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USS Voyager

Launched in the year 2171, USS Voyager was the first in the Intrepid Class starships, carrying the distinct feature of bio-neural circuitry, actual gelpacks of synthesized tissue that enabled faster reaction. Commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway, its purpose was a 3-week mission into a previously unexplored region known as the Badlands, frought with plasma storms, to catch a notorious Maquis ship, commanded by the Federation's second-most-wanted in the galaxy, Chakotay. However, during their journey Voyager was pulled 70,000 light-years from home into the Delta Quadrant, along with the Maquis ship they had been sent to apprehend. With several key members lost in the cataclysmic jump, Janeway and Chakotay had little choice but to integrate their crews onto Voyager, and start the long trip toward home. Presumed lost until the year 2174, when by the grace of a Hirogen (species native to the Delta Quadrant) relay network, they were able to transmit their holographic EMH AK-1 into the Alpha Quadrant, and confirm the fact that they are now alive. Still heading towards home, they have encountered species previously unknown such as the Kazon, Hirogen, Vidiians, Krenim, and Species 8472, as well as sailing right through the heart of Borg territory. Presently through such aides as a "space catapult", subspace corridors, slipstream technology (something that destroyed them, leaving First Officer Chakotay and young Ensign Kim to repair and restore not only the timeline but their crewmate's lives) and a Borg transwarp conduit, they have cut nearly 35 years from their journey.

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