The Fear That Follows

Soldier: Still nothing on the bridge, sir. This part of the Abyssal is famous for it's phantom signals. We get them all the time.
Reinhart: I don't investigate bogeymen, soldier. Launch a scatter-com. Ten minutes west, at 3200 meters.
Soldier: I'm not authorized to violate UEO tracking accords.
Reinhart: Well fortunately, I am. (he launches the scatter-com)
Soldier: SCI transmitting at 20…30,000 meters…70,000, 100.
Reinhart: There you are. Isolate it. Give me a secured audio. I want to hear this.
Soldier: Yes, sir. That's weird. If I didn't know any better I'd swear it was looking for seaQuest.
Reinhart: Wake the General.

General Thomas: I thought you said we couldn't make their technology.
Reinhart: We can't. I launched an SCI.
Thomas: That's a UEO violation, Lieutenant.
Reinhart: Yes, sir, it is. But as I understand it, so is treason.
Thomas: You telling me I have a spy aboard seaQuest.
Reinhart: One that I know of.

(UEO Docking Bay)
(seaQuest is docked.)
(Launch Bay - One guard is standing watch when suddenly the seaQuest is flooded with troops. The guard tries to go for his PAL unit but the soldiers grab him. An alarm sounds throughout the boat.)

(Sea Deck)
(Bridger comes running in followed by a few crewmen. General Thomas is on the vid-link.)
Bridger: Would you mind telling me what this is about?
Thomas: Stand to, Captain.
Bridger: Stand to? What is this, a joke?
Thomas: Sorry, Captain, this is strictly need to know.
Bridger: Now listen, you're not my commanding officer. You can't storm aboard my boat, arrest my people! (sees Reinhart and some soldiers enter the room ) You bet I have a right to know!
Thomas: Not this time, Nathan.
(Suddenly Darwin swims up and all the soldiers arm their weapons and point them at Darwin.)

(Later - seaQuest, Bridge)
O'Neil: I still can't get through, sir. Do you want me to keep trying?
Bridger: Yes, Mr. O'Neil, I want you to keep trying.
O'Neil: Aye, sir.

(Deserted Highway)
(Lucas, Piccolo, and Dagwood are driving around.)
Piccolo: Where the hell are we? Even if we actually find our off ramp, Lucas, you sure you want to blow right past it?
Lucas: I'm sorry, I just don't get to drive that much.
Piccolo: How'd you like the food?
Lucas: Major piata time. How'd you ever find that place?
Piccolo: Nice, huh? I dunno, I think I woke up there or something. (to Dagwood) You still alive, sport? What are you doing back there?
Dagwood: Drawing.
(Dagwood shows Lucas and Piccolo the drawing he was working on.)
Piccolo: Does the restaurant know you stole their placemat?
Dagwood: I didn't mean to.
Lucas: He's kidding, Dagwood. Did you get enough to eat?
Dagwood: I'm still hungry, and I have to urinate.
Computer: All circuits are busy, please try again.
Lucas: Try the Internet.
Piccolo: I tried the Internet. I can't log on.
Lucas: That's weird, global positioning is never down.
(Piccolo is looking at some discs.)
Piccolo: I wonder how old these are.
Lucas: Map disks. That's an idea that went out with leather seats.
(Dagwood looks up and sees something.)
Dagwood: Lucas?
Lucas: Not now, Dagwood.
Dagwood: But Lucas….(points straight ahead.)
(Lucas looks up and then slams on the breaks. There is an elderly Native American man in the middle of the road looking up at the sky. The guys all get out of the car to make sure he's alright.)
Lucas: Hey, mister, I'm sorry, I didn't even see you there.
Piccolo: Where'd he come from? There not a town around here for miles.
Lucas: There must be a reservation or something.
Piccolo: Yeah (?) about this guy. Hey guy. (snaps his fingers) You lost or something? (no response) That would be 'no', right? Huh?
Lucas: Don't aggravate him, Tony.
Piccolo: Not to worry, aggravation doesn't seem to be in this guy's book.
(Suddenly the headlights on the car flicker.)
Piccolo: What's going on?
(The vid-link in the car rings and Piccolo goes to answer it.)
Bridger: (on VL) I've been looking for you two for over an hour. Where's Lucas?
Piccolo: He's right here.
Lucas: (to Bridger) What's wrong?
Bridger: (on VL) Darwin's been arrested.
(Lucas and Piccolo are very surprised to hear this. They look up and the old man is gone.)

