DISCLAIMER: The characters are the property of Viacom and Spelling/Goldberg. The story is pure me and my psycho tendencies. No infringement is intended. All is intended is for readers to enjoy.

Author: Leslie Agostino  (leslieago@netzero.net)

Title: INTO THE SHADOWS -- Part Two

Timeline: This story takes place in the third season shortly after the episode Cliffy

Summary: The Danko’s become targets of a crazed killer and the rookies race against time to catch him.

An hour later, Mike closed the last of the mug books as Lieutenant Ryker and Sergeant Taggert entered the room.

"Any luck, Danko?" Ryker asked.

"No, sir. He doesn’t have a record anywhere in the state."

"All right. Work with the sketch artist. I want Toscano’s picture out there as soon as possible."

"What about the Army?"

"We’ll check it out, Danko, just not right now. Tomorrow, if Toscano doesn’t come forward, then we’ll check the Military."

"Is he a suspect, sir?"

"You want to answer that, Sergeant?"

"Right now, he’s a material witness," Taggert said. "If you can get that sketch, we’ll pass it on to the television stations and newspapers. We’ll ask him to come forward. Hopefully, he will."

"And if he doesn’t?" Mike asked. He hoped Toscano was just what Taggert said, a witness. He didn’t think he could live with himself if Toscano was the killer and he let him go.

"Danko," Ryker said, "don’t borrow trouble. Let’s wait and see what happens at 10:00 tonight."

"Yes, sir."

Mike started to walk away as Taggert said, "Danko, is there anything else you can tell me about that night? Did he say or do anything that might have indicated he witnessed the killing or is the killer?"

"No, sir. He got a little agitated when I asked him for the name of his friend. Told me she didn’t even know he had left. Apparently, she was asleep."

"That’s it?"

"Yes, sir. Oh, one more thing. He fades out from time to time."

Taggert and Ryker exchanged looks.

"What does that mean, Danko?" Ryker asked.

"His mind closes down," Mike explained. "Like he’s on another planet or something. He did that that night. I had to repeat my question since he didn’t hear me."

"You mean, he’s thinking about something else?"

"No. I mean, I don’t know, sir, it’s hard to explain. You have to see him to understand it. It’s like he goes dead inside. Doesn’t hear or see anything around him. Said he’s been like that since ‘Nam."

"That’s when he told you about his stint in the Army?" Taggert asked.

"Yeah. I told him I was there for the Air Force. I thought that would make him feel calmer. More cooperative."

"And that’s all he told you?"

"Yes, sir. Sorry I can’t be more helpful."

"Just get a decent likeness of him out there, Mike. That’s all I ask."

"Yes, sir."

After Mike left, Ryker looked at Taggert and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think I’m screwed if we don’t get Toscano in here," Taggert replied.

"Then you think he’s our killer?"

"He’s all I got, Eddie. Who ever we’re dealing with, he’s getting better. Neither victim was killed where they were found. He’s leaving nothing behind to tie him to the crime. If we don’t find this guy, even if it’s not Toscano, I’m afraid we never will. I can’t accept that."

Ryker was thoughtful. He had known Mike for almost four years and knew the young cop couldn’t accept that either. For Mike’s sake, Ryker hoped Toscano would see his picture in the news and come forward. That way, he would put both Taggert and Mike’s mind at ease.

Meanwhile, at Memorial Hospital, Jill was at the nurses’ station when the telephone rang. She picked up the receiver and said, "Cardiology."

"Mrs. Danko, please," a male voice said.

"This is Mrs. Danko. Can I help you?"

"Your husband didn’t understand the telephone call I made to him last night, did he?" Toscano asked.

"Who is this?"

"Your Savior, Mrs. Danko. I’m the one who’s going to take away all your fears."

Jill rolled her eyes. Not another one, she thought. "Sorry, I already have one. Look, if this isn’t important, I’m going to hang up."

