Double or Nothing

(Hyperion – Night)
(Gunn sits at the reception desk surrounded by piles of folders.)
Gunn: It's hopeless. (Fred sits on the floor on the other side of the desk. Lorne is in Wesley’s office.) Half these files I can't even read the clients' names. What is this? Frizzana? Frizzle-car? (show folder to Fred) What's this say to you?
Fred: I think it's Frzylcka. (remembering) Oh, right. They're that demon couple who called last week about a squatter in their lair? Wesley was supposed to--(She stops. She said the forbidden word.) It was supposed to be taken care of.
Gunn: Well. (beat) Guess he was too busy stealin' the baby to—
Fred: Don't. (beat) Okay?
(They share a look. The pain is still fresh. Gunn nods, lets it drop. Lorne enters, carrying a book, which he puts in a box sitting on Cordelia's desk.)
Lorne: How's it comin'? Makin' any headway on that pending file pile?
Gunn: Some. Sorta.
Fred: There's just so much to keep track of.
Lorne: Still, times like these, it's good to keep busy. Throw yourself into work. Stay active...
(Under this, Lorne's moved to the edge of reception, where he looks up the stairs. A beat. Fred sees this.)
Fred: Lorne, he lost the only child he'll ever have.
Lorne: (sighing) Oh, sugar, I know. (He turns, joins them at the desk.) I just wish he'd talk to us.
Gunn: Might be safer to leave him alone for a while. Pretty sure the rage is past, but you really wanna find out first-hand?
Fred: I'm sure he's not plannin' to...(pause) ...finish what he started at the hospital.
Gunn: Only 'cause Wesley's too smart to show his face around here.
(Suddenly the front door bursts open and they all turn to see Cordelia and Groo enter. They are both tanned and look well rested. Cordelia holds a small teddy bear wearing a sombrero.)
Cordelia: (grinning) We're back! And we're bearing gif…(She trails off pretty quickly, seeing the faces of Gunn, Fred and Lorne. Immediately she knows.) What happened?

(Angel’s Room)
(Angel sits on the edge of his bed starring offscreen. The room is still a mess after the earthquake and fire. We see that Angel is staring at the charred crib. After a moment the door opens and Cordelia enters. She goes over to the bed and sits down without a word. She pauses a moment and then wraps her arms around Angel, and he lets her.)
Cordelia: I'm so sorry.
(She continues to hold him.)

(There are many demons sitting around playing cards. We follow a certain demon, Repo Man, as he walks past the table and heads for a well dressed demon watching the club. This well dressed demon is Jenoff, and he owns the casino. Jenoff points someone out to one of his demon bouncers.)
Jenoff: Table 6, the one in blue. Palmed a king in his left hand. (The Demon Bouncer starts to move off.) And Benny? (bouncer turns) Just take the left hand. We can still make money off the right. (The Bouncer nods, heads off. Repo Man stands there, not speaking until spoken to. Jenoff takes notice.) You. Good. (He pulls out a business card. Hands it to Repo Man.) Bring him in. His marker's up. (Repo Man looks down at the Angel Investigations card.) It's time to collect his soul.

(Hyperion – Angel’s Room)
(Angel lies on the bed atop the covers, fully clothed. Staring up at the ceiling. A beat, then Cordelia enters carrying a book. Angel looks over at her.)
Cordelia: I'm just here, okay?
(She moves to a chair, sits. Opens the book. Angel turns his eyes back to the ceiling.)

(Groo sits at the counter, the phone near at hand. Lorne flips through a large tome as he moves toward the box.)
Lorne: "The Propoxil Codex"? Ugh. Sounds like a mystical cure for male pattern baldness.
Groo: Oh no, my friend -- the Codex is a valuable description of the Klarpath conquest by the Great Wizard Urd.
(Lorne looks at him, then drops the book into the box.)
Lorne: I'll wait for the movie.
Groo: Ah, yes, movies -- talking pictures with no substance.
Lorne: Last couple of decades? You're not wrong.
Groo: Cordelia's introduced me to many of this world's devices. For example. (He picks up the phone, holds it to his face.) Hello. We welcome your telephonic plea to Angel Investigations. In what way may I service you?
Lorne: You're a very pretty man.
Groo: (hanging up) It is my deepest wish to aid my princess in her time of need. I've already brought her clothing and food for her shiv-roth with Angel.
Lorne: (remembering) The Vigil of the Bereaved. Huh. Almost forgot there was a word for it.
Groo: This house is thick with sadness. (beat) Is that why you're leaving?
(He gestures at the box Lorne's been packing.)
Lorne: Me? No. These are...They're not mine.
Groo: They are Wesley's, then.
(Lorne glances around.)
Lorne: Groo, you might wanna try to avoid saying the name…

