
(Hyperion – Lobby – Night)
(Pick up exactly where we left off at the end of ‘Orpheus’. Cordelia has just revealed her pregnancy to the gang. Connor walks up to her side.)
Cordelia: (rubbing her belly) I know it's a bit of a shock. I mean, nobody's more shocked than me. (looks at Connor) OK, maybe him.
(Everyone stares at her in silence.)
Fred: Um, sorry to be so... but I'm, like you said, kinda shocked.
(Angel walks over to the couch and sits down.)
Gunn: Yeah, 'cause hasn't it only been like... Definitely shocked.
Cordelia: I haven't been hiding, or ashamed, or anything... It's just with the Beast and his psycho master, and then Faith and Willow and all that dramarama, not to mention…
Angel: Angelus.
Cordelia: Everything's just been so Clash of the Titans around here. I didn't wanna be a distraction.
Lorne: (walks in from outside, sees Cordelia) Wha...? Put me on the short bus, and send me off to clueless school. A mystical pregnancy right under my beak and not even a tingle. Huh.
Wesley: How long have you known?
Cordelia: Some time after we brought forth Angelus.
Gunn: That's a couple of weeks. Looks more like eight months.
Wesley: The last time Cordelia was impregnated, she came to term overnight.
Cordelia: That was a crawly evil demon thing. This is different.
Fred: Still, shouldn't we try and find out...what's in there?
Connor: We already know. Our baby.
Gunn: (to Angel) Well, congratulations. You're gonna have a grandspawn.
Connor: You don't know what it's like. How scary it is. I'm gonna have a child, and all you can do is joke 'cause you don't like me. We shouldn't have told 'em. (walks out of the lobby)
Fred: Cordelia...
Cordelia: I know it's hard to understand. None of you have ever had a living being growing inside of you. And this— (looks at her belly) my sweet baby—we're connected. I feel what it feels. I can't explain it, but I sense its goodness, its love. (Turns to walk away, looks down at her belly as the creature inside writhes visibly under her skin—clearly not a human baby; turns back to face the others.) You'll see. (smiles) My baby will be here soon, and then you'll all see.

(Park – Night)
(A man stands alone in a plaza while a fountain bubbles behind him. He looks around nervously as people walk by. When he turns around again, Gwen Raiden is standing behind him.)
Man: How'd you do that?
Gwen: I'm a thief. (walks up to the man) Got my stuff? (the man looks around nervously) Would you stop it?
Man: Stop what?
Gwen: Acting shifty. You've never done this before, have you? (laces her arm through his, they start walking) Let me give you a tip, sugar bear. There are over eight million people in this city, and as far as anyone can tell, we're just two of 'em. Just a normal couple. Nobody's gonna give us a second look if you just stop acting shifty.
Man: (stops walking, breaks away from her and looks her in the eyes) Look, these are very powerful people that you're going up against. If they catch you, they'll kill you—
Gwen: I know the risks, but I'm going in there with or without your help. And I'm not coming out without Lisa. (pulls an envelope out of her back pocket) So, are we gonna dance, or what? (slips the envelope into the man's breast pocket)
Man: (hands Gwen an envelope he took out of his coat) That's everything. Security, blueprints, background.
Gwen: (smiles) There. That wasn't so bad, was it?
Man: So, is it that obvious? (laughs) That I've never done…
Gwen: Trench coat. Definite rookie mistake.
Man: So, I should... dress more like you? You know, maybe when this is all over, you and I could— (Gwen is struck by lightning and sent flying back.) Holy sh—
(The man runs away as Gwen lies there on the ground. She looks up and talks to him as he runs away.)
Gwen: Really, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

