
(Hyperion – Day – Angel’s Office)
Wesley: This won't be easy for any of us, Angel. You're going to have to change your behavior. Engage your co-workers from time to time. (Angel is sitting behind his desk, looking up at Wesley who is pacing in front of it while lecturing him.) Be sensitive to their feelings, their opinions, especially before you take some action one might construe as - oh, let's just call it insane. It goes a long way to show you - appreciate and respect them. (He drops out of his lecturing tone.) This is torture for you, isn't it?
Angel: Yes.
Wesley: Good. I think that's all for now.
Angel: Okay. Well, you know, I think I'll - I'll just, you know, sit and absorb it all. (Wesley looks at him then glances around the office then back at Angel. Angel glances around the office then spreads his hands and gets up out of the chair.) Somewhere else. Not here. I mean, this is - your office - now. Yeah, I just, um, I'll get out of your hair.
(Angel walks towards the door without looking at Wesley.)
Wesley: You're sure about this.
Angel: Absolutely. (He turns to face Wesley.) You know what? I work for you. (Slides the doors behind him apart.) I just need to find a place for me to...
(Angel turns and sees Cordelia adding a few pencils to the cup sitting on top of a little folding table next to her desk.)
Wesley: I took the liberty of providing you with a new working space.
Angel: Great.
Wesley: And I'd love a cup of coffee.
Angel: (with a laugh) That's, that's very funny.
(Wesley slides the doors to his new office shut in Angel's face. Angel turns around to look at Cordelia and Gunn.)
Cordelia: Two sugars in mine.
Gunn: Mocha cappuccino here.
(Both of them walk off, leaving Angel standing there alone.)
Angel: Man. Atonement's a bitch.

(Park – Night)
(Two teenagers are sitting in a parked car, listening to music, talking and kissing. A hooded figure watches them from the bushes, then walks closer. The girl breaks away from the guy with a scream as the hooded figure smashes the driver's side window in.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Gunn slaps a mace into the palm of his hand, then drops it into a box full of weapons. He picks the box up and walks away as Wesley comes up from behind the counter and drops some ring-binders on it. Cordelia walks by in the background, carrying a box of papers. Angel comes down the stairs. Wesley looks at him and Angel slows, looks around. Wesley cocks his head towards Cordelia. Angel shifts his feet then moves towards Cordelia while Wesley looks back down with a slight smile.)
Angel: Uh...
Cordelia: (looking through the papers in her box, her back to Angel) Don't.
Angel: Don't?
Cordelia: You're gonna start trying to make small talk, get all stammery. Don't. You might strain yourself.
(Angel looks over towards Wesley, who looks back at him over his shoulder. Angel turns back towards Cordelia.)
Angel: I just wanted to know how you were. Are. I mean, we really haven't had a chance... (Cordelia picks up the box and Angel reaches for it.) Here let me get that for you.
Cordelia: It's okay.
Angel: Nah, I'd be glad to.
Cordelia: (holds the box away from him) I've got it.
(Angel throws another look at Wesley, but Wesley's back remains turned towards them.)
Angel: Okay.
(He steps back, shifting from foot to foot, and looks around. Cordelia sets the box down and comes to stand in front of him.)
Cordelia: You wanna know how I am? Tired mostly - with sweaty running a close second. I'm also jazzed. Can't wait to get our business up and sputtering again - ready to help those helpless. But, just so we understand each other - you and I? We're not friends.
(Wesley throws a glance over his shoulder in their direction. Angel looks down, doesn't try to help Cordelia as she picks the box up again. He tries to meet her eyes as she is about to walk past him. Suddenly her face scrunches up as she is hit by a vision. Letting the box drop, Angel grabs a hold of her arms and eases her down onto a chair.)
Angel: Wesley.
(Blurry vision of the two kids being dragged out through the shattered car windows. Wesley is leaning over Cordelia, with Angel hovering just behind him and Gunn leaning on the other side of Cordelia's desk.)
Cordelia: Okay, she's screaming. They're pulling her from a car. Guys in robes. Blue robes. (More blurry vision flashes.) They're taking - people and, and, whoa, big bird.
Gunn: Big bird?
Cordelia: Not the muppet, you dumb ass.
Wesley: Where's the car, Cordelia?
Cordelia: Ah... Lafayette Park, near the fountain.
Wesley: Right. Let's move.
(Wesley and Gunn head out as Angel leans in closer to Cordelia.)
Angel: Are you, uh...
Cordelia: (leans away, holding up a hand) Fine.
Angel: You should, ah, take off. (Reaches for his jacket) I mean, ah, for the rest of the night. (Backs away from her to follow Wesley and Gunn) Go home. (Backs into one of the pillars, stumbles, then hurries towards the door.) Order - order Chinese.
(Cordelia watches Angel run out.)

