I finally updated magical toothpaste! Did I mention I love feedback? ;[
Thinking of fanfic today. Opening files and getting all situated to write. I'm in a mood. But I have plans to go see the Matrix tonight so we'll see what I get accomplished. But Toothpaste is on my brain. Luv ya!
Letting you know I have not forgotten you all. I do have the next chapter of Magical Toothpaste started and hope to get it all out by Christmas. It's my senior year of college here at MSU so it's been crazy but I promise I will get it out. Thanks for your patience and all your emails. ^^ Oh, and don't be afraid to send me more lovely emails. ^_^
Some con pics mingled with some people from my dorm. (Just putting them up in order for now)
Just got back from the Buffy Convention in Cleveland. Will give a long report later. But for any people I met at the con email me at buffy_freak_for_spike@hotmail.com
Especially if anybody has a tape of the day from Sunday so I can bum a copy (will send blank tape and postage to you). I so want Andy's hilarious rant and James monologue.
I've been updating a lot this month. I just haven't been updating the updating :sheepish: But anyway, want to add some new features. More screencaps, cast bios, the story so far, episode reviews and names. But been kinda busy. Did update Magical Toothpaste though. Whoohoo. More to come as well. I'm finally getting over Dane more. My ex. It's in my blog a bit though I keep most of that stuff buried deep inside in a coffin lined with crosses. Also spring break is this next week so maybe I'll be able to relax and think of stuff. We can only hope. This prevents me walking into heavily populated areas wearing a trench coat and carrying a mysterious suitcase.........Does anybody read Johnny? Or rather Nny? (We're on good terms.)
I've donated. Have you?
Crap Becky! I forgot. And now I have homework. I'll get to it this week I promise. Look for "Fangirls", coming soon.
Hey babies. K, I haven't updated fic in a long, long time. I'm a awful, bad girl. Anyway, life was hectic and I was really concerned with the suckiness of the site. Now that the site is all pretty I can switch back to content and I will. Especially now that my love life is also back to non-existent. *deep, deep, sigh* But I always have Spike. He's my sweetie babe. (Note: feel free to take that last comment as whiny and pouty. I'm sure it was.)
Pay no attentin to my blog btw, I just realized I haven't updated it in a year. OMG. Anyway, I changed the layout. Don't you love it? I do! Need to work on fic again. Feel free to kick me in the ass any day now. ^_^
Posted a new chap for Break Me.
Posted chapters 15 and 16 of Magical Toothpaste. Please drop me a review/email at buffy_freak_for_spike@hotmail.com but hopefully the little form thingy will work. Hope you like it, and hope to hear from you!
Hey folks! Thanks for following me on my ever evolving journey into web design. I feel I've made a great leap into the better realm of websites today with this new layout. Cor I'll think it's crap in about a month and have something new. But for now I'm pleased as punch!...Can punch be pleased?...Anyway, I did this nifty new layout, made my first photo manipulation (sorry, be kind), and made a new button for this new layout. I suck at buttons. Is there a trick to making them look so clear? Could someone tell me? Actually this button's not half bad and if you want to link to me sign my g-book so I can link back to you! ^_^
Speaking of that "Vampire's Kiss" is now in my links page under Shiny New Buttons and she has put some of my fic up on that site. It's quite cool, she has a lot of awesome fic girls in her little archive.
I am also putting up some random things I've collected, tested, and joined.
Later all,
Whoohoo! Updated Magical Toothpaste. Please read and review peeps.
I updated Magical Toothpaste yesterday. Yay! Ummm, more to come. Please send me a review through e-mail or sign my guestbook with it. Thanks.
Started on the new layout. What do you think? Is the blue to light to read? What doooo you think?
Site Under Major Construction (obviously)
Getting so tired of this layout. Will work on it soon. More rounded about me stuff and less Buffy stuff except for more fic soon.
Will be adding this to the menu bar soon along with some more to my blog. It still needs some tweaking.
me has moved
I have much to do on the site but am just not feeling in the mood. Hohum. I need to update a few links for my cliques, which i've been meaning to make a popup but can't get it to bloody well work right. Anyway if anyone wants to check out my german homework I made a webpage within this one. But if you do check it out you have to click the back button to get back because there's no link back to this part of the website. Umwelt . Keep in mind I hate German class with a passion.
Too tired to post tonight. New chapter of Magical Toothpaste is done and will be up tomorrow. ^_^
Whoohooo! New chapter of Magical Toothpaste. Finally. Bad me.