"You’re the Chosen One, Mrs. Danko. However, I must be perfect before I can claim you."

"Listen, whatever sick game you’re playing…"

"It isn’t a game, Jill. Just ask the last two girls I killed. Oops, I have to run. See victim number three. Which means I should let your husband know who she is. She isn’t half as pretty as you."

Before Jill could say anything, Toscano hung up. She was hanging up when a young nurse approached her.

"Are you okay, Jill?" Nicole Douglas asked.

"Just fine," she replied. "If talking to a certifiable nut case floats your boat."

"One of those, huh? You gonna tell Mike?"

"I’m not sure yet. It wasn’t that scary. Just weird. But, if he calls again…" Jill left the sentence hanging. Just how would she tell Mike about this call without him going nuts was the question of the hour.

Jill loved Mike more than anyone in her life, but he had a tendency to over-react whenever the least threatening incidents happened. Not that she minded him coming to the rescue, but there were times when it put him in danger as well, and that drove her crazy. Losing him was something Jill would never be able to over-come. Especially if it was because of her.

"I thought you told Mike everything," Nicole was saying.

"I do, but there are times when I wish I hadn’t. I love the man, but…"

"But, he’s over-protective, is that it?"

"That about sums it up. And, he’s not the only one. He has two watch dogs who are just as bad as he is."

Nicole smiled. "And that’s a bad thing, because?"

Jill couldn’t help but smile back. "Okay, you win. I feel protected and I’m safe with Mike, Terry and Chris, but there are some times when I wish…"

"He would let you handle your own problems, right?"

"Yeah. The call was harmless. If it gets worse, then I’ll tell him."

"Hey, you don’t have to explain anything to me. I just wish I had your problems. See you later."

As Nicole walked away, neither of the nurses noticed Toscano watching them. When he had first saw Nicole, he knew she would be next. He would take her tonight and, maybe the cops will find her tomorrow. It all depended on the girl.

It also depended on his creativity. The first two deaths, they didn’t give him the thrill he had expected and he couldn’t understand why.

Maybe he should change his method. Shooting them was too quick. It was over before it even began for him. He wanted the next one to suffer more. Pretend he would give Nicole her freedom and then watch the fear grow as she came realize as the blade…

That’s it, he thought. I’ll go back to the knife. I could be so more creative with a knife. Not to mention it would be a lot more fun to use.

Looking at Nicole as she walked by, Toscano thought, See you tonight, precious, for tomorrow you die.


Later that night, Jill was alone in the apartment when the telephone rang. Rising from the couch where she had been reading a magazine, she went to the wall phone and took down the receiver.


"Is Mike there?" Toscano asked.

"No, I’m sorry. He hasn’t gotten home yet. Can I take a message?"

"No. I’ll call back."

Jill hung up thoughtfully. The caller sounded familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had heard it. The call she had received earlier in the day was totally forgotten as the day wore on.

As she tried to remember what it was about the caller that was familiar, Jill heard Mike’s key turn in the lock.

"Hi, babe," he said, as he entered the apartment.

"Hi," Jill replied, as Mike pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "How was your day?"

"I’ve had better." Mike walked to the refrigerator and took out a beer.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not right now. Now, all I want is a shower. What’s for dinner?"

"Hamburgers and French fries."

"Sounds good." Mike kissed her again. "I’ll be right out."

"Okay. Oh, by the way, some guy called here looking for you."

Mike had been heading for the bedroom when he froze and looked at her. "Did you get a name?"

"No, but he said he’ll call back."

"Fine." Mike was relieved. He didn’t want to hear what Toscano had to say. "If I’m in the shower, get a number."

"I’ll try, but I don’t think he wants to talk to me."

"Then I guess he’s outta luck."

Jill watched as Mike headed for the bedroom. Something was definitely bothering him. She could sense it the minute he walked in the door. Hopefully, she would be able to help him through it.