(Time Lapse)
(Cordelia is turning off the lights on her way to leave the hotel. Slows and starts to look around the deserted lobby.)
Cordelia: (in a small voice) Hello? (louder) Hello?
(She turns around and lets out a scream when she finds Harmony standing only a few steps behind her on the landing to the entrance.)
Harmony: That's the way you greet an old friend?
(Cordelia screams again in a different tone.)
Cordelia: Harmony? (Harmony hurries down to her and they embrace.) Harmony! I don't believe it!
Harmony: (laughing) Yup. It's me.
(They break apart.)
Cordelia: Wow. I haven't seen you since.
.. Harmony: Our high school blew up.
Cordelia: Right. Right. Seems like a lifetime ago.
Harmony: Oh! For me, too, totally.
Cordelia: Wow. Look at you. You look - different.
Harmony: Hey, I'm not the same person I was back at Sunnydale High. - And you - you - you cut your hair!
Cordelia: (touches her hair) Yeah.
Harmony: Well, I think it looks adorable off your neck.
Cordelia: Thanks. I - was just, you know, looking for a change.
Harmony: Sure. Change. (Laughs) Change is good - sometimes. (Walks past Cordelia towards the counter.) So, this is where you do - whatever it is you do?
Cordelia: Detective Agency.
Harmony: Right. But - you're not a detective...
Cordelia: Uh, well, not me - technically, I'm... - Mostly, I manage things. The office.
Harmony: Huh. Sounds - rewarding.
Cordelia: So, what are you doing here in town? Business?
Harmony: No. No business. Play, play, play. Um, I just broke up with someone. Real smothering relationship. You know, the kind where they just can't live without you?
Cordelia: Oh, sure. That one. Hate that.
Harmony: I thought it would be a good time to come check out the L.A. nightlife, look up certain old friends.
Cordelia: You got a place to stay?
Harmony: You offering?
Cordelia: Do I have to say it?
Harmony: Yeah.
Cordelia: Okay, you're coming home with me. (Hugs her) I hope you don't mind the couch.

(Lafayette Park)
(Gunn, Angel and Wesley run up to the teenagers' car, see the doors hanging open, and the blood on the broken windows, but otherwise there is no one in sight. They stop, Wesley breathing hard and holding his side.)
Gunn: (looking around) Now what?
Wesley: We fan out. Gunn, search the area near the fountain. I'll take this path towards the picnic area. Angel, you...
(We can hear some faint screaming.)
Angel: Follow the screaming woman?
(They take of in the direction of the screams. A woman is struggling against a figure wearing a hooded green robe. Green Robe sees Gunn, Angel and Wesley running towards them. Picks up the woman and tosses her towards them. Angel catches the woman, while Gunn tackles Green Robe. Gunn pulls the hood back to reveal the rigged features of a vampire.)
Gunn: Now see? What you want to go hiding such a pretty face for?
(Gunn ducks under the vampire's swing then, holding on to the robe, hits the vampire with a hard right. The vampire struggles out of his robe and turns to run only to find himself face to face with Angel, stake at the ready. The vampire disappears in a cloud of dust. Angel looks at Gunn, but Gunn only lifts the robe as to wipe his face then lowers it again with a frown and walks over to where Wesley is trying to calm down the woman.)
Wesley: It's alright. It's over now. You'll be safe here.
Gunn: Cordelia said 'blue robes' didn't she?
Wesley: It was dark. Perhaps she was mistaken.
Angel: Hey, I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt before just condemning her like that, don't - you?
(Trails off as the other two look at him.)
Gunn: (to Wesley) I'll do another quick sweep. See if those blue boys are still around.
(Wesley notices a symbol sown onto the robe. A triangle with a snake forming the number two inside of it.)
Wesley: (showing it to Angel) Religious sect?
Angel: I don't know.
(Wesley pulls out his cell phone.)
Wesley: I'll put Cordelia on to it.
Angel: Um, - I-I gave her the night off.
Wesley: Did you?
Angel: Well, I though, you know, she looked so tired and - I mean, the vision took a lot out of her. Do-do you think, maybe, that I should - send her something? Some flowers maybe?
Wesley: Flowers.
Angel: Yeah, uh, to say, you know, 'thanks.' Um. 'Sorry about the migraines.' Um, you know, '-I appreciate you?'
Wesley: Yes, by all means. And uh, while you're at it pick me up one of those 'sorry you were shot in the gut' bouquets.
Angel: Right. Sorry.
Wesley: You can't buy back her trust, Angel, - or her affections.
Angel: She said, uh - she said we're not friends.
Wesley: I know. There is only one thing you can give her, Angel. And that's time. Cordelia has a lot of pain to work through.

(Cordelia’s Apartment)
(Cordelia is laughing her head off. She and Harmony are sitting on the couch in her apartment wearing house robes, their heads wrapped up in towels.)
Harmony: The cackle.
Cordelia: Remember in ninth grade remedial Spanish - Donnie something.
Harmony: Oh! Donnie Ray, yes.
Cordelia: That's him. He followed me everywhere.
(There is a half-empty bottle of red wine on the table and both of them have wine glasses in their hands.)
Harmony: Oh, oh, and he wrote that love song to you. How did it go?
Cordelia & Harmony: (singing) Oh, Cordeeelia, how I long to feel ya!
(They break into laughter.)
Cordelia: Eww!
Harmony: Oh, god. We totally ruled.
(They clink glasses.)
Cordelia: Yup, that we did.
Harmony: We were powerful, rich, popular.
Cordelia: None of that's changed for me - apart from the powerful, rich and popular. But I tell you one thing: I am happier now than I was then.
Harmony: Get out.
Cordelia: It's hard to explain. I'm telling you. It's like - I don't know. I had these air pockets inside of me, and the work I'm doing, uh, we're doing, it's-it's like the pockets keep getting filled and I'm becoming me and... (Harmony laughs) me has had *way* too much to drink and me shut up. (Pushes Harmony with her foot) You now. You barely told me anything.
Harmony: Um, well, uh, what can I say? Things are faboo. I'm having a ball and a half. I mean, I did just get out of that *really* unhealthy relationship. And just, you know, feeling really good about me in general.
Cordelia: (beat) Well, good for you - in general. Well, you must be doing something right, because you look (sees Harmony making a face) - crampy. Are you okay?
Harmony: Yeah. Just (takes a deep breath and looks over at Cordelia's neck) hungry - I guess.
Cordelia: Got the cure for that. Pizza! (Laughs and leans across Harmony to reach for the phone on the side table. Harmony is suddenly in vamp-face, but by the time Cordelia sits back, phone in hand, she is back in her human face.) I know just the place to call. It's my favorite. Thin crust, heavy on the sauce. Do you like pineapple and Tandori Chicken?
Harmony: Oh, yeah. It's all good.

