Inside Out

(Hyperion Basement)
(Resume from where we left off in ‘Players’. Angel and team are confronting Cordelia. Fred and Wesley have guns trained on her.)
Angel: All this time it was you, wasn't it?
Cordelia: Took you long enough to figure it out but nice turn with the Lorne bait. You know, there was a time I would've seen that one coming eons before it ever crossed your tiny little mind.
Angel: Because you're so clever.
Cordelia: On the scale of you to me, pretty damn.
Angel: Until now.
Cordelia: All good things. (sighs) So, what finally tipped off the great detective?
Angel: Tongue, slip of.

(Cordelia is rubbing her very pregnant belly as she tells the guys the news of her pregnancy.)
Cordelia: This, my sweet baby…

Angel: "My sweet." Same phrase the Beastmaster kept using when he was whispering in Angelus's head. Thought it was a bit femme for the booming macho act.
Cordelia: That's it? I get away with bringing the world down around you and two eentsy words tingle your spider sense?
Wesley: What we already knew. What he found out as Angelus. All the circumstantial led to you.
Angel: Just needed to be sure.
Cordelia: Little late to the table, but I might have a few scraps left.
Fred: Why are you doing this, Cordy.
Angel: This thing isn't Cordelia.
Cordelia: (smiles and shakes her head) Is that what you think, hero?
Angel: She would never hurt her friends like this.
Cordelia: Or maybe you just don't know me very well.
Angel: (walks up to Cordelia) I don't want to know you. (Cordelia tries to pull a knife on Angel, but he grabs her wrist, averting her. With his other hand, he grabs her neck, choking her.) Where's Cordelia? (Just then, Connor jumps through the glass roof, landing near Angel and Cordelia.) Connor, wait! Cordy's not what you think.
(Angel reaches for Connor, but Connor just pushes him away hard, throwing Angel into Wesley. Lorne tries to shoot Connor with the tranquilizer gun, but misses. Connor kicks Lorne to the ground. Fred aims her tranq gun at Connor, but Connor grabs her hand, redirecting the dart toward Angel as he tries to stand.)
Connor: (reaches his hand to Cordelia) Come on!
(Cordelia takes his hand.)
Angel: (struggling as the tranquilizers affect him) What... (falls to his knees) are... you? (falls forward, landing face down on the floor)
(As Angel collapses Cordelia and Connor run past. Cordelia gives him a very evil smile. The "Magic 8 Ball" rolls to his side—the triangle inside reads "Ask Again Later.")

(Gunn walks into the lobby where Angel, Fred, Wesley, and Lorne are.)
Gunn: (reading his pager) Sorry, just got your message. Being close to Electric Gwen can really screw your equipment. What... (looks up from his pager at the gang) the hell happened to you?
Fred: (holding an ice pack to her face) Cordy's evil. Nice suit.
Angel: It's not Cordy.
Wesley: We don't know that for certain.
Gunn: Whoa. Back it up for the new guy. (puts his pager back in his pocket) You saying popping mama threw you a beating?
Lorne: Kid Vicious did the heavy lifting. Cordy just mwa-ha-ha'd at us. (sips his drink)
Gunn: Why?
Angel: Beastmaster.
Gunn: You think she's working for him?
Fred: She is the Master.
Gunn: Guy steps out for a few hours, half the place goes super-villain. (sits beside Lorne)
Angel: Conner's not a part of this.
Lorne: Evidence upside my head to the contrary.
Angel: He's just... confused... again.
Fred: Now we know what she's been doing with him all this time. She was grooming him...
Wesley: her champion.
Gunn: She's the evil genius that's been two-stepping all over us. (shakes his head) How? And when? (takes Lorne's drink from his hands.) Give me a sip of that. (drinks)
Lorne: Hey.
Fred: Has she been like this since she got back from that higher wherever?
Gunn: What about that amnesia thing? Was that a fake-out?
Wesley: Or a side effect. Descending to a lower dimension was probably disorienting.
Angel: Or maybe this thing was curled deep inside for the trip on some kind of, you know, autopilot. Look, all we know for sure is that the real damage didn't start until after Lorne's spell.

(Lorne is giving Cordelia a drop of the memory potion while Angel and Connor look on. Cordelia makes a face at the taste.)

Fred: Oh, my God. We woke it up.
Lorne: That's what I read. That's what Wolfram and Hart sucked out of my noodle. It wasn't Cordelia's future. It was the smacker-jack surprise.
Gunn: Damn thing's been playing us right from the start.
Angel: From the inside... where it could do the most damage. Everything the Beast couldn't have done, it was this thing.

(Gwen’s Apartment. Manny is reading a magazine in the secret room when Cordelia sneaks up behind him with an ax and swing at his head.)
Angel: (vo) Spike my blood at Gwen’s. Snuck into the vault, killed Manny.

Gunn: Wait a minute. When Gwen and I came in, faux Cordy didn't have any blood on its clothes. How'd it abracadabra that?
Wesley: Lizzie Borden. It wasn't wearing any.

(Gwen’s Apartment. Cordelia, now naked, sneaks up behind Manny with the ax and swings at his head.)
Angel: (vo) Stripped down, then gave Manny forty whacks.

Gunn: Quick sponge down in the sink, and—
Lorne: Voila. Shower-fresh murder.
Angel: Taking out the Svear priestess was a lot easier. Slip out while the heroes are chasing their tails...

(Svear House – Night. Cordelia murders the entire family with an ax.)
Angel: (vo) …and slaughter the only hope of banishing her pet Beast.
(Angel’s Office)
(Cordelia opens the safe where the Muo Ping container holding Angel’s soul was kept. She removes the container and shuts the safe door.)
Angel: (vo) While everyone was reeling from that failure, it was making sure my soul was off the market.

Fred: And the vision of the spell to re-ensoul you?
Angel: Misdirection.

(Hyperion – Basement. Cordelia sets up the spell as the gang looks on. White smoke purposefully moves towards Angelus. The smoke surrounds him, lifting him off the ground. Pan over to show Lorne’s eyes flash glowing red, momentarily.)
Angel: (vo) Getting everyone to look over here while the real action was happening over there.

Lorne: That explains why my mojo's been gunked up. Queen Bee-atch put the whammy on me.
Angel: And it let the monster out of the box.

(Hyperion – Basement. Cordelia unlocks the cage and opens the door. In vamp face, Angelus grins and pulls Cordelia to him violently.)
(Hallway. Lilah runs as fast as she can away from Angelus. Someone grabs her by the throat and pushes her into the doorjamb. It’s Cordelia, who then stabs Lilah in the neck with the knife given to her by the Beast. Lilah falls to the ground.)

Angel: More misdirection, more blood, all designed to keep us off balance.
Wesley: It was Cordelia. She murdered Lilah.
Angel: We don't know if it's really Cordy.
Fred: Or what she's got baking in her oven.
Gunn: Evil and pregnant? I'm guessing it ain't cookies.

(In a dark, deserted warehouse, Cordelia stands, rubbing her belly and looking around the room. Connor shuts the door behind them.)
Cordelia: Are you sure Angel won't be able to follow us?
Connor: I was careful.
Cordelia: How careful?
Connor: Why were they trying to hurt you?
Cordelia: (turns to face Connor) You know why. (beat) They're afraid of you, of me, what our love has created. They were gonna kill it and me if you hadn't come.
Connor: I didn't know where you were. I thought something bad might've happened. Followed your scent. But, I never thought... (shakes his head) How could he do that?
Cordelia: Because he hates you. I didn't wanna believe it, but he does. (walks around Connor) He hates you for being with me. He can't stand the fact that he lost, that he'll never know the feel of my touch or the warmth of my lips. (kisses Connor's lips) You were right about Angel. He's an animal, and he's turned everyone against us. (hugs Connor)
Connor: (whispers into her ear) I'll kill them all before I let them hurt you.
Cordelia: My sweet, sweet boy.

(Hyperion – Angel’s Office)
(Angel comes into the office where Wesley is doing research.)
Wesley: Any luck?
Angel: I swept the area 'til daybreak, checked the sewer tunnels in case they went underground, picked up their scent half a dozen times but... (sits)
Wesley: If Connor doesn't want to be found, he won't. Wasting your time.
Angel: I'm getting good at that, huh? It was all there right in front of me. (looks at a sketch he drew of Cordelia) I couldn't see it. Thought of losing her to Connor—
Wesley: Did exactly what it was supposed to. Play on your emotions to cloud your judgment. (stands, walks to the window) Draw your attention away so this thing could continue to murder anyone it... Least you had a reason for letting it happen.
Angel: (stands) Wes, Lilah and I weren't exactly friends—
Wesley: You were mortal enemies. Why should you care what happened to her?
Angel: Because you did.
(Wesley turns to look at Angel for a moment, then turns his attention back to his papers.)
Wesley: There's nothing here. (Angel walks behind the desk.) If this thing could obliterate all references to the Beast, it's very unlikely it would leave its own bio laying about.
Angel: What about pan-dimensional texts like the one Lilah— (looks at Wesley, then looks down)
Wesley: I have Lorne reaching out to the black markets but it'll take time.
Angel: Great, another thing we don't have. (sits behind the desk)
Wesley: Then let's go to the source. Whatever happened to Cordelia, it took place after her ascension to the higher planes. Maybe the Powers might be able to—
Angel: Last couple of times I've asked the Powers That Be for help they made it pretty damn clear they weren't in the business.
Wesley: But at least one of those was to save Darla's life. A mass-murdering ex-vampire dying of syphilis? A strong "no" is hardly a shock.
Angel: You think the Powers couldn't see this thing was masquerading as Cordy? What it was doing to us? They didn't stop it because they didn't want to get their hands dirty. (beat) What we need is somebody who does. Somebody right in the middle of all this.
(Wesley looks at Angel curiously.)