Just then the doorbell rang. Jill opened it and smiled when she saw Terry and Chris standing there.

"Hi, Jill," Chris said. "Did Mike get home yet?"

"He’s in the shower. Come in." Closing the door, she said. "Can I get you two a beer or something?"

"A beer would be perfect," Terry said.

As Jill headed for the refrigerator to get the beers, Terry continued, "We just stopped by to see how things went with Ryker."

"Is he in trouble or something?" Jill asked, handing the men the beers.

"No, nothing like that." The two men sat at the counter as Jill watched them. "He just wasn’t on the street much today. Thought maybe Ryker had him on a special assignment or something."

Jill slowly smiled. "You two are worried about him."

"Yeah," Chris said. "He barely said two words to us in the locker room tonight."

Jill’s smile faded. "That’s not like him."

"Is everything okay with you two?" Terry asked. "I know it’s none of our business…"

"Everything’s fine," Jill assured him, with a smile. "And, Terry, we’ve been friends too long for you to stop being inquisitive. If you stopped asking questions, we would worry about you.

"Besides, if he can’t talk to me about what ever is bugging him, I hope he will talk to you guys."

"You guys talking about me again?" Mike entered the kitchen and pulled out another beer.

"Just wondering if you were okay," Terry said, as he watched his friend open the bottle.

"Why wouldn’t I be?"

Jill, sensing that was her cue, started to leave the kitchen. Mike grabbed her hand and said, "Hey, where are you going?"

"You guys should talk in private. I’m…"

He kissed the inside of her wrist as he looked into her eyes. "I haven’t seen you all day. I want you to stay. Okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I’m sure." Turning to his two friends, Mike said, "Have you two eaten yet?"

"No," Chris said, hiding a smile. There were no problems in this relationship. "We were kinda hoping for an invitation."

"Babe, since you haven’t started dinner yet, what do you say we get the hell outta here and have dinner at the Open House. I feel like being in a crowd."

"Okay. I just have to get my purse."

As Jill left the kitchen, Terry looked at Mike in surprise. "Now I know there’s something bothering you. What’s wrong?"

"I don’t know, man. It’s just a feeling I’ve been having since briefing this morning and it’s not going away."

"What kind of feeling? By the way, in case you didn’t hear this, that nineteen-year-old Ryker told us about? Turns out she took off with her boyfriend and is living up the coast."

"That’s good to know." Mike was relieved to hear that the girl was safe and sound. She was one last person he had to worry about.

Before he could say anything else, Jill returned. He wrapped an arm around her waist and said, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Jill replied, with a smile.

"Then let’s get outta here. I’m starving."

Terry and Chris left their drinks on the counter as they got up. "There he goes again," Terry teased. "The man’s always hungry."

"Yeah," Chris agreed. "Jill, you really should feed him more often."

Before Jill could reply, the telephone rang. "I’ll get it," she said, reaching for the receiver.

"Let it ring," Mike said, taking her hand in his. "Who ever it is, will call back."

"Are you sure? It could be Ryker."

"If it is, he’ll track us down. C’mon, I’m in the need for beef."

Jill followed Mike and the guys out of the apartment as the telephone finally stopped ringing.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city limits, in a small farmhouse, Toscano who had paid cash for the place so no questions would be asked, slammed the receiver down.

"Where the hell did you go, Danko?" Toscano muttered, reaching for a large butcher knife. "I’m gonna try you one more time. Right now, I’m gonna check on sweet Nicole."

Toscano slowly ran his finger along the blade. He loved the way the blade shined in the light when he held it at just the right angle.

"This is going to be enjoyable," he muttered, heading to the back room.

He entered the bedroom where Nicole Douglas was being held. He sat on the edge of the bed and brushed the hair from her face.

Toscano watched her sleep for a minute. Finally, he said, "It’s almost over, Nicole." When she didn’t respond, the killer continued, "You understand why I’m doing this, don’t you? Do you think Jill would understand?"