(Hyperion – Lobby – Night)
(Fred and Lorne are sitting next to one another on the couch, talking to Wesley and Gunn who are standing around near the front desk.)
Fred: Were we too harsh? (Lorne shakes his head.) I was just asking.
Wesley: No, they were bound to skulk off to neutral corners.
Gunn: (pacing) Two vampires hook up, and—for the only time in vamp history—have a kid, our boy Connor. Then Connor grows up, knocks it out with Cordelia, a part-demon former higher-being. And—quick as you can say "Easy Bake Oven"—there's a gigantic bun in hers. (shakes his head) I don't think we were too harsh.
Fred: The first time Connor tried to attack Angelus, Lorne's sanctuary spell knocked him halfway to Abilene.
Wesley: Which means Connor is at least part-demon.
Lorne: Yeah, well that was before my spell went all Flop-a-palooza.
Fred: Having two part-demon parents might could explain the... (makes a gesture like a growing belly) woosh factor.
Gunn: Not gonna be long until woosh turns into pop.
Lorne: Speaking of "pop," don't you think our re-ensouled leader should be a part of this little confab?
Angel: (walks out of his office into the lobby) Easy Bake. Flop-a-palooza. Woosh. Pop. (points at Wesley) I don't skulk. I've been thinking...about the past few weeks and Angelus—
Fred: Angel, you can't feel guilty for anything Angelus did.
Angel: I know. I knew the risks. We all did. (looks at Wesley) And some of us paid a higher price than others. Angelus didn't kill Lilah. She was already dead, killed by the Beast.
(Wesley looks pained and upset and confused.)
Fred: Well, that's...less terrible.
Angel: (to Wesley) There's no excuse for...what Angelus did to her, but... I'm sorry for your loss. (Wesley looks down.) We've got two pressing matters: figuring out what we can about Cordelia's pregnancy, and destroying the Beast's master. Lorne you're…
Lorne: Reliable as a cheap fortune cookie?
Angel: I was gonna say a guy with good contacts. There have to be rumblings around town about this new player. Talk to your sources. See if anyone knows anyone who might know anything.
Lorne: I'm your demon.
Angel: Right. Wesley, if there's experts on mystical births, we're it.
Wesley: Uh, we'll pull all the files on Darla and her pregnancy and see what we can find.
Angel: Gunn, I want you to sit tight for now. It never hurts to have some muscle on deck. (Gunn just glares back at Angel.) In the mean time, there has to be a reason why the Beastmaster wanted Angelus. I'm gonna piece together everything I know—things he said to me when he was in my head, everything he's done. Maybe something will…
Gwen: (os) Strike you? (Everyone turns around to see that Gwen has just walked through the front door.) Careful what you wish for.
Fred: (stands) Well, look who's back now that the lights are on.
Gwen: Aw, missed you too, babe.
Angel: Gwen, it's really not a great time for a social call. We're pretty swamped. You know, uh... apocalypse.
Gwen: Thing is, there's a girl. She's in trouble. It's what you guys do, right?
Angel: Well, yeah.
Gwen: So, I'm in a jam. I can't get out of it alone. I need someone suave, a guy who can handle himself in a tight spot.
Angel: (swaggers a moment) Gwen, I'd love to help…
Gwen: I meant him. (gestures to Gunn)

(Abandoned Bedroom)
(Cordelia walks into a dark room at the hotel. Connor's sitting in a corner, thinking.)
Cordelia: I've been looking all over for you. Connor, what they can't let it bother you.
Connor: I don't care what they say.
Cordelia: Really? Is that why you retreated to the Fortress of Solitude?
Connor: (looks up) It doesn't make sense. (stands)
Cordelia: Freaking out over pregnancy's pretty much the M.O. with the gang around here.
Connor: Not them. You. All that stuff you said about Angelus. And Willow...she—she didn't open a gate to evil. She put back Angel's soul. I almost killed him.
Cordelia: But you didn't. Angel's back. Everything worked out. Everything happens for a reason, even if it doesn't always seem that way.
Connor: How can you say that?
Cordelia: Think about it. You sinking Angel to the bottom of the ocean. Getting kicked out of the house. Me not knowing who I was and coming to you for help. All of those moments and a million others led to this miracle.
Connor: But sending me down to the basement. I had the stake. (walks up to Cordelia) What was the reason for that?
Cordelia: I thought our baby was in danger, and all my instincts told me that killing Angelus was the only way to protect it.
Connor: (sighs) But you were wrong. (sits down)
Cordelia: (walks up to Connor, kneels in front of him) What's important is that when I needed help, you were there for me. Now I know I can trust you. Completely. No matter what. See? Everything happens for a reason. (stands) Connor, before our baby comes, I might ask you to do some things...for us. (holds up a baby outfit, folds it) And I want you to remember, there's always a reason.
Connor: I'll remember.