(Cordelia and Connor walk into a different dark, desolate warehouse.)
Cordelia: (looks around, sighs) More hooks? Great.
Connor: We could try to find someplace else.
Cordelia: No. This'll do for now. (Connor pouts.) Hey, it's okay. We're going to be all right.
Connor: I know. I just—I can't believe he tried to kill you. Maybe it wasn't really Angel.
Cordelia: Connor.
Connor: Angelus could've tricked us again. And—
Cordelia: It was Angel. You know it was.
Connor: Everything he said about how I could help make the world a better place, about being a champion.
Cordelia: Lies... meant to keep you in your place where he can watch you, control you.
Connor: But Fred, Gunn, Wesley, even Lorne—I thought they were... good.
Cordelia: What does that mean, really? (walks away) Being good? Doing the right thing? By who's judgment? Good, evil—they're just words, Connor. Concepts of morality they forced around your neck to yank you wherever they please. You're with me now. You don't have to live by their rules. You remember why?
Connor: (smiles) 'Cause we're special.
Cordelia: That's right. We're special, and our baby is going to be extraordinary.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Fred and Gunn walk up to the front counter and set down a box of items they collected from Cordelia’s room.)
Fred: Scented candles, couple of broken pieces of the Muo-Ping, and some toiletries that smell way too pretty to be evil. (Angel rifles through papers on his desk while Fred talks, and when he finds a metal disk, he flips it in the air, making a pinging sound.) Not much to go on. As insidious lairs go, it kept Cordy's room nice and tidy. I think it even vacuumed.
Angel: Keep working on a way to locate this thing. If I'm not back in a couple of hours—
Gunn: You're dead, we're screwed, end of the world.
Fred: (smiles nervously) Or, you could stay here with us. Here's nice.
Angel: I've done this before. Don't worry. Walk in the park.

(Demon Cave)
(Angel is fighting a demon and knocks him out. The demon falls to the floor.)
Angel: I really hate the park.
(Angel picks his sword up off the ground and proceeds further into the chamber. Another demon is in the next room, making growling, grumbly sounds. Angel sneaks up behind the demon, raising his sword, but the demon turns to face him before Angel strikes.)
Skip: (startled) Oh! Angel, geez. Don't they knock in your dimension?
Angel: Sorry. Wasn't sure it was you.
Skip: Powerful demon Skip at your service. Hey, I—I got some more buffalo wings and, uh, the game's on at five if you want to just...
Angel: I'm a little pressed right now. When was the last time you saw Cordelia?
Skip: Who?
Angel: She told me you were her guide when she decided to become half-demon.
Skip: She did, huh? (shrugs) Okay, look, I wanted to give you the heads up but you know how the Powers are—always making with the big hush hush.
Angel: What do you know? (paces)
Skip: This is going to be really hard for you to accept but Cordelia has ascended to a higher plane.
Angel: Oh, I know. She's back.
Skip: Back?
Angel: Or at least something that looks like her.
Skip: Well, wait. Nobody comes back from paradise. (pause) Okay, a Slayer once, but that—
Angel: So you haven't heard anything.
Skip: Uh, not since her ascension. Oh, it was beautiful. Should've been there.
Angel: You were a part of that?
Skip: It's in the job description. As Cordelia's guide I'm there for all the important events.
Angel: Except her welcome back party. (suspiciously) So why didn't the Powers invite you to that one?
Skip: Mysterious ways. They can really drive a guy nuts.
Angel: Or maybe if you had known something you might've warned us. No, about the only one not keen on that slipping out is the one pulling her strings.
Skip: Not following you there, champ.
Angel: You said it yourself, you were there. (walks up to Skip) Guiding Cordelia to her ascension, seeing her off to a higher plane which is exactly where this thing needed her to be to make its move. So, I'm thinking either you've been played for a dupe like the rest of us or you've been in on this from the start, Skippy.
(Skip laughs nervously. Angel joins in the laughter, sarcastically.)
Skip: Angel, buddy, whatever's going on, I'm telling you true... (Raises his forearm in front of him, triggers a dagger to be released from his armor.) Not a dupe. (Angel and Skip fight in earnest. Angel swings his sword, but it doesn't penetrate Skip's body armor. Skip knocks Angel's sword away and grabs Angel by the neck.) Not like last time, is it, monkey boy? (He throws Angel across the room.) You know, the worst part about signing on for this gig (punches Angel) was having to take a dive when you rescued that runt Billy from his box of fire. (kicks Angel across the room) I mean, come on! You really think a guy built like this would be so easy to drop? (walks up to Angel again) This time we do it for real, champion. This time... (grins) you lose.