(Cordelia is asleep in bed. The door opens slowly to reveal - two feet in fuzzy pink slippers. The camera pans up past long legs to show us Harmony standing in the door wearing a white negligee, staring at Cordelia's neck and licking her lips. She walks over to the bed and slowly sits down on its edge. Suddenly the door slams shut and Cordelia startles awake.)
Harmony: I didn't do that.
Cordelia: Harmony? (Turns on the bedside lamp and rubs her eyes) I have a ghost. - What - What are you doing in my...
Harmony: Nothing!
Cordelia: Harmony.
Harmony: I'm sorry. - I thought I could control myself. I thought I could control these urges.
Cordelia: (sits up) Urges?
Harmony: You have *no* idea how hard it is to stay away from you. I mean, seeing you there looking so - so luscious.
Cordelia: Oh. - Oh! You're a...
Harmony: I should have told you. I was - scared. Scared that if you found out what I was - you'd kill me.
Cordelia: Oh. No, Harmony - god, you really think I'm *that* narrow-minded? - I don't care about that!
Harmony: You don't?
Cordelia: No! Not as long as you're happy.
Harmony: Happy. What's that? The last time I remember being truly happy was being back in school with you. Now here I am taking advantage of you?
Cordelia: No. It's - it's just... It's just that I had no idea - that you, you know - thought of me *that* way.
Harmony: I don't! I swear. It's just, - well, I haven't had any for a while and... (Sees Cordy's look and gets up) Oh, forget it. This is stupid. I'll just go back to the couch. I'm *really* sorry.
Cordelia: Don't be. If you wanna stay and talk...
Harmony: No, I'd better... You know, I'd appreciate it if you didn't - mention this to anyone.
Cordelia: It's our secret.

(Cordelia is on the phone.)
Cordelia: (into phone) How come you guys didn't tell me about Harmony. Sunnydale is that far away you couldn't afford a little phone call?

(UC Sunnydale – Dorm Room)
(Willow is sitting on her bed at the dorm, phone to her ear, brushing her teeth.)
Willow: (into phone) Harmony? (Takes the toothbrush out of her mouth and swallows) Wha-what about Harmony?

(LA – Cordelia’s Apartment)
Cordelia: (into phone) She's here - in L.A.

(UC Sunnydale – Dorm Room)
Willow: (into phone) Yikes. Big yikes. Uh. What happened? Did she come after you?

(LA – Cordelia’s Apartment)
Cordelia: (into phone) Yeah! She practically attacked me in my bedroom last night.

(UC Sunnydale – Dorm Room)
Willow: (into phone) Your bedroom. How did she...

(LA – Cordelia’s Apartment)
Cordelia: (into phone) Came in while I was sleeping. Good thing I woke up, too. She was ready to jump me right there! But I think she got the message that I don’t' go for that sort of stuff when I shot her down.

(UC Sunnydale – Dorm Room)
Willow: (into phone) You wounded her?

(LA – Cordelia’s Apartment)
Cordelia: (into phone) She'll get over it. I never should have invited her to stay with me.

(UC Sunnydale – Dorm Room)
Willow: (into phone) Say what?

(LA – Cordelia’s Apartment)
Cordelia: (into phone) Yeah, I know. Awkward much?

(UC Sunnydale – Dorm Room)
Willow: (into phone) Cordelia! Okay. We're all clear on the fact that Harmony is a vampire, right?

(LA – Cordelia’s Apartment)
Cordelia: (into phone) Oh. Harmony is a vampire? - That's why she - oh, my god, I'm so embarrassed! (Giggles) All this time I thought she was a great big lesbo! - Oh, yeah? Really? - Well, that's great! Good for you.

(UC Sunnydale – Dorm Room)
Willow: Thanks for the affirmation. Cordelia, Harmony is *very* dangerous. You have to get out of there!

(LA – Cordelia’s Apartment)
Cordelia: (into phone) Okay. Yeah. (Behind her Harmony appears in the doorway) I'll call you when I get somewhere safe.
Harmony: Where are you going?
(Cordelia puts the phone down and turns to see Harmony watching her.)

(Wesley is looking through some old book while Angel paces behind him, holding the green robe in his hands.)
Angel: There is a label on here. Maybe I can locate the manufacturer.
Wesley: Already looked into it. The name's a fake. No listing anywhere.
Angel: Okay. I should go out, see if I can pick up any information on the street.
Wesley: You mean the street bathed in morning sunlight? - Relax. I already got Gunn contacting his sources.
Angel: Any suggestions on what I can do?
(Phone rings.)
Wesley: You can answer that.
(Angel goes to pick up the phone.)
Angel: Angel Investig... Willow? Willow. What's... - Slow down. What's - hold on.

