DISCLAIMER: The characters are the property of Viacom and Spelling/Goldberg. The story is pure me and my psycho tendencies. No infringement is intended. All is intended is for readers to enjoy.

Author: Leslie Agostino  (leslieago@netzero.net)

Title: INTO THE SHADOWS -- Part Six

Timeline: This story takes place in the third season shortly after the episode Cliffy

Summary: The Danko’s become targets of a crazed killer and the rookies race against time to catch him.

Terry and Chris looked at Mike. "How is she really?" Chris asked.

"She was okay until I asked her what Toscano said to her. Then she put what we were talking about earlier together with his trash and came up with four.

"To top it off, Toscano called. Twice and admitted he was going to kill her."

"Did you ask him if he was…"

"I laid it flat out. He was impressed. Said he picked the right cop after all. And the perfect sacrifice."

"He admitted to that?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. He said it’s for his Master. What goes on in the minds of people like him? As long as I live I’ll never understand this dude. All I know is, I want to see Jill smile again. I want to give her back her life."

"What about you, Mike?"

"I’m okay, Chris. It’s Jill I’m worried about. She’s scared to death and nothing I say or do is helping."

"Mike, when was the last time you had a good night’s sleep?" Terry asked.

"What day is it? Look, Terry, I’m okay."

"Mike, you’re not gonna do Jill any good if you end up in the hospital."

"Terry’s right. You can’t keep this up."

"What am I suppose to do? Pretend this isn’t happening?"

"No," Terry said. "Take Ryker up on his offer. A leave of absence will do you a world of good."

"I’ll think about it."

Terry and Chris just looked at him. With a sigh, Mike said, "Tell you what. I’ll make a deal with you. If this woman, Toscano’s friend doesn’t show up by the end of duty tomorrow, I’ll take an extended leave."

"And if she doesn’t?" Terry asked.

"I see this to the end."

"Mike, what kind of deal is that?"

"Ryker said she is Toscano’s next of kin or something. She’ll know his hangouts. Terry, this could be over tomorrow."

"You don’t know that."

"You’re right, I don’t, but if I can give Jill just that much to hold on to, there’s a chance I can get her back. Otherwise, it won’t matter if Toscano goes after her or not. She’ll be completely over the edge and I’ll never reach her.

"I can’t lose her, Terry. Not like this. I can’t stand seeing the fear in her eyes. She’s struggling to keep it together. Trying to prove to me she can deal with this, but it’s a losing battle. I can’t be around her twenty-four hours a day. When she’s outta my sight…God, she’s not safe at the hospital, since that’s how he must be keeping an eye on her. Hell, she’s not even safe in our own apartment when I’m here."

Seeing the glances Terry and Chris exchanged, Mike explained, "Toscano was Jill’s delivery man when she received the flowers. Wanna know where I was? Taking a shower."

"Is she sure?" Terry asked.

"Positive. She saw his face. God, Terry, he could’ve…"

"But he didn’t."

"What about the next time? He told me the second time he called tonight, he wasn’t done putting her through hell. He wants her to suffer because she refused to talk to him. What more can he do to her?"

"With a guy like Toscano, who knows. Does Jill know about either of the calls?"

"She was here when he called, but I didn’t tell her what he said and she didn’t ask. So, please, unless you two can come up with some way to keep Jill safe, stop worrying about me."

"We can’t, Mike," Chris said. "We’re gonna help you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Jill won’t be going any where alone and neither will you."

"Thanks, but…"

"Don’t thank us or Ryker," Terry said. "It wasn’t our idea."

"Yeah," Chris said, sitting on one of the counter stools. "You see, it’s like this. A cop, who we all know and love, barged into Ryker’s office and started yelling at him, which under the circumstances, is perfectly natural. Well, unbeknownst to said cop, one of the older officers was walking by when he heard four words that made him stop and take notice. Terry, what were those words?"

Terry sat down next to him. "Got any more beer? This may be a long night."

"And getting longer by the minute," Mike muttered, opening the refrigerator.