*turns around and calls over shoulder* "Spike, I've been naughty. Come discipline me, please?"
Oh and check out this message board. I love it and am there all the time now. James Martsters Message Board
Added an article my grandma scanned and emailed to me. It's from the March or April issue of Seventeen Magazine.
I finally updated Magical Toothpaste. Thanks to all those lovely peeps who have continued to send me feedback asking when I'd get a new chapter out. Sorry but I've been dealing with my damn life and have been sick. I went through a deep personal experience that probably changed my life forever. I'm still dealing.
Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry I didn't update yesterday but life has thrown me a couple curveballs recently. Anyway, since bravenet was down I lost about a hundred hits and a guestbook entry. I'm so sad. Guestbook entries are rare, damn it! Back to Buffy issues. I liked the ep last night and am looking forward to the ramifications. Am working on next chap for Magical Toothpaste.
Added a buttload of pics to my image gallery. Mostly screen caps from this season. Added a new chap to Love's Bitch. I will be on hiatus for about a week or two so there won't be any new chaps for awhile. It's Spring Break and I have no internet at home.
I got this and I have to put it somewhere. For now I'll just leave it here cause I am so proud of it. I am SO Cordelia. I totally recommend this test. It's pretty good.
moved to blog
I updated Love's Bitch. Added a bunch of new buttons to the link to me page and added a whole bunch of pics (screen caps actually) to my image gallery. I always love feedback on the site or my fics, especially since the new layout.
Launched the new version with the Tabula Rasa theme today. Am very happy and excited with the new layout. Am now going to concentrate on adding more content and getting back to my writing which has kinda been on the backburner during my site crisis. Am openly weeping after tonight's episode. wah! :'( But I did post two new chaps to Love's Bitch due to my sparked emotions. If you want an update in your email join my mailing list. Plus it'd give me a happy. Two birds with one stone!
Been kinda sick so I haven't updated the site like I want to. I did start a deadjournal though so if you feel like reading it just head over to http://www.deadjournal.com and look me up. Yup, it's still sarahvampgrl.
Ok, wow. It has been a crazy couple of days of updating. Whew! I cleaned up a lot of little glitches and the site should now be pretty...well...presentable on all resolution screens. And I made the menu along the side neat and uniform on every page after spending a frustraing, caffeine-riddled day finding out it is not me that cannot do frames. It is angelfire. Arghh! I've gotten an affiliate/family member in the form of my mentor site Destructo-girl.com who is helping me check my code and providing support and reference. Huggies all around for her. ^_^ I've also joined a bunch more cliques as you saw on the entry page. Some might even say I've gone clique crazy but those people would be wrong. I also switched to a bravenet counter and gb since the ones provided for me sucked and were unreliable. And there is now a mailing list you can join on my fanfiction page and be informed when I get new chapters/fiction posted here. Let's see...what else...what else. Oh! Ooh! Pamela made me a button which is actually a proper size. I am so excited! Plus the only two eps I don't have on tape are airing tonight. My season collection so far will be complete! Mwahahahahah!
p.s. I did update a new chapter of Magical Toothpaste. You guys like that one right? *winks and grins lasciviously at you*
Yay! It's tuesday and Buffy is on tonight! The other day I bought the Billy Idol CD cause he reminds me of punk Spike. Plus I got my Spike doll I bought on Ebay. I'm so very, very obsessed.
I posted yet another new chap on Love's Bitch. Oh and check out the pic I made at the bronze. (you can get there by clicking Remember Joyce)
I posted new chapters for both Magical Toothpaste and Love's Bitch.
Sorry I didn't post the new chaps like I promised I would. My computer totally crashed so I'm in webgirl hell. I didn't even get to post yesterday which sucked cause I always try to on Tuesday. Anyway, my girl B made me a kickass banner and I will be adding a blog and episode rant to the site soon. To all you lovely webmistresses out there, could you please sign my gb with tips, thoughts, or whatever. I need your stylish info. ^_^
Hey, I saw the first preview for "Queen of the Damned" and it looked AWESOME! Can't wait for that movie! Added "Angel's Soul..." to my rant and theories page. Check it out, mwahhahah!
I added a new chap, 'His Girls', to "Love's Bitch." Hope you guys like it and send me feedback. The important part is the feedback. How'd I do with Dru and how'd I do with Spike?
Added a bunch more linkies and joined some fanlistings. I just have so much love to give! I will be getting back to writing soon. So what do you think I should work on next? LB, MT, or maybe exercise one of the numerous plot bunnies I have running around my brain for my missing moments series?