Peace Out

(Connor and his band of Jasmaniacs have located the room where Wesley, Gunn, Fred and Lorne were hiding, and they've charged in fighting. Wesley and Gunn have taken loose pipes and used them as makeshift weapons against their attackers. Fred elbows a man in the face. Lorne uses his hockey stick to push an aggressor away. A man points a gun at Fred and cocks it.)
Fred: Charles!
(Gunn looks over his shoulder at Fred. He fights off the people attacking him while he tries to get to her, but someone knocks him down. Fred is pushed to the ground, and a man points a gun in her face. Another person knocks Lorne in the head, and Lorne falls to the ground. Wesley is the only one still fighting back—he is definitely holding his own against the attackers until he's face-to-face with Connor. Connor knocks Wesley halfway across the room. When Wesley looks up, Connor's standing over him with a sword.)
Connor: Angel.

(Demon World – Night)
(Angel is standing on a cliff in a demon world holding the blue orb as a horde of insect creatures surround him. Angel stares at the creatures, then glances at the orb. He raises it threateningly in his hand, and the insects screech as they back away from him. Angel turns around to see a bridge to a city of sorts. There's a high mesa-like mountain in the middle of the city, and there's a temple atop the mountain. Angel walks toward the bridge.)

(Connor has all four of Angel's gang lined up on their knees in front of him. He paces in front of them angrily as his people point guns at their captives.)
Connor: What did you think you could do? Poison the whole city with your hate? Your tricks? Now I have no choice but to kill you.
Wesley: Connor—
Connor: (points the tip of his sword at Wesley's face) Shut up. (scoffs) All your talk about saving the world. Well... now somebody's gone and done it. Made everything right... and good. (angrily) And you can't stand it because you're all so full of yourselves. (whispers in Wesley's ear) Don't you get it? You're all alone now. All of you. You're the ones left out in the cold. You... don't... belong.
Gunn: If belonging means following some bogus god and killing in her name, then you're damn right we don't.
Connor: I'm not listening to your lies.
Wesley: Jasmine's the lie. You've no idea what she is.
Connor: Yes, I do. She's mine. (raises his sword, ready to strike)
Guard: (in Jasmine's voice) Connor, wait. Bring them to me.
Connor: Why?
Guard: (in Jasmine's voice) Has it become necessary to explain my wishes to you?
Connor: No, just—
Guard: (in Jasmine's voice) Then be a sweet boy and bring them. Intact. (Connor puts down his sword.) Thank you, Connor.

(Demon World)
(Angel struggles to climb the sheer cliff sides of the mountain in the middle of the demon city. Using no equipment, only his fingers and toes, Angel has made substantial progress as the camera pans out to show he's more than half way to the top, where the temple is.)