Nicole still didn’t open her eyes. In fact, she wasn’t doing much of anything, Toscano suddenly realized. She wasn’t even breathing.

He got to his feet and looked down at her. "What’s wrong with you? Why won’t you answer me?"

Toscano reached for her wrist to check for a pulse. When there wasn’t any, he became enraged.

"No!" He pounded his fist angrily on the dead woman’s face and torso. "I wasn’t ready! This wasn’t how you were supposed to die!"

Realizing he was still holding the knife, he plunged it over and over into her chest. "You bitch! You ruined everything! And it’s all Danko’s fault. If he had been home the first time I called…"

Finally, the anger subsided as quickly as it had erupted. Looking down at the girl’s battered and bloody mess he had just created, he said, "Oh well, the next one won’t be weak. I should’ve known you would be weak. Damn you, I was so hoping you would be the one."

He wrapped the body in the sheets and carried her effortlessly out to the trunk of his car, dumped her inside.

Before he got into his car, Toscano looked back at the house and said, "You better be home when I call again, Danko, or the next one will live to regret it."

Meanwhile, the Danko’s, Terry and Chris were all seated in the Open House and had ordered dinner, none of them aware of the madness that had taken place only moments earlier.

After the waitress left, Terry looked at Mike and said, "Okay. What’s buggin’ you, man?"

Mike knew Terry wouldn’t let up. With a sigh, he said, "You remember that guy I was talking to when that first girl’s body was found?"

"Vaguely. Why?"

"He took off before Taggert had a chance to talk to him. His address turned out to be a phony. Now, Taggert wants to find him. Says he’s the only lead he has."

"Is he a suspect?" Chris asked.

"Taggert said he’s a material witness, but I have this nagging feeling…"

"That he’s the killer?" Terry asked.

"Yeah. And if he is, I think I screwed up."

"Why? ‘Cause the guy took off? So what? Taggert can’t blame you for that. Short of tying him to the door of that record shop, there was really nothing you could have done."

"I know that, but it still doesn’t make me feel better. Especially since another body turned up yesterday. I think Toscano killed those two kids."

"C’mon, Mike," Chris said. "That’s reaching over the top, isn’t it?"

"I don’t think so. Listen, this dude gives me a phony address, according to Ryker, possibly a phony name, can’t or won’t explain why he was in the neighborhood. He discovered the body, but wasn’t cooperative. If he’s innocent, why did he split? It it’s the way Taggert thought, that Toscano’s cheating on his wife, hell, his wife wouldn’t even have to know about any of this. Besides, there’s something about Toscano that bugs the hell out of me."

"In what way?" Jill asked, as she took his hand in hers.

Mike shrugged. "It’s just a feeling I have. I can’t explain it." He ran a hand over his face. "Oh hell, I don’t know what I feel. All I do know is, an innocent man or a dude that doesn’t have anything to hide, doesn’t run away from a crime scene which he called in."

"You have a point," Terry agreed. "But, don’t we all have something to hide? Look, man, there could be a lotta reasons why he took off. None of which may have anything to do with the murdered girl."

"Then why bother calling it in at all? Why not let some other person stumble across her?"

No one had answer for that. By now the waitress returned and placed their food in front of them.

After the waitress left, Jill said, "Mike, is it possible that he just doesn’t like cops?"

"Again, why call it in? Look, all I know is, I’d feel a lot better if Toscano walked into the station and explained why he left."

"Well, his picture is on every news cast in the city," Chris said. "Maybe someone out there knows the guy and will call in with a tip."

"Like his girl friend?" Mike asked, doubtfully.

Jill leaned over and kissed him. "Why don’t you wait until tomorrow and see what happens."

Mike smiled warmly at her. She always had a way to make him feel better. "Okay. As of now, let’s talk about something other than my tired old feelings."