(Wesley’s Office)
(Syd and Monica Frzylcka sit in the office with Fred and Gunn. They are demons of some sort, but besides sex, height, and weight they are almost identical.)
Monica: Wesley. That was it.
Syd: Don't be ridiculous, Monica – it wasn't Wesley, it was Sherman.
Monica: Sherman? You don't even know any Shermans. (to Fred & Gunn) It was Wesley. Irish fellow, right?
Syd: He was English, you old bat. Whoever heard of an Irishman named Wesley?
Monica: You see what I put up with? Anyway, that's who we talked to. Is he here?
(An uncomfortable glance between Fred and Gunn.)
Gunn: He's... on sabbatical.
Fred: We're really sorry for the mix-up --we'll take over from here. Now, it says in your file you have a squatter in your lair?
Syd: Damn no-good Skench demons. They're all alike.
Monica: Here we go...
Syd: A person spends his entire half-life--
Monica: (by rote) --building a lair to relax in--
Syd: --and what happens? A Skench demon squats--
Monica: --right down on your coffee table. (to Fred & Gunn) Ask me how many times I've had to listen to this.
Syd: Like you ever listen.
Monica: And you have so many interesting things to say.
Gunn: (interjecting) So Skenches. I've heard about them. Sorta impish kinda demon -- like a leprechaun?
Syd: (scoffs) Leprechauns don't exist, son.
(Monica reaches over, pats his hand.)
Monica: Now, Syd, don't embarrass the lad.
Syd: (gruffly) Sorry, kid.
Gunn: Skenches take over a house, right? Drive out the people who live there?
Monica: Well God knows you can't stay, what with the shrieking all night and the projectile phlegm.
Syd: Only thing worse is puttin' up with her for the last three hundred years.
Fred: (amazed) You've been married for three centuries?
Monica: Ever since the mitosis.
Syd: (pointedly) Not that I'd mind being a single-celled organism again, if you get my drift.
Monica: Oh, shut up, Syd. You never--
Syd: --had it so good. AS if I need reminding.
Gunn: I thought gettin' rid of a Skench was pretty easy, though. Don't you just lop off its head?
Syd: Well, sure, if you can avoid the phlegm.
Monica: Syd has a phobia about phlegm.
Syd: I do not. I have a phobia about sputum.
(This is about all Gunn can take. He stands.)
Gunn: Okay. Think we got everything we need. I'll get right over and clean out your Skench problem today.
(The Frzylckas get to their feet. Fred walks them to the door)
Fred: Thanks so much for coming. We'll call you as soon as it's done.
Monica: Oh, for cryin' out loud, Syd – that girl's not a sixteenth your age. (offscreen) Put your eyes back in your head. (beat) I mean it, ya doddering old coot! Put 'em back in!
(As their bickering grows faint, Fred turns to Gunn, grinning.)
Gunn: Man. You hear those two?
Fred: It's beautiful. (Gunn does a take. Sees the dreamy look on Fred's face.) All that time and they're still in love. The way they finish each other's insults, it's so...
(Gunn can't help but smile.)
Gunn: Beautiful.
(Just then the sliding doors open, revealing Groo.)
Groo: Is there evil to vanquish?
Gunn: (moving to leave) Thanks, bro, but I got it. Just a little mucus demon under Alvarado and Clark. I'll be back soon.
Fred: Don't forget your machete!
(Gunn turns, smiles at her.)
Gunn: Yes, dear.
(He leaves. Groo watches this, pleased.)
Groo: He is very fortunate to have such a woman looking after his weapon.
Lorne: (os) I'm not touchin' that one. (He enters with the box. He puts it behind the desk.) There we go. (stands) Probably best to keep this stuff out of sight, just in case... (He trails off. A beat, awkward.) Anyway. (checks his watch) I gotta run. I have a reading in Topanga Canyon -- figured it'd be a good time for housecalls, considering the vibe around here. (He moves to the door, then turns, gestures upstairs.) Y'know... if he needs anything –
Fred: I'll call.
(He nods, leaves. Fred looks at the box of Wesley’s things.)

(Sewer Tunnel)
(Gunn walks through the tunnel, twirling his machete, when he approaches an indentation in the wall. You almost wouldn't know it was a door, until he looks down: a tattered doormat lies at the entrance. It reads: "GURFORG BLESS OUR HOME".)
Gunn: Gotta be it.
(He pushes open the door.)

(Frzylckas Lair)
(The place is a shambles, blue slime hanging from a lampshade, some smeared on the walls. Other than that, kind of an old-mom-and-pop feeling to the decor. A quilt or two, a La-Z-Boy recliner, an ancient TV console, maybe some porcelain figures.)
Gunn: Smells like old people in…(suddenly a wad of blue slime hits the wall next to his head and a loud shriek erupts.) …here gross! (The Skench demon rises up from behind the couch, a very large, strong albino-white demon with a big round mouth.) Okay. Definitely not a leprechaun.

(Hyperion – Angel’s Room)
(Cordelia is sitting in the chair, reading. Angel lies on his side on the bed, his eyes still focused on the crib.)

(Groo sits at the reception desk. He picks up the phone.)
Groo: Hello. Hello. We welcome your telephonic-- (hangs up, picks up) Hell. Many thanks for telephoning… (He hangs up again. Looks around. Then picks up and in a completely normal non-Groo voice.) Hi. This is Groo. I can't make it to the phone right now, but if you'll leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. (He shakes his head, hangs up again. In his Groo-voice.) Their speaking path is so odd. (Just then the front door swings open and Repo Man enters. Excited to be of help, Groo comes around the desk, greets him.) Hail to you, potential client. How may I be of service?
(Repo Man approaches somewhat warily.)
Repo Man: This Angel Investigations?
Groo: It is. Are you in need of help?
(Repo Man eyes him. A moment.)
Repo Man: So you must be Angel...