(Gwen’s Apartment)
(Gunn is playing with small figurines from a table in Gwen's living room. Gwen's gathering some papers and the envelope that the man in the park gave her.)
Gunn: So, why me?
Gwen: I told you. I need a suave guy in a tight spot.
Gunn: (scoffs) Suave? (holds the figure out to Gwen) You been collecting these for a while?
Gwen: Yeah, I get one each trip. I just brought the dolphin back from Tahiti. You collect anything when you travel?
Gunn: Uh, yeah. I, uh, I got a big ol' scar on my thigh from Boyle Heights... A piece of vamp stake I picked up a while back in Alhambra... And a couple of burn marks on my hip from Encino... Yep, name a town, I'll show you the souvenir.
Gwen: I didn't mean to...
Gunn: I'm not complaining. Hell, I've seen more here than most people've seen traveling around the world. Someday, maybe. (walks up to Gwen) So, what's so big and bad that Electro-Gwen needs my super-suave assistance? Something about a girl in trouble?
Gwen: Yeah. I did a little black-bag deal-eo for this corp. Happens all the time. Two companies vie for a contract. Company A hires me to make sure Company B's thingamabob doesn't so much bob as bust.
Gunn: And Company A gets a multi-million dollar payday.
Gwen: Right, but this time Company B fought back. (hands Gunn a picture from the envelope) They kidnapped this girl. Her name is Lisa. She's the daughter of the guy who hired me to do the dirty work.
Gunn: And nobody can go to the cops 'cause…
Gwen: Of what I did. So, you see? It's my fault. I have to save her, and I have to do it alone. (Gunn nods, then notices burn marks on the envelope Gwen's holding.) Don't ask. (hands Gunn a printout from her envelope) This is everything I could get on the man who's holding her. His name is Takeshi Morimoto. He's the head honcho of the company I tanked. He's promised to kill the girl if Company A doesn't come clean about what they did.
Gunn: This dude's a serious player. (reading from the printout) Chairman Emeritus, honorary degrees, all kinds of charity work, cancer research, wildlife preservation, the Zoo Committee... (beat) Whoa, bank fraud, smuggling, money laundering…
Gwen: And now kidnapping.
Gunn: (looks up at Gwen) This guy know about you?
Gwen: Nope. That's why I think we have a shot of getting to the girl. (stands, walks over to a table where she unfolds a blueprint) They're keeping her at his compound. It's gated. Armed guards, infrared surveillance, dogs, the works. If we're gonna have half a chance— (looks up at Gunn, who's chuckling) You're gonna have to stop grinning like that and share the joke with the entire class. You think this is impossible?
Gunn: No, I think it's fantastic. Listen, I spent most of this year trapped in what I can only describe as a turgid supernatural soap-opera. The fact that I have a chance to go out and really help somebody...Well, you know, it feels good to be doing good. (beat) So, how're we breaking into Fort Knox?
Gwen: We're walking in the front door.

(Morimoto’s Home – Night)
(A limousine pulls up in front of a mansion. Gunn steps out, wearing a fancy suit and nice shoes. He holds out his hand to help Gwen out of the limo; she takes his hand with hers, gloved in white satin. Gwen's wearing a red silk dress that looks oriental in design.)
Gwen: How're you doing?
Gunn: You tell me. I'm thinking James Bond never looked this fine. (laces her arm through his)
Gwen: I'm thinking you're right.
Gunn: Of course, I'd feel better if we were packing some of his secret weapons.
Gwen: (whispers) Charles, we are the secret weapons. Nervous?
Gunn: Nah. I've gotten into clubs with tighter security than this.