(Hyperion – Jasmine’s Room)
(Jasmine is talking to a group of her followers.)
Jasmine: There's a long road before us, and there's still much to do, but we've made a wonderful start, thanks to all of you. Your devotion and sacrifice have made a difference. (crowd thanks her) Now if you'll join the others in the banquet room, I'll be with you all shortly.
Girl: Thank you, Jasmine.
Boy: Thank you so much.
(The small crowd of followers leaves her room as Connor brings in Wesley, Gunn, Fred, and Lorne. They are still bloodied from their battle in the sewers.)
Jasmine: (to Angel's gang) So much pain, suffering...must hurt so terribly.
Gunn: Don't get all gloaty. Not the worst beating we've ever taken.
Jasmine: I meant the pain you've caused yourselves—letting go of me.
Lorne: Oh, by giving up absolute tranquility and perfect happiness? (chuckles) No loss. Right, guys? (looks at the others) Guys?
Jasmine: I only wish it was within my power to take you back.
Fred: Nobody asked.
Jasmine: Where's Angel?
Wesley: You're omniscient. You tell us.
(Connor punches Wesley in the face.)
Jasmine: Connor, please. I don't want to see that.
Wesley: The creature in the sewer. You recognized it, didn't you?
Jasmine: Yes.
Wesley: Just another one of your zealots?
Jasmine: A sentient, living being wanting what's best for his own. Is that so wrong? A few millennia ago, his world was not unlike yours. Full of hatred and fear, wars scarring its landscape.
Gunn: Until—let me guess—you came along and made it a paradise.
Jasmine: Well, as much of a paradise as one could with a bunch of insects to work with. I helped them along. Kicked their evolution up a few ticks.
Lorne: And how'd that work out for 'em?
Jasmine: It was a trial run, an early experiment to work out the bugs, so to speak. I won't make that mistake again. I know where Angel is, and I know what he's looking for. He's wasting his time.
Wesley: If you really believed that, you'd have killed us already.
Jasmine: Patience.
Patience: (walks into the room) Yes, ma'am?
Jasmine: The news people have started to arrive. Please ask them to set up in the lobby. I'll be ready to speak with them after I've eaten.
Patience: Mm-hmm. (walks out)
Wesley: So it's time, is it?
Gunn: Time for what?
Wesley: Too much trouble conquering a primitive dimension, wasn't it, Jasmine? Or whatever your name is. Must be nice for you that we have satellites to beam your message to the rest of the world.
Jasmine: You're not wrong.
Fred: Oh, God. Connor, you can't let her do this. She'll enslave everyone.
Connor: She'll bring them together.
Fred: You don't— She's not what she pretends to be! She's—
Gunn: A monster.
Fred: Yeah. Cordy's blood that we put in you, it was supposed to break the spell. Show you what she really looks like.
Connor: I know what she looks like. (show Jasmine with bloody, maggoty, rotting flesh) She's beautiful.
Jasmine: Gentlemen, please show our guests to their accommodations.
(Guards escort Wesley, Gunn, Fred, and Lorne out of the room.)
Wesley: Save us the euphemisms. We're bargaining chips to keep Angel quiet.
Connor: Quiet about what?
Jasmine: Connor, this address is going to be very draining for me. While I'm feasting to build up my strength, I'm going to be out of touch with you, with everything. You'll be my eyes and ears. You understand?
Connor: Yeah.
Jasmine: I want you to stand guard over them, make sure they don't escape. If Angel so much as shows his face—
Connor: What is he looking for? Angel?
Jasmine: The unattainable.

(Demon World – Temple)
(An oversized statue of Jasmine stands in an alcove inside a temple, lit only by burning torches. Angel walks inside when someone talks to him.)
High Priest: (os) A long way to come, dead thing, only to fail. Don't worry. The way down will be much, much quicker.
Angel: Thanks for the tip. Maybe I can use your body to cushion the blow.
High Priest: (os) I doubt if my form would provide you much protection, but you're welcome to try.
(A creature walks out from the shadows. Its body is shaped more or less like a human's, but it has little one-inch spikes all over its head and yellow-green skin. It's wearing a robe and necklaces.)
Angel: You. You're the—
High Priest: High priest, guardian of the word, caretaker of her most blessed temple.
Angel: Well, blessed temple's kind of empty, padre. So where are the other true believers? Or are you it?
High Priest: (chuckles) Betrayers, blasphemers. Centuries of waiting for her return have caused most to doubt.
Angel: But, not you, her faithful P.R. flak.
High Priest: She is the light. She is the way.
Angel: She is not coming back.
High Priest: She will when she's through with your world.
Angel: You know, maybe we're not talking about the same person here. What's the name of yours again?
High Priest: (laughs) That's why you're here, dead thing. What you've come for. The word. The name.
Angel: Good. You got that. So I don't have to ask it again. (grabs the priest by the throat, lifting him off the ground; the priest chokes) What is it?
High Priest: Fool. You can take away her power, but you've already lost... everything.

