DISCLAIMER: The characters are the property of Spelling/Goldberg Productions and Viacom Entertainment. No copyright infringement is intended.

TITLE: It Was A Dark And Stormy Night
AUTHOR: Cindy Wylie (RkieFan1960@AOL.com

SETTING: First Season

SUMMARY: Jill anxiously waits for Mike to come home from work on a dark and stormy night. Pretty self-explanatory, huh?

AUTHOR'S NOTES: The title comes from the combination of a running joke between me and my boyfriend Chuck and one of my favorite 'Peanuts' cartoons, featuring Snoopy trying to write a story that begins 'It Was A Dark And Stormy Night.' Every time I have trouble thinking of a new story, Chuck comes up to me and says, 'It Was A Dark And Stormy Night.' Well, this time he challenged me to see what I could come up with using that line. So, I want to thank him for giving me the title and the idea and Bridget, for beta reading this and not minding when my mind sometimes wanders in strange directions. And, unfortunately, there are no Van Morrison songs in this story. Sorry, Bridget.


It was a dark and stormy night. Jill Danko had been home from work for two hours and was anxiously awaiting her husband's arrival. The storm had started shortly after it had gotten dark and now the rain was coming down in sheets, along with lightning and huge booms of thunder. Jill didn't deal with storms very well when Mike was home, so she was naturally a nervous wreck waiting for him. She was alternating between walking to the window to look out for him and returning to the sofa, where she'd taken the blanket off of their bed to wrap up in. The blanket wasn't helping to keep off the chill she was feeling, so she got Mike's robe off of the back of the bathroom door and shrugged into it, smiling faintly as she wrapped it around her. She sat back down on the sofa and wrapped the blanket tightly around her, wondering for the hundredth time where her husband was.

Mike pulled into his parking slot, shivering cold. His clothes were drenching wet and he still had to go upstairs to the apartment. He knew from experience that Jill was probably close to coming unglued by now. He sat in his car under the covered parking space, trying to gather up the courage to face the driving rain once again. He finally got out of the car, shrugged into his slicker that he'd tossed in the back seat and put it on before leaving the covered parking area. He took the stairs two at a time and entered the apartment building.

Jill was sitting on the sofa absently listening to the drone of the TV in the background. She jumped when she heard the sound of Mike's key in the front door. She raced over to the door just as he opened the door and entered the apartment, dripping water.

"Mike, don't move! I'll get some towels!" Jill yelled as she ran to the bathroom and grabbed some bath towels from the linen closet. When she came back into the room, Mike had removed his rain slicker but his clothes were still soaking wet. She handed him one of the towels and he began to briskly dry his hair while she hung his slicker on a hook to dry. "Why are your clothes so wet?" She asked as she began to unbutton his shirt.

"Because I left my raincoat in the backseat of the car. The weatherman only said there was a 20 percent chance of rain. Why are you wearing my robe?" He asked curiously, noticing it for the first time.

"Because I needed to," Jill said, looking at him intensely.

"Things were pretty bad, huh?" He asked quietly.

"Not any more," she smiled as she unbuttoned his shirt cuffs and helped him out of his shirt.

He bent down to untie his shoes and quickly removed them and his socks before standing back up. Jill handed him another towel and he began to dry off the upper half of his body before he unbuckled his belt and pulled it from the belt loops of his jeans. He then unbuttoned his jeans and began the difficult task of removing the wet denim from his body. Jill laughed as she helped him take his jeans off. He finally managed to kick them off and slide them to one side before removing his boxer shorts as well. Jill took his robe off and handed it to him.

"As much as I'd like to see you walk naked around the apartment, I think you'll be warmer wearing this. Go sit down and I'll make us some tea," she suggested, kissing him.

Jill made two steaming mugs of tea and brought them into the living room. She handed one of the mugs to Mike before curling up beside him on the sofa. He picked up the blanket and wrapped it around both of them, pulling her closer to his side. They sat in companionable silence for some time, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Jill tucked her bare feet under her body and curled up even tighter into Mike's shoulder, quietly sipping her tea.

Mike sat there watching her, knowing how frightened she must've been waiting for him to come home in the storm.