(Cordelia’s Apartment)
(The door of Cordelia's apartment burst open and Wesley and Angel run in, stake and crossbow at the ready. Wesley aims his crossbow at Harmony.)
Wesley: Get away from her (realizes that Harmony is painting Cordelia's toenails) foot!
Cordelia: What do you think you're doing?
Angel: We're... Willow called. She said that you were in trouble.
Wesley: You're friend Harmony here is a...
Cordelia: Vampire. Yeah, I know.
Wesley: An *evil* vampire.
Harmony: Yeah, we covered that, too.
Angel: So...
Cordelia: So you thought you just bust into my house and kill my friend without giving her a chance to explain herself.
(Angel and Wesley exchange a look.)
Wesley: Yeah.
Angel: Pretty much.
Wesley: That was our plan.
Cordelia: Well, holster your guns, boys. She came to me for help. - That's what we do, right? Help?
(With a sigh Angel puts his stake away, but Wesley takes a step closer, crossbow still aimed squarely at Harmony.)
Wesley: That is not your friend. That thing may have your friend's memories and her appearance, but it's just a filthy demon, an unholy monster. Uh, no offence.
Harmony: About what?
(Wesley gets ready to shoot Harmony, but Angel pushes the crossbow down.)
Angel: Wes, you can't. If Cordelia here feels that her friend doesn't pose a threat then I think that we should respect her wishes.
(Wesley stares at Angel, while Cordelia gives Angel a strange look. Then Wesley takes a step back and aims his crossbow at Angel.)
Angel: I'm just saying...
(Cordelia is still squinting at Angel.)
Wesley: Cordelia, we need you at the office.
(Cordelia looks from Harmony to the guys then gets up off the couch.)
Cordelia: Let me get my coat.
Wesley: So, uhm, you're just going to leave her here? - A vampire, alone in your home, risking your neighbors lives.
Cordelia: Hey, I told you, Harmony is my friend and I trust her completely. (Harmony smiles up at Wesley from the couch.) Harmony can stay here.
Harmony: I don't wanna stay alone here with the ghost.
(Everyone turns to look at her.)

(Wesley is flipping through the pages of an old book lying on the counter in the Hyperion's lobby, while Cordelia is looking for information with the computer.)
Wesley: The triangle evokes pyramidal imagery but there is nothing with both the serpent and the pyramid as a symbol. (Harmony comes over and climbs up on a stool next to Wesley, loudly chewing some gum.) Doesn't appear to be either hieroglyphic or... (Harmony pops a bubble) Do you mind?
Harmony: Well, I'm kinda bored, but - go ahead.
(Wesley stares at her for a moment then walks over to Cordy's desk.)
Angel: Yeah, well, look, the red bird you saw in your vision, was it, ah, you know, an eagle, a hawk, a falcon?
Cordelia: What am I? The bird lady of Alcatraz? It had wings and a beak. For all I know it was a duck. A big - red duck.
Wesley: Perhaps it's an idol or a totem the cult uses in its rituals, or...
(Wesley looks over towards Harmony, chewing her gum - loudly, and tapping a pencil on the counter top.)
Harmony: (laughs) Duck worshippers?
Angel: It could also be a landmark of some kind, telling us their hiding place.
Wesley: Well, I'm unaware of any red bird statuary in downtown Los Angeles, so unless you are I suggest.. (Harmony's popping another bubble) *someone* put a *stake* through that woman's heart if she persists in popping her bloody chewing gum!
(Cordelia gets up from her desk.)
Cordelia: Harmony, do me a favor, lose the gum.
Harmony: Okay, okay! Sorry. I thought it would help with the cravings. (She rips a page out of the book Wesley was looking at earlier and spits her gum into it at the others stare at her.) I mean, you'd think I'd get a thank you for not biting any of you.
(Wesley pulls the book off the counter and snatches the crumpled up page from her hand.)
Wesley: *What* are you doing!?! This book is twelve centuries old!
Harmony: Okay. So it's not like I messed up a new one.
(Wesley puts the book down on Cordelia's desk.)
Cordelia: Wes, it's not like she did it on purpose.
Harmony: That's right. And I could have. Because, you know, I *am* evil.
(Wesley pulls a stake out of Cordelia's desk and lunges at Harmony. Cordelia jumps on him from behind, wrapping her arms around him.)
Cordelia: Wesley! Wesley!
(Angel grabs a hold of Harmony's arm and pulls her to the side.)
Angel: Harmony, there is blood in the refrigerator. Why don't we get you some and let everyone get back to work? (He opens the fridge, takes out a container of blood and pours some into a cup for Harmony.) Here we go. That's it. Drink up.
(Harmony takes the cup and starts to drink.)
Harmony: Eww! Yech! It tastes funky.
Angel: It's pig's blood.
Harmony: Ugh, well, that's gonna go straight to my hips. (Sighs) How do you stand this?
Angel: You get used to it.
Harmony: I mean how do you stand everything? Being what you are, how can you deprive yourself of the taste? The sensation of rich, warm, human blood - flowing into your mouth - bathing your tongue - caressing your throat with its sweet, sticky...
Gunn: I'm back!
(Angel turning away from Harmony.)
Angel: Me too.
(Gunn walks down into the lobby while Angel drops onto a stool and leans onto the counter.)
Gunn: Oh, I see we have company.
(Waves at Harmony and smiles. Harmony gives him a wink and a smile while pouring sugar into her cup of pig's blood. Cordelia slaps her hand on the counter in front of Gunn to get his attention.)
Cordelia: That is Harmony. She's visiting for a couple of days.
Wesley: It's alright to speak freely in front of her. She's a vampire.
(Wesley gives Cordelia a look.)
Gunn: (no longer smiling) Don't we kill 'em any more?
Angel: What did you find out?
Gunn: Alright. Robed vampires been grabbing people off the street for a while now, almost a month.
Cordelia: A month? How come we didn't know about it?
Angel: Well, we've all been a little distracted lately.
Gunn: Yeah. Or maybe we haven't heard because not a lot of bodies been turning up.
Angel: They're not feeding. They're turning them.
Cordelia: Into vampires?
Wesley: Someone's recruiting, building an army.
Gunn: Question is, for what?