(Connor stares out the window, as a guard, while Cordelia talks to him.)
Cordelia: He won't give up. You know that, right? He won't stop until he finds us.
Connor: Let him come. I can take him.
Cordelia: Come over here. (Connor walks up to Cordelia.) I want you to know what you're fighting for. (pulls his hand to her belly)
Connor: (touches her belly, gasps) It moved.
Cordelia: Of course it did. That's what babies do when they're happy. I can't tell you how thankful I am that I found someone like you. I just wish they could let us be happy.
Connor: I'll make them.
Cordelia: You can't. They're too afraid. But maybe when they see how beautiful our baby is...
Connor: You think that would change how they feel?
Cordelia: Our baby's going to change everything, Connor.
Connor: How soon... before we can show them?
Cordelia: A week? Maybe two? (stands, walks away) But he'll find us before that. I know he will. He'll find us and he'll—
Connor: I won't let him. I promise.
Cordelia: I don't want you killing each other. That's never what I wanted. Maybe there's another way. A way to bring our baby into the world now—before anyone else can hurt us.
Connor: How?
Cordelia: I'll need some very special things. Do you think you can get them for me?

(Demon Cave)
(Skip and Angel are still fighting. Skip throws Angel to the ground.)
Skip: (walks up to Angel) Well, now, this is just embarrassing.
Angel: (struggles to stand) Tell me... what happened to Cordelia.
Skip: Or, what? You'll bleed on me some more?
(Angel tries to punch Skip, but he's outmatched. None of Angel's punches faze Skip, who just whales on Angel in return, knocking him to the ground.)
Skip: You know, I've always wondered. How many chunks you gotta hack off a vampire before he goes all dust bunny?
Angel: (stands) Tell me what happened...
Skip: Yeah. Heard that part. (Angel punches Skip in the torso several times, and this time ducks when Skip punches back. Then Angel jumps up to grab onto a chain hanging from the ceiling and swings over Skip's head, landing across the room. Skip punches him to the ground when Angel lands.) What are you, Tarzan? See, this is the nefarious meat of it, pal. You die never knowing what really happened to the woman you love. Gotta respect the classics.
(Angel grabs a section of chain from the wall and stands. Angel swings the chain at Skip, catching on a spur on Skip's hand. Angel pulls and rips the spur off. Angel swings the chain repeatedly at Skip's face, finally catching on a large spur on Skip's head and ripping it off. Skip screams in pain, holding his hand to his head. He goes for Angel again, but Angel punches him repeatedly in the face.)
Skip: (staggering) You really think that's gonna—
(Angel rears back and punches Skip, powerfully this time. Skip falls to the ground, unconscious. Pan down to show Angel had wrapped the chain around his fist when he punched Skip.)
Angel: Yeah, I do.

(Hyperion – Lobby – Night)
(Fred, Wesley, Gunn and Lorne are researching in the lobby. Fred's pacing, reading an article.)
Fred: Hey, here's something. Maybe I can— (She jumps, startled, as a cross-dimensional portal opens up right behind her. It's carrying Angel and an unconscious Skip back to the lobby of the hotel. On the floor beside Skip, the metal disc that Angel took with him is spinning.) —have an embolism!
Wesley: What happened?
Angel: We had words.
Lorne: Between the pummeling?
Angel: Whatever's happened to Cordy, he's a part of it. We need to bind him to this dimension. (groans and sits; everyone stands around gawking; Angel looks up at them) Before he wakes up would be nice.

(Alley – Night)
(A teenage school girl drops her books and backs away as a vampire stalks her.)
Vampire: Mmm... I really love virgins.
(The vampire goes to bite the girl, but he turns to dust before anything happens to her. When the dust clears, Connor's standing behind where the vampire was.)
Connor: You all right?
Virgin: He tried to kill—
Connor: I know. Did he hurt you?
Virgin: No. No, you stopped him. Th-thank you. (crying) Thank you, oh-oh God, thank you so much. Th-thank—
(Connor punches the girl in the face, knocking her out.)