(Hyperion – Basement)
(Connor closes Wesley, Gunn, Fred, and Lorne inside the cage they built in the basement for Angelus. Connor starts to walk away, but Lorne calls after him.)
Lorne: I just gotta know one thing. The reason our little blood ritual didn't raise any veils for you. You've always seen Jasmine's true appearance, haven't you?
Gunn: (scoffs) You gotta be kidding me. You know what maggot-face looks like, and you're still big with the worship?
Connor: (walks back toward the cage, sits in a chair) I grew up in Quor-Toth—a hell dimension full of all sorts of things you can't even imagine. So, you know, appearance? Not that important to me.
Fred: What is important to you, Connor?
Gunn: Not us, apparently. Or his own father.
Fred: What about Cordelia? She needs help, medical attention. I mean, who knows what that coma's doing to her?
Connor: She's fine.
Fred: Are you sure? Have you checked on her? Connor, if you don't care for her, then—
Connor: She isn't—she's been moved.
Gunn: Moved? What do you mean?
Connor: Someplace safe, OK? She's taken care of, so just quit—
Wesley: Connor, what does Jasmine eat?
Connor: What?
Wesley: The creature in the sewer. It called her the "devourer." Devourer of what?
Connor: (shakes head) I don't know.
Wesley: Don't you? The followers she randomly chooses to come to her room. The ones she sent to meet her in the banquet hall.
Lorne: They're the banquet.
Gunn: Wait. People? She eats people?
Fred: Oh, no.
Gunn: "To Serve Man." It's "To Serve Man" all over again.
Fred: And now she's going global.
Gunn: You don't think Cordy's—
Wesley: I hope not, but we really have no way of knowing, do we? (looks at Connor)

(Demon World – Temple)
(Angel is holding the high priest up by his neck.)
High Priest: I know all about you, dead thing. She who brought us up out of the mud and molded us into what we are has given me sight into the hearts and minds of others. I see you. I know all about— (Angel squeezes harder) Aah!
Angel: Then you know I'm kind of in a hurry. Give me her name.
High Priest: (choking) Keeper!
Angel: (lets the priest go) That's it? Caper?
High Priest: The true name is known only by the keeper of the name.
Angel: Right. (grabs the priest's neck again) That's you!
High Priest: No, I am the guardian of the word!
Angel: You said the word is the name.
High Priest: Yes, and I guard the keeper of it.
Angel: So you're the keeper's keeper?
High Priest: I am the Guardian of the Word!
Angel: Yeah, OK, so where's this Keeper of the Name? (the priest glances toward the corner where another creature is kneeling; Angel lets the priest go) Swell.
High Priest: The keeper will not be forthcoming. Only with its last breath will it divulge the true name of the blessed devourer.
Angel: (walks up to the keeper) Ok, big guy, you got a name I need. So we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. (the keeper stands) But you're gonna give me her name or— (the keeper growls menacingly at Angel) Right. The hard way.

(Hyperion – Banquet Hall)
(Connor walks into the banquet hall teeming with people in various stages of undress. He walks purposefully toward Jasmine who's talking to some of her followers.)
Jasmine: (os) I'm so glad you're here.
Naked Girl: Thank you. Thank you so much. Before you came, my life was a mess. I had no job, I was being evicted...
Jasmine: It's all right, Susan. You'll never be burdened with those worries again.
Susan: The emptiness, the weight I've been carrying all my life—it's gone. All I feel now—
Jasmine: (whispers as Connor comes up to her) Connor, is everything—
Connor: I need to talk to you.
Jasmine: (to the girl) Excuse us a moment.
Susan: Of course, Jasmine. (leaves)
Jasmine: Can we do this later? I really hate to keep these lovely people waiting.
Connor: (softly) I'm sorry. I was— I was just wondering. I, uh... I wanted to know—
Jasmine: Cordelia.
Connor: Yeah. What did you do with her...exactly?
Jasmine: I told you. She's exactly where I need her to be, out of harm's way.
Connor: Yeah. I think I should know.
Jasmine: (sweetly) But there's no reason for you to know. Just take comfort in my words. She's safe, and... (grimaces) You think I ate her.
Connor: What? No! No.
Jasmine: (smiles) It's all right, Connor. I'm not offended. But who would put such a ridiculous idea in your head?
Connor: No one. I never thought— So, no, then... about the eating?
Jasmine: I could never hurt Cordelia Chase any more than I could you. You're my parents, my tether to this world. It was your love that brought me here. (nods) I understand. You miss her.
Connor: So she's still here. She's not in some alternate dimension?
Jasmine: Of course not. I had a few of my faithful move her to a secure location for her protection.
Connor: Who? Who took her?
Jasmine: It doesn't matter. Just know she's alive and...well, comatose. And under constant guard, much as our guests downstairs are supposed to be. (Connor nods and walks toward the door.) Thank you, Connor. Shut the door on your way out.

(Demon World – Temple)
(Angel fights the keeper while the High Priest watches.)
High Priest: What is it you think you fight for, dead thing? Valor? What you call justice? Your friends are dead... most likely. Or so you believe, so it's not for them you fight.
Angel: (still fighting) I'm trying to save my world.
High Priest: Your world?! A world that doesn't care for you? Doesn't want you.
Angel: (still fighting) It needs me.
High Priest: So your Powers That Be tell you, and maybe they're right, but it's not why you're here.
(Angel throws the keeper across the room, knocking him out.)
Angel: Ok, bugsy, you want to tell me what I'm fighting for?
High Priest: Him.
Angel: (looks at the keeper) Him?
High Priest: The boy. The woman you've already lost. The boy is what you're fighting for. But you're going to fail. You're going to lose him, too.
(The keeper wakes and attacks Angel from behind.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Connor walks slowly, purposefully through the lobby while newsmen and women set up for Jasmine's press conference.)
News Producer: (to the technician) How's the satellite feed coming?
Tech: (writing on his PDA) Uh, Moscow's on-line in 20. Paris and Nairobi little longer.
News Producer: I almost envy 'em. First time you see Jasmine—nothing like it.
Tech: Yeah.
Woman: I just feel so much more alive since I've been here, you know what I mean?
Connor: (smells the woman from behind, she turns around) Sorry. You kind of smell like, uh...
Woman: Cordelia. (Connor walks away) Yeah, I read this was her favorite perfume.
Female Reporter: (cuts off Connor) Hi. Tracy Bellows, KTLA. Could I get you to say a few words? This is such a special day, and as Jasmine's father, you must be so proud—
Connor: (continues walking away) Bursting.
Female Reporter: (smiling into camera) Ok, back to you, Hal.

(Connor follows one of the people from the lobby out into the garden.)
Connor: (to two people standing on the steps) Hey. Reporter's looking to interview local followers inside.
Followers: Oh, great. Thanks. (walk inside)
(Connor walks up to the two men still in the garden—one of them is whom he followed from the lobby.)
Man1: (holding a flower sprig, talking to his friend) The gu—guy in there says the Lakers just disbanded. Evidently, the players needed more time to devote to her. (notices Connor) Hi, Mr...
Man2: (holding a bunch of flowers) Jasmine's dad.
Connor: Connor.
Man1: Connor?
Man2: (gestures to his flowers) Jasmine for the press conference.
Connor: Right, 'cause she needs more of that. Listen, you're the guys who moved Cordelia, right? I kind of need to know where she is.
Man1: You must have got your wires crossed. Right, Brent?
Man2: We didn't do anything with the transcendent mother.
Connor: (puts his hand on the man's shoulder) Hey, it's OK. Jasmine told me you two helped move her. I mean, how else would I know, right?
Man1: Sorry, Connor. You're just gonna have to ask Jasmine.
Connor: (pushes the man against the wall, holding his forearm to the man's neck) I'm asking you. (pushes Brent away, knocking him to the ground) I can smell her on you. So tell me, and I'll crush your windpipe.
Man1: You mean "or," right? Or you'll crush my windpipe?
Connor: Where's Cordy?

(Demon World – Temple)
(The keeper is choking Angel, holding him off the ground by his neck.)
High Priest: So much effort, always struggling, trying to make things right for the boy, for Connor, but it's never enough. Why do you bother?
Angel: (struggling, choking) I can see you never had kids.
(Angel breaks free of the keeper's grasp and they begin to fight.)
High Priest: The boy should not even exist. He was only a device to bring forth the blessed she— a means to an end.
Angel: Yeah, well, people get born for all sorts of reasons.
High Priest: He will never love you.
Angel: It doesn't matter.
(The keeper grabs a torch and swings it like a baseball bat at Angel.)
High Priest: Foolish dead th—
(Angel ducks, and the keeper misses him, knocking the High Priest into spikes on the wall instead.)
Angel: Oh. Oh, that'll work.
(The keeper grabs Angel from behind and lifts him off the ground over its head.)