(UEO Marine Research Center)
(Darwin is in a small pool.)
Thomas: That signal has been chewing up UEO communications for all week. A signal transmitted over secured UEO frequencies.
Bridger: General, he's a dolphin, not a spy.
Lucas: Sir, you can't put him in just any ecology, he's gonna get sick in there.
Reinhart: Your mammal is responsible for a breach in UEO security, and until we find out who he's talking to we intend keep an eye on him.
Bridger: (to Darwin) My friend, have you been sending messages?
(Darwin says nothing.)
Lucas: Come on buddy, I don't think these guys are kidding around. Who sent this to you? Captain, if there were fewer people around.
Bridger: Lieutenant, I don't think we're gonna sneak him a flounder with a file in it.
Reinhart: Is there something about National Security that amuses you, Captain?
Bridger: Yes, quite a bit.
Thomas: Lieutenant. (motions for them to leave)
Lucas: That guy's a million laughs.
Bridger: Who were the messages to?
Darwin: Bridger message.
Bridger: My message?
Darwin: Returning.
Bridger: Who's returning?
Darwin: Invitation. Cooperation.
Bridger: Uh oh.
Lucas: What?
Bridger: (point up) Our friends, their returning.
Lucas: (to Darwin) The aliens?
Darwin: Visitors coming.
Lucas: Captain, that would explain the Internet going down, and the power drain.
Bridger: Yeah, but you're forgetting something. I withheld some important information from these people. I'm lucky I'm not in jail.
Darwin: Darwin tired.
Bridger: Yeah, thanks for keeping our secret. This is my crime, pal, not yours. (leaves)

Thomas: Engaging extra terrestrials. Inviting them back. We don't know anything about these aliens. Who are they? What do they want?
Bridger: We'll ask.
Thomas: We're the UEO. The first line of defense between invasion and the people of this planet. Now don't you think we owe it to them to think this through?
Bridger: You want me to un-invite them?
Thomas: No, what I want is to fly back to Washington to see my Capitals play.
Bridger: (incredulous) Three aliens land and you want to see a hockey game?
Thomas: It's the finals.
Bridger: Oh, the finals, oh well that's great. You've got my word, I'll take every precaution.
Thomas: I had your word last time. This time I want Reinhart in charge of security.
Bridger: Reinhart is a jerk.
Thomas: Yes, but he's my jerk. And no one's going to be walking off the planet on his watch.
Bridger: I want my dolphin back.

(seaQuest - Ward Room)
(The group is all watching video of the first alien encounter last season.)
Thomas: An intelligent polygraphic message that could still be activated after a million years.
Scott Keller: Give you an idea of the kind of technology that slipped through our fingers. But not this time.
Reinhart: Commander Ford and I both feel that a night docking at sea would provide the most security.
(Ford pulls up a map of the coastline.)
Ford: We'll be evacuating this entire sector. We'll launch a class B booey signaling to the surrounding ocean communities that the UEO is investigating a bio-reactor spill. We'll then communicate coordinates with the aliens through Darwin, rondevu with the alien ship and escort her to a secured UEO (?).
(Reinhart shows footage of the aliens attacking seaQuest crewmen.)
Reinhart: You were getting to this part, weren't you, Captain Bridger?
Bridger: It's a de-ionisation process. I don't know anything about it either, but the results weren't permanent.
Thomas: No side effects?
Lucas: No. Except for the hope that they'd return so we'd learn more about them.
Reinhart: You have no idea what these creatures did to you and yet you'd willingly submit to it again. Sounds like you've been brainwashed, son, and not by any aliens.
Bridger: Anything else, Lieutenant?
Reinhart: Yes. I want Seaman Piccolo and your Model K offloaded.
Bridger: Why?
Reinhart: Piccolo is a convicted criminal and your Model K is classified technology.
Bridger: There's nothing classified about our Model K. And as for Piccolo, we don't persecute those who've submitted to the will of the court. He's here to make good.
Reinhart: History tells us he's better at making trouble.
(Bridger is upset at this and gets up to leave.)
Thomas: This is my call, Captain.