She looked up to find Mike's blue-green eyes watching her. Blushing slightly at their intensity, she looked down toward her mug of tea. She didn't know why his gaze could make her feel so shy sometimes. She put her mug on the coffee table and leaned back against Mike once again, placing her hand in his. He tilted her chin up with his other hand and kissed her -- gently at first, then with more passion. After a few minutes, Jill pulled away and looked at him, her eyes bright.

"You know, I think I'm starting to warm up," he smiled at her.

"Yeah, I bet you are," she grinned back at him. "So, do you want to take this back to our bedroom?"

"Well, we could if I had the energy to move, which I don't. Besides, we have all the necessary things that are needed to make love in here. We have a blanket, we have pillows and," he paused, nibbling on her lower lip. "We have each other."

Mike shifted his position slightly so that he had easy access to Jill's neck. She sighed as he kissed her in the sensitive area behind her right ear. It was obvious from his unhurried kisses and gentle caresses that he wasn't in a hurry.

After what seemed an eternity of feather soft kisses Jill felt the need to touch Mike. She slipped her hands into his robe and pulled closer to him, burying her lips in his neck. He gave a muffled groan of pleasure as she found all of the spots that set his senses on fire. "I thought you wanted to take things slow," he gasped as she continued nipping and lightly biting the skin on his neck.

"Did I say that?" She asked innocently.

"Not in words, but I could see it in your eyes," he said, pulling her away to look at her.

"I was scared tonight, Mike. It was so late and it was raining so hard and I didn't know where you were," she whispered, her voice catching.

"I know, but I'm here now. You don't have anything to be scared of any more," he said, taking her hand and gently kissing her palm. "Now, where were we? If memory serves me correctly, you were starting to turn into a vampire."

Jill began to blush furiously as Mike laughed and pulled her into his arms. She just clung to him like that for several minutes, feeling safe, loved and very protected. After a few minutes Mike began to trace lines up and down her back, gradually moving lower and lower. She smiled as she pulled away to look at him, tracing his lower lip with her fingers. She then gently began touching his face with her fingers, as if she were trying to memorize every detail. He mouthed the words 'I love you' before she leaned forward and kissed him. She kneaded the smooth skin on his shoulders and back as she kissed her way back to his neck and throat before moving back up to kiss him on the lips again.

By now the need to be physically closer was getting intense. Mike gently pulled Jill onto his lap, never losing contact with her mouth. She moaned when she felt his desire pressing into her. Mike traced a path down the front of Jill's nightgown before he pulled slightly away from her and looked into her eyes, asking for permission to continue with his eyes. She smiled and nodded slightly as he unbuttoned the front of her gown and reached inside to gently tease her breasts with his fingertips. She gasped and pressed closer to him when he brushed against her already hardened nipples. The way Mike had them positioned on the sofa made it difficult for Jill to touch him the way he was touching her, but she knew Mike had planned it this way. He would drive her out of her mind by touching her and kissing her, but would drive her even crazier by not allowing her to touch him in return. This was a little game he'd invented on their wedding night and he still enjoyed playing it most of the time. But Jill knew even if she couldn't touch him she could still make him crazy just by moving slightly. She smiled as she heard his sharp intake of breath when she shifted position. He pulled her back and smiled at her. "No fair changing tactics, Mrs. Danko. I thought you knew the rules of this game."

"Oh, I know the rules. I just don't like playing by them," she grinned mischievously.

"So, you don't want to play by the rules? What if I just continue to torture you?" He asked, lying her down on the sofa.

"You're already doing that," she informed him, pulling on his bottom lip as he tried to gently bite her fingers.

"Oh, this isn't torture. You see, I know where all the spots are on your body that make you squirm. By the time I finish with you, you'll be begging me to let you play by the rules," he smiled as she blushed again.

"I doubt that, Officer Danko, but you're welcome to try," she teased, playing along with his game. "But, before you find all the 'squirmy' places on my body, can I touch you just once?"

"Not a chance," he smiled, opening her gown and teasing her breasts once again with his fingers before moving down lower and taking a taut nipple in his warm mouth. Jill arched her back, fighting the urge to cry out loud at the insistent pressure. Mike inwardly smiled, knowing full well that's what her reaction was going to be. 'And to think,' he thought to himself, 'I'm just getting started.' He listened to her cries of pleasure as he alternately teased each breast in turn. Meanwhile, he was running his fingers down the outside of her legs, feeling the smoothness of her hips, knees and calves, before starting the journey up the inside. He traced patterns on the insides of her thighs, as she began to writhe under his questing fingers, almost throwing him off of the sofa. She whimpered softly as he stopped touching her and moved back up to her mouth. He wanted to give them both a chance to cool down slightly before continuing.