Terry and Chris looked at each other and grinned. "Did he say ‘old’?" Chris asked.

"He sure did. At least he admits it," Terry said, as he bit into his cheeseburger. "Damn, I’ve died and gone to heaven."

Much to Mike’s relief, talk about topics other than police work came easy. Within a few minutes, they were all laughing at a story Terry related about his former partner, Willie and the blind dates they both had.


Later that night, as the Danko’s entered the apartment, the telephone started to ring. Mike tossed the keys on the counter and reached for the receiver as Jill said, "I’m going to get ready for bed."

"Okay, babe. I’ll join you in a minute."

Jill smiled and said, "I’ll start counting."

Mike laughed as he said, into the receiver, "Hello?"

"Where the hell were you?" Toscano demanded. "She’s dead because of you?"

Mike’s hand tightened on the receiver as his blood went cold. His world was about to blown apart. "Who is this?"

"I mean, Nicole was gonna die anyway," Toscano continued, as if Mike didn’t say a word, "but at my time and my choosing. If you were home…"

"What are you talking about? Who is this? Nicole who?"

"Nicole Douglas. She was supposed to have been number three. My third practice kill, but you loused everything up ‘cause you weren’t home. As for who I am, I’ll give you a hint. I didn’t find the body, I dumped the body. You know which one I’m talking about?"


"Very good, Danko. For a cop, you’re not half bad. Just so you know, I didn’t get a thrill from shooting those two girls. It was too quick. Not painful enough. So I switched weapons. I use a knife now. After all, I do have my creative tendencies."

"Listen, Toscano, where’s Nicole? You owe me that much."

"I don’t owe you jack. However, I do want her found so you could see my handiwork. She’s in the park. Shouldn’t be too hard to find."

Before Mike could ask any more questions, the killer hung up. Mike pressed the release button and dialed the precinct as Jill came out of the bedroom, saying, with a smile, "Your minute’s…"

Seeing the look Mike shot her, she said, "Mike? What is it? What happened?"

Before he could reply, the phone was picked up on the other end.

"This is Officer Danko," he said. "I need to speak to either Lieutenant Ryker or Sergeant Taggert. I don’t care which, whoever is more interested that Toscano just called me and said where another body can be found. No, damn it, I’m not putting you on. I wish to hell I was. Yeah, I’ll hold."

Jill went to her husband and hugged him. As Mike kissed her forehead, Ryker picked up the receiver.

"Danko," he said, "tell me you misunderstood the guy."

"Lieutenant, I wish to God I did. He said the girl’s name was Nicole Douglas and…"

Mike was watching Jill so he didn’t miss the look of surprise in her eyes. "Hold on a second, Lieutenant." He covered the mouth piece and said, "What’s wrong, babe?"

"I…I…know a nurse with the same name. But, it can’t be her. She was at work today."

"Do you have a number where I can reach her? Just to make sure we’re not talking about the same person."

"555-9173. I know it’s not a common name, but…"

"I’ll have Ryker check it out. Do you know where she lives?"

"I’m not sure. Somewhere on Clover."

Mike turned back to the telephone. "Lieutenant, Jill just told me she works with someone with the same name. I don’t suppose…"

"I’m on it. Give me a number where I can reach her and I’ll send a unit to her place."

After Mike related what Jill told him, Ryker said, sarcastically. "You really know how to make my job easier, don’t you, Danko? Listen, Taggert just came in and I’ll transfer you. Tell him exactly what Toscano told you. Including where we can find this so-called victim. I’ll check on Jill’s friend."

"Thank you, sir."

When Taggert got on the telephone, Mike related everything Toscano had told him.

"Why you?" Taggert asked, after Mike was through.

"I don’t know. Maybe because I was the one he talked to that night and wants to share his whatever he wants to call it. Glory or something. All I know is, he’s blaming me for this one and…"

"And it’s bullshit. You’re not to blame so don’t go there. Did he tell you why he’s doing this?"

