Angel Quotes

Angel: Los Angeles, you see it at night and it shines, beacon, people are drawn to it. People, and other things. They come for all sorts of reasons. My reason, no surprise there, it started with a girl...

Angel: (drunk) Girls are nice.

Angel: (drunk) Excuse me. 'scuse me. I'm sorry. But has anybody seen my car? It's big , and it's shiny.

Angel: I'm just looking for someone to ... rescue? Are you maybe in need of some rescuing?

Angel: This socializing thing is brutal. I mean I was young once. I used to go to bars. It was never like this.

Angel: Are you going to torture me, or just bore me to death?

Angel: I don't know about you, but I had a nice day. You know, except for the bulk of it, where I was nearly tortured to death.

Angel: It's a good offer. You should take it. On the other hand you're making me want to fight some more. You get lucky you might last ten minutes. Really lucky and you're unconscious for the last five.

Angel: I did have someone at my side, he's dead now, I work alone.

(re: Cordelia drinking blood out of a container in the fridge.)
Angel: I don't think I ever realized just how disgusting that was.

Angel: I really don't like it when people shoot me.

Angel: In case you're wondering, this is me looking for clues. Feel free to join in any time you want.

Angel: You're a fight fan. And a lawyer. Let me guess -- Wolfram & Hart.

Angelus: Good news, Wes Old Boy! You don't have an inferiority complex. You're just simply inferior.

Angel: You go out that door, you'll be running for the rest of your life. My bet is, it'd be a pretty short run.

Angel: Ow! You know, for some reason, I'm getting the impression you don't like me too much. Maybe I'm just overreacting.

Angel: I'm not a eunuch. I mean, the curse isn't even all that clear.

Angel: How am I supposed to fight evil if they won't even put it behind bars?

Angel: I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for everything you can't handle. You want to be enemies? Try me.

Angel: I know you've got a reputation, that's why I'm here. Now it's been a long time since I opened a vein but I'll do it, you pull more of that Van Helsing Jr. crap with me. Are we clear?

Angel: The time I've lived, I've seen some horrors, scary behavior, and a couple of fashion trends I constantly pray to forget.

Angel: It's been a long time since I said this to anyone, but you can scream all you want.

Angel: If this is a trick, just know I'll be coming back for you. Hell, I might be coming back for you anyway.

Angel: Man. Atonement's a bitch.

Angel: You get stuck between me and Darla, it'll be the last thing you'll ever do.

Angel: Yeah, he ran with the whole Sinatra rat-pack thing, never got over it.

Angel: I hate waiting, you got anybody to eat around here?

Angel: You know, I'm getting pretty sick of this vampires-killed-my-sister-so-now-I'm-all-entitled song. Don't you know anything else? Like say, ah, MacArthur Park?

Angel: I'd be careful who you offer your hand to, Mr. Manners. You might just loose it. Isnt' that right, Lindsey?

Angel: Morgog couldn't find his way to his hairy spine-hump without a road map.

Angel: (To himself) I'm not ready yet. Too many years spent sleeping in soft beds, living in a world where I don't belong. I can't fight them, not yet. But soon.

Angel: You know, I've, well, really, couldn't help but notice the goats. Yeah, a lot of goats. Goats, many. Those are some goats, guys.

Angel: Do you want me to rip that guy's head of for you? Because, you know, I can. I can actually just rip his head right off his body. I can do that.

Angel: I don't wanna research, all right? I wanna jump through the big swirly hole thingy and save Cordelia.

Angel: Lawyers. Don't you people sleep during the day?

Angel: The sun! Daylight! Quick, somebody hand me a blanket -- hand me a blanket or I'll catch on fire! Why am I not on fire?

Angel: Let's start gathering branches, brush, anything that'll cover the car. Hey, look, there's some over in that patch of sun. I'll get 'em.

Angel: When I fired you guys, the reason I... the darkness was coming out in me, I didn't want you near it. The thing that comes out here is ten times worse.

Angel: That I'm okay. That losing Buffy didn't kill me, that I could deal with it. In all those years no one ever mattered, not like she did. And now she's gone. Forever.

Angel: I don't know. Stopped by this morning. Thought I'd give 'sincere' one more shot. Even brought donuts. This is what I found. So far, we've ruled out suicide.

Angel: You know, ask yourself this: if I'd killed Merl would I've brought donuts?

Angel: No. You may not know this, Fred, but certain friends and co-workers have been known to accuse me of being the quiet, stay-at-home, sulky one. I guess some people just don't know how to have fun anymore.

Angel: I'm tired of being the dead one.

Angel: I don't suppose we know what this other dimension is like I mean, besides fortress-y and demon-y.