(Close-up on the girl lying on the floor, unconscious. Her face is bloody and bruised from where Connor hit her.)
Cordelia: She's perfect. Did you get everything else?
Connor: (softly) Yeah.
Cordelia: I know what your heart is telling you, Connor, but it will lie to you if you let it. You have to trust me. Be sad, mourn for her, but never forget the truth. She's one of them. One of the average, normal people that fill this world. But what we're doing will elevate her life beyond that and give her death meaning. Her blood for our baby. (looks at the girl) That's more than fair, (looks at Connor) isn't it?

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Skip is standing inside a cylinder of red light. At his feet is a circle of red sand. He touches the light, but retracts his hand. The light disappears.)
Skip: Sand of the red palm. (chuckles) A child's trick.
Gunn: Then why don't you come out and play.
Skip: In time.
Angel: (with crossed arms) You'll have a lot of that after we make your accommodations a little bit more permanent. (walks toward Skip) Fred?
(Fred picks up a book off the counter and holds it, facing out, as she walks towards Skip.)
Fred: Sphere of the Infinite Agonies. Every second a lifetime. Should be able to whip one up in, um... twenty minutes.
Angel: Everything you know or she starts whipping.
Skip: Hey. (holds up his hands) Whoa. I'm just a merc. I go where the deal is and not getting stuck in one of those? Bargain. (beat) Anybody got a cig?
Angel: (paces) Cordelia. Where is she?
Skip: I don't know. This is your dimension, man, you tell me.
Angel: The real Cordelia. Not this thing that's been posing as her.
Skip: How'd I ever get spanked by such a chump nut. (Looks Angel up and down and sighs.) That thing which has turned your life into a burning ring of fire? She is the real Cordelia. (beat) Or at least she's in there somewhere. This whole thing...
Gunn: Is it Cordy or not?
Skip: Oh, it's her. She just ain't driving.
Angel: Something took control of her on the higher plane?
Skip: Drill a little deeper, Hoss. How you think she got there in the first place?
Wesley: You're saying her ascension was all part of this thing's plan?
Skip: No, Cordelia was chosen to become a higher being because she's such a pure, radiant saint. (scoffs) Puh-lease.

(Cordelia's sitting on the floor, chanting in the middle of a circle of lit white candles.)
Cordelia: (chanting) Vanu'esh. Katahn darh'im. Vajra'ha'esh.
Vanu'esh. Katahn darh'im. Vajra'ha'esh.
(Connor watches Cordelia chant, then goes into the next room.)