Pulling out three beers, he handed two to Chris and Terry. Accepting the bottle, Terry opened it and said, "The four words were my wife, Toscano and stalking. Right, Chris?"

"Right. Anyway, after the angry cop left Ryker’s office, this older cop goes in and demands to know why Ryker isn’t doing something about what he was just told. Ryker said there was nothing he could do unless the cop or his wife ask for it.

"Older cop said, bull shit, since when did cops have to wait to help their fellow cops. Then he stormed out of Ryker’s office."

"Meanwhile," Terry said, "two handsome younger cops showed up and told Ryker their theory. They were in the middle of discussing it when Sergeant Older called Ryker to come out."

"When he did," Chris said, "along with the two handsome cops, they were surprised to see around half a dozen fellow cops waiting. The older cop explained, in no uncertain terms, that as long as Toscano was out there, the angry cop and his wife got shadows. Volunteered, these cops did. Anyway, the older cop said, if Ryker had a problem he could take all their badges and shove ‘em where the sun don’t shine."

"Which could be quite painful," Terry added. "Ryker told them to do it. Not shove the badges, but the body guarding. Then, he turned to the two handsome cops and told them they had hospital detail. So, you’re covered and Jill’s covered."

"Whether you want it or not," the two guys said, in unison.

Mike stared at them. They were giving him a headache.

"Just one question," he said.

"What?" Chris and Terry said, in unison.

"I figured out who the two ‘handsome’ cops are." Mike rolled his eyes. "That’s painfully obvious, but who was the ‘older’ cop?"

"You won’t believe it," Terry said.

Mike sighed. This was going to be a long night. "Terry, is this gonna be another ten minute explanation? ‘Cause if it is…"


Mike blinked. Did he hear his friend right? "Buck Sanborn?"

"The one and only."

"I thought he hated my guts. Why would he…"

"I asked him that. All he said was this was his way of saying he’s sorry for what happened. You want a better explanation, ask him."

"I’ll pass." Mike sipped his beer. "So, when does all this start?"

"Tonight. Buck wrote up the schedule and he’s taking the first watch."

"He’s out there now?"

"Go take a look."

Mike went to the balcony doors, opened them and stepped out. Sanborn was parked across the street and when he saw Mike, he gave the younger man a salute with this coffee cup. Mike stepped back inside and closed the doors.

"Tell him I said thanks," he said.

"We will. So, you can stop worrying about Jill. She’ll be perfectly safe."

"Absolutely," Chris said, "and as of tomorrow you and Jill have the same schedule. Which means you can drop her off and pick her up."

"Now that I can work with," Mike said. "But, why didn’t Ryker tell me this?"

"We asked him not to," Terry said. "I knew as soon as you cooled off, you’d accept the help. If it came from Ryker…"

"I would’ve turned it down flat. They really volunteered?"

"All of us. And Buck’s gonna try and get a couple of more. Just to be on the safe side."


"Are you kidding?" Chris said. "You and Jill, you’re family. Besides, why should you have all the fun?"

"Chris, this is…"

"We know," Terry said. "We also know you don’t need to go through this alone. Since you’re too pig-headed to accept help, we decided not to leave you any choice."

Mike grinned. "Pig-headed about sums it up. Thanks, I appreciate it and I know Jill will too."

"So, does this mean you’re gonna stop worrying and take care of yourself?"

"If you’re asking me, am I gonna let my guard down, not on your life. However, I can sleep easier tonight."

"Then go get some. But eat something first. We’ll show ourselves out."

With that, Terry and Chris left the apartment. After closing the door, Chris turned to Terry and asked, "What’s the beef Sanborn has with Mike?"

"It’s a long story so if you’ve got the time and the beer, I’ll tell ya."

"It’s a deal."

With that, Chris and Terry headed for Chris’ apartment.

After they left, Mike locked and bolted the door then he went to the refrigerator for something to eat.

Picking out an apple, he bit into it as he sat at the counter. Mike thought about the last few days and couldn’t believe one routine call could mess up a life.