"Not in so many words. He likes the thrill. The pain and fear in his victims’ eyes. It sounds like he gets a kick out of it."

"Terrific, I always liked a scumbag who loves his work. I just wish it was in another district.

"Look, I’m sending units to the park. I’ll let you know what we turn up."

"Sergeant, if you don’t mind, I’d rather not know…"

"I hear ya, Mike, but you aren’t left with much of a choice now are you."

"No, sir, I guess not. Will you call me back tonight?"

"Could you get any sleep if I didn’t?"

"I guess not."

"Then you have your answer. Let’s hope Toscano is full of cow pucky."

"You and me both, Serge."

After he hung up, Mike looked at Jill. Without a word, he pulled her into his arms.

"You okay?" he asked.

Jill shuddered. "I will be as soon as I know we’re talking about two different women. Not that I want…"

Mike kissed the top of her head. "I know, baby. I hope Toscano lied to me, too. You can’t imagine how much to hell I hope for that."

Jill pulled away and looked at him. "But, you don’t think he did, do you?"

Mike sighed and turned away. Jill always knew how to read him. Heading into the living room, he said, "No, I don’t think he lied."

He turned to look at her. "Tell me something. The Nicole you work with, what does she look like?"

Jill was relieved that he hadn’t used the past tense when talking about Nicole. She followed him into the living room where they both sat down on the couch.

"She’s about twenty-five," Jill replied. "Long dark hair, about my height, give or take an inch. She has an offbeat sense of humor. I was thinking, I mean, I am thinking of setting her up with Chris. They just might hit it off."

Mike closed his eyes, wearily. Just like the first one. Maybe even the second one too, he thought. Same type

Out loud, he said, "Damn. I was hoping she was a midget. Or at least a blond or a redhead."

"I’m sure she’ll dye her hair if you asked her nicely," Jill said, trying to make both of them feel better.

"Jill…" Mike began.

"It’s not her, Mike. Not until I know for sure. It’s not a friend."

Mike pulled her close, as she fought back tears. "I know, baby. I know."


An hour later, Taggert entered Ryker’s office. Neither man had good news and they certainly didn’t want to call Mike and tell him.

"What the hell am I dealing with, Eddie?" Taggert asked, as he started to pace. "She was a mess. The cop who found her, lost his dinner and I sent him home."

"That bad?" Ryker asked.

"The coroner can’t even tell me what killed her. The beating she took or the stab wounds. All I know is, Toscano is an animal and we gotta take him down."

"I agree. Unfortunately, my news isn’t much better. You able to identify…"

"Are you kidding? The only way that girl is going to be identified is through fingerprints."

"I was afraid of that. When do you get the report back on the autopsy?"

"I told the coroner to rush it. I want the results as soon as possible."

"What about identification?"

Before Taggert could reply, there was a knock on Ryker’s door.

"Come in," Ryker called out.

A plainclothes detective entered the office with a folder in his hands. "Serge," he said, "we have the id back."

"And?" Taggert demanded.

"Our guy really hates nurses."

"Damn." Taggert took the folder from him and handed it over to Ryker. He didn’t have to read the report, he was at the scene and it was not something he wanted to relive or see again. At least it wasn’t the murder scene. God only knew what that looked like.

"Thanks, Peterson," he said. "Go home. We’ll pick this up tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

Taggert looked at Ryker. His friend had turned a strange shade of green as he looked at the photographs of the victim.

"Oh, hell," Ryker muttered, as he closed the folder.

"You gonna tell him or should I?"

"He’s one of my men so I’ll do it," Ryker said, as he dialed Mike’s number. He wasn’t surprised when it was answered on the first ring.

"Danko," he said, "Taggert found victim number three. She’s been identified by fingerprints. Tell Jill I’m sorry."

"Damn," Mike said. "Lieutenant, why did you have to…"

"Because the girl’s face was a mess and no one should have to see that."