(Side Room)
(Connor walks into the room beside where Cordelia is chanting. He looks at the girl he brought there; she's still unconscious, sitting on the floor, leaning her head against the wall.)
Cordelia: (os) (chanting in the other room) Vanu'esh. Katahn darh'im. Vajra'ha'esh.
Vanu'esh. Katahn darh'im. Vajra'ha'esh.
Vanu'esh. Katahn darh'im. Vajra'ha'esh.
(The girl wakens and gasps as she sees Connor kneeling in front of her.)
Connor: It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Virgin: (cowering) Please...
Connor: Brought you some water.
Virgin: (crying) I gotta get home. My mom's gonna be so mad.
Connor: (softly) I'm sorry.
Virgin: (weeping) I won't tell anyone, I promise. Please, just let me go.
Woman’s Voice: (os) Listen.
Connor: (stands) Somebody there?
Woman’s Voice: (os) I've always been here... close to your heart. After all...
(The woman steps out of the shadows to reveal it's Darla. Darla's wearing a simple dress and a white cardigan sweater. Her voice is soft and sweet. )
Darla: (smiling sweetly) ...isn't that where a mother belongs? The Powers have sent me to give you a message.
Connor: You can't be my mother.
Darla: (softly) I have her memories, her feelings. Isn't that what makes a person who they are?
Virgin: (weeping in the corner) Let me go, please... (softly sobbing)
Darla: (walks toward the virgin girl) I know that sound, the look in her eyes, the smell of fear. (kneels beside the girl) I've nurtured it a thousand times (looks at Connor) in all the people that I've murdered.
Connor: My mother's dead. (the girl looks up at Connor)
Darla: (stands) And I'll always be a part of you. You shared your soul with me once when you were growing inside of me when I'd lost my own. You brought light to my shadow, filled my heart with joy and love. I'd never felt so close to any living thing as I did to my beautiful boy.
Connor: Why'd you leave me? (scoffs) Did you hate me that much?
Darla: Baby, no. I wanted to be with you more than anything.
Connor: You killed yourself. I wasn't even born yet. And you—
Darla: —did what I had to. My life for yours. I did so many terrible things, Connor, so much destruction, so much pain. You were the one good thing I ever did. The only good thing. I'd die every day for the rest of eternity for you. And this... (gestures to the virgin girl) is how you repay me?
Connor: (walks away) You don't understand. (turns toward Darla) We need her for our baby, to keep it safe.
Darla: By anointing it in the blood of an innocent? You really think that safety can be plucked from the arms of an evil deed?
Connor: Good, evil. They're just words.
Darla: (shakes her head) Don't let this happen, Connor. Don't let my death mean nothing.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Angel and gang are interviewing Skip about Cordelia.)
Skip: You really think it matters? I mean, nothing I tell you is gonna change what's gonna happen.
Angel: Cut the gloom and doom. What's taken over Cordy?
Skip: Something beyond your comprehension. To give it voice would rend your feeble brain into a quivering mass of—
Angel: (looks to Fred) Fred, infinite agony. (walks away)
(Fred stands, holding open a book.)
Skip: OK, you got me. It doesn't even have a name.
Gunn: Then what do you call it?
Skip: Oh, Master or "Hey."
Lorne: Unspeakable horror for real this time.
Angel: Ah, it doesn't make sense. Cordy was made a higher being because she proved herself to the Powers by bearing their visions. This thing couldn't have—
Wesley: Unless it maneuvered her to inherit the visions in the first place.
Skip: Uh, oh. Better step on it. The rubes are catching up.
Angel: It wasn't just her ascension. Everything that's happened to Cordy in the past few years—all of it—was planned.
Skip: You really think it stops with her, amigo? You have any concept of how many lines have to intersect in order for a thing like this to play out? How many events have to be nudged in just the right direction? (looks at Lorne) Leaving Pylea. (looks at Gunn) Your sister. (looks at Fred) Opening the wrong book. (looks at Wesley) Sleeping with the enemy. (beat) Gosh, (chuckles) I love a story with scope.
Gunn: No way. We make our own choices.
Skip: Yeah, sure. Cheese sandwich here, uh, when to floss. But the big stuff, like two vampires squeezing out a kid?
Angel: Connor.
Wesley: An impossible birth to make one possible.
Skip: That's what the kid was designed for.
Lorne: (chuckles) To sleep with mother love?
Angel: To create a vessel.
Skip: Look out. The monkey's thinking again.
Angel: Being inside a human makes it vulnerable, doesn't it? That's why it had to stay hidden. Why it needed to create something stronger to pour itself into.
Gunn: Wait. So the big nasty inside of Cordy is going to give birth... to itself?
Skip: Circle of life. It's a beautiful thing.
Angel: How do we stop it?
Skip: That's the easy part, slick. All you gotta do is find Cordelia and chop her head off.
Angel: Has to be another way.
Skip: Sure. Stab her in the heart, kidney, couple pokes in the lung—
Angel: A way that won't kill Cordy in the process.
Skip: Takes a whole lot of cramming to get that much sweetness into a human. It's in every hair, every cell, every molecule of Cordelia's body and it ain't letting go 'til it got a brand new bag.
Fred: What happens to Cordy then?
Skip: Drained of her life force during labor. Those contractions are a real bitch.
Angel: It'll kill her?
Skip: Or she'll end up a head of cabbage.
Wesley: What do you wanna do?
Skip: The only thing you can do. Kill the woman he loves to save the world. Times like this? Really gotta suck being you.
Angel: How do I find her? (Skip doesn't answer; Angel walks forward intimidatingly) How?
Skip: Well, I'd go with the Bu'shundi ritual but, uh, you're gonna need a sacred Hutamin paw for that—
Lorne: Got it. (stands, goes behind the desk)
Skip: (shocked) What?
Lorne: Cordy—the real Cordy—kept one in her desk drawer.
Skip: Probably a knock-off. It's not some trinket you'd throw in a desk drawer—
Lorne: (Lorne pulls the item out of Cordelia's desk.) She thought it was a back scratcher.
Angel: Get started.
Skip: Wait, wait. Uh, did I say "Bu'shundi "? I meant "Ru'shundi ". It's—it—whole different— (turns around in disgust) Crap.