He knew now it could’ve been any cop and wished it had been just so he wouldn’t have to see the fear in Jill’s eyes. He loved her so much. All Mike wanted to was keep her safe.

Mike was grateful to Sanborn as well as Terry and Chris. Even if he couldn’t watch out for her twenty-four hours a day she would be well protected.

All thanks to Sanborn, Mike thought. I wonder why.

Terry had told him to ask the guy. Maybe after all this is over, Mike would do just that.

Mike finished off the apple and got up to toss it into the garbage. Turning off the lights, he headed for the bedroom.

As he entered, he saw Jill was in the grip of a nightmare.

He sat down beside her and said, "Jill?"

But Jill wasn’t hearing him as she mumbled, "No. Oh God, no!" Suddenly, she sat straight up and screamed, "Mike!"

He reached out and pulled her into his arms. "It’s okay, baby," Mike said. "I’m here. It’s okay."

Jill sobbed into his shoulders as he gently rubbed her back. "Don’t ever leave me, Mike. Please don’t ever leave."

"I’m not going any where, baby. That’s a promise." Mike held her as her sobs quieted down.

Gently he laid her down on the bed and pulled the covers up around her chin.

As he started to get up, Jill grabbed his arm. "Please, Mike, don’t go. Stay with me."

Mike sat back down on the bed and brushed the hair from her face. "Want to talk about it? The dream I mean?"

"No. I never want…Mike, it was awful. It seemed so real."

"It wasn’t, babe. Just a nightmare, that’s all it was. Hell, I’d be surprised if you didn’t have them after the day you’ve just had. Talking about it might help."

Jill just looked at him with her dark eyes wide with fear. Finally, she said, "You wouldn’t believe me."

"Baby, it was a nightmare. Why wouldn’t I believe it?"

Jill shrugged. "I don’t know. If you weren’t going through this, if it was just me Toscano was after, would you believe anyone could be doing this?"

"Baby, I love you. I would believe anything you told me."

Jill sat up. She traced a line down his jaw. When she finally looked at him, he saw the tears in her eyes.

"Talk to me, baby," he said, taking her hand and kissing it. "Let me in."

Jill hesitated, trying to put her dream into words. Finally, she said, "I see them, Mike. Nicole, Alex. Even the two girls I never met. It’s as if I’m there. I…I want to help them, but I can’t reach them. They’re too far away."

"Do you see him?"

"Yes. And he’s laughing, saying I’m next and to watch what he does. But, I…" Jill swallowed.

The rest of the dream was terrifying. She didn’t know how Mike would react if she told him.

Seeing Jill’s hesitation, Mike said, "It’s okay, baby, you don’t have to…"

"I need to, Mike. I don’t even want to see…The nightmare changes and I’m in our apartment. You’re sleeping on the couch, but you seem so far away. As I get closer there’s something wrong. I don’t see what it is at first, but…"

Mike pulled her into his arms. He knew where this was leading and he didn’t want her to re-live it.

"Baby, don’t," he said, as she started crying.

"There was so much blood, Mike and seeing you like that. I wanted to die."

"It’s okay, baby," Mike said. "It was just a nightmare. I’m fine and nothing’s gonna happen to me. Okay?"

"It was so real, Mike. I didn’t…"

Mike gently pulled away to look at her. "It wasn’t real, Jill. Toscano isn’t going to get near either of us again. I promise."

"How can you stop him, Mike? He can be watching us right now and…"

Mike stood up and took Jill’s hand. He had to assure her everything was going to be all right from here on out.

"Come with me," Mike said. "There’s something I want you to see."

Jill let Mike lead her out of the bedroom to the living room where he opened the sliding glass door. Stepping out onto the balcony, he pointed to Sanborn’s car.

"We’ve got bodyguards," he said.


"Buck Sanborn at the moment. Not sure who it’ll be tomorrow night but where ever we go, we won’t be alone."

"Buck Sanborn? Really? Why?"