(L.A. Hospital)
(Wesley, bandage on his throat, lies in his hospital bed, staring into the middle distance. Ironically, his empty gaze is not unlike Angel's. A soft knock at the door, but Wesley doesn't look. We reveal Fred standing there with the infamous box.)
Fred: Hi, Wesley. (At the sound of her voice, Wesley looks over. Fred enters a few feet, sets down the box.) How are you feeling? (Wesley reaches for his throat, shakes his head. Can't talk.) Oh. But it's not permanent, right? (Fred comes closer, gestures to the box.) I brought some of your stuff from the office. Things there are... well, things. (She takes a deep breath.) Gunn and I found your notes about...the baby. The prophecy. You took him away 'case you thought Angel was gonna kill him. You were trying to protect him. Both of them. (beat) I just wanted you to know I understand that. (then) I also wanted to say -- what Angel tried to do to you was wrong, and I'm sorry. (Wesley looks at her, grateful.) But he was right to blame you, Wesley. (Wesley obviously didn’t see that coming.) You should've come to us. You should've trusted us instead of going to Holtz behind our backs. You were supposed to be our friend and you didn't even -- (beat) If Angel sees you again, he'll kill you, Wesley. This time for real. (then) Don't come back to the hotel. Ever. (She stares at him for a beat, his world ending, then turns and walks away. She stops at the door, not turning around.) The prophecy was a fake. Angel was never gonna hurt Connor. It was all for nothing.
(After a moment Fred leaves, leaving Wesley destroyed.)

(Frzylckas’ Lair)
(Gunn's still in the midst of the fighty-fight with the Skench demon. It gets in a good shot at his head, dropping him to the floor, but as it lunges at him, Gunn kicks it in the midsection, sending it sprawling over the coffee table. Gunn grabs his machete, leaps on top of it. Gunn hits the writhing demon, puts his machete blade at its throat. He struggles, then drives the blade through its neck. Its dying rattle sends a spurt of blue slime straight up -- but Gunn flinches out of the way, the slime hitting the ceiling. He sits there for a beat, out of breath, then looks up at the ceiling and laughs.)
Gunn: Must be my lucky day.
(He stands, turns to leave -- to find Repo Man in the door.)
Repo Man: Wanna bet?

(7 Years Ago)
(Alley – Night)
(This is outside the casino. A lone figure moves down the sidewalk. As he steps through a pool of light we see that it’s Gunn. He’s much younger and walks with his ‘I’m a bad-ass’ stride. He stops in front of an unmarked door, looks around, enters.)

(Demon Casino)
(Gunn moves through the casino, surveying the place -- it's big and gaudy -- heading for the back where Jenoff can be seen behind a velvet rope. A high stakes poker game is going on behind Jenoff who is signing a chit for a Pit Boss who takes an enormous amount of chips to a high rolling demon at the table. Gunn moves toward Jenoff. Repo Man steps right in front of him.)
Repo Man: What you want?
Gunn: I wanna talk to the man.
Repo Man: You got an appointment?
Gunn: No. Got business.
(Repo Man looks to Jenoff who nods.)
Repo Man: Over here, Slick, little touch n' go. (He leads Gunn behind a curtain, cutting them off from the eyes of the public.) You packin'?
Gunn: No.
(Repo Man motions, Gunn turns around. Pats him down for weapons.)
Repo Man: He could kill you ten ways from Sunday even if you were, but then he'd cook me, too... You're clean.
Gunn: Told ya'.
Repo Man: Guess not everyone's as honest as you, bro'.
Gunn: I'm not your bro'.
Repo Man: Know that. You got a name or just a 'tude? (Gunn just gives him a look. Repo Man brings him out from behind the curtain.)(to Jenoff) Name's Gunn.
(Repo Man moves off to a respectful distance.)
Jenoff: Charles Gunn if I'm not mistaken. (Gunn's a little surprised Jenoff knows his name.) Man of the streets, protector of the young and innocent. What can I do for you, Mr. Gunn?
Gunn: I want somethin'.
Jenoff: Not sure I can help. (off Gunn's look) I don't traffic in "wants", I supply needs. Kinda things you gotta have right now or you'll die. They tend to be more valuable.
Gunn: I need it.
Jenoff: Then maybe I can assist. What is it? Money, power, love? (Gunn goes into his pocket, pulls out a picture. Hands it to Jenoff who has to go into the breast pocket of his jacket to get out his reading glasses. Puts them on, looks at the picture (which we cannot see), smiles.) Very nice. She's a real beauty. (He gives the picture (which we will NOT see) back to Gunn.) I can make it happen. But there's a cost. I guess you know that.
Gunn: Yeah.
Jenoff: It's nothing you have to pay now, but one day you will. The cost, Mr. Gunn, is your future.
Gunn: (calmly) What future?
(Jenoff smiles.)
Jenoff: Well, there's that. Still, I need you to state for the record, of your own free will, you're sure you wish to mortgage your future for your present happiness?
Gunn: I'm sure.
(Jenoff studies Gunn, while fingering a small ring her wears on his middle finger -- a sharp steel point pops out from the ring on the palm side.)
Jenoff: Shake on that? (He holds out his hand. Gunn looks at it, then grips it, cutting his own hand on the point. Jenoff holds Gunn very tightly in his grip, leans in.) Good.
(Jenoff releases Gunn, grabbing Gunn's now cut and bleeding hand and slapping it down on a fancy contract that has suddenly appeared in his hand. It's full of old fashioned calligraphy, we're moving too fast to read the details. Gunn's hand it pulled away leaving a blood print over the line: Client’s Signature.)
Repo Man: (vo) You made a deal...