(Connor is in the room with the girl he's holding prisoner. The girl is awake now, crying, sitting on the floor. Darla is squatting next to the girl. They both look up at Connor.)
Connor: They hate us... because we're special.
Virgin: (crying, pleading) I don't hate you. Please.
Darla: They're scared because of what you've done not because of what you are.
Connor: They wanted to kill me when I was still inside of you.
Darla: (stands) But that changed when they saw you, held you in their arms, felt the warmth of your skin, the goodness in your heart.
Connor: And it will happen again when they hold my child. (looks at the girl) It's the only way.
Darla: You have a choice, Connor. That is something more precious then you'll ever know.
Connor: What choice? They're hunting us like animals!
Darla: (walks up to Connor) Because you're acting like one. As a vampire I killed without mercy or remorse because I didn't have a soul. What's your excuse?
Connor: (shakes his head) You think I wanna do this?
Darla: Then don't.
Connor: (nearly in tears) I have to.
Darla: Why? (gestures to Cordelia in the next room) Because she told you? There are things happening, Connor, things that I can't— (sigh) It has to be your choice. You can stop this.
Connor: Her blood for our baby's. It's fair, isn't it?
Virgin: (weeping) Please, I wanna go home.
Connor: (yelling) Shut up!
Darla: This isn't you, Connor.
Connor: You've been gone a long time, Mom. How would you know?
Darla: Because we shared a soul. I feel the pain, the anger, the hurt, like it were my own. (walks up to Connor, looks him in the eyes) But most of all, I feel the good in you and no matter how much you're beaten or twisted or lied to, it's still there in your heart. I know it, and deep down, you know it, too.
(Close-up of Connor's face to show it's tear-streaked as he contemplates the young girl cowering in the corner.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Fred and Gunn are sitting on the stairs, each on a different step, staring off into the distance.)
Fred: What do you think he'll do?
Gunn: What he has to, like he always does.
(Show they are staring at Angel.)
Fred: Will it make a difference? We really are just pieces being moved around a board.
Gunn: Then we'll kick it over and start a new game. Look, monochrome can yap all he wants about no-name's cosmic plan, but here's a little something I picked up rubbing mojos these past couple of years. The final score can't be rigged. I don't care how many players you grease, that last shot always comes up a question mark. But here's the thing—you never know when you're taking it. It could be when you're duking it out with the Legion of Doom, or just crossing the street deciding where to have brunch. So you just treat it all like it was up to you—the world in the balance—'cause you never know when it is.
Fred: You been practicing that?
Gunn: (smiles) Little bit. (chuckles)
(Lorne and Wesley come out of the office.)
Lorne: Hug your neighbor, kiddies, we got it.
Skip: (scoffs) You're all puppets.
Wesley: Shut up.
Fred: Where is she?
Lorne: (looks at the map) Well, according to the scorch marks, downtown, meat packing district.
Angel: (comes out of the office) Good work. (takes the map from Lorne)
Gunn: Lets load up.
Angel: No, you're not coming, any of you. Whatever's taken over Cordy, it's still her inside. She's still our friend. She's still the woman I... I won't let you carry that. I can't.
Skip: Anybody got a hanky?
(Lorne frowns at him.)
Fred: He's really gonna do it. He's gonna kill Cordelia.
Wesley: He doesn't have a choice.
Fred: Angel, wait! (runs after him, but Angel goes on out the door)
Skip: Yup, that'll go well.

(Connor kneels down to untie the bound hands of the virgin girl he's holding captive. Darla stands nearby.)
Connor: (to the girl) Shhhhh. Shhh. It's okay.
Darla: You're all right now. Everything's going to be all right.
Cordelia: (walks into the room) What are you doing?
Connor: (frozen) Nothing. I, uh— (stands)
Cordelia: It's time. Take her in the other room.
Darla: Listen to your heart.
Connor: (to Cordelia) She didn't do anything. We should let her go.
Cordelia: No we shouldn't. We need her, Connor. Our baby—
Connor: Shouldn't be anointed with innocent blood.
Cordelia: (angrily) Anointed? Who's been filling your head with big, confusing words?
Connor: (turns away, paces) Just been thinking about it.
Cordelia: Or, maybe... a little birdie's been pecking at you behind my back.
Darla: (to Connor) She'll lie to you.
Cordelia: You know how much they love to use the magic, Connor. A spell for this, a spell for that.
Darla: Close her out, baby.
Cordelia: Whatever you're hearing, whatever you think you're seeing—it's a trick.
Darla: Don't let her in.
Cordelia: It's Angel.
Darla: No.
Cordelia: Trying to turn you against me with a cheap vision of— (looks to where Darla's standing) Darla.
Connor: (to Cordelia) You can see her?
Cordelia: I see the lies.
Darla: Connor, listen to me.
Cordelia: It's not her.
Darla: You have to let her go.
Cordelia: It's your father. This is how much he hates you.
Darla: I love you. Please.
Cordelia: Torturing you with this sad imitation of your dead mother.
Darla: (crying) Don't let her do this.
Cordelia: (pushing) Are you going to let them do this to us? Are you going to let them kill our baby?
Darla: (desperate) Connor, listen to me...
Connor: (yelling, crying) You are not my mother!
(Connor grabs the virgin girl by her bound hands and drags her into the other room.)
Virgin: (weeping) No.
(Connor puts virgin girl on the ground in the center of the circle where Cordelia was chanting before. The girl looks up to see Cordelia swinging a huge butcher's knife at her head. When the girl looks up at Connor, she has Darla's face now.)
Darla: Please, don't do this Connor. Don't—
(Connor just stands there, watching Cordelia murder this girl, listening to the sounds of blood spattering as Cordelia makes the killing blow. The girl collapses in the middle of the circle.)
Cordelia: (remorselessly) There. That wasn't so hard, was it?
(Connor stares at her. Cordelia is lying on bedding inside the circle.)
Cordelia: Connor, we have to do this (writhes) while it's fresh. (rolling, grunting)
(Connor stares at the girl's body; it stares back at her. Her blood is spattered on his face. Connor kneels down, places the palm of his hand in the blood pooling around the girl. He then stands and walks up to Cordelia.)
Cordelia: (chanting, writhing) Vanu'esh. Katahn darh'im. Vajra'ha'esh. (Closeup of Connor's bloody palm as he walks to Cordelia.) Vanu'esh. Katahn darh'im. Vajra'ha'esh. ...darh'im... (Connor stands over Cordelia, staring at her. She pulls up her shirt to reveal the bare skin of her swollen belly.) Do it, Connor. (panting) Do it now. (panting) Do it now.
(Connor presses his bloody palm to Cordelia's belly. She screams. The building starts to shake around them.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(The building is shaking back at the Hyperion Hotel as well. Fred is in the lobby next to Skip. Lorne and Gunn are standing toward the edge of the room. Wesley peeks out of the office.)
Gunn: Fred!
(Fred loses her balance and falls to the floor. Everyone else falls down as well.)
Fred: What's happening?
(Debris falls on the circle of red sand surrounding Skip, breaking the circle. Skip steps out of the circle.)
Skip: End of the world, cupcake— (walks toward Fred) for you.

