Angel Central

"You made a difference, each of you. Not just to me, but to the world. We've been pushed to the edge so many times. Done things we were sure could never be forgiven, but we're always there for each other when it counts. We've never let the darkness win, and it's not because of the Powers That Be or the super strength or the magical weapons. It's because we believe in each other. Not just as friends or lovers, but as champions. All of us, together."

Andy Hallett
August 4,1975 - March 29,2009
A great voice and a wonderful sense of humor have passed from this world. A truly wonderful, nice, and funny man.
Andy, you are missed.

Glenn Quinn
May 28, 1970 - December 3, 2002
May you have been in Heaven half an hour, before the Devil knew you were gone.
You are missed.

**Update! 10/09/04 Angel Season 5 Transcripts ALL Online**


Episode Guide
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Season Five