(Hyperion – Basement)
(Fred, Lorne, Wesley and Gunn are still locked inside the cage in the basement. Wesley is standing, leaning against the wall, Lorne is sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, Fred is pacing nervously in the corner, and Gunn is kicking the door to the cage.)
Fred: I mean, starting not to look so good for us. Not that I'm giving up or anything.
(Gunn kicks the door again.)
Lorne: You can stop that anytime now.
Gunn: I will... (kicks the door) just as soon as somebody comes up with a better idea... (kicks the door) to get us out of here.
Lorne: And then what, Kato? The anti-Jasmine crowd's about to become a staggering minority on this planet.
Gunn: Yeah, well, first things (kicks the door) first. We'll worry about that when the time comes.
Lorne: Bell's rung, babe. Time's come.
Fred: Weird—Connor walking out like that, you know? Leaving us unguarded.
Lorne: Yeah. If he's not careful, we might move about freely in our impervious 10 by 9 steel cage.
Gunn: Maybe we were getting to him.
Lorne: More than likely, her godliness summoned him for a little tender-lovin'—
Wesley: Blood.
Fred: Is that some kind of ritual she has him doing? 'Cause...ew.
Wesley: What? Oh, no, I was just thinking. Cordelia's blood, it had the same power as Jasmine's to break the thrall she had over us.
Fred: So I figured. Mother and daughter, they share the same blood.
Wesley: And now she's been moved—Cordelia. Why?
Gunn: Guess so people like us don't use Cordy's blood against Jasmine.
Wesley: (paces) There are no people like us. Not anymore. We're it. She had us on the run. And if Cordelia's so dangerous to her, why not kill her and be done with it?
Fred: Because maybe she can't.
Wesley: Exactly. I think Jasmine may be dependent on Cordelia. She can't hurt her, not without hurting herself. But maybe Cordelia can hurt Jasmine.
Gunn: That's a whole lot of maybes.
Wesley: Maybe, but if I'm right, Cordelia might be our only hope to stop Jasmine.
Lorne: If we can wake her up.
Fred: Wake her? We have to find her first.

(A massive cathedral has a new message on its sign out front: "God is nowhere. Jasmine is the way." Connor walks up to the sign, looks around, then walks up to the front door and goes inside. Connor walks inside the cathedral to see the doors to the sanctuary are boarded up. The place looks abandoned. Then two uniformed police officers walk up to him and shine flashlights in his face.)
Connor: Hi.
Officer1: Hi.
Connor: Hi.
Officer2: Sorry, but, um, you're not supposed to be in here.
Connor: (shrugs) Really? I had no idea.
Officer1: (smiling) Yeah, nobody is allowed in. Jasmine's order.
Officer2: (shrugs) Well, not "order" per se. More like a request really. I mean, it's not like she actually gives orders. It's not in her nature. It's one of the things I love about her. (chuckles) She treats everyone with equal—
Connor: I need to get in here.
Officer2: Ok, friend... we're not communicating. You can't, so turn around and leave now, or my partner and I are gonna have to get rough.
Officer1: (to his partner) Please.
Officer2: Oh, right. (to Connor) Please.
(Connor throws the two officers through the sanctuary door. They land on the floor. When they try to get up, Connor knocks them out. He looks up the center aisle and sees someone laid out on the table, draped in see-through white tulle fabric.)
Connor: Found you. (walks toward the altar)

(Hyperion – Banquet Hall)
(A bright yellow-green light glows in the room. The light shrinks and shrinks until it reveals a creature at the center with a tentacle or two sticking out. After the sound of rearranging flesh, the light disappears completely, revealing Jasmine at the center. She sits up on the couch, rubs her belly and smiles.)
Jasmine: Mmm... there. Time for my close-up.