(Frzylckas’ Lair – Present)
(Gunn stands opposite the Repo Man, right where we left them.)
Repo Man: ...signed a blood oath trading your soul. You think that's an arrangement you can get out of? This ain't some D.V.D. club -- although the one I'm in plays pretty rough, too.
Gunn: Who said I'm trying to get out of anything?
Repo Man: You're planning on giving your soul to another, aren't you?
Gunn: What are you talking about?
Repo Man: Some broad, you're fallin' for her hard...
Gunn: Fred?
Repo Man: I don't know, we don't get a name, just an image. Skinny white girl? Big eyes? We're professionals, we keep an eye on the Akashic records, think we wouldn't know when one of our souls was about to be transferred? (beat) Isn't Fred a guy's name? (Gunn gives him a cold look.) Hey, none a mine, I'm just here to tell ya', you broke the contract. Your soul ain't yours to give, it's Mr. Jenoff's to take.
Gunn: I gotta see him.
Repo Man: What you gotta do is pay up. He's not happy, now here I am talking to you.
Gunn: I'm not... I'm not the same person I was back then --
Repo Man: We all get older. And we all pay our debts to Mr. Jenoff.
Gunn: There must be something else. Something else he can take.
Repo Man: Gee, I never heard that before -- except every damn time the bill comes due. Now listen good: you got twenty- four hours to get your house in order and get your ass on down to that casino. If you're thinkin' about runnin' or cheatin', don't. Cause then we take your soul and the girl's, too.
Gunn: She's got nothing to do with this.
Repo Man: Well, you can keep it that way or you can get her killed. It's up to you now, Slick. See ya' tomorrow.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Gunn enters, head down, lost in thought. He looks up and sees Fred in Wesley’s office, filing. She moves back and forth from the desk to the filing cabinet oblivious to anyone seeing her.)
Cordelia: (os) R whooh kah bay?
(He turns, she's moving towards him, mouth full of food, a huge sandwich in hand.)
Gunn: What?
(She holds up a finger, chews, swallows.)
Cordelia: I said, are you okay?
Gunn: Yeah, I'm fine.
Cordelia: (re: sandwich) Seemed kinda rude to chow down in front of Angel but I was starving so I took a little break and you are not okay, pal.
Gunn: (beat) I'm a little tired but --
Cordelia: Cordelia here. I can read the misery on your face. I know what's going on.
Gunn: You do?
Cordelia: It's pretty obvious. Angel lost his son, Wesley's... gone. And here you are... happy as a kid in a candy store.
(Gunn reacts.)
Gunn: I'm... happy.
Cordelia: And wracked with guilt because of it. Well don't be. You and Fred were meant to be, I get that now. (She looks over at Fred.) She's a doll. Who wouldn't be head over heels? I admit I was a little slow on the uptake. I thought she and Wes... but the way you two look at each other, well, I got eyes. I don't know why Lorne needs people to sing to figure out what's on their minds.
Gunn: No. You saw right away that I was...
Cordelia: Happy. Nothing to feel bad about. This place could use a little happiness right now. You and Fred have your whole big bright futures ahead of you and I'm here to tell you, it's all right to enjoy it. (bites sandwich) Life goes on.
Gunn: I should enjoy my future.
Cordelia: I'm just sayin'. If there's one thing I learned living on a hellmouth: every day is precious, you never know when it may be your last.
(Her words are not lost on him. He looks at Fred.)
Gunn: I never figured I'd be around this long. Or have this much.
Cordelia: Some people never know one day of joy. You're lucky.
Gunn: (beat) Maybe I am.
Cordelia: So live a little. We don't have any pressing cases and I haven't had a vision in like --(Suddenly her hand goes to her temple and she closes her eyes.) Oh wait. I'm having one right now...(opens her eyes) It's of you and Fred taking tomorrow off. And see, my visions – never wrong.
Gunn: (a beat) Thanks.
(She's already started up the steps, over her shoulder.)
Cordelia: Welcome. Have some fun.

(L.A. Hospital – Morning)
(A doctor steps into Wesley’s room, chart in hand.)
Doctor: How are we feeling today? (Wesley, of course, can't respond. Just looks back at the doctor.) I know it's been very rough but I do have some good news. There's no longer any sign of infection or rebleeding in the wound and the swelling's gone down. We can stop worrying about your airway becoming compromised. (beat) I'm going to release you later today. (Wesley doesn't even react to that. Just keeps staring.) Is there someone who can pick you up? A friend or family member we can call?
(Wesley just stares at him, knowing he’s lost all his friends.)

(Hyperion – Fred’s Bedroom)
(Fred lies in bed, asleep. Her cell phone, which sits on a night-stand rings. She rolls over, picks it up, putting it to her ear. Immediately starts to talk, still a little sleep in her voice.)
Fred: (into phone) All right, ready? Red t-shirt, your dark blue blue jeans, grey boots. (beat) Was I right about any of it? Okay, that was just a warm up. (thinks) Yellow long sleeve tee, gray cords, tan boots. (beat) See, record secure. Never takes me more than twice. (beat) Me? I just woke up. (beat) Maybe you should come over here and find out. (beat) Mmmm-mmm... yeah... depends how soon you can get here... course if it takes you too long –
(Gunn walks in the door, phone in one hand, a large tray (covered by a silver cover) carefully balanced in the other. He is, in fact, dressed like she said he was.)
Gunn: (as he enters) It won't.
Fred: (smiles) Hey. (into phone) Sorry, have to cancel, somebody just walked in my door.
Gunn: (still into the phone) He better looking than me?
Fred: Way. And... (re: tray, excited) ...he brought me breakfast in bed!
(Gunn lowers the tray onto her lap. They both hang up their phones.)
Gunn: Voila, Madame. Room service.
Fred: Cool. (then, a little scared) You didn't cook, did you?
Gunn: Nope. (He lifts up the cover revealing two large styrofoam containers and one long red rose.) Your favorite food from your favorite diner.
Fred: (opens the containers) Pancakes and waffles? I'm in starch- heaven, yu-um. (She starts to eat immediately. Between bites.) Is today special or something?
Gunn: Yup. Very special.
Fred: How come?
Gunn: Cause we have the day off.
Fred: We do?
Gunn: And we are going to spend every minute of it having the best day of our lives.
(Beat. Her big eyes get even bigger, what with the joy and all.)
Fred: Well, now it's official.
Gunn: What?
Fred: (mouth full of food) You are the best boyfriend ever. Pancake kiss!
(They kiss.)