Jill ran her hands through Mike's slightly damp hair as he bent down to kiss her again. His fingers began once again lightly roaming underneath her opened gown. This time, when his fingers brushed against the lace waistband of her panties, he slowly slid them down her legs and dropped them to the floor. He played his fingers along the backs of her knees before running his fingers gently up the insides of her legs. She cried out as his fingers began to gently explore her. He moved back up to kiss her once again before gradually kissing his way slowly down her body. After teasing her breasts once again with his lips and tongue he kissed his way down her abdomen. He wanted to go further but he knew from past experience that Jill would most likely fight him. But he was hoping that just this once she was close enough to the edge that she'd let him continue on his journey.

Jill was aware of Mike moving his way down her body and she knew what he wanted to do. One part of her desperately wanted him to continue, but the other part that still couldn't let go of the past resisted. She gently but firmly pulled on Mike, bringing him back up so she could kiss him and drive him as crazy as he was driving her.

"I love you," he whispered as he gently brushed her damp hair from her forehead and kissed her.

"I love you, too, but I can't let you...you know," she said, as he bent his head down to kiss her neck, making her tremble.

"I know. It's okay," he murmured, stroking her body with his fingertips.

Jill ran her hands slowly down Mike's chest inside his robe as he softly moaned his approval. After letting her run her hands over his body for several minutes he pulled back, breaking their intimate contact and eliciting a whimper of disappointment from Jill. He smiled at her as he kissed her before spreading the blanket on the living room floor. He lay down and propped himself up on one elbow before beckoning her to join him. She sat down beside him on the floor, her eyes bright and shining.

"I thought we might need more room," he grinned at her wickedly as he slowly raised her gown over her head and discarded it by the sofa.

"Well, more room is nice, but one of us is overdressed," she commented as she untied the belt of his robe and helped him out of it. "There, that's better," she sighed with approval when his robe was tossed aside. She then moved closer to him and continued her earlier exploration, smiling victoriously at his sharp intake of breath when she barely brushed the back of her hand over his swollen penis.

"I think I'm going to have to re-write the rule book," he growled, pulling her tighter into his arms and kissing her.

"I don't think so. I like the rule that says you can slowly torture your husband," she smiled up at him sweetly as she grasped him and stroked him in just the way she knew drove him crazy.

Mike couldn't take much of her caresses tonight. He took her hand and removed it before shifting his body to cover hers. Looking deep into her eyes, he slowly slid into her, enjoying her gasp of delight as their bodies finally joined. Although they were both close to climax Mike still wanted to savor the moment. He stopped moving just so he could look at her.

To Jill, Mike wanting to savor everything made this whole evening much more special, but right now, as much as she wanted to savor the moment, she needed her release much more. "I love you, Mike," she whispered as she thrust her hips up to meet his.

Mike thrust gently at first, then gradually faster as Jill wrapped her legs around him as tightly as she could as they both touched and caressed every inch of exposed skin. Jill clutched him to her as her climax rushed through her. As soon as he felt her muscles contract around him, he growled her name and collapsed onto her shoulder. At that moment, a brilliant flash of lightning lit up the sky, followed by a loud boom of thunder, causing Jill to jump.

"I forgot about the storm," she answered nervously as Mike rose up to look out the sliding glass door before rolling over to one side and pulling her beside him.

"You know, I have an idea," he said, kissing her.

"What's that?"

"I think every time a storm comes up we should entertain ourselves just like this. What do you think?" He asked.

"Well, I like your idea and it'll work except on the days when we have different hours. I can just see you telling Lt. Ryker and me telling Meggy that we have plans to wile away thunderstorms," she smiled as she kissed him, shivering slightly in his arms.

"You're cold. Come on, let's go to bed and I'll really show you how much I love you," he said, standing up and helping her to her feet.

"I thought that's what you just did," she reminded him, standing up and wrapping her arms around him.

"Oh, milady, that was just the appetizer. I haven't even started on the main course yet," he smiled, kissing his way down her bare neck and shoulder.


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