(Cordelia is screaming in pain as Connor attends to her. The building is still shaking.)
Connor: Cordy! Something's wrong. We have to stop it.
Cordelia: No, it's coming. (laughs) It's coming. The beginning of a new world.
Angel: (os) Or not.
(Connor turns to see Angel standing behind him with a sword in hand. Connor stands to face him.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Skip throws Gunn across the room. No one is left standing to oppose him.)
Skip: (laughs) What a bunch of pantywaists. (Turns to walk away. Fred scoots across the floor. Wesley tries hitting Skip across the back with the battle-axe, but Skip's armor deflects the blow.) If you can't stop little old Skipper, you really think you got a chance against that?
(The building continues to fall down around them.)

(Angel confronts Connor as Cordelia lies in the circle, writhing.)
Angel: She lied to you, Connor.
Cordelia: Don't listen!
Angel: To all of us. That's not Cordelia.
Connor: Leave us alone!
(Connor charges at Angel. They fight. Connor kicks Angel's sword away.)
Cordelia: Kill him! Kill him, Connor!

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Skip saunters up to Fred, and grabs her up by her neck, holding her off the floor.)
Skip: What was that you were saying before? Something about infinite agony? Hmm? (Gunn strikes Skip across the back with his sword, but to no avail because the armor protects him. Skip lets go of Fred and pushes Gunn down.) You mind? I'm trying to work here. (Wesley comes out shooting Skip with a pistol. Skip doesn't try to dodge the bullets, but instead makes a show of deflecting them with his chest. Wesley fires a dozen rounds at Skip, but to no avail. Wesley throws the gun to the ground.) Do those things ever work? I mean, really. (turns to look around the room)(When Skip turns his head, Wesley notices a break in the armor where Angel had ripped some of it off of his head earlier. Wesley makes a rolling dive for the gun, aims, and shoots at Skip's head. The bullet goes right into the vulnerable spot, entering Skip's head.) (mumbles) Well, that ain't right. (collapses)
(Skip lands on the floor beside Fred, who looks at him and sighs in relief.)

(Connor and Angel are still fighting as Cordelia stays in the circle.)
Angel: (punches Connor to the ground) You think I wanna do this? I don't have a choice! (He takes his sword and walks up to Cordelia, who doesn't move. She grunts in pain, glaring at Angel. Angel rears back the sword.) I'm so sorry.
(Connor gets up and tries to go after Angel again, but instead Cordelia screams and a bright green-white column of light shoots up from her body in a blast of energy. Angel and Connor are both knocked back to the walls. The column of light turns into a prismatic sunburst display as the entity within Cordelia leaves her body. In the bright light, something octopus-like with tentacles is moving. Angel sits up and look at it. As the light retracts, the form of the entity becomes more and more human-shaped. Finally, the light is absorbed completely into the entity—it looks like a human woman. Cordelia passes out. Angel stands and charges toward the creature, screaming, but then stops in his tracks.)
Angel: Oh, my God. (drops to his knees) You're beautiful.
Woman: (smiles) Angel.

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