(Angel’s Room)
(Cordelia lounges on her chair, one leg slung over its arm, reading her book (she's at least half-way through it). Angel stares at the crib, silent. Big beat. They've been like this for a good long time.)
Angel: I think he was gonna be left-handed. (Cordelia looks up, amazed that he's opened his mouth, but also, "Huh?" He doesn't look at her as he continues, just keeps his eyes on the crib, speaking matter of factly.) The way he'd hold onto your fingers... his left hand always squeezed just a little bit tighter. Kid had a grip... he was gonna be a southpaw for sure... (Cordelia quietly closes her book, not wanting to break the spell, listening to him.) You live as long as I do, eventually you lose everyone. It's what happens. I'm not sayin' you get used to it but you expect it, you deal. But he was just... (beat) ...he was just a little... (He takes a deep breath.) You think you know something about living, cause you have this really long past. And that's really all you have, in my case anyway. Then one day you wake up and you have something else...
Cordelia: (getting it) A future.
Angel: (nods) I had a son...
(Cordelia nods, just listening to him.)

(Fred and Gunn sit at a table. Fred is surrounded by spoils from her day. Department store shopping bags, a big stuffed bunny ("The Pier" banner around its neck), a cardboard crown (like you get at a fast food restaurant), a Dodger Pennant, etc. She looks a little overwhelmed.)
Gunn: Now, for out next item of pleasure: we got movies galore. You pick -- hey, you wanna go to the twelve plex, hit the previews in every theater? It'd be like seeing a years' worth a movies all at once. (He looks at her.) Somethin' wrong with the shake? It's your favorite, double mocha double whip.
Fred: I'm... kinda full.
Gunn: (mock) Oh my god, this is serious.
Fred: It's just, Sixth Street tacos, fish sticks at the Pier, Dodger dogs...
Gunn: (pouring on the cheer) Don't fold on me now, girl, we still got a lot of fun to go today.
Fred: Oh... I'm for the fun... it's just, we have too much more of it I might explode.
Gunn: Right. Sorry. (He pulls shake and wings away from her.) No more food -- but movie-club- shopping fun still to be had – wanna hit the roller rink?
Fred: Charles, I think I'm kinda wiped.
Gunn: Oh.
Fred: It's just we've been having so much... fun today. Don't you think we should save some, before we use it up and all the other people get sad... 'cause we took all the happy?
Gunn: Oh god. I blew it. I tried too hard.
Fred: No. It's been like the most beautiful wonderful day ever, aside from the hurly burly and the knot in my tummy. Being with you is always special. It's just... it's not like we have to cram the rest of our lives into one single day. (She puts her hand on his.) Right? (Beat. Gunn looks down.) OH MY GOD. (He looks back up.) You did try too hard. You haven't been yourself all day. You're doin' all this because... because something's wrong, something's terribly wrong.
Gunn: No…
Fred: Charles, do you have leukemia? (He looks at her for a beat, actually starts to laugh.) Don't laugh at me! I see it on the news all the time -- they're young and in love, their whole lives ahead of them when tragedy strikes --
Gunn: I'm not sick.
Fred: You're not? You promise?
Gunn: I'm not sick.
Fred: Oh thank god. (breathes a sigh of relief) I feel better. Except for the terrible knot I've had inside all day -- (realizing) which is not the food -- it's... us. What's wrong with us?
Gunn: (flat) It's nothing.
Fred: Oh that helped.
Gunn: Maybe we should just go back to the hotel and call it a --
Fred: And maybe we should stay right here and you should stop lying to me. (Her force catches Gunn off guard. She tries to remain calm.) I know something's wrong. Just be honest and tell me. Whatever it is we'll get through it together.
(He looks at her, knowing what he has to do. And he goes cold.)
Gunn: No. We won't.
Fred: What?
Gunn: This isn't somethin' we're gonna talk through, you share your feelings, I share mine, then we have a big hug.
Fred: I don't think I like the way you're talking to me.
Gunn: (even colder) Too bad.
Fred: (trying hard not to cry) Why are you... why are you being so mean?
Gunn: I'm being honest. Isn't that what you want?
(Beat. She slowly nods. Swallowing the tears, finding strength.)
Fred: Yeah. Be honest. (really hard for her to ask:) Is it me?
Gunn: Wow. You finally figured that one out.
(Fred swallows hard.)
Fred: What -- what's wrong with me?
Gunn: Now I gotta make a list? I really don't have that much time.
Fred: Are you joking? (His look tells her he's not.) Charles... what's happening?
Gunn: What's happening, girl, is you and me are over. Done.
Fred: No…
Gunn: Am I askin'? I'm tellin'. I've had enough.
Fred: I don't believe you.
Gunn: Best start.
(He gets up to go.)
Fred: But... wait... is there someone else? (He just gives her that cold look.) What... what's her name?
(He moves over to her, towering over her.)
Gunn: Her name is "I'm a real woman, not a stick figure." Get the picture? (Fred just looks up at him. Tears streaming down her face.) Speak up.
Fred: (tiny) Yeah.
Gunn: Good. See ya' around.
(He leaves, and Fred just sits there.)