Doug: The time is here. The time is now. (The camera pans over a gathering of vampires all clothed in different colored robes in what looks to be a run down theater.) The question is: are you ready? (Some scattered 'yeahs' from the crowd.) Are you ready!?! (Crowd yells louder. On the stage a vampire puts back the hood of his light blue robe and faces the crowd.) Because it's time. Everybody, take a seat. (they sit) It's time to actualize your potential. Time to maximize your personal input and get the most out of your afterlife. To those in here for the first time I just want to say - hi. (Some in the crowd answer) Hi. You're special. You each have it in you to be the best vampire. Not just any vampire, but a master! How? I'll show you. (Points at a poster with a multilevel pyramid on it) Through my personally devised, multi-level, exponential flow cooperative. Yeah, I know what some of you are saying. 'Hey, Doug, speak English, man!' Okay, don't stake me, guys, alright? (scattered laughter) This is how it works.
(He flicks a button on the remote he is holding and two diagrams of a multilevel pyramid appear on the big screen behind him, flanking the picture of the serpent-two inside the triangle emblem embroidered on all of their robes. The tip of it is light blue and has one person in it. The next level is yellow and holds two figures.)
Doug: One vampire turns two humans into vampires. (flicks a switch to the next slide showing the next level down) they each turn to more humans into vampires (flicks to the next slide) and they turn to more into vampires(flick) and so on (flick) and so on. And all it takes for each new vampire to buy their way into our co-op is one, you heard me, *one* human - to be deposited here in our very own food bank. (The lights on stage change, revealing a cage full of humans. The audience gets to their feet and starts applauding.) How about that, huh? You turn two into vampires, and you bring one for the food bank. You turn two, and the rest is food. Let me hear it. Turn two, the rest is food.
(The crowd starts to say it with him.)
All: Turn two, the rest is food.

(Wesley is pushing pins into a map, while Angel sits on the edge of a desk in the background with his arms crossed, watching.)
Wesley: Next?
Gunn: Two USC students grabbed in a parking garage. Fourth and Figueroa.
Wesley: Got it. Next.
Gunn: Guy was snatched to blocks over on sixth.
Wesley: Really? When was this?
Gunn: Last night. Heard about it from one of my guys.
(Cordelia is sitting in front of the computer with Harmony sitting on the edge of her desk watching her.)
Cordelia: What?
Harmony: Nothing. It's just - I can't believe this is what you do now. We always said we were going to do something cool with our lives. Now look at us. You're an office manager and I'm dead.
Cordelia: Yeah, well, life takes some funny turns sometimes. Maybe I'm not where I though I would be, but it's still... Ho! Hey! Hello! Guys? Found something. (Wesley, Gunn and Angel come to look at what she's found.) And there is nothing mystical about this. Department of Justice website. It's a logo for a defunct pyramid scheme.
Gunn: Vamps running money scams now? That's low.
Cordelia: This particular one was run by a motivational speaker and - ugh, lord help me - self-described 'life-coach' named Doug Sanders. Held meetings all over the city until the feds caught up with him.
Angel: He was arrested?
Cordelia: According to this he disappeared. Still at large.
Wesley: Sounds like he has the makings of a cult leader.
Cordelia: Oh, hold on. Here is something: a list of his known meeting sites - and a picture!
Gunn: Now we're talking!
Harmony: Oh, let me see!
(Harmony, cup of pig's blood in hand, leans over to get a look at it. The blood spills all over the keyboard and screen, causing it to spark and fizzle and the screen to fade out. Cordelia jumps and lets out a squeak while Harmony gives her an apologetic smile.)
Harmony: Okay, that was my fault.
Wesley: Get her out of here. Now.
Cordelia: Come on, Harm.
Wesley: Such a fitting nickname. (Picks up the keyboard and holds it sideways to let the blood drip out.) Oh, bloody hell.
(Harmony goes to sit on one of the chairs in the lobby.)
Harmony: This was a mistake. I should never have come here. I'm just getting in the way. Messing up, like always.
(Cordelia sits down next to her.)
Cordelia: Don't talk like that.
Harmony: Easy for you to say. You've got friends. I don't have anyone who understands what I'm going through.
(Cordelia looks over at the three guys clustered around her desk then back at Harmony.)
Cordelia: I know someone who understands a little something about pain. (Yells to the guys) We're going out!

