble picturing that with Carly.”
“Well, Carly can be quite gracious.” This time both of Kristina’s brows lifted.
“When she wants to be that is.” He added with a grin as he rejoined his eyes around the room, still not ascertaining what he’s looking for. After a few minutes, Kristina gave out a long exhale. “So, who are you trying to make jealous, Jasper Jacks?”
“What?” Jax’s face turned directly at her.
“Jax, lets face it. It’s obvious that we are here to make someone jealous.”
“We? You mean, you too--.”
“Yes.” Kristina admitted. “I---I guess I kind of wanted to make someone a tiny bit jealous. And since you asked--.” Jax nodded, and Kristina knew he understood.
“I feel so used.” Jax said after a minute.
Kristina laughed. “So who’s the woman?” Jax looked at her and stayed unreservedly quiet. “Jax?”
“Just, who are you trying to make jealous?” He questioned.
“I asked first.”
Within an instant, Jax’s target finally entered the room. Kristina followed the direction were Jax’s eyes wandered to.
“Don’t tell me,” Kristina grimaced, “Oh no.” She said before looking back at Carly.

Lucky descended the stairs and looked out into the living room. It was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to get threw the woman picketing Emily’s door.
“Lucky.” Gia called from behind.
“Hey.” Lucky smiled, hugging her. “Glad you could make it.”
“I wanted to ask you something.”
“Your mother told me that you were going to stop photographing for Deception.”
“It’s only going to be for awhile.”
“So, it’s true?”
“Yes.” Lucky said looking at Gia’s distressed face. “But don’t worry I got you a good photographer. His name is Stanley.”
“Stanley? You’re going to leave me with a guy name Stanley? No good can come of this.” Gia tried to make an excuse.
“Sorry, braids. Don’t worry, you’ll live. Besides Stanley’s a good photographer. I don’t know if he can handle you but--.”
“Shut up!” Gia frowned. “What are you doing down here anyway?”
“I’m not allowed to see Emily.”
“Well, of course your not. It’s bad luck to see the groom before the wedding.”
Lucky rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell me you believe that gibberish too.”
“Everyone has to believe in something,” Gia gestured.
“Wait a minute.” Lucky moved closer to her. “Will you do me a favor?”

“Carly? Carly?” Kristina repeated.
Jax simply nodded.
Kristina sighed. “Oh well. I guess I have it just as bad,” she said looking towards AJ Quartermaine. Kristina looked back at Jax, and a sly grin formed on her face. “Come on,” she grabbed him up.
“What? Where are we going?” He looked at her with wonder.
“Just play along,” she whispered as they walked towards the mantelpiece that Carly stood by, standing only a few feet near her; giving Carly the advantage to eavesdrop.
“Jasper Jax,” Kristina started, “You are a pathetic, remorseful excuse for a human being.”
“What?” Jax’s frustration exceeded. Carly’s eyes flashed with incredulity.
“I am so sick of you!” Kristina continued.
“No,” Carly but in next to Jax, “The only thing sick in this room is you. And how Jax could put up with a little whiney pixie stick like you. To think, he’s always been kind to you. Hell, he’s been more than kind. He’s been fantastic--”
“Stay out of this, Carly. It’s none of your business.”
“Well, I’m making it my business. Kind of like what you do all the time. Now little girl, I suggest you get out of mine’s and Jax’s sight, before I really give you something to fuss about.” Kristina pauses for a moment before walking off.
“The nerve of that little twirp,” Carly grumbled looking back at Jax who had a smile on his face that said victory had been accomplished, partially at least.
“So I’m kind. Fantastic. And superb, huh?”
“Well,” Carly looked away, “You are—wait a minute. I didn’t say superb.”
“You meant it.” Jax continued to grin.
“In your dreams.” Carly vaguely grinned back. From the other side of the room, he saw Kristina giving him a wink and a smile.