"Yes, yes and remind me to ask him. In that order."

Jill smiled and Mike was relieved. It was the first real smile she had shown in days. There was hope yet.

Leading the way back inside, Mike closed and locked the doors. Pulling her into his arms, he said, "When you look over your shoulder tomorrow don’t be surprised to see Chris and Terry. They pulled hospital duty."

Jill was relieved but she had to know. "Why, Mike?" she asked. "I mean, I know why with Chris and Terry, but Sanborn?"

"I honestly don’t know, baby. All I know is, it was his idea. And I’m grateful as hell. Now, our world is just a little safe."

Jill reached up and kissed him. "Thank you," she said.

"For what?"

"For having terrific people for friends. I think I can finally get some sleep tonight."

Mike kissed her passionately. "Know what? Me, too."


The next morning, a young woman in her mid-twenties entered the precinct. She looked nervous as she approached the desk.

"Can I help you?" Sergeant Older asked.

"I’m looking for Lieutenant Ryker."

"He’s in a briefing at the moment. He should be out in a couple of minutes if you care to wait."

"I guess I can do that."

"May I tell him what this is regarding?"

"Nick Toscano. I got a note stuck to my door regarding him. Did he do something…"

"Ma’am, if you wait right here, I’ll get Ryker."

As Older hurried away down the hallway, the woman muttered, "Not a problem, I guess."

Older entered the muster room as Ryker was saying. "That’s it. Check your pin maps. Dismissed. Danko, I would like to see you for a minute."

As Mike made his way to Ryker, the Lieutenant looked at Older and said, "What is it, Older?"

"There’s a lady at the desk who got your message about Toscano. She’s waiting to see you."

"Get Taggert down here. Danko, want to sit in on this?"

"You better believe it," Mike replied. "Is that why you wanted to see me?"

"No, Danko. Wanted to see you because I’m concerned about you and Jill."

"We’re getting there. Thanks to Sanborn. Lieutenant, do you know…"

"Why he volunteered? You’ll have to ask him. Now, let’s see if we can end yours and Jill’s nightmare."

"Yes, sir."

Mike followed Ryker and Older out of the room and down the hall where he saw a woman a few years older than Jill sitting on a bench watching them, warily.

She stood up as Older approached and made the introductions.

"I’ll get Taggert down here," Older said. "You can use room two."

"Tell him to meet us there. Danko. Ms…"

"Lanie Galina. Melanie actually," the woman replied. "Look, what did Nick do?"

Ryker opened the door to interview room two and Lanie entered and sat down in a chair. Mike entered and stood by the door as Ryker sat down.

"While we wait for Taggert," Ryker said, "can I get you anything? Coffee, tea?"

"A cup of coffee would be nice," Lanie said, as she watched Mike studying her.

"Danko, get the lady a cup of coffee," Ryker ordered.

"Yes, sir." Mike left the room as Taggert entered. Sitting a few seats away he introduced himself.

"Does that cop have to be in here?" Lanie asked. "He’s making me nervous."

"Yes, he does," Ryker said. "This concerns him a lot more than the rest of us. You see, your friend, Toscano, is terrorizing his wife. He wants answers so he’s not going any where until he gets them."

"Fine, but does he have to look at me like that?"

"I’m not goin’ to bite," Mike said, as he placed a pot of coffee on the table. "I apologize if I make you nervous."

"Danko," Ryker snapped, "sit, shut up and listen. In that order."

"Yes, sir."

Mike sat down, trying not to stare at her. He was finding it very difficult. The woman was beautiful. How could she be connected to a lunatic like Toscano, he wondered.

"First, what can you tell us about Toscano?" Ryker asked.

"What did he do? Answer my question, Lieutenant and I’ll answer yours."

"He’s responsible for four murders, harassing a police officer, stalking and harassing said police officer’s wife."

"It’s in all the papers," Mike said. "Maybe you read about it."

"No," Lanie replied. "I’ve been out of town until this morning. Damn, he actually…"

"He actually what?" Ryker prodded.