(re: being weaponless)
Angel: Sure. Because it would be too easy if I could actually defend myself.

Angel: We'll get through this, I promise. The vampire/demon/biker posse, that's the easy part. The part that scares me is all the questions. Why is the sky blue? Why do people get sick? Why is there always pigs' blood in the fridge? I don't have all the answers. Well, I do to that last one.

Angel: (while his hand is burning in the sun) If he has to get to the hospital at noon on the sunniest day of the year, he'll get there even if I don't.

Angel: Helping the helpless, finding Holtz, and making money are out *three* number one priorities.

Angel: Oh yeah. I saw their production of Giselle in 1890 -- cried like a baby. And I was evil!

Angel: I think I'm gonna have to go with my patented Sudden Burst of Violence.

Angel: What if there is no more talking in that scene? Look, I've been possessed by the spirits of old lovers before, it never goes well.

Angel: Yeah. You love her that much? Start a website.

Angel: Yeah, and you look like hell. Not the fun one, where they burn you with hot pokers for all eternity, but the hardcore one, you know, Nixon and Brittany Spears?

Angel: Ha! Singing demons, flying nuns. Good one, G!

Angel: I like nuns. How did the flying nun fly anyway? Was it god or magic? What? You think about these things sometimes. Please continue!

Angel: All I care about now is getting my son back. Then I'll deal with those responsible. They'll all pay. Including Wesley.

Angel: I'm not your boyfriend. Find somebody else to smack you around.

Angel: You live as long as I do, eventually you lose everyone. It's what happens. I'm not sayin' you get used to it but you expect it, you deal. But he was just... he was just a little...

Angel: Hey, you were great in there. I mean, normally I'd take you to a museum or a ballgame or something... but it's good to know you can handle yourself in a fight.

Angel: Songs for the love - Lorne. Oh, I get it. Lovelorn, because your name is Lorne.

Angel: Well, someone has to make sure he knows the facts of life. My track record with the whole man/woman thing isn't, you know... I don't wanna use the words 'tragic farce' but...

Angel: Angel Investigations. We can help you. I *know* we can!

Angel: I need you, Cordy. I need you.

Angel: Life should be beautiful and bright. But, no matter how hard I try, everything I touch - turns to ashes.

Angel: So - how was your summer? Mine was fun. Saw some fish. Went mad with hunger. Hallucinated a whole bunch.

Angel: What I deserve is open to debate. But understand there is a difference between wishing vengeance on someone - and taking it. So now - the questions becomes: - what do you deserve?

Angel: What you did to me was unbelievable, Connor. But then I got stuck in a hell dimension by my girlfriend one time for a hundred years, so three months under the ocean actually gave me perspective. Kind of a M. C. Esher perspective - but I did get time to think. About us, about the world. Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. - It's harsh, and cruel. But that's why there's us. Champions. It doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world was what it should be, to show it what it can be. You're not a part of that yet. I hope you will be. I love you, Connor. (Quietly, after a beat) Now get out of my house.

Angel: I need Cordy - now. Wherever she is, whatever she's going through, we have to find her.

Angel: But not to worry, 'cause I beat the building plans out of a snitch who thought I was dead.

Angel: Nobody's going to jail, Fred. I told you, a heist like this, I've done it a million times. (beat) OK, maybe twice, but I'm good at it, I swear.

Angel: God! There was all this light around her, and the light seemed to be made up of ... pure joy. And warmth.

Angel: All those months, under the water, I kept thinking to myself I gotta get home... to Cordelia. I get back and I find out that she's gone. I keep thinking, I gotta get Cordy back home. Finally I find her, and I realize she already is home. Where she belongs.

(re: The Tropicana)
Angel: This place was so much friendlier when the mob ran it.

Angel: Oh, now I remember that room! Elvis and Priscilla's wedding reception, 1967. (chuckles) Yes. (claps hands once) All right. It's not that I was you know really invited. They just put me near the dais. I think somebody thought I was in the band. Probably because I was all drunk and surly. (chuckles) They had these little fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

Angel: I know things seem weird. Maybe even scary. But you have to believe me when I tell you we're trying to do everything we can to help you get through this difficult time. The Cordelia that we know—the person who you're trying to remember—is very much at home here, bizarre as that may seem. So I ask you to look inside, to believe me when I tell you that you're safe and you're among friends who only want the best for you.

Angel: I'm kinda a ballad man myself, but, uh... just pick anything.

Angel: (to Connor) Keep her safe.

Angel: I was never…in the workplace, I well, there was that one time with the…the ballet and the stripping and the roundness, but that was a spell. And-and we were meeting in Malibu on the bluffs at night. That's a pretty romantic restraining order!

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