“Oh my god Emily.” Elizabeth smiled as she looked at her best friend in her wedding dress. “You look absolutely beautiful.” Emily presses on to her dress and walks over to the extensive mirror, astonished at the reflection that appeared back before her eyes. The dress had suited her perfectly. Finely laced, shoulder cut, simple yet stylishly savvy. She turned towards Elizabeth and beamed, “Well I don’t like to brag but--.” Elizabeth laughed. “I’m happy for you. Now, you have something old, blue, new…”
“Yes. I have all that stuff. Thanks for the pin.” She said pointing towards it on her dress. “And thanks for coming.” Emily said after a while.
“How could I refuse being the maid of honor at my best friend’s wedding?” Elizabeth and Emily both laughed at what she said.
“Does that make me Cameron Diaz?” Emily laughed as she sat down at the chaise longue. Elizabeth noticed Emily’s face turning completely discolored.
“Em, what’s wrong?” Elizabeth took a seat next to her.
“Nothing.” She perjured herself. “I’m just a little nervous. You know how it is? And tired.” She sniffed. “I got a call from Zander last night, and---.”
“Wait a minute.” Elizabeth interrupted. “Zander called you? Why?”
“He just wanted to say that he hoped that I’ll be happy.”
“Is that what’s bothering you?”
“I wish it was.”
“Are you having second thoughts?” Elizabeth probed.

“Lucky. Give it up.” Gia told him. “You are not going to see Emily before the wedding. And I certainly can’t help you there.”
“Why not?” Lucky queried. “Your one of the bridesmaids--.”
“Only because you invited me. You, Lucky. Not Emily.”
“Could you please just try. That’s all I’m asking, for you to try.” Lucky beseeched.
Gia paused before reluctantly nodding her head.
“Thank you.” Lucky grinned.

Elizabeth waited, impatient by Emily’s silence. “Well, are you?”
“Emily,” a voice knocked from the door.
“Uh, just a minute.” She turned towards Elizabeth. “Do me a favor? Don’t mention this to anyone.”
“Come in.” Emily called and smiled as Jason entered the room.
“Hi.” He embraced her. “Wow. You look wonderful.”
“I’m glad you came.”
Another knock on the door forms.
“Who is it?” Emily asked.
“It’s Gia.”
“Gia? Um, come in.”
Gia entered agitatedly. “Emily, Lucky wants to talk to you.”
Elizabeth shook her head, “We already told him he couldn’t.”
After five minutes of objections and gripe, a compromise was finally settled. Elizabeth began to descend the stairs, partly confused at what Emily had told her. Jason closed the door behind as he entered the hallway. Gia saw Lucky come up the stairs.
“Well?” Lucky asked and Gia shook her head. “Thank you.” He began to walk to Emily’s room but an arm pulled it back.
“Not so fast.” Gia said. “You can talk to her. Not see her.”
“What do you mean?”
“The door will be closed so you can’t see her. You two will just have to—talk through the door.” Lucky groaned. “Hey. It’s the best I could do.”
“Thanks.” He walked past her and near the bride’s room.

Jason grunted as he watched Lucky go near Emily’s room. He wanted the best for Emily. And he definitely wasn’t expecting Lucky Spencer to do that. Gia watched Jason from the edge of the stairway, and from the looks of things she was enjoying the view. Jason walked up to her. “Can’t stay away from me, huh?”
Gia laughed. “Whatever, Morgan. I’m just staring because this will probably be one of the very few occasions that I’m going to see you in a tux.” She began to go down the stairway with Jason following.
“Yeah, I certainly can’t play pool in this thing,” he said, trying to straighten his bow tie; tuxedos weren’t his first choice of ensemble.
“Pool, huh?”
Jason nodded. “I’m guessing you wouldn’t be interested in a game.”
“Wanna bet?” She grated.
Jason stopped walking. “Don’t bet with me. You might regret it.”
“Please,” Gia chortled, “I think I could teach you a thing or two.”
Jason smirked. “Whenever you’re ready, give me a call.”
“See you later,” she said before straightening his bow tie, risibly.