(Hyperion – Angel’s Room)
(Angel and Cordelia sitting side-by-side now. There has been some silence. Both just thinking. She breaks the silence.)
Cordelia: I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I know what you're going through, or that I could begin to understand what it is you're feeling. (beat) The last thing you need right now is someone saying that given time, things will get better. The hurt will go away. (then) Because things won't get better. And the hurt's never gonna go away. (He looks at her.) The truth is, if you lived another two hundred years, you'd never forget how Connor was taken from you. (then) And you shouldn't. (beat) You loved your son, Angel. And you're gonna go on loving him. And missing him. (another beat) And you'll go one living. You'll do that, too.
Angel: I don't know how.
Cordelia: You don't need to. The "how" works itself out. Life'll just keeping happening. There'll be people who need our help -- and so we'll help 'em. (finally) 'Cause that's what we do.
(He looks at her. As they hold the look between them... they both start to become aware of a soft sobbing coming from the hallway. Cordelia gets up and goes over to the door. She opens it and they see Fred standing there crying.)
Cordelia: Fred?
(Angel rises, moves toward the door as well.)
Fred: (through tears) I'm sorry. I was gonna knock but it's not a good time so I didn't but I don't know what else to do...
(She can't finish, as she starts sobbing again. Angel arrives at the door.)
Angel: Fred, what is it? What's wrong?
(She looks at him with her wet, pleading eyes.)
Fred: It's Charles. I think he's in terrible danger.

(Demon Casino)
(Jenoff is up on his balcony overlooking the game floor. his face twisted with pleasure. A weird, misty white light wafts around him as...we pull back to see that he has currently got his index and middle fingers in the eyesockets of a man in a track suit, sucking his soul.)
Jenoff: Ahhh...

(Ground Floor)
(The Repo Man is watching this from below. The front door opens and Gunn enters. Repo Man is surprised to see him there. Their eyes meet and Repo Man smiles. Gunn moves toward him. Passes the gaming tables without even looking, intent on getting it over with. Gunn comes face-to-face with Repo Man. Beat.)
Gunn: I'm here to pay my bill.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Angel, Cordelia and Groo gathered. Fred looks to them expectantly, her story having come out. They're all a little stunned and speechless at the moment.)
Cordelia: Wow.
Fred: I know, hunh?
Groo: I am sorry this has come to pass.
Angel: I'm a little confused.
Fred: About what? What was unclear?
Cordelia: (what they're all confused about) Well... upstairs -- you said you thought Gunn was in danger.
Fred: He is!
Cordelia: Right... and you think that because...
Fred: He broke up with me!
Cordelia: Ah.
(A beat as Fred realizes still not big with the clarity here.)
Fred: But not really!
Cordelia: Oh. (then) No?
Fred: No!
Groo: That is good. I am most relieved.
Fred: What? No! This is worse! Much worse! I wish he had broken up with me!
Cordelia: Fred, I hate to say this, but... are you sure he didn't? I mean, those things you said he said to you...
Fred: I know I said he said those things to me, but he would never say those things to me!
Cordelia: Those things he said?
Fred: Exactly! That's how I know he's in trouble!
Angel: So let me get this straight. (beat) You and Gunn are dating?
Fred: (wildly) NOT ANYMORE, I GUESS!
Cordelia: Fred. Honey.
Fred: Don't you see? He hurt me! And the only reason he'd do that is to protect me from something! And whatever it is, it's gotta be bad because... this hurts like hell.
(A beat as this registers for all of them. Fred's sheer certainty is enough to cast out doubt.)
Angel: Then I guess we better help him. (They all turn to look at him, and he looks at Cordelia.) We are not losing another member of this family.

(Wesley’s Apartment)
(The door opens and Wesley walk in with a box in his arms. He eyes look around the empty apartment. He just stands there for a moment then swings the door shut.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Cordelia hangs up the phone, as she moves to the others.)
Cordelia: Still no answer, either at his place or on his cell.
Fred: Oh, god.
Groo: This does not bode well.
Angel: Okay, then we'll have to split up.
Groo: To cover more ground. That is a good plan. I agree.
Angel: Fred and I can hit Gunn's old gang haunts, see if maybe they've heard from him.
Cordelia: Or if they know of any old enemies he might have.
Angel: Exactly. (Groo nodes. He likes that idea.) Cordelia and Groo, you two go by Gunn's place, just make sure.
Cordelia: Maybe we could report his truck as stolen.
(Groo's not sure if that makes sense, furrows his brow.)
Groo: Um…
Angel: Not a terrible idea to get the police involved if none of this pans out --
(Groo nods, sees the wisdom in all these suggestions.)
Fred: We should leave a note here for Lorne, let him know what's going on.
(Cordelia nods.)
Angel: If none of us come up with anything, we'll regroup back here at midnight.
(Groo holds up a business card.)
Groo: And perhaps as we search, we could leave these small rectangles behind us -- as did that creature who came by yesterday inquiring after Gunn.
Angel: Right. Good -- what?
Groo: (displaying business card) Small rectangles with telephonic digits. As a way for people to get in touch with us should they learn anything.
Angel: Uh -- could I see that?
(Groo hands Angel the business card.)
Fred: Somebody came by here looking for Charles?
Groo: Yesterday. Please remind me to give that rectangle to Gunn when we find him, (for Fred, to bolster her spirit) for I am confident we shall.
Angel: Guy works for Jenoff –
Cordelia: Jenoff?
Angel: The Soul Sucker.

