TITLE: "Dirge for Sunday"* (missing scene)
AUTHOR: Bridget Frawley(scarecro9@aol.com
DISCLAIMER: The characters are the property of Viacom and Spelling/Goldberg Productions. No copyright infringement is intended. It is meant for enjoyment purposes. I retain the rights to the plot and not the characters.

"Yeah, he's here. Mike, it's Lt. Ryker," Jill sighed in resignation, handing him the telephone. She headed into their bedroom in disgust. She sat on the edge of the bed with her back to the door and started to cry quietly. Today hadn't gone as she'd planned at all.

After a few minutes Mike came into the room and saw her shoulders shaking. "Jill?" He ventured in a contrite voice. When he received no response he went over and sat beside her. "Baby?" He tried again as he put his hand on her shoulder.

She pulled away from him and turned away. "I know...you have to go back to the precinct and I shouldn't wait up for you," she muttered in resignation.

"Actually I don't have to go back until tomorrow morning. I told Ryker I had a family emergency," he replied. "I already asked Terry and Willie to cover for me."

She turned around to look at him in confusion, wiping her eyes. "I don't understand. What family emergency?"

"You need me," he explained simply as he kissed the top of her forehead. "Look, Ryker was making us nuts and...I really am sorry."

"What'd Ryker say?" She sniffled.

"That's not important," he hedged, absently rubbing his aching left ear. It was still ringing from the verbal tongue lashing he'd just received a few minutes ago.

"Oh, Mike!" She exclaimed in happiness, hugging him as her eyes filled with tears. "I just wanted everything to be perfect. It's the first birthday we've spent together as husband and wife."

"I know," he confessed, feeling even more like a heel as he held her close. "Hey, what are you crying for? It's my birthday, remember?"

"Happy birthday," she whispered, giving him a shaky smile.

"Now this is more like it," he grinned as he kissed her passionately.

"Dinner's ruined but I think I can salvage the cake," she offered in a reflective voice.

"I have a better suggestion," he countered as he kissed her again and started running his fingers through her hair.

"Oh, you do?" She asked innocently, twinkle in her eye.

"You know it," he grinned as he started trailing kisses down her neck.

"Aren't you hungry?" She asked in a distracted voice.

"Starving," he agreed as he kissed her again, this time more passionately than before.

[Story continues as aired.]

* Original air date: October 30, 1972.

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