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Trivia Quiz

I'm startin you off with some fairly easy questions! Good Luck!

Send me you answers and your email address in an email to me, and I will email
you asap to let you know how you did! If you ace the quiz, I will send you the code for my award!

1. What is the name of the coffe house where the gang hangs out?
A) Starbucks
B) Central Perk
C) Friends Cafe
D) New York Coffee

2. Which one of the Friends has never lived in the purple apartment?
A) Chandler
B) Rachel
C) Phoebe
D) Ross

3. What was the name of Rachel's pet dog?
A) Chi Chi
B) Le Poo
C) Fi Fi

4. Where do Ross and Rachel share their first kiss?
A) In Rachel's apartment
B) In Central Perk
C) At the Museum
D) In the laundramat

5. What name did Phoebe choose for the third triplet?
A) Chandler
B) Frank
C) Joey
D) Ross

6. What is the name of Chandler and Joey's chick?
A) Yasmine
B) Snuggles
C) Fluffy
D) Janice

7. What is the name of the man who used to live underneath Monica and
Rachel's apartment?
A) Mrs. Tribiani
B) Mr. Treager
C) Mr. Louis
D)Mr. Heckles

8. Which of these girls has Ross never married
A) Carol
B) Susan
C) Rachel
D) Emily

9. What size shoe does Joey wear?
A) 7
B) 9
C) 11
D) 13

10. What was the name of the manager of Central Perk at the beginning of the series?
A) Mark
B) Terry
C) Guenther
D) Sebastian

I hope you enjoyed the quiz! If you would like to see how you did, copy the quiz into an email,
and send it to me with your answers, I will let you know as soon as I can how you did. Thanks for

I will try to have a different quiz each month! So please come back!