"Lieutenant, I’ve known Nick for almost twenty years. He’s had problems and isn’t a saint, so you have to understand something. When he got back from Vietnam, they did something to him. He never talked about it and I never asked. All he would say about those two years was God destroyed his life and Satan saved it. He felt he owed Satan.

"At first, it was all talk. At least, that’s what I thought. But, the more he talked about it…"

"About what?" Taggert asked, jotting down notes.

"The perfect sacrifice. An offering up to his God to show his loyalty. That’s all he would talk about. That and turning someone."

"Turning someone?" Ryker asked, exchanging looks with the two other cops. "Explain that."

"To the dark side. If he could find someone who was in a word, good, and turned him to the devil, Nick believed Satan would protect him for the rest of his life."

"Jill," Mike muttered. "Would that be why he’s stalking my wife?"

"Sure. If she’s the opposite of what evil is, absolutely. Either that, or he’s targeted her for sacrifice."

"And you listened to this?" Ryker asked, shocked. "Why didn’t you come to us?"

"I didn’t think he was serious. Before he left for ‘Nam the third time, Nick wouldn’t have hurt a fly."

"What changed your mind?" Mike asked.

"I don’t know." Lanie thought about the last few conversations she’d had with Nick. "His eyes," she replied. "They are completely dead. There’s no life, light or anything. It’s like, he’s not there any more. You know what I mean? It scared the hell out of me. If I had gone to you guys, would you have believed me?"

Mike looked at Ryker and Taggert and knew the answer. There was no way the two older men would’ve believe anything she had to say about Toscano. And even if they did, they couldn’t do anything about it. There was no evidence at the time. It was Lanie’s word against Toscano’s. But, at least it would’ve been on record, if Miss Galina had come forward. Maybe the last three women would still be alive.

"Where can we find him, Miss Galina?" Ryker asked.

"I’m not sure. I think he’s living at the beach. I can get in touch with him. Get an exact address. On one condition."

"What’s that?"

"That he won’t get hurt. No matter what he’s done…"

"What he’s done, Miss Galina," Mike said, "was butcher two women and shoot and kill two more before them. All in the space of less than a week."

"Danko," Ryker warned.

Mike rose to his feet, his eyes flashing in anger. "No, Lieutenant, she has the right to know. Toscano is insane. He’s raped four women. Maybe more. Two of the women I just mentioned, were friends of my wife, who he has now targeted. Don’t expect any sympathy from me because what ever happens to him, isn’t by far close to the hell he’s put my wife through."

Without another word, Mike left the room, slamming the door behind him. He wanted to call Jill. Hell, he needed to call her, if only to hear her voice.

He headed for the locker room, not caring what Ryker said or did when he caught up with him.

Meanwhile, back in the interrogation room, Ryker said, "I want to apologize for my officer’s…"

"Don’t," Lanie said. "I can understand how he’s feeling. Now that I think about it, I should’ve come to you. If I had…Look, let me call Nick. He doesn’t know I’m back in town. I can meet him somewhere…"

"Will you agree to wear a wire?" Taggert asked. "This way we can pull…"

"No. No wires. He trusts me. Nick knows I wouldn’t betray him. All I’m after is his address. That’s all you’re going to get."

"Miss Galina…" Ryker started to say.

"No, Lieutenant. He’s not going to know I betrayed him."

"He has murdered nine women, Miss Galina. He is terrorizing a friend of mine and a cop. If you want to help him…"

Lanie rose to her feet. She’d had enough. "Take it or leave it, Lieutenant."

"You could be next! Don’t you see that?"

"Lieutenant, what hair color did those women, he supposedly killed, have?"

Ryker rolled his eyes. "Except for the last victim, they were brunettes. Why?"

"In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a red-head and yes, it’s all natural. Nick hates brunettes."

"The last victim was a blond. Why does he hate brunettes?"

"I have no idea. Probably a mother fixation. Look, you want the address or not?"

"We’ll take it," Taggert said.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. Handing it to her, he said, "Call me. As soon as possible."