(Harmony is sitting on stage singing "Memories.")
Harmony: Memories may be beautiful and yet, what's to painful to remember we choose to forget...
(Cordelia is sitting at a table with the Host.)
Cordelia: So, ah, - what do you think?
Host: I think your friend should reconsider the name Harmony.
Harmony: ...the way we were. The way we were. (Harmony laughs and holds out her hands and there is some sporadic clapping as she comes over to Cordelia's table and sits down.) That was so - fun! I can't believe I did that!
Host: Well, color us incredulous.
Cordelia: Harmony is looking for a little guidance.
Host: Yeah, I picking up on the 'betwixed and between, got to find my corner of the sky' vibe loud and clear, kitten.
Harmony: So you can help me.
Host: No. (Cordelia and Harmony stare at him) But I *can* treat you to a complimentary carafe of plasma. The AB-negative here is superb - or so I'm told.
Cordelia: Wait a minute. That's it?
Harmony: Yeah. You're supposed to do some mind mojo, show me my path.
Host: You're already on it my little cacophony. Only I'm not your travel agent for this trip. (Inclines his head towards Cordelia) Brown eyes here is. Stick with her and let your pal be your guide.
(The Host blows Harmony a kiss as he gets up and leaves.)
Harmony: Cacophony. That's pretty. What's it mean?
(Wesley, Gunn and Angel walk into the bar.)
Wesley: Cordy. (Cordelia gets up and goes over to them.) I realize you have, ah, other concerns at the moment, but we need you.
Cordelia: Why?
Gunn: Most of the attacks been taking place within a ten blocks radius. Now we figure the cult's headquarters must be somewhere near the center.
Angel: And look, we want to drive around the area. Maybe you can pick up some - vibe from you vision or see something?
Cordelia: Like a red bird.
Angel: For instance.
Cordelia: Okay. (Goes back to the table) Harmony. I have to go. Work stuff. Uh, you're okay here?
Harmony: You kidding? Free blood, potato skins. Hey, I'm thinking about doing another number. Now what do you think: Candle in the Wind or the Princess Diana Candle in the Wind?
(The guys shift impatiently.)
Cordelia: Go nuts. Do 'em both.
Harmony: (smiles) Ooo. Yeah. Okay. Like the green guy said: you’re my guide.
(Cordelia walks back over to the guys.)
Gunn: Hey, hold up. Just so we're on the same page. When we find this vampire cult, we are gonna kill 'em, right?
Wesley: Let's do it.

(Cut to the gang walking, shoulder to shoulder, down the sidewalk outside of Caritas. The camera pans across from a serious and focused Wesley, to Gunn, to Angel, to Cordelia and on to - a grinning Harmony. Cordelia does a double take when she suddenly notices Harmony walking beside her.)
Cordelia: Harmony?
(They all stop and look at her.)
Harmony: I just got it. He said, stick with you. I understand now where my place is.
(Angel looks over at Gunn and Wesley.)
Cordelia: Where?
(Harmony steps between Cordelia and Angel and puts an arm around each of their shoulders, smiling.)
Harmony: With you! I'm one of the good guys now.
(Angel looks over at Wesley.)

(Angel’s Car)
(Harmony is sitting in the back of Angel's convertible between Cordelia and Gunn as they're all driving down the street.)
Harmony: Who-hoo! This is gonna be great! I am an evil fighter! That's why I suck at being evil. I was meant to fight evil! It's so clear to me now. (Turns to Cordy) Is this what it feels like to have a purpose? I mean, wow! Look at us. We're working together. I've never had a job before. We can meet at the water cooler and gossip.
Cordelia: Harm, I'm trying to concentrate.
Harmony: Oh. Sorry. (Turns to Gunn) So. How long have you been fighting evil? I mean, I just started but, you know, I've got some moves.
Wesley: (as Harmony keeps talking) Angel!
Angel: It's your place to tell her.
Wesley: She won't listen to me.
Angel: Welcome to *my* world.
Harmony: That would be *so* funny. Oh - do we get paid vacations?
Cordelia: Stop! Stop the car. Pull over here.
(Angel pulls the car over and they all squint up at a sculpted phoenix decoration above a theater marquee with the words 'closed for repairs' on it.)
Angel: Is that..?
Cordelia: I don't... I'm not sure.
(All of them get out of the car.)
Wesley: The bird you saw was red.
Cordelia: It is. I mean, it was.
Gunn: Looks more like a puke green.
Harmony: And nothing like a duck.
Cordelia: There's just - something familiar.
(Angel looks over at Cordelia then walks towards the building.)
Gunn: Well, we passed this place before. Maybe that's all it is.
Wesley: Cordelia?
Cordelia: No. No, I guess it isn't it.
Wesley: Right. Back in the car. We'll keep... (Looks around) Where's Angel?
(Suddenly a red neon arrow sign comes to life, throwing a red glow over the bird.)
Angel: Electronics store forgot to turn on its lights.
(Cordelia smiles at the others.)
Cordelia: Ha, I told you this was it!
Wesley: Right. (Wes and Gunn grab some weapons out of the trunk) Angel, Cordelia, cover the front. Gunn and I will go around the building, see if there's another way in.
Harmony: What about me? What's my job?
Wesley: Um... Guard the car.
Harmony: You got it, boss! (Sits on the edge of the hood) Anyone comes near this car, I will rips his throat out.
Wesley: No. No killing.
Harmony: Oh. Okay, maiming only.
Wesley & Cordelia: No!
Gunn: Hey. Can we yell a little louder? I'm not sure the crazed cult of vampires heard us sneaking up on them.
Cordelia: Just go. I'll talk to her. (Wesley and Gunn move off. She moves towards Harmony, but Angel takes a hold of her elbow and pulls her a little ways away.) Hey! Touching! With the hands.
(Angel lets go of her.)
Angel: You know, I've tried not to say anything. (Takes a deep breath) Tried to take a step back and just let things sort themselves out, but - Harmony can not work with us.
Cordelia: I know. It's just temporary. I mean, look at her. She's really loving this. Giving her a reason to go on.
Angel: I don't want her to go on. Neither should you. - She's the enemy.
Cordelia: Now you sound like Wesley.
Angel: Because he's right. - Harmony will turn on you.
(Cordelia looks over to where Harmony is still leaning against the hood of the car.)
Cordelia: Why? Because *you* did?
Angel: Because it's her nature. She's a vampire.
Cordelia: So are you.
Angel: She doesn't have a soul.
Cordelia: Oh. That's it, is it? You're better than her because you have a soul?
Angel: Well, yeah.
Cordelia: I noticed yours didn't get in the way of betraying the people who worked with you, who cared about you.
Angel: I never...
Cordelia: *And* you know, you didn't just betray me, Angel. You didn't just hurt me. You gave away my clothes.
Angel: To the needy.
Cordelia: I *am* the needy! - Do you know how scared I was you were on you're way to becoming Angelus *again*? Imagine what could have happened if you'd gone nuts and slept with Darla.
Angel: (not meeting her eyes) You know I would never do that...
(Gunn and Wesley come back just then.)
Gunn: Building's shut tight. No way to see what's inside.
Wesley: Or how many.
Angel: Okay, You know what, I'll go in, uh, pretend like I want to join, get a head count, lay of the land.
Gunn: Come on, man. You'd get made ten feet from the door. Too many night crawlers in this town know what you look like.
Wesley: Some can sense your soul.
Angel: Right.
Cordelia: Harmony!
(Harmony comes over, smiling.)
Harmony: Yeah?
Cordelia: She doesn't have a soul and nobody knows her here. She could be our inside spy. Tell us what's the what.
Harmony: Me?
Wesley: Out of the question.
Gunn: I got a bad feeling about this.
Cordelia: Come on. I know she can do this. (To Harmony) You can do this, right?
Harmony: Well,- I kind of thought I'd start out with some light typing, car guarding, something low pressure?
Cordelia: This is the chance you needed. To find a purpose.
Harmony: But I thought I had purpose guarding the... (Takes a deep breath and smiles) Yeah. Okay. I wanna do this.
Wesley: (beat) Alright Harmony. You're on.
Harmony: (smiles at Cordelia) Watch out Evil (morphs into vamp-face) here comes Harmony.
(Harmony strides towards the theater.)
Cordelia: (calls after her) Hey. We'll meet you out back!