(Demon Casino) (Two Demon Bouncers are dragging away the corpse of Track Suit Guy, as Gunn stands with Repo Man as Jenoff descends the stairs, flanked by his Bodyguards. Moves through the crowd toward Gunn. Gunn is stoic, emotionless. Jenoff smiles as he steps up.)
Jenoff: Charles Gunn. I'm impressed. Not a lot of guys come in through that door of their own free will -- not the second time, anyway. (then) She must be pretty special, this girl you were gettin' ready to give my merchandise to.
Gunn: I'm here to make good on my debt. You don't even talk about her. (Jenoff smiles at that, amused.) Once we're square, you don't even think about her –
Jenoff: She was never part of the deal. (to Repo Man) Hold him.
(Repo Man goes for Gunn, but Gunn stops him.)
Gunn: I'm not gonna run. (to Repo Man) But touch me and you'd better. (Repo Man backs off, Gunn looks to Jenoff.) Let's just get this over with.
(Jenoff lifts his hand, his index and middle finger pointed. But suddenly front door bursts open. Angel, wielding a wicket looking axe, and Groo, with a sword, are through the door quick, Cordelia and Fred bringing up the rear. Three demon bouncers attack. Angel hits the first in the stomach with his axe, deals a fist to the face of another bouncer who's knocked right into Cordelia's path. She slugs him with the mace, sending him down. Jenoff turns to watch what’s going on. Fred bursts through the chaos, sees and calls out to Gunn.)
Fred: Charles!
(Gunn takes an instinctive step forward.)
Gunn: Fred…
(Gunn is restrained by Bouncers. Groo makes quick work of the third Bouncer as our gang makes it further into the room. Another demon leaps at Fred, but Angel knocks it back in mid-air. But more demons begin to crowd around them. Cordelia takes a nervous look around.)
Cordelia: Angel…
Angel: I know.
Groo: We are surrounded.
Angel: I know.
Fred: We have to save Charles!
Angel: I know! (He reaches out and grabs a bouncer and gets him in a headlock and threatens to snap his neck.) Who's a guy gotta kill to talk to the boss around here?
Jenoff: I'm the boss. (The crowd parts to let him through. Behind him is Gunn, followed by Repo Man. The menacing Demons step back, respectful.) Mind telling me why you're disrupting my business?
Angel: Actually, it's you who's disrupting my business -- you're about to deprive me of a very valuable employee. Charles Gunn there – he works for me.
Jenoff: Good business man looks into the backgrounds of potential employees. Had you done that, you might've learned he was strictly short-term material.
Angel: Then I'll make a deal with you. (Jenoff raises an eyebrow in interest.) You release him, forget what he owes you -- and I'll let you live.
Jenoff: (beat) Thank you. (to his guys) Kill 'em.
(He starts to walk away, the demons lunge forward.)
Angel: Double or nothing!
(Jenoff stops in his tracks, back to Angel, raises a hand which stops all incoming demons. He turns, looks at Angel.)
Jenoff: You offerin' me your soul?
Angel: A chance to win it, anyway.
Jenoff: How stupid do I look to you? You're a vampire. I can smell it from here.
Angel: Take a bigger whiff. I'm a vampire with a soul.
(The gang all watch nervously. Jenoff moves to him, suspicious.)
Jenoff: (studies him, moving closer) Oh. You're that vampire.
Angel: I choose the game. I win, we walk outta here. Gunn's debt disappears. You win -- (beat) You get us.

(A Few Minutes Later)
(Angel holds a deck of cards, confidently. Cordelia, Fred and Groo are behind him. Cordelia leans close.)
Cordelia: Brilliant stall tactic, bought us some time. Now what's the plan?
(Angel does an overhand shuffle.)
Angel: (re: cards) This is the plan.
(Cordelia glances over at Jenoff, already seated at the High Roller's table.)
Cordelia: Really?
Angel: Really. We're gonna win Gunn's soul back.
(Across the room Gunn is sectioned off close to the High Roller's Table. A Demon Bouncer on either side of him. Gunn glances over at Fred but can't hold her gaze -- ashamed to be in this predicament. Fred turns to the gang.)
Fred: This is so wrong in so many ways. I mean, it isn't money or a stuffed bunny Angel's playing for. It's my boyfriend.
Angel: Fred, I understand you're nervous. Don't be. I've been around a long time. Played a lot of cards and won a lot of bets.
Fred: See, that's where we're different. I tend to get lost and lose things. (holding it in) And I can't lose Charles.
(Angel looks over at Jenoff. Reassures Fred.)
Angel: I'm not gonna lose.

(Across the Room)
(Jenoff stares at Angel as Repo Man leans in.)
Repo Man: You worried about this?
(Jenoff shakes his head no.)
Jenoff: Like taking candy from a baby.