(Security Desk)
(Gwen steps into a scanner that detects body heat, among other attributes. A man sits behind the computer monitor watching for anomalies as people go through. Gwen goes through without a problem. Gunn goes through it next. The guard nods.)
Gwen: One down, one to go.
Gunn: Hey, how's your electro-thing gonna do with these metal detectors?
Gwen: Piece of cake.
(Guards stand on either side of Gwen and Gunn, who are arm in arm. The guards wave wands over Gwen and Gunn's bodies. Gwen and Gunn walk forward. Gwen hands tickets to a man who scans them.)
Gunn: Now, if we can just get out as easily as we got in— (as the guard scans the tickets, an alarm goes off) Why did I even say that? (Security guards surround Gunn and Gwen.) Uh, what...seems to be the problem?
Guard: The electronic imprints on your invitation's been altered.
Gwen: I can explain that. I was struck by lightning. (everyone looks at her) Really. (whispers to Gunn) See how my life sucks?
Guard: Step this way, please. (beat) Please don't make a scene.
Gwen: A little late for that, isn't it? What with the beeping and batons...
Gunn: (whispers to Gwen) Maybe this isn't our night.
Gwen: (whispering) Then we make it our night. This is my one shot, Gunn, and I am not leaving without you-know-who...and if that means we do it the hard way— (starts to pull off one of her gloves)
Gunn: (whispers to Gwen) Ah ah ah. Keep your mittens on, sparky. (speaks to Morimoto as he walks past) Morimoto-san. Konbanwa. (bows)
Mr. Morimoto: (turns to face Gunn) Konbanwa. Okoshi kudasai arigato gozaimasu.
Gunn: Sorry, didn't follow that last bit. Shot my entire Japanese vocabulary when I said hello.
Mr. Morimoto: The gesture is still appreciated. (turns to walk away)
Gunn: Mr. Morimoto, I'm Charles Gunn. We met at the zoo benefit last year. You don't remember me, do you? Your wife held that monkey right after my girlfriend did. Ugly little gray thing—the monkey, not my girl. (chuckles) Gwen, you remember Mr. Morimoto. We met him at the zoo benefit.
Gwen: (bows) How could I forget.
Gunn: Mr. Morimoto, in case we don't have an opportunity to speak later, please do me the honor of accepting this humble gift... (pulls a small oval box out of his breast pocket) to thank you for inviting us into your beautiful home.
Mr. Morimoto: You're too generous.
Gunn: (holding the box out in the palms of both hands) Please. It's just a trinket.
Mr. Morimoto: (opens the box revealing the small jade tiger inside; Gwen shoots a look at Gunn) It's beautiful.
Gunn: Well, I read somewhere you love tigers.
Mr. Morimoto: Truly exquisite. Thank you. (walks away)
Guard: (to Gwen and Gunn) If you'll follow me, please.
Gwen: (whispers to Gunn) OK, we tried it your way—
Gunn: (whispers) Hang on. (they watch Morimoto walk away, waiting for acknowledgement)
Guard: This way. Please. (Morimoto pauses, turns to the security guard and signals that Gunn and Gwen can come in.) All right. Go ahead.

(Hyperion – Office)
(Fred and Wesley are sitting at a desk together, researching amongst piles of papers and books.)
Fred: (holds a drawing of a red, spike-covered demon) That's supposed to be a kid?
Wesley: An infant Gatbar demon. The spikes grow to full size in the womb.
Fred: Ouch. Gross factor aside, these pregnancies all seem to be run-of-the-mill demon lifecycle stuff. Nothing mystical about 'em. (sighs, rubs her head, sounds slightly ill)
Wesley: They're just pictures, Fred.
Fred: It's the pictures in my mind that are getting me. I can't stop thinking about Connor and Cordy...hiding up in that room...imagining what they do up there. (holds her eyelids open) It's like being stuck in a really bad movie with those Clockwork Orange clampy things on my eyeballs.
Wesley: Why imagine? Reality's disturbing enough.
Fred: Connor's Angel's son. How did he and Cordy get all...(looks away) couply?
Wesley: They were probably as surprised as anyone. (Fred turns to look at Wesley) But they were both lost, lonely...
Fred: (scoffs) No matter how lonely I was, I would never—
Wesley: Things happen, Fred. When you're alienated from the people who care about you, you start to look other places.
Fred: (looks away) Hm. Lilah.
Wesley: We were fighting on opposite sides, but it was the same war.
Fred: (rolls her eyes, scoffs, turns to look at Wesley) But you hated her...didn't you?
Wesley: (softly) It's not always about holding hands...

(Morimoto’s Home – Ballroom)
(Arm in arm, Gunn and Gwen walk into the main ballroom where the party is located.)
Gwen: So, when did you become Mr. Japanese Ambassador?
Gunn: Well, you watch enough Samurai movies, you learn a couple of things about the culture. The first is Reishiki, which is a fancy way of stressing proper etiquette at all times. The other is never underestimate the value of a thoughtful gift.
Gwen: (nods) You mean that gift you stole?
Gunn: (chuckles) Yeah, sorry about that. Hope it wasn't too valuable.
Gwen: Let you in on a little secret?
(She opens her pocket to allow Gunn to look inside; the jade tiger is in her pocket.)
Gunn: You stole it back?
Gwen: It's not like eighteenth century jade is falling off trucks. (looks around the room, then stares toward the corner)
Gunn: What? (a little Japanese girl walks up to the edge of the ballroom; she's surrounded by guards) Is that her? Shouldn't she be tied to a chair or something?
Gwen: Tied up or dressed up, she's a prisoner. Look at the muscle around her. I'm gonna go see if I can get a better look. (walks away, Gunn starts to follow, but Gwen stops her) No, keep an eye on Morimoto.