(Connor is standing beside the person laid out on the altar, talking softly.)
Connor: I wanted to see you again. I had to, to know that you're still here... with me. (close-up to show the person on the altar is Cordelia) I'm sorry I haven't— (sits on altar beside Cordelia) It's started, Cordy. The new beginning. Just wish you'd wake up and see it. Just what you wanted. (looks down) I mean... (stands, paces) it is what you wanted, right? Why you came to me? You know...what this was all about? Protecting our baby—Jasmine—so she, and make this world the... the kind of place you wanted. And it is better. Not harsh and cruel—the way that angel likes it so he has a reason to fight. (walks away, angrily) 'Cause you know that's what he's about, him and the others. Finding reasons to fight. Like that's what gives their lives any meaning. The only damn thing! (punches the lectern, smashing it) I'm not like them. I just... (walks back toward Cordelia) I want to stop. Stop fighting. I just want to rest. God, I want to rest. But I can't. (looks at Cordelia with tears in his eyes) It's not working, Cordy. I tried. I tried to believe. I wanted it. Went along with the... the flow. (paces) Jasmine, she's...she's bringing peace to everyone, purging all of their hate and anger. But not me. (chuckles, then angrily) Not me! I know she's a lie. Jasmine. My whole life's been built on them. I just... I guess I thought this one was better than the others.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(The female reporter is talking into the camera as the crowded lobby-full of supporters awaits Jasmine's press conference.)
Female Reporter: I can tell you, Hal, there is a feeling of terrific anticipation in the room as I'm sure there is for our countless brothers and sisters across the globe watching this broadcast.
Male Reporter: Many of us have already been touched by her power and her glory. And for those who've yet to experience the sublime benevolence of Jasmine, this will easily be the most momentous day in recorded history.
Telemundo Reporter: (Translation) Holy Jasmine will give her message in all known languages. Depending on her comments, this transmission might continue until next weekend.

(Jasmine's assistant, Patience, runs after the man Connor attacked in the garden as he forces his way toward Jasmine's room.)
Patience: I told you she can't be disturbed.
Man1: But I need to tell her. She has to know—
Jasmine: (walks out of her room) Know what?
Patience: (smiling) This young man says he was attacked.
Jasmine: Jeremy? Why would anyone—
Man1: (kneels) He forced me to tell him where I took her—your mother.
Jasmine: Connor.
Patience: Um, I'm sorry, ma'am, but your press conference.
Jasmine: Yes. Thank you, Patience. (walks away)

(The crowd oohs as Jasmine walks out toward the lobby.)
Female Reporter: Oh, I believe that... Yes, she may be... Yes, yes, Jasmine. She's primed. (supporters kneel as Jasmine walks to the balcony) Isn't she beautiful.
Crowd: Jasmine...
Jasmine: (smiling) Please. Please stand. (crowd stands) This is a moment to cherish, and I want everyone to share it with me, heads held high. Welcome. And to all those people of this remarkable world who are meeting me for the first time...(blows a kiss to the crowd) mmwah. I want to thank you for allowing me to speak with you. I come to you not as a leader or divinity, but as your partner in a venture to make this the best of all possible worlds, without borders, without hunger, war, or misery. A world built on love, respect, understanding, and, well, just enjoying one another. Doesn't that sound nice? (smiles)
Crowd: Yeah. (applauds)
(Jasmine is being broadcast on television. All the cameras are on her.)

(Gunn is still kicking at the cage door. They can hear the crowd cheering in the lobby.)
Fred: What's that?
Wesley: Jasmine's world debut, I expect.
Gunn: So...we're alone. It's just us now.
Lorne: (stands) That's all, folks.

Jasmine: Now I know you have lots of important questions for me—difficult questions—and I want you to know everything, so I'm going to open up the floor. (reporters raise their hands) Yes, Tracy?
Female Reporter: Uh— (shocked) uh, you know my name?
Jasmine: That's right. You have a question?
Female Reporter: (still shocked) You know my name.
Jasmine: Anyone else?
Male Reporter: Uh, excuse me, Jasmine. What can we do to show our love for you?
Jasmine: You don't have to do anything except love one another. (smiles broadly) Although a temple would be nice. Something massive and awe-inspiring, yet warm and nurturing, celebrating the gentle pleasures of a peaceful, precious coexistence where violent behav— (The crowd gasps as bright blue lightning erupts in the center of the lobby. It's a portal opening up. Angel steps out, holding the blue orb in one hand and the keeper's head in another.) Kill him! All of you, kill him now!
(The crowd mobs Angel angrily, but he holds out the head threateningly, and they back away.)
Angel: I'm sorry.
Jasmine: Don't.
(Angel takes out a knife and cuts the threads that held the keeper's lips closed. A sound escapes its mouth, but it's not like any word known to mankind. It sounds more like a long breath. As soon as the keeper utters the word, Jasmine's face starts glowing green. Her spell to hide her true appearance begins to falter, and her rotten, maggoty appearance can be seen by everyone. The people panic and scream.)
Jasmine: No! (She glows white for a moment, improving her appearance slightly, so now her face is rotting, but the maggots are gone.) Please. Pay no attention. It's a lie. See? I—I'm not— (everyone leaves the room in panic, screaming) Wait! Please! Don't leave me!
(Angel just stares up at Jasmine who tries to find a way out. Angel follows her. )