(Launch Bay)
(Ford is waiting for Piccolo and Dagwood, he glances at his watch and then sees them walking up.)
Piccolo: This stinks.
Ford: I know. Take it easy, sailor.
(They all look up and see the camera focused on them. Ford pulls Piccolo off to the side.)
Piccolo: (waves to the camera) Hello. (to Ford) I got more in common with these aliens than anybody.
Ford: I agree, but that not the point.
Dagwood: What is the point?
Ford: Special circumstances.
Dagwood: We're special?
Piccolo: Yeah, we're special. I'm a convict, you're a vericose vein.
Ford: Look, Reinhart's orders, it's not out of policy, it's just unfair.
Piccolo: Get used to unfair, Dag. Military's lousy with it. (walks to the launch.)
(Dagwood quickly follows but realizes that he forgot his drawings.)
Dagwood: Wait. I forgot my drawings.
(Ford stops him)
Ford: Sorry, Dagwood. Now means now. Your drawings will be safe, I promise.
(Dagwood gives him a look, but complies and goes to the launch.)
Officer: (on PAL) Commander Ford, everyone's checked in and we're green to go, sir.
Ford: (into PAL) Captain, up-world reports all phases of the evacuation have been completed.

Bridger: Thank you, Commander. Mr. Ortiz.
Ortiz: Yes, sir. (into headset) Caps and Rangers tied with 3:09 to go. (Bridger looks at him to see what he's doing.) I'm sorry, sir. General Thomas asked me to keep him appraised of the game. We're in position anytime you want to send the message.
Bridger: Let's see who's listening out there. Come in, Scott.

(Sea Deck)
Scott: We're set, Nathan. We got our fingers crossed. (sees a symbol tattooed on Darwin that is the same as the symbol that Dagwood drew on the placemat.) He spends one night in jail and he gets a tattoo.
Lucas: I always thought I'd be the first. (to Wendi) Is he all right?
Wendi: He picked up a non-virulent strain of some kind, no big deal. I'll do some more blood work but, he'll live.
O'Neil: (on PAL) They're responding to our signal, sir.
Scott: That was fast.

Bridger: I think they're as anxious as we are.

(Sea Deck)
Scott: I find that hard to believe. Let's go for it.
(He holds the PAL unit up to Darwin so he can understand and speak to the aliens.)
Darwin: Numbers accepted. Eager welcome. Gratitude.

Bridger: Thanks pal. (to O'Neil) What's their ETA?
O'Neil: Sir, their ETA was two minutes ago.
Bridger: They're here already?
Ortiz: On their way down, sir.
Scott: That's what I call stealth technology.
Bridger: All right, open the window. Let's see what she looks like.
O'Neil: Aye, sir.
(They open the sea-view window so they can see the ship coming down.)
O'Neil: Hydrogen content…six parts per thousand. It's smaller than the last ship, but the fusion ratings are through the roof.
Scott: They've had a million years to make improvements, if that's possible.
O'Neil: Initiate docking sequence, in three, two, one.
Ortiz: The Caps are out of it 4 games to 3 if, if anyone…
(O'Neil gives him a look)

(A small shuttle comes over from the alien ship and docks with the seaQuest.)

(Docking Bay 3)
Computer: Docking sequence complete.
Bridger: Henderson.
(Henderson cycles the doors.)
(The doors open to reveal three aliens. They come down the stairs. The alien in the front is the leader. Alien #2 takes an immediate liking to Lucas. It makes a move to go over to him, but the Leader stops it.)
Bridger: On behalf of all the people of our confederations, we welcome you.
(The aliens make no response.)
Brody: (to Lucas) You'd think over the last million years, they'd have picked up a couple of Earth words.
(Alien #3 moves to take off a type of purse and hand it to the leader.)
Reinhart: (cocks his gun) I'll take that.
Bridger: Lieutenant.
(Alien #2 looks at Reinhart's gun and makes it heat up in his hand, until he finally drops it. Alien #3 takes out a type of headdress and hands it to the leader. The leader puts it on and is able to speak through it. Alien #2 hands the gun to the Leader who in turn holds it out to Reinhart.)
Leader: It's okay now. It's cool.
Lucas: No, it's very cool.
(Reinhart takes his gun back.)
Scott: You've learned to talk to us.
Leader: We picked up (looks at Brody) a couple of words.
(Brody looks chagrinned.)
Reinhart: (points to the aliens arm weapons) I'll need those.
(The aliens look at Bridger.)
Bridger: We'll give them back.
(The aliens comply and allow the security guards to remove the weapons.)
Leader: We have come in peaceful exploration of our common goals. We want you to feel safe.
Reinhart: And this. (holds up a hypodermic spray, and the aliens look at him.) It's berium, it's a harmless sensor.
Bridger: You need that leash?
Reinhart: Captain, I can't let them off the seaQuest without it.
(The aliens again comply and hold out their arms. Reinhart injects all three of them.)
Leader: Will there be anything else, Lieutenant?
Reinhart: Yes, you will submit to a full medical work-up followed by a Q & A.
(The leader looks at Bridger)
Bridger: It's security. We don't like it either. Please. (motions for the aliens to precede him on a tour of the boat.)
Scott: Nathan, I'm gonna take a sea-crab. I wanna see inside that cock-pit.
(The leader stops and looks at him.)
Scott: I promise, I won't touch anything.
(The leader nods it's head and then leaves the docking bay with the other aliens.)
Bridger: Let's take us up, Commander.
Ford: Aye, sir.