(Harmony walks into the theater to a table attended by two vampires. One of them hands her a book with Doug's picture on the front and the heading of 'Selective Slaughter - Turning a bloodbath into a blood bank'. We can hear Doug speaking on stage in the background.)
Doug: I can hear you saying 'but I'm not like you, Doug. I don't have what it takes.' That's just the voice of your inner human spreading the ghostly remnants of neurosis from your past life. Instead say: 'I'm in control of my unlife.' (Harmony walks into the theater where Doug is presenting a green robe to the audience.) Let's have a nice big hand for Tibor, graduating to the yellow level. (Applause as Tibor changes robes.) Now. With each level ascension, there are rewards. (Doug flicks a switch on the remote he's holding and the screen behind him slides up revealing the cage full of humans.) Grab yourself a nice juicy one, Tibor. You've earned it!
(The crowd cheers wildly as Tibor runs over to the cage, reaches in and grabs the wrist of one of the humans. Pulling her arm through the bars, Tibor sinks his teeth into the woman's wrist and drinks. Harmony, sitting in the crowd, looks around then begins to clap half-heartedly.)

(Out Back)
(Wesley, Angel, Cordelia and Gunn walk up to the back of the theater.)
Wesley: She should have been back by now.
Angel: Maybe she ran into trouble.
Cordelia: Give her a few more minutes.
Wesley: (looks at his watch) I knew this was a bad idea.
Angel: Look, if she's in trouble we'll rescue her.
Gunn: Now we saving a vampire from vampires? I got two words for that: nuh and ah.
Cordelia: That is so... (Sees someone behind Gunn) Harmony! Are you okay?
Harmony: (still in vamp-face) Fine. There is maybe a hundred of them in there, give or take. There's a cage holding about a dozen people.
Cordelia: You did it. You so rule!
Harmony: (jumping up and down) I know! Oh. And I left the door in back open. Come on.
(They all follow her into the theater, Angel bringing up the rear.)