"Okay. I will."

After the woman left, Ryker looked at Taggert. "I hope you know what you’re doing," he said.

"Eddie," Taggert said, "you and I both know we can’t force her to do more than she’s doing. If she can tell us where he lives, I’ll get a search warrant. Even if she doesn’t help us more than that, right now, it’s more than we can ask for."

"Then what?"

"Then we sit on his house and watch him like a hawk. Eddie, right now that’s all we can do."

Ryker rose to his feet. "You better hope we catch this guy. I don’t know how much more Danko, not to mention his wife, can take."

"I hear you. Let’s hope all the evidence we need will be at the house. Eddie, it all can end tonight."

"I hope so. I’m going to check on Danko."

Ryker left the room. He had a feeling he knew where he would find Mike. He headed straight for the locker room.

Meanwhile, in the locker room, Mike put a dime into the pay phone and dialed the hospital.

When it was picked up, he said, "This is Mike Danko. I would like to speak to Jill Danko."

A few minutes later, Jill came on the line. "Hello?"

Mike could hear the hesitation in her voice. He ignored it. "Hi, babe."

Jill was relieved. She didn’t think she could handle Toscano. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at Chris, who was watching her closely.

"It’s okay," Jill said to him. Turning back to the phone, she said, "Hi, sweetheart. Are you okay?"

"I am now," Mike replied, with a smile. "I just needed to hear your voice."

"Did that girl come in?"

"Yeah. I don’t know how much good she’ll be, but, I’m gonna keep my fingers crossed. I love you, baby."

"I love you, too. Will you be able to stop by for lunch?"

"I’ll try. Want me to call you?"

"Yeah, I’d like that. Mike?"


"I really do love you."

"I know. See ya later."


Mike hung up, turned around and almost stepped on Ryker’s foot.

"Sorry, Lieutenant," Mike said.

"For what, Danko?"

"My behavior in the interrogation room."

"Don’t apologize. Before she left I felt like showing her the pictures you dropped off. Who knows, maybe I still will."

Mike felt a knot in the pit of his stomach. Leaning against the wall, he said, "She’s not going to help, is she?"

"She will get his address, but that’s the extent of her involvement. Miss Galina will not betray Toscano."

"The man’s a butcher, Lieutenant! Doesn’t she realize that?"

"He is also her friend and she wants to protect him. What would you do?"

"You don’t want to know. Okay, say she does get his address, what then?"

"Danko, we will go to his house with a warrant…"

"There’s no way a judge is going to issue Taggert a warrant. What evidence do we have besides the word of a cop, his wife and a few photographs?"

"I show the District Attorney those, maybe we’ll get somewhere."

"And maybe, someday, we can all ice skate in Hell. It’s our word against his. How…"


Mike pushed himself off the wall. "He broke into the apartment yesterday. His prints could be there. Plus, Jill has seen him."

"At the hospital?"

"No. Outside our front door. He was Jill’s delivery man." Seeing the confused look on Ryker’s face, Mike explained, "Two days ago, she received a dozen black roses. Yesterday I showed her the composite of Toscano. She insists he was her deliveryman. She’ll swear to it."

"All right. That’s a start. I’ll have Taggert send a couple of detectives to your place. We just might get lucky. When was the last time Jill cleaned the apartment?"

"Top to bottom, Saturday. The only prints that should be there besides mine and Jill’s is Terry and Chris. Yours too."

Okay. I doubt Toscano wore gloves since he believes Satan is protecting him. If there’s a trace of him in your apartment, that may be all the proof we need for a judge to issue a warrant. We’ll pick him up on breaking and entering. That should get us into his place."

"And if it doesn’t?"

"One step at a time, Danko. One step at a time."

As Ryker started to walk away, Mike said, "Lieutenant, do you think Miss Galina would meet with Jill?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"I figure if Galina could speak with her, see what Toscano is doing to her, to us, she’ll change her mind about her involvement."

"I’ll see what I can do."

"Thank you, sir."

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