Fred Quotes

Fred: I've been forking with Gunn!

Fred: But shouldn't we call Wesley first? And maybe, you know, the army?

Fred: It's like something out of Fitzgerald. The man who can have everything but love. Well, maybe in some ways you're better off, because love is... Well, in a way it's everything. But it's also heartache and disappointment. And those are good things to avoid.

Fred: I got lost, I got lost, they did terrible things to me but it was just a storybook, it was just a story with monsters, not real, not in the world, but if you're here and you see me then...then it's real, it did happen, if you see what they made of me... I didn't mean to get lost...

Fred: You freaks make one move and I'll slice the miracle kid into triplets.

Fred: You gave us quite a scare. But I guess you're used to that, what with being a scary thing and all.

Fred: So, the baby's safe? We're all safe. Right, Lorne? I-I mean unless one of those killers decides to throw in a firebomb in at us like they did at your club, which had a similar safety spell around it as I recall. Sorry.

Fred: Charles, do you have leukemia? Don't laugh at me! I see it on the news all the time -- they're young and in love, their whole lives ahead of them when tragedy strikes --

Fred: Okay, so he survived an unspeakable hell dimension -- I mean, who hasn't? But you can't just leave him all alone on the streets of Los Angeles!

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