(Back Across The Room)
(Groo scans the casino, susses out the demons. There's quite a buzz as wagers are being placed on the impending game. He steps up to Angel.)
Groo: Angel, if we must rely on luck, I prefer the odds of my sword. We should fight our way out.
Angel: (shakes his head) Gotta disagree, Groo. Fighting puts all of us at risk. My way's safer.
Fred: (a bit panicky) If you win! -- But if you lose your soul, won't you go evil and start killin' everybody including us? (to Cordelia) Am I wrong...?
(Fred and Groo look to Cordelia for her opinion.)
Cordelia: Not wrong in theory, but I gotta go with Ace (indicating Angel) on this one. Sorry.
(Angel looks over at Jenoff who motions that it's time. Angel nods, ready. He turns back to the gang.)
Angel: I'm gonna win. (He starts toward Jenoff. Reaches under his jacket, pulls out a stake, hands it to Cordelia.) But if I lose... You know what to do. Just make it quick.
(Cordelia takes the stake from Angel.)
Cordelia: You know I will.
(As the Demon crowd parts for Angel and company. Angel sits down next to Jenoff. Cordelia, Fred and Groo circle around him. A Dealer stands nearby. Gunn watches the table as Repo Man steps up behind him.)
Repo Man: (in Gunn's ear) Y'know, Jenoff lets me have the bodies when he's done with 'em.
(Gunn glares at Repo Man, but the Bouncers hold him in place. Demons are busy placing last minute bets. Jenoff holds up a hand and the room grows silent.)
Jenoff: (to Angel) One hand of cards. If you win, this man (indicating Gunn) ...walks free. If I win, I keep his soul, and I get yours. (Angel nods. The gang watches nervously.) Name your game. Omaha, Texas Hold 'Em, Seven Card Stud...?
(Angel looks from Jenoff to his Dealer, who's holding a deck at the ready. Looks back to Jenoff.)
Angel: How 'bout a simple cut of the deck? High card wins.
Jenoff: (impressed) Vampire's not only got a soul, he's got guts. (He nods to the Dealer, who riffle shuffles the cards then sets the deck on the table.) Feeling lucky?
Angel: After you.
(Jenoff smiles, reaches out, his hand hovers over the deck for a long beat. Makes his cut. Turns the cards over. It’s the 5 of Clubs. A murmur ripples through the room. Jenoff's smile fades. Cordelia, Fred and Groo breathe a sigh of relief. Fred glances over at Gunn. He releases the hint of a smile. Angel raises his fingers to his lips and blows on them for luck. He reaches down and cuts the deck. He turns the card over and it’s the 3 of Hearts. Angel can’t believe it.)
Angel: A three?
(Gunn can't believe it either.)
Gunn: A three...?
(But Jenoff's more than happy to believe it.)
Jenoff: A three! (His smile returns, he looks at Angel.) You lose.
(Angel's eyes lock with Cordelia's as she raises the stake. It looks like she's about to plunge it into Angel's chest but instead, she slams it into Jenoff’s hand, and pins it to the table. Jenoff roars in pain.)
Cordelia: (to Angel) That quick enough?
(Angel grabs his axe, swings it around and cuts Jenoff’s head off.)
Angel: Works for me.
(The head rolls across the floor as Jenoff's body falls forward onto the table, yellow blood spilling onto the felt. Stunned silence. A beat on the surrounding demons. Will they attack? And then they all move at once exchanging money in a flourish, settling their bets: Angel's the winner. Gunn stands and slams his fist into Repo Man’s face.)
Gunn: Look out. (And then hits him again, harder. Knocks him clean off his feet. Fred rushes over to him.) Angel...
Angel: It's over. No need to say thanks.
Gunn: You're right. -- If killing him was that easy, I would've done it myself.
(Angel looks over at Jenoff’s headless body. The yellow blood starts to bubble as Jenoff begins to grow a new head. It’s large and more grotesque than the last one. The gang steel themselves and raise their weapons.)
Groo: Now we fight...
(Angel looks back to all the other demons.)
Angel: So who else in here owes this guy?
(Realizing they're better off with Jenoff dead. It's all the demons need. They turn in mass and attack Jenoff, tearing him apart, while our gang slips out of the Casino.)

(Gunn’s Truck – Night)
(Gunn's behind the wheel, angled toward Fred, who's leaning back against the passenger door.)
Fred: Say it again. A little slower this time.
(Gunn leans toward her.)
Gunn: (slowly) I was terribly, terribly wrong to break up with you and say those mean, untrue things.
Fred: Good, now say it into the tape recorder.
(She lifts her hand out like it's holding a microphone. Gunn gently takes her hand.)
Gunn: I'm really sorry and I'll never do it again.
(He kisses her hand. She opens it, strokes his cheek.)
Fred: I'm just glad you're all right.
Gunn: I'm only all right if you and me are good. (a beat) We are, aren't we?
(Fred nods. Gunn's glad. Leans over and gives her a kiss. Fred looks him in the eye.)
Fred: (intimate) Just one last thing.
Gunn: Name it.
Fred: Who'd you trade your soul for?
Gunn: (a beat) ...It was a long time ago.
Fred: I know. But I want you to tell me and we'll never talk about it again. -- Who was she? (Gunn pulls away, uncomfortable, puts his hands on the wheel.) Charles...
Gunn: That was way before I met you.
(Fred moves toward him. Slides close.)
Fred: You musta wanted her pretty bad to trade your soul.
Gunn: Guess I did...
Fred: Just tell me.
Gunn: You'll think it's stupid.
Fred: I won't.
Gunn: It was a truck. (He stares at her with a "happy now?" look on his face.) I was seventeen years old and I sold my soul for a truck.
Fred: (after a beat) Not this truck?
Gunn: Don't go dissin' my girl.
Fred: Oh, Charles. Your soul wasn't worth air conditioning?
Gunn: Look, back in the day this truck kept me alive. Helped me save other lives too. I know it sounds dumb, but a soul didn't seem like such a big deal. Didn't think I had a future then. (He looks into her eyes.) Now I do.
(And Gunn leans into Fred for a sweet kiss.)
Fred: What is it about you that makes me melt?
Gunn: Maybe it's that I love you.
Fred: (a beat) That's gotta be it.
(They kiss again.)

(Hyperion – Angel’s Room)
(Angel stands in front of Connor's crib, considers it as he has throughout the episode. Cordelia stands in the doorway behind him, watching silently. Angel stares at the crib for another beat and then, having come to a decision, steps forward and begins to fold it up. Cordelia watches for a beat then exits, leaving Angel alone as he continues folding the crib.)

Season Three Guide