(Hyperion – Angel’s Room)
(Angel's sitting in a chair in his room, drawing. There's no knock at the door, but he calls out from his chair anyway.)
Angel: Come on in, Cordelia.
Cordelia: (opens the door, walks in) You know, that never stops creeping me out. (closes the door)
Angel: (without looking up) Yeah? I'm kind of creeped out myself.
Cordelia: Can we not do this right now?
Angel: OK by me. I'm kinda in the middle of something anyway.
Cordelia: Anything coming to mind?
Angel: Not really.
Cordelia: Nothing?
Angel: (puts down his sketchpad, stands, walks to the window) Look, to be honest, I'm almost pining for the halcyon days of the Beast.
Cordelia: Right, 'cause it's not like he slaughtered hundreds of people with his bare hands.
Angel: (looking out the window) The Beast was just a flunky.
Cordelia: Who did his master's bidding.
Angel: Killing Manny, stealing my soul, murdering Lilah...those were surgical strikes. Not the smash-and-trash style of the Beast.
Cordelia: But if lava boy didn't do all that, who did?
Angel: (faces Cordelia) His master.
Cordelia: I'm his master. (beat) I'm his all-powerful master, and I'm gonna break into a guarded room, steal your soul from a safe—not by ripping it open, but by using the combination—then I'm gonna hunt and kill Lilah right under this very roof. Sure. Evil geniuses live for that playing with fire stuff.
Angel: You don't understand. This thing was in my head. I've heard him, and he's insane enough to pull those kinds of stunts.
Cordelia: When you say "insane," you mean, like, diabolical?
Angel: (chuckles) No, I mean like deluded and demented. He spoke to me in this cheezy, self-important voice. I bet he doesn't even have a master plan—he's just making it up as he goes along. (Cordelia frowns) Hey, don't worry. We'll figure it out. Come on, anybody as daredevily as this guy will slip up sooner or later. When he does, he's dead. (Cordelia smiles a fake smile.)

(Morimoto’s Home – Ballroom)
(As the party continues, zoom in on a conversation between a few of the guests.)
Woman: Meteor showers, earthquakes, that strange thing with the sun. I find it an exciting time to be in Los Angeles.
Mr. Morimoto: I couldn't agree more. I can't help but feel something wonderful's coming, don't you, Mr. Gunn?
Gunn: Well, something seems to be coming, all right, just ain't so sure I'd call it wonderful. (everyone laughs; Gwen taps Gunn's shoulder; to the guests) If you'll excuse me... (to Gwen) Gwen, you're not gonna b—What is it?
Gwen: They're gonna kill her...tonight.
Gunn: Not gonna happen.
Gwen: We have to act fast. You need to get Lisa and get out.
Gunn: You mean "we" need to?
Gwen: No, I mean "you." I'm going over to the other side of the room to create one hell of a distraction. By the time they've figured out what hit 'em, you'll have her half-way to my place. This is our one shot.
Gunn: Like I said when I signed up, it feels good to be doing good.
Gwen: (looks toward the girl) OK, work your way over there. Wait for my signal. (walks away)
(Gwen walks up to a coffee table while Gunn sneaks around behind a column near the little girl. Gwen pushes over the coffee table. Gunn grabs the little girl, putting a hand over her mouth and carrying her off.)
Gwen: Oh, my God! Somebody's trying to hurt that little girl.
Guard: (into his radio) This is Bravo-9. We have a situation in progress.
(Gwen smiles as the guard goes after Gunn. Gwen turns and walks in the opposite direction.)

(Gunn walks down the hallway with the little girl and ducks into a nearby room. He sets the little girl down, shuts the door, and turns to face her.)
Gunn: Hang in there, we're almost out. (Someone hits Gunn on the head, knocking him out. He falls to the floor. A minute later he stands, grunting in pain) Oh. Oh. Oh. (panting) Ah. Ah. (Touches his head where they hit him, Gunn addresses the other men in the room.) Now you did it. I'm gonna have to get your lame-ass blood all over my sweet new suit. (The men swing staffs at Gunn, and they begin to fight. Gunn takes the staff from one of the men and defends himself well. The little girl hides in the corner, watching them fight. One of the men grabs a sword and holds it up, staring at Gunn.) You know, I spent the last couple of weeks whacking on a giant lava demon and more vamps than I can count. I almost forgot how good it feels to just let off a little steam. (Gunn defeats the last of his opponents, straightening his tie as the man falls to the ground; Gunn goes up to the little girl.) All right, let's get you out of here. (the girl stands) It's OK. I'm here to take you home.
Little Girl: I am home.
Gunn: (confused) No, you've been kidnapped.
Little Girl: (petulantly) Get out of my house.
Gunn: (thinks for a moment) Your name's not Lisa, is it?
Little Girl: I'm Aiko Morimoto, and when my daddy finds out you tried to hurt me, (points at Gunn) he's gonna kill you.
(Gunn leaves the room.)