Harmony: You know, Cor, I really got to thank you again for giving me this opportunity. You guys have all been so great. I mean, you could have totally staked me in Cordelia's apartment. (She leads them down some stairs onto what looks like a back stage area.) And hey, who could have blamed you? I mean, one more incredibly sexy vampire turned to dust. But you guys helped my find my destiny and you know, I really appreciate that. I never felt like I belonged anywhere before.
(Wesley scans the dim surroundings crossbow held at the ready.)
Wesley: Yes, yes, uh, you're welcome. - Uh, the vampires, where are they?
Harmony: Oh. Right behind you. (Some stage lights come on and vampires appear around them.) I belong with them.
(The stage screen slides up revealing that they're all on the stage as Doug steps out of the wings.)
Doug: Now that is what I call and impressive display of potential actualization. Look. A member of our organization for less than twenty minutes and look at what she's delivered (points as Wesley and Gunn) two to turn (looks at Cordelia) and one for food. And as a bonus the infamous Angel. - I think someone just made the ascension to blue robe status.
(A vampire brings Harmony a blue robe as she claps excitedly, then puts it on.)
Harmony: Oh, goody!
Doug: Congratulations, Harmony.
(There are cheers from the spectators in the seats in front of the stage.)
Harmony: Just taking the first steps to mastering my destiny, Doug, like you said.
(Cordelia levels her crossbow at Harmony.)
Cordelia: Well, Harmony, aren't you just about the most weak-willed, soft-brained...
Harmony: Huh-uh. Doug says those kind of comments are self-growth inhibitors. I tune out mental roadblocks.
(Cordelia looks back at Angel.)
Doug: Oh, I'm sorry. You can all put your weapons down now. (None of them do) Really Angel, you don't want all your friends to die horribly now, do you?
Angel: No I don't. - Wesley?
Wesley: Kill 'em all!
(And with that the team springs into action. Wesley and Cordelia firing their crossbows, while Gunn attacks with his ax and Angel with his fists and stake. Beyond the stage lights we can see robed vampires sitting in the audience, watching. Angel dusts one vampire and sends another one flying into the seats. The vampires that one lands on start heading up the aisle towards the exit, starting a mass exodus. Cordelia hits Harmony across the chin. A yellow robed vamp hits Wesley in his recently healed gut, causing him to hunch over but before he can do any more damage Angel pulls him off Wes and buries a stake in its chest. Gunn drops a yellow robed vamp on its back but before he can kill it, he is grabbed from behind by a blue robe. Harmony hits Cordelia, sending her flying backwards through the air. Gunn gets the blue guy off his back while Angel helps Wesley to his feet.)
Angel: Are you okay?
Wesley: Yeah.
Angel: Get to the cage. Get those people out.
(Wesley limps over to the cage door.)
Wesley: I'll get you out of here.
(He tries to get the door open but can't. Angel, keeping an eye on Wesley, is jumped from behind and pushed to the floor by Doug and the two of them start to fight. Doug grabs a fire ax from the wall and swings at Angel.)
Doug: Why are you working with these humans, Angel? You should be maximizing you inner potential, empowering your vampire self.
(Harmony tosses Cordelia face down to the floor. Gunn stakes a green robe. Harmony rolls Cordelia over onto her back and finds herself with a loaded crossbow at her throat. Harmony laughs.)
Cordelia: What's so funny?
Harmony: Your crossbow. You got it aimed at my *throat*. You can be so stupid. *That* won't kill me.
Cordelia: No, that'll just hurt like hell. (Sits up and with her left points a second crossbow at her heart.) This one will kill you.
(Wesley is still struggling with the locked cage. A green robe sticks him with a cattle prod and Wesley drops to the floor with a groan. As the green robe gets ready to jab Wesley again, Gunn comes up from behind and stakes it. A key drops to the ground, followed by some dust. Wesley grabs the key. Gunn reaches a hand down and helps Wesley up, then they unlock the cage. Angel is dodging the wild swings of Doug's ax. Harmony backs away from Cordelia as she gets up, crossbow aimed at Harmony's heart.)
Harmony: (panting) Okay. You're angry. And I don't blame you. I just, you know... and it's nothing personal. I'm evil. We're still friends, right?
(Cordelia tightens her finger on the trigger and Harmony squeezes her eyes shut. Gunn and Wesley are directing the freed humans towards the back exit. Angel hits Doug, then grabs a hold of him and throws him against the wall, causing him to drop his ax - which Angel picks up and uses to behead Doug as he comes back up. Cordelia slowly lowers her crossbow and Harmony hesitantly opens her eyes.)
Harmony: We're still friends, right?
Cordelia: No, Harmony. We're not friends. Just get out of here.
Harmony: Really?
Cordelia: Not just here. I want you out of my city. You're gonna wanna be as far away from me as possible.
Harmony: But I left a few things at your (Cordelia raises the crossbow) Bye.
(Harmony turns and runs up the stairs, looking back at Cordelia once to see that she still has the crossbow trained on her. The camera shows up Cordelia with Angel standing a few steps behind her, ax still in hand.)
Cordelia: Don't say anything. Not a word. (walks off)
(Angel glances up the stairs then looks in the direction Cordelia just left.)

(Wesley is sitting behind the desk in his office, looking at some papers. The door opens and Angel sticks his head in.)
Angel: You wanted to see me?
Wesley: Yes. Please, come in. Oh, close the door. (Angel closes the door and Wesley lays the papers aside then takes a deep breath.) I just... (Indicates a chair and Angel sits down) I just thought we should touch base, ah, before Cordelia arrived this morning. I know things have been, uh... strained between the two of you, and working in such close quarters it's...
Angel: It's- it's okay, Wesley, really. I mean, Cordelia has every right to feel the way that she does and I'm willing to give her the room that she needs.
Wesley: (beat) Good. - Good. (Smiles and gets up) I think that's just the right attitude. (Angel gets up too) Time and space. Those are really the only things one can give in a situation like this. As long as we both understand that, the healing process can...
(He is interrupted by a scream from Cordelia coming from the outer office. Cordelia burst in through the doors, a shirt draped over each arm.)
Cordelia: (to Angel) Oh, my god. These are gorgeous! You have the most amazing taste! You have, like - a gay man's taste, and that's saying something. (Wesley glances past Cordelia and sees that there are even more clothes draped all over her desk.) I love them *so* much! (Throws her arms around Angel and kisses him on the cheek.) Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best! (Kisses him again as Angel grins from ear to ear. Wesley narrows his eyes at Angel and folds his arms across his chest.) I have to go try these on.
(She Smiles at Angel then Wesley and begins to dance in place singing, 'la, la, la, la, la, new clothes! I have new clothes!' Angel, still grinning broadly looks towards Wesley, who's not smiling. Cordelia dances out of the room.)
Cordelia: New clothes, I have new clothes!
Angel: I got her clothes.
(Angel watches her leave with a smile, then walks out through a different door, leaving Wesley alone in his office, arms crosses, not looking happy - while the sounds of Cordelia's celebrating still drift in through the open door.)

Season Two Guide