“So, how are you holding up?” Lucky asked leaning his back on the door.
“Okay.” Emily replied from the other end.
“Just okay?”
“A little nervous.” Emily implied.
“Me too.”
“So, what’s so important that you wanted to say to me.”
Lucky tilted his head against the door and leaned his entire body on the floor. Across the door, Emily did the same. They both sat wordless for a few minutes letting the time pass by.
“I’m here.”
“Good. I thought you fell asleep.” Lucky sighed. “We’ve been through allot, haven’t we?”
“Yeah. I guess we have.”
“Do you ever regret us becoming more than friends?”
“Never.” Emily said instantly. Lucky sighed in relief. “Why do you?”
“If I did would I ask you to marry me?” Lucky obliqued. “You were my best friend. Still are.”
“Yeah, and all those crazy things you got me to do.” Emily chortled.
“Hey, they weren’t that crazy,” he said. But then at Emily’s oddity silence, “Okay maybe they were.” He dwelled. “And to think, you didn’t even want to go out with me at first.”
Emily sniggered, “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“It’s not ruined though.” Lucky declared. “I still come to you for everything. Still talk to you about the same things. The only difference is now I’m able to see more of your bedroom.” Emily gave her eyes a good twirl. “I feel so much more relieved now,” Lucky rejoined, “Just talking to you—makes me know we can get threw anything.”
Emily began to feel the tears that rivulet down her cheeks.
“I love you.” Lucky smiled.
“I love you too,” she reiterated as she continued to sob quietly.
“Lucky,” Bobbie called ascending the stairs, “Five more minutes. You better get going.”
“Okay,” Lucky stood up, “Well. I’ll see you in awhile, Beautiful.”
Emily smiled. “Okay.”

Elizabeth held a garland of flowers in her hand as she waited next to the stairway. She was ready to back up and talk to Emily, but realized she couldn't with Lucky nearby.
A pair of hands suddenly covered her eyes.
“Okay, who is this?” Elizabeth taunted.
“Now, I’m hurt,” said the man as he parted his hands from her face, delicately, and looked at her.
“Jack,” she said somewhat surprised, “You made it.”
“Yeah, well, my father always told me never to turn down a pretty lady,” Jack smiled.
“Smart man.” Elizabeth commented.
“I’m guessing the wedding hasn’t started yet.”
“No—not--,” Elizabeth looked up and noticed Lucky coming down, “How’s Emily?”
Lucky gave her a perplexed expression. “She’s fine.”
“She is?” Elizabeth gave a sigh of relief.
“Yes, why wouldn’t she be?”
“Oh, um. No reason.” She baffled. “Uh, Lucky this is Jack Ramsey.” She introduced. The two men cordially shook hands and greeted one another.
“All right, Cowboy,” Luke walked in and put his hand on Lucky’s shoulder, “You ready.” Lucky nodded affirmatively. “Great,” Luke said, “Now let’s get this show on the road.”

The Wedding

The massive garden owned by the Quartermaines was flawlessly arranged. The sunset had came in perfect timing, as if it were situated just for this particular day. Gladiolas, tulips, roses and many other assortments of spring blues blossomed, and a few candles were lit around the aisle. The requested and the unrequested attendants took their seats and waited for the ceremony to begin. Lucky took his position between Nikolas and his father, both giving reassuring nods as well as the priest. The infamous wedding melody began as Elizabeth led the other bridesmaids leisurely through the walkway. Lulu gave a tedious look and gave out a fake smile as she passed as the flower girl. Monica kept crying continuously, making Carly cover one ear as she passed by her seat. Finally, the tune altered to ‘here comes the bride.’ Lucky waited for Emily to come through those doors, but no bride had come. The music stopped and played again. Lucky felt his patience declining by the moment as his heartbeat increased. People looked around, and at that point noticed that there might not be a wedding at all.
“Stop the music.” Lucky ordered as he ran into the house, followed by the Spencers, Quartermaines, Nikolas, and Elizabeth while the rest stayed at the garden in uncertainty. Lucky jumped and passed heavily through furniture and the Quartermaine staff as he huddled up the stairs skipping a few steps.
“Emily.” He pounded on the door. “Emily.” By the time everyone else had gotten up the hall, Lucky had already allowed himself inside the bride’s room. It had everything except the bride. Lucky, grief-stricken, sat down on the settee and picked up her veil, chafing it against his skin. Luke looked at his son, in a state of dismay. “Laura, I think you should go down to the priest and tell him that—there isn’t going to be a wedding.” Lucky didn’t look up at anyone but knew that he was spared their looks of commiseration.

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