(Gwen's using a stethoscope to listen to a combination lock on a safe door. Someone puts a hand on her shoulder. She gasps and turns around to see Gunn standing there.)
Gwen: It's you.
Gunn: It was the scanners, wasn't it? Why you wanted me. Angel, no heartbeat.
Gwen: Security scan of a dead guy might've raised a few eyebrows.
Gunn: You know, for about five seconds, I thought you might actually care about something.
Gwen: OK, so what if I didn't tell you about my plan? And so what if I set you up for a fall? When's the last time you had this much fun? I saw your face out there—you were having a great time.
Gunn: It's 'cause I thought I was doing good.
Gwen: You were. Just not the kind that involves saving a fairy princess from an evil king.
Gunn: So Lisa doesn't exist?
Gwen: Yes, she does. (walks back to the safe) And I've liberated her from this steel tomb by now if you'd stop yapping for half a sec. It's a military acronym: Localized Ionic Sensory Activator. L-I-S-A.
Gunn: A weapon? L.I.S.A.'s a weapon?
Gwen: Not a weapon. A covert device worn by black ops. Regulates body temp, heartbeat, body chemistry. Morimoto's company designed it, and I've been hired to steal the beta test.
Gunn: God bless America.
Gwen: Actually China, or North Korea. Not really sure. Morimoto's selling it to the highest bidder.
Gunn: And who are you stealing it for?
Gwen: (walks up to Gunn) Look, there are two things that make me a good thief. I steal what I'm paid to steal, and I don't ask too many questions. (goes back to the safe)
Gunn: Well, good luck with that. (walks away)
Gwen: (calls after him) Nothing's changed, you know. Morimoto's still a bad guy. You're still a good one.
Gunn: (stops, turns to face her) You know, I can't believe I actually took time out of the apocalypse for this.
Gwen: Even the Pres. takes vacations. Besides, if they need you, they'll call. Come on. We started this together. Let's finish it the same way.
Gunn: It's not the same.
Gwen: You can keep the suit.
(Gunn walks back to the safe with Gwen.)

(Hyperion – Angel’s Office)
(Angel is sitting behind his desk, working on something as Fred and Wesley stand in front of him, staring at him as he works. Fred hands Wesley a cup of gourmet coffee.)
Angel: (looks up) You know, this would be a lot easier if you two weren't hovering.
Fred: (simultaneously with Wesley) No rush.
Wesley: (simultaneously with Fred) Take your time.
Angel: I think that's it. (pushes his sketch pad forward)
(Fred and Wesley walk up to Angel's desk to look at the sketch pad, setting down their coffee on the desk.)
Cordelia: (walks into the office) What's it?
Angel: The passage from Lilah's Beasty book. The one Angelus destroyed after the big boomy voice threatened to re-ensoul him.
Fred: Angel's been visualizing the text, trying to recreate it.
Angel: Just, you know, a little thing I can do.
Cordelia: You think there was something in that book that high-and-spitey didn't want us to know about?
Angel: He's definitely hiding something.
Wesley: I recognize the text. It's early Fallorian code system. Let's see... (translating) "The green cart-like vehicle eats..."
(As Wesley translates, Cordelia places her hand next to the cup of coffee that's on the desk beside the text. She readies her finger to push the coffee cup over at any moment.)
Wesley: (translating) "I am not a bucket head."
(Angel throws down his hands. Cordelia pulls her hand back from the coffee.)
Angel: Damn it!
Wesley: It's a tricky language. An inverted serif can alter the meaning of an entire passage.
Cordelia: What now?
Angel: I try again.
(Wesley, Fred, and Cordelia are still standing around Angel's desk watching him as he goes back to work. He looks up at them, and they all turn and walk away.)