(Gunn, Lorne, Wesley, and Fred are still locked inside the cage as they hear the screaming in the lobby above.)
Lorne: What in the hell is goin' on up there?
Fred: It didn't sound good. I don't know what—
Gunn: (kicks at the door) I'll tell you what it was. The devourer chowing down, (kicks at the door) and I bet you we're dessert.
Wesley: Gunn, will you stop wasting your—
(Gunn kicks at the door one more time and it opens.)
Gunn: (grins) Never give up, never surrender.
Wesley: Let's go. (walks out, the others follow)
Gunn: That's it? No thank you?
Fred: Thanks, Charles.
Gunn: I just want my props is all.

(LA Street – Night)
(Jasmine walks around the streets that once were peaceful, but now are chaotic. People are screaming, there's panic and traffic jams and fires in the streets now.)
Woman: (frightened when she sees Jasmine) Oh! Oh, my God! No!
Jasmine: Don't be afraid! It's still me! I'm— (someone throws a rotten tomato at her) listen to me! (closes her eyes) Connor...

(Connor's sitting by Cordelia's body, hanging his head in his hands, thinking, when one of the cops speaks in Jasmine's voice.)
Officer2: (in Jasmine's voice) Father, I need you. Help me. Please.
(Connor runs out of the cathedral as fast as he can, without hesitation.)

(LA Street – Bridge)
(Jasmine walks down the center of a street on a bridge as cars pass in both directions.)
Angel: (from behind her) Jasmine, it's over. You've lost.
Jasmine: (turns to face Angel) I've lost? Do you have any idea what you've done?
Angel: What I had to do.
Jasmine: No. No, Angel. There are no absolutes. No right and wrong. Haven't you learned anything working for the Powers? There are only choices. I offered paradise. You chose this!
Angel: Because I could. Because that's what you took away from us. Choice.
Jasmine: And look what free will has gotten you.
Angel: Hey, I didn't say we were smart. I said it's our right. It's what makes us human.
Jasmine: But you're not human.
Angel: Working on it. (Jasmine turns to walk away) Where you going?
Jasmine: (walking away) Leave me alone.
Angel: Sorry, but... can't do that.
Jasmine: What? You've taken everything. You're gonna try to kill me now, as if you could.
Angel: Maybe not. But I'll die before I let you hurt anyone else.
Jasmine: You're already dead!
Angel: You know what I mean. It ends right here.
Jasmine: (crying) Why do you hate me so much?
Angel: Let's run down the list, huh? Rain of fire, blotting out the sun, enslaving mankind, and, yeah, oh, yeah, hey, you eat people!
Jasmine: Like you never have?
Angel: Thousands of people are dead because of what you've done.
Jasmine: (walks up to Angel) And how many will die because of you? I could've stopped it, Angel. All of it. War, disease, poverty. How many precious, beautiful lives would've been saved in a handful of years? Yes, I murdered thousands to save billions. (walks to the edge of the bridge) This world is doomed to drown in its own blood now.
Angel: The price was too high, Jasmine. Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing.
Jasmine: Like me?
Angel: (walks up to her, stands beside her) Look, we've all done horrible things. All we can do is try and make up for it. So, OK, you know, it's not the world that you wanted, but maybe you can still help us make it better, even if you have lost your powers.
Jasmine: (looks down, then at Angel) Not all of them.
(Jasmine punches Angel so hard that it sends him flying over the edge of the bridge. He lands on a car hood. Jasmine, still on the bridge, picks up a station wagon.)
Angel: (to car driver) Run. (the driver runs away)
Jasmine: (yelling from the bridge) Think the price was too high? You haven't begun to pay! (She throws the station wagon over the bridge, it snaps a power line before crashing into the street and exploding. Jasmine jumps off the bridge, lands on her feet, and walks menacingly toward Angel.) Maybe you're right. Maybe I can still make this world a better place. (punches Angel across the street) One body at a time. I loved this world. I sacrificed everything I was to be with you.
Angel: So you could rule us?
Jasmine: Because I cared. The other Powers don't. Never really did. You know that's true in your heart. Shame now I gotta rip it out. (She reaches for Angel, but he grabs the end of the power line and electrocutes Jasmine with the live end. The electricity sends her back a few feet, but doesn't hurt her. She walks back toward Angel.) I was forged in the inferno of creation, vampire. Do you really think a little electricity would destroy me?
Angel: Worth a shot.
(Angel punches Jasmine, but she's unfazed. She picks him up and throws him into a lamp post, snapping it in two. Jasmine walks over to Angel who's crawling on the ground coughing.)
Jasmine: Remember the prophecy, Angel? The one that says in the time of the apocalypse, you'd play a major part? How you never knew whether you'd be on the side of good or evil? Well, now you know. (grabs Angel's face) Thanks to you, this frail, little Power That Was has just enough strength in her to wipe out your whole species. And it's all on your hands.
Angel: (punches her) This isn't my fault! (she grabs his throat) Go to hell.
Jasmine: You first, baby. (forces Angel into a kiss)
Connor: (walks up to Jasmine and Angel) Always the same, dad. I get a girl, you gotta make a play for her.
(Jasmine lets up on the kissing.)
Angel: (gasping) Connor.
Jasmine: (smiling) Connor.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Wesley and Lorne are walking through the empty lobby. Gunn comes downstairs and Fred comes in from the garden.)
Wesley: Find anyone?
Gunn: We got ourselves a ghost hotel.
Fred: Garden's empty. This is incredibly creepy.
Lorne: Only in a post-apocalyptic "Night of the Comet" kind of way.
Fred: (picks up someone's purse from the floor) Do you think they're all—
Lorne: Dead. (holding the remote control) Dead air. TV stations going off line. Something big went down.
Gunn: (picks up the keeper's head) Yeah. And here's its head.
Wesley: Angel.
Fred: You sure?
(Wesley heads toward the door, and the others follow.)
Gunn: Where we goin'?
Wesley: We have to find him and Cordelia before Jasmine does.
(Wesley opens the door and stops still in his tracks. Everyone stares out the front door at the same thing.)
Fred: Oh, my god.

(LA Bridge)
(Connor has come to the bridge where Angel and Jasmine were fighting. Jasmine stands beside Connor, touching his shoulder. Angel's panting, weakly, staring at them.)
Jasmine: Connor, I still have you. Angel's ruined everything. But he can't defeat both of us. You still believe in me, don't you? You still love me?
Connor: Yes.
(He then punches Jasmine in the head so hard that his fist goes right through her skull. Jasmine falls to the ground, dead. Connor looks at her body, saddened.)
Angel: Connor... It's OK. It's over. (Connor looks up at Angel.) Look, I know this is difficult for you. I'm just— I'm just happy to have you. (Connor walks away; a weakened Angel tries in vain to follow him) Connor. Connor? Connor. Connor!
(Connor runs off.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Weakly, Angel stumbles in through the front door. The rest of the gang is in the office. When they hear him come in, they all go out to the lobby.)
Fred: Angel.
Angel: Oh, my God. You're alive.
Wesley: Angel.
Angel: Jasmine's dead. I brought back her name and her powers were destroyed. (sits) Connor killed her.
Fred: Connor?
Wesley: Um, there's something—
Angel: I've never seen him like this. He wasn't hurt or angry, he just... killed her. And his face, it—it was just blank, like he had nothing left.
Wesley: (shakes his head) Angel, you really—
Angel: I've got a bad feeling. He's just...given up. I think he's gonna do something. You know, he might—
Lilah: End world peace? (Angel looks over to see her standing in the office doorway.) Well, you already took care of that. Congratulations.

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