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Save Friday Night

NBC breaking news!!! NBC is bringing back "Later." The show was replaced with SCTV for the past year, and now it is back with Carson Daly (TRL) hosting. Could this be a sign of Friday Night possibly coming back anytime soon? Later returns in January.

UGH!!! My e-mail is down. If you have something to say, use the guestbook, and I'll try to get back to you ASAP.

Rita Sever is now an entertainment reporter fir the syndicated news show Extra!

Click here if interested in a boycott of "Late Friday."
Click here For some info on Friday Night's replacement "Late Friday."

I have a new guestbook. Please do sign!

For all who are interested, there is a "Friday Night Club." Every Friday night when the show is suppose to be on, we meet and discuss the good times. The address is
Hope to see you there!!!

The reviews are in. Late Friday sucks!!! Maybe this will be a good sign!

As you may have already heard, NBC's long running late night series Friday Night has been cancelled. This campaign is to do everything it can to help bring back the show, and prevent NBC from making a TERRIBLE mistake!!!

Firday Night originated as Friday Night Videos back in 1983. In 1994, the show's name was shortened to just Friday Night. Since April 1996, Rita Sever has been the full time host.

Friday Night came on at 1:35am on NBC on Friday night (or Saturday morning). The shows includes music videos, viewer's polls, video parodies, movie reviews, just about everything an Entertainment show needs. In 7 years, Friday Night's ratings are the highest ever and NBC has decided to pull the plug. This is not right!!!

We really need your help to save this show. Please send your feedback to NBC here or e-mail them at I am doing everything I can. Now it's your turn.

You can also write to Friday Night at:

Friday Night
3000 West Alameda Avenue
Burbank California, 91523

Please sign the guestbook saying you were here and you support this cause!

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

NBC Website
Official Friday Night Homepage
Rita Sever website