(Morimoto’s Home – Study)
(Gwen turns the dial on the combination safe while listening to it through the stethoscope. When she unlocks the door, she opens it to reveal yet another safeguard inside: a door locked with and electronic keypad.)
Gunn: Crap!
Gwen: (smiles) Nah, this is the easy one.
(Gwen takes off her satin glove, and touches her hand to the electronic keypad, shocking it. Gwen opens the safe door and takes out a small metal box from it. She opens the box to show a flat, oblong device inside.)
Gwen: (starts walking away) We're outta here. We should split up in case—
Gunn: (stops walking, turns to face Gwen) Oh, no, we're not doing that again. Either we both make it out, or—
Gwen: (staring toward the door) Or neither of us do.
(Gunn turns around to see Morimoto and four security guards standing in the doorway.)

(Hyperion – Angel’s Office)
(Angel sketches another page full of unusual characters. When he's done, he rips the page off of the sketchpad and hands it to Wesley.)
Angel: Try this one. Wesley: (reads the page) Something about strangling poultry.
Angel: (sighs, throws the notepad down on the desk) That's it. I gotta get out of here. (stands)
Lorne: (walks into the room) Ah ah ah. Easy does it, compadre. No huffy exits before (singsongy) I spill the joyous news.
Angel: About the baby?
Cordelia: About El Jefe?
Lorne: Uh, no and no. My sources got nothing on mystical birthin' or the big Kahuna. But Wanda—that demon you recommended—what a peach, by the way. Anyway, she sold me this cleansing abracadabra to clear my muddled mind.
Fred: You're empathic again?
Lorne: Please... (holds up a long black cloak) you think this Dungeons & Dragons cloak is a fashion statement? I got to do this whole song and dance—
Wesley: Well, we're getting nowhere. If you need extra hands...
Lorne: Sorry, I can only take my two. Ritual has to be performed solo. Just me and my shadow, secluded in a dark, dusty nowhere land. Ugh. But the upside is, I should be "all systems go" come sunrise.
Cordelia: Then you'll be able to read me? (smiles tensely)
Lorne: No worries, dumpling. Come morning, I will be a lean, mean, belly-reading machine.

(Morimoto’s Home – Study)
(Morimoto and his security guards confront Gwen and Gunn after they have stolen the L.I.S.A.)
Mr. Morimoto: Put that on the desk, and step away. Set it down now.
Gwen: No.
Mr. Morimoto: I don't think you realize who you're up against.
Gunn: (gestures to two of the security guards behind Morimoto) Just those two girls? I already kicked their ass once. (the guards pull out guns and point them at Gunn and Gwen) But, when you put it like that, maybe we should.
Gwen: (to Gunn) I won't give it back. I can't.
Gunn: (to Gwen) I can. I'm not dying for this.
Gwen: (out loud, to Morimoto) I'm finishing the job.
Gunn: (softly) Gwen, it's too late. We're busted.
Gwen: (glares at Morimoto) I'm not leaving without it.
Mr. Morimoto: Then you're not leaving at all. (to the guards) Finish it.
Gunn: Gwen, give it to him.
Gwen: (shakes her head) No, I need it.
Mr. Morimoto: (to his guards) I said finish it!
Gwen: (screaming) It's mine!
(With the intensity of her outburst, Gwen sends out streams of blue-white electricity through the room toward the guards. This lightning-like energy emanating from Gwen's fisted hands impacts all the guards and Morimoto as Gwen tenses and screams in a desperate rage. Gunn stares at her in shock. Gunn snaps into action, and charges toward Gwen, knocking her down and ending the transmission of energy from her hands. Morimoto and gang fall to the floor.)
Gunn: Liar. (stands) You're not stealing it for someone else. It's for you. (helps Gwen to her feet) You think it'll fix you.
(Gwen and Gunn leave the room in a hurry while the guards are still passed out.)

(Hyperion – Basement)
(Lorne walks into the dark basement and pauses by the door.)
Lorne: Oh, fudgicle.
(Lorne takes out a flashlight and walks forward through the still dark room. He sets up white candles on a table and lights them. Unseen by Lorne, Cordelia is watching from a catwalk.)