(UU89 Center for Marine Research.)
(The aliens arrive at UU89 in driven cars. They get out and look around before heading into the building. Reinhart watches them from inside the security room. One of the aliens is captivated by the elevator and attempts to get on, but Lucas notices and leads it back to the others.)
Reinhart: Now there's intelligent life.
Ford: Lieutenant, I can't imagine anyone feeling welcome when you've got them on such a tight leash. These guys have come an awfully long way.
Reinhart: With all due respect, Commander, we really don't know where they came from and we certainly don't know why they're here.
Ford: Well it's gonna be kind of hard to find out if they don't feel they can trust us.
Reinhart: It's not their trust I'm interested in, it's their fear I want. With the technology their packing it may be the only effective weapon we have.
Ford: That's assuming they know what fear is.
Reinhart: Oh, they know all right. There isn't a creature in this universe who's heart isn't driven by fear. We just have to find it.
(Ford looks a little disturbed at this.)

(Medical Room)
(The aliens are undergoing some tests with Wendi's supervision.)
Wendi: The design is flawless. If I could find a way to synthesize their heart I could make a fortune on the pulmonary after market.
Bridger: Look at this, they're not even breaking a sweat. Don't they know they're not supposed to enjoy this?
Wendi: (laughs) Well, in theory we're heading the same way. There's nothing here I can't identify. We've always theorized about a biological evolution away from carbon to silicon lifeforms. Durable, organic, relatively invulnerable to damage.
Bridger: Wait. Are those what I think they are?
Wendi: Male and female reproductive organs. No disease, no hang ups, no 'honey I got a headache'.
Bridger: Well, that's no fun. So much for perfection.
Wendi: Well, nothing's perfect, Captain.
Bridger: Good. Anything that can self procreate and live to be 300 years old has got to have some flaws.
Wendi: You'd think so wouldn't you.

(Conference Room)
(The aliens are seated opposite a large table where all the humans sit. Alien #2 stares in fascination at some fish in the tank before going to sit beside the others.)
Scott: Their physics applied is inter-dimentional. We've made theoretical stabs at this concept, but you've actually proven that our theories on fusion, matter, anti-matter propulsion systems actually makes inter-galactic travel possible.
Thomas: Commander with all due respect to your findings, I know what we know. What I want to know is what they know.
McGath: You've had the ability to travel between planets for over a million years. Where've you been? What have you seen? How many times have you been to Earth?
Thomas: Have you been here recently?
Leader: No, we have not.
(As McGath begins to speak Gen. Thomas gives Wendi a look and she proceeds to try and read the aliens minds.)
McGath: With the knowledge you could give us we could jump-start the new world. Apply concepts and highlight dynamics, peace, thousands of years ahead of the game.
(The Leader knows what Wendi is attempting to do, and blocks Wendi from reading it's thoughts.)
Leader: You must come to knowledge, it cannot come to you. We have come here searching for beginnings of intelligent life. Until we understand the genesis of all life bearing worlds we find our knowledge meaningless.
Bridger: We are very flattered that you responded to our signal, but surely we're not the beginning of life.
Scott: With the universe constantly expanding and creating new life aren't you just wasting your time stopping here?
Leader: Perhaps you should ask your Dr. Smith about wasting time.
(Wendi is in a kind of trance and does not hear them speak to her until the alien releases her.)
Bridger: Dr. Smith? Wendi?
Lucas: Don't be afraid, that's what she does.
Wendi: (snaps out of her trance, and looks around) What? Why is everyone looking at me?
Ford: The next time you try to pick their brains you might want to ask first.
Leader: Why won't you permit us to leave your base?
Thomas: Well, unfortunately your appearance would cause concern and panic among the people of our communities.
Leader: Panic?
Ford: It's pretty common for people to fear what they don't understand.
Leader: (to Lucas) But you are not afraid.
Lucas: Well, I guess I'm just too stupid to be afraid.
McGath: I know our methods of security can seem a little mistrustful, but they are for your own good.
Thomas: Give us 24 hours to work something out. I have every confidence that we can make this a satisfying encounter for everyone.
