AUTHOR: Cindy Wylie (
TITLE: All In A Day’s Work—Part 6

DISCLAIMER: The characters are the property of Columbia/Tri-Star Entertainment and Spelling/Goldberg Productions. No copyright infringement is intended.


Feedback: Of course, but email me privately at the above address.

Archive: Otherwise, not without the author’s permission.

AUTHOR’S NOTES: This is the long awaited romance scene for the Round Robin. I am not responsible for any cold showers or fire extinguishers that might be necessary during the reading of this story.

The rain had started falling again as Mike drove toward home. He kept glancing over at Jill, who although no longer crying, was still clearly very upset. He clenched the steering wheel as he mentally cursed his parents. He’d been so stupid to think that somehow they’d change where Jill was concerned. He’d forgotten that change had never been part of their world. He knew for certain that he’d never again subject Jill to that kind of hostility from them ever again.

Jill sat looking out of the passenger side window, willing herself not to start crying again. The doctor had explained to her that the mood swings were a result of pregnancy hormones, which were still present despite the miscarriage. He assured her that she’d be her normal self in no time.

"I’m going to change," Jill stated as they walked into the apartment to the sound of the phone ringing.

"Hello," Mike said, picking up the phone as his head began to pound.

"I thought we’d raised you with better manners than you displayed tonight," his father’s familiar voice hissed over the line.

"You didn’t raise me at all or have you forgotten? That’s what you paid the Virginia Military Institute for," Mike growled through tightly clenched teeth.

"We’re not going to have that conversation again, Michael. I offered you a very lucrative job opportunity tonight and you practically spit in my face," his father spat out bitterly.

"I’m sorry that you feel that way, but I already have a job that I happen to enjoy very much. Jill and I may never live in a fancy house, but I know we’ll never go hungry," Mike spoke with quiet certainty.

"Not as long as your wife continues working," his father shot back.

"While we’re on the subject of my wife, I will never again subject Jill to the kind of low down verbal attack she was assaulted with tonight. Until you and mother can start treating her with the kind of respect she deserves, don’t expect us to accept any more dinner invitation," Mike said tersely. "I have to go."

Mike placed the phone receiver firmly in its cradle before his father had a chance to respond. He walked back toward their bedroom, where he found Jill lying on her stomach with her head pillowed on her arms, still fully dressed.

"I thought you were going to change clothes," he whispered, gently rubbing her neck and shoulders.

"I was, but I ran out of energy. I’m so tired of fighting them, Mike," she choked out, blinking back tears.

"I know, baby. I told my father that until they start treating you with the respect that you deserve that they shouldn’t look for us at any more family dinners. You know what you need?" He asked, bending down to kiss the back of her neck.

"According to your father, I need a lot of things," she sighed.

"Forget them right now. I think you need a nice, leisurely all over body massage supplied by your favorite cop," he suggested.

Jill was almost tempted to tell him no, but she knew how hard he was trying to cheer her up. And, while one of his infamous all-over body massages might not completely do the trick, just the thought of losing herself to blissful sensation for a short while sounded wonderful.

Mike partially lowered the zipper just far enough for him to have easy access to her neck and shoulders. Jill smiled and felt herself start to relax as Mike worked his magic on her tense body. He brushed her hair from her shoulders and began to plant soft; gentle kisses along her bare shoulder and down her exposed shoulder blades.

"You changed tactics on me," Jill observed in a sleepy voice.

"Do you object?" Mike inquired.

"No, I don’t object," she replied as Mike smiled.

Mike let out the breath he’d been unconsciously holding as Jill relaxed once more. He loved nothing more in the world than finding new ways to seduce his wife. On one level, the massage tactic always worked, but it was always fun when he could throw out a curve ball now and then. Jill squirmed slightly when he lowered the zipper down further and unhooked her bra, all the while kissing his way down her spine, stopping just short of the still healing scar on her back.

"Mike, I need to turn over. My hands are falling asleep," she suddenly stated as Mike helped her roll over to her back, sliding her dress and bra off of her as he did so. "One of us is slightly overdressed," she observed in a wry voice as Mike smiled.

"If you have your way, I’m sure that situation will be corrected soon enough," he said, bending down to kiss her.

He smiled as she sat up and quickly unbuttoned his shirt before sliding it off of his arms, where it fell alongside her discarded clothes. He sucked in his breath as she reached down to unbuckle his belt.

"Easy, tiger. We have all night," she assured him as she removed her hand.

"In that case, you’d better let me take off the rest of my clothes," he said, standing up and quickly removing his slacks, shoes and socks before rejoining her on the bed and partially covering her body with his own. "Now, where were we?"

She placed one hand on his neck and pulled him down toward her, breathing in the warmth of him as she kissed him. He slowly trailed his fingers down her body, his touch causing Jill to squirm slightly beneath him. She finally took his left hand and placed it on her breast.

Feeling her nipple instantly harden under his fingers, he trailed kisses down her neck and throat before finally reaching his destination. Jill moaned as he took her engorged nipple into his mouth before repeating the process on her other breast. Once again moving his fingers down her body, he latched his fingers into her panties and slowly slid them down her legs with Jill’s assistance.

While Mike was busy tormenting her with his mouth and fingers, Jill decided to do some tormenting of her own. She snaked her hand into his boxers and stroked his hard shaft with gentle fingers, causing Mike to jump in surprise.

"I had this idea when I came in here and saw how upset you were, that we were going to take things slow, but it’s beginning to look like slow is out of the question," he gasped, trying to catch his breath.

"Well, you could always start trying to remember those trig equations you’re always bragging about," she smiled, continuing her ministrations on him.

"Baby, right now, I can barely remember the alphabet, so I’m pretty sure that trigonometry is going to be out of the question," he moaned as Jill smiled. "You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?"

"I’m enjoying the fact that the shoe’s on the other foot, for once. Usually you’re the one driving me crazy. But, I’ll stop torturing you and give you a chance to memorize the alphabet backwards or whatever it is you guys do to slow things down," she said, releasing her grip on him and pulling him back down to kiss her.

"I can’t give you my secrets on slowing things down, but can you tell me what the capital of California is?" He inquired in a teasing voice in between heated kisses.

"The last time I looked, it was Sacramento, but right now, who cares?" Jill responded as Mike’s fingers wandered down to her hips and thighs. After several more minutes of delicious torment, her need to have him became intense. She shifted her body and insistently pulled his boxers down over his hips. He managed to kick them off of his legs to the floor before completely covering her body with his own as she guided him into her.

Jill wrapped her legs tightly around Mike as they moved together, slowly at first, then in an ever-faster rhythm. She clutched Mike to her tightly, burying her face in his neck as she felt her climax rapidly approaching. She cried out his name as she tightened her muscles around him, which was all it took to bring him to his explosive release, as well.

Mike dropped his head down to Jill’s shoulder, trying to catch his breath. "Well, at least the night wasn’t a total bust," he sighed, slowly disengaging from her and moving to his side, pulling her close to him.

"I think it even stopped raining," Jill observed wryly as Mike kissed her.

"I’m sorry you had such an awful day," he whispered as she closed her eyes sleepily.

"Well, you did do an admirable job of saving what was left of it. Thank you," she yawned as he tightened his arms around her. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Sleep well," he smiled, seeing that she was already asleep.

The End

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