(Gwen’s Apartment)
(Gunn puts the jade tiger back in Gwen's collection.)
Gunn: Back where he belongs. I got to give you credit—you are stubborn.
Gwen: I know what I want. (sits in a cushy chair)
Gunn: I get that. At least, I used to. Things aren't always so clear anymore.
Gwen: You seemed pretty clear tonight.
Gunn: Adrenaline rush—when I was trying to save that girl.
Gwen: I meant when you were saving me.
Gunn: (smiles, then shrugs) Hey, I'm just the muscle.
Gwen: Don't knock the muscle, buddy. Makes the girls go all knocky in the knees. But if that's all you were, we never could've gotten into that party tonight.
Gunn: (walks toward Gwen) Oh, you would've gotten in. Of course, the damage would have been significantly higher.
Gwen: Thanks to your brains-over-brawn approach.
Gunn: (sits across from Gwen on the edge of a table) Well, not so much brains as too many movies.
Gwen: Man, they have done a number on you. You really believe this "I'm the muscle" crap.
Gunn: This your version of a pep talk?
Gwen: Could be. Need one?
Gunn: Nah.
Gwen: Good. (laughs nervously) It's not my area of expertise. So, why do you stay if that's all they see in you?
Gunn: I'm a fighter. Born and raised. (beat) You love being a thief?
Gwen: (holds up her gloved hands) I'm a freak. Being a thief makes me a part of something—and not a part at the same time. Tonight? (grins) Yeah, I kinda loved it.
Gunn: You know, for someone loving life, you seemed awfully willing to die for this. (holds up the L.I.S.A.)
Gwen: What you saw tonight, that's as bad as it gets, but even at its best... That thing might let me be—(sighs) well, not normal—but...hold hands, maybe. (nods) So, yeah, guess I was willing to die, or even— (looks away, shakes her head) you wouldn't understand.
Gunn: Sure I do. Brainy, remember? (looks at the L.I.S.A.) You want to show me how this thing works?

(Standing in front of her bed, Gwen slips her dress off of her shoulder, leaving it gathered around her waist. She pulls her hair forward over her shoulder, exposing her back, and lies across the bed. Gunn walks up to the bed and sits on the edge. He opens the L.I.S.A. and takes it out of the box.)
Gunn: (looking at the device) How do you fire it up?
Gwen: It's not an X-Box. Just put it on. (Gunn holds the L.I.S.A. over the small of Gwen's back) Careful. Gunn: (reaches out and touches Gwen's skin, but gets shocked) Ow.
Gwen: (rolls her eyes) Like I said... (Gunn places the L.I.S.A. on Gwen's back.) It's chilly. (Gunn leans over Gwen to observe the L.I.S.A. in action. Text scrolls across the tiny screen as soon as it touches her body. Four small wires come out of the body of the device and touch her skin. Lights on the side light up. Six needle-like probes come out of the sides of the device and insert themselves under her skin.) What's it doing?
Gunn: You ever seen one of those body-snatcher movies? (The probes continue moving into Gwen's body under her skin. They form a circuit design pattern under her skin for a moment before fading away.) Feel any different?
Gwen: Yeah. Not so much. (Tentatively, Gunn reaches out to Gwen's back, touching his fingers to her skin.) Think it worked. (Gunn runs his hand down her back.) It feels good.
Gunn: So...if you couldn't touch, guess that means you've never—
Gwen: (sits up quickly, holding her dress to her chest) Nope. Nope. Anyway, thanks for turning
Gunn: (chuckles) Anytime. Thank you.
Gwen: For what? The guards? The suit? The almost dying?
Gunn: The most fun I've had...(leans forward toward Gwen) since... (kisses Gwen on the lips)
Gwen: (kisses him back, then pulls back suddenly) You know, um...that device, um, it's a prototype. It might not hold.
Gunn: Well, you've already killed me once. If it happens again, you know where my battery is.
(Gunn leans in to Gwen and they kiss.)

(Hyperion – Basement)
(Lorne is preparing potions and incense at the candle-lit table in the basement. He pulls the hood of his cloak over his head and picks up a hymnal. Lorne begins to chant. Cordelia sneaks silently down the stairs, holding a knife in her hand. Just as Cordelia is standing behind Lorne, ready to stab him, someone turns on the lights. Cordelia looks up and Angel is standing in front of her.)
Cordelia: Angel...
(Cordelia turns to flee, but Fred and Wesley are armed, guarding her exit. Lorne takes a white cloth off of a ball—a "Magic 8 Ball"—and shakes the ball.)
Lorne: Has Cordy been a bad, bad girl?
(When Lorne turns the "Magic 8 Ball" over, the triangle inside reads "Definitely.")

Season Four Guide