"Great. How do I tell Jill that?"

"You don’t. Just tell her Ms. Douglas has been identified and that you’re sorry."

"I hear you. How was she killed?"

"We have no idea yet. It could be the beating or the stabbing. We won’t know until after the autopsy."

"When will that be?"

"It’s top priority. Hopefully, tomorrow. Danko, this isn’t your fault. Toscano would’ve killed her whether you were home or not."

"I understand that, Lieutenant. What I don’t understand is why blame me in the first place? Unless…"

"Unless what?"

"Hang on a second, sir. I have to ask Jill something."

Mike placed the receiver on the counter and headed for the bedroom.

Jill was flipping through a magazine, but he had a feeling she wasn’t seeing anything. She looked at him when he entered.

"Babe, did Nicole have a heart condition?" he asked, before Jill could say anything.

"I don’t know. She never mentioned it. If she did, it would be in her personnel file. Mike, I need to know. Did they…"

"I’m sorry, baby." Mike went to her and pulled her close. "They just identified her. Look, I have to get back on the phone. You okay?"

When Jill didn’t say anything, he kissed her on the cheek, got up and left the room.

Picking up the receiver, Mike said, "Lieutenant, can you find out if Nicole had a heart problem?"

"I suppose it wouldn’t be hard to find out," Ryker said. "What’s on your mind?"

"I think I know why he blames me. He said, that I loused everything up because I wasn’t home when he called. Toscano had planned on killing her after he spoke to me, but when he got back to her, she was already dead. If Nicole had a heart condition, the fear he had put her through…"

"She would most likely have had a heart attack," Taggert said, once Ryker had him on the speakerphone. "That could explain the rage behind what he did to her. She must’ve died shortly before he walked in on her. The coroner could tell us for sure."

"If she did, it would’ve been just seconds before he entered the room…" Mike couldn’t finish the rest of his thought. God, he thought, that room must’ve been a blood bath.

"Danko," Ryker said, "what made you think that the girl had a heart condition?"

"Toscano was pissed off at me because she had died before he could kill her. She was suppose to be victim number three. The only thing I could think of was, that Nicole had a heart attack."

"It makes sense considering what he did to her," Taggert said. "Thank god she wasn’t alive to endure it."

"Lieutenant, Serge, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s going to kill again. He called the first two practice kills. He has to perfect his craft."

"Danko," Taggert said, "this guy is nuts. If he calls you again…"

"Not if, sir. It’s when and if it were up to me, tonight’s call would be the last."

"I understand that, Danko, but if he’s communicating with you…"

"What if my wife picks up the phone and he starts ‘communicating’ with her? I’ll be damned if she’s gonna hear the garbage he told me tonight."

"I don’t blame you. Look, if he does call and wants to talk to her, tell her to hang up."

Mike sighed. Taggert just wasn’t getting it. However, Ryker apparently did, for he said, "Danko, Toscano’s not going to go after Jill."

"How do you know? She fits the type of woman he obviously hates."

"Maybe, but there’s one thing Jill has that these three women didn’t."

"And that is?"

"You, Danko. Jill has you. These girls didn’t have anyone. As long as that’s the case, he won’t go near her."

"I hope not. For her sake. Is there anything else?"

Ryker looked at Taggert who shook his head. "No. Everything else can wait until tomorrow’s briefing. Get some sleep. "By the way, I teletyped the Army. Should hear back from someone in a day or so. Danko, don’t worry, we’ll nail this son-of-a-bitch."

"Yeah," Mike said, wondering if that was the case, "sure we will. Good night, sirs."

Before either Ryker or Taggert could reply, Mike hung up. Now, he had to go face his wife and try to answer questions he didn’t think he had answers to.

When he entered the bedroom, Mike was surprised to find Jill had fallen asleep. A reprieve, he thought. Until tomorrow, at least.


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