
(Hyperion – Hallway)
(Someone's walking down the corridor and stops at Lilah's body. Pan up to show it's Angelus.)
Angelus: Huh. Well. That's no fun.

(Another Hallway)
(Wesley and Gunn are walking the hallways looking for Lilah.)
Wesley: Lilah!
(He and Gunn stop in their tracks when they come upon the hallway where Angelus is. He's standing, holding Lilah's body in his arms, feeding from her neck wound.)
Angelus: (looks up) Oh, geez, fellas—this isn't what it looks like. (laughs nervously, Gunn hurls the battle-axe at Angelus, but misses) A little too tart for me, anyway. You know what I mean, Wes? (drops Lilah's body) Catch ya later.
(He runs away from Gunn and Wesley down the hallway and out the window. Gunn tries to catch Angelus. Wesley stares at Lilah's body and her bloody neck wound.)

(Cordelia's sitting on a couch while Connor rips the arrow out of her leg. Lorne and Fred are also attending to her.)
Cordelia: Ow!
(Gunn comes downstairs.)
Gunn: She OK?
Connor: She's lost a lot of blood.
Cordelia: Where's Angelus?
Gunn: Gone. He killed Lilah.
(Everyone turns to Gunn, shocked.)
Cordelia: Oh, God. (Gunn goes back upstairs, Connor follows. As Fred bandages Cordelia's leg, Cordelia sighs.) It's started. (She smiles a subtle, evil grin)

(Cordelia, Lorne, and Fred look on nervously as Wesley and Gunn wrap Lilah's dead body in plastic sheeting. Connor's looking anxiously out the window. After a moment, he breaks the somber silence by banging his hands on the window sill emphatically and turning toward the others.)
Connor: What are we waiting for? Why aren't we going after him?
Wesley: (deadpan, staring at Lilah) No need. He'll be back.
Fred: How do you know?
Cordelia: We're the ones he wants to hurt. The people closest to Angel.
Connor: I say we dust him before he gets the chance.
Wesley: (still staring at Lilah) That's just the kind of reckless thinking that allowed Angelus to double back on us, giving him the chance to— (looks at Lilah, then softly) From now on, we all stay close.
Fred: And do what? If Angelus is coming back for us, we can't just be waiting for him to drop by. We need to do something. Board up the windows, make it safe somehow. (looks at the others) Don't you think?
Gunn: Won't make a difference. If he wants in, nothing's gonna stop him.
Lorne: The birth of a notion, kids. We use the sanctuary spell. That anti-demon-violence charm I used down at Caritas. It won't keep Angelus from making a house call, but it should keep carnage down to a minimum.
Gunn: That takes some doing, doesn't it?
Lorne: Well, I could put a call into the Furies. Maybe they could tech-support me through a quickie version.
Connor: Magic again. You people rely way too much on that junk.
Wesley: We use whatever tools we have.
Connor: Yeah, only it never really works the way it's supposed to. It's why we're here, isn't it? Why he's loose?
Fred: Cordy, why didn't it work? The spell to bring Angel's soul back. Did we do something wrong?
Cordelia: (shrugs) I don't know.
Gunn: Yeah, and how did you get so fooled, Lorne? Reading Angelus wrong like that. You were so sure he was Angel.
Cordelia: Don't put this on him. I'm the one who let Angelus out. It's my fault.
Fred: It's nobody's fault.
Gunn: I'll tell you whose fault it is—the Powers That sit on their Be-hind sending us useless, cryptic messages—
Connor: We have to destroy her.
Wesley: What?
Connor: The body. She could have been turned.
Gunn: Sired, you mean? No, there wasn't enough time.
Connor: You don't know that.
Gunn: The hell I don't. It happened to—
Wesley: (stands) No, he's right. We can't take any chances. (grabs a battle-axe off of the wall) I'll take care of it.

(Demon Bar)
(Vampires and demons are smoking and drinking in a country-western bar. Angelus walks in and starts pushing people around and asking questions when two vampires who were playing pool notice him.)
Vampire1: (looks up from the pool table) Hey. Hey. Isn't that...?
Vampire2: Yeah.
Angelus: That's right, brothers and sisters. The rumors are true. Angel has left the building, and I am back.
Crowd: (claps) Welcome back!
Angelus: But hey, I'm no different than the next guy. I put my victims' skin on one leg at a time.
Rosaria: (runs up to Angelus) Angelus! Remember me?
Angelus: Not really.
Rosaria: Oh, come on! A little town outside Tuscany, 1845, give or take. Rosaria!
Angelus: Rosaria. Right. (starts to walk off, but she stops him)
Rosaria: Yeah. Flew in with some of my friends when we heard about the permanent midnight. (Angelus grabs a pool cue behind is back) Hey, a bunch of us are gonna raid a pre-school later. You wanna join us? (Angelus breaks the cue) Have a little kiddie cockta— (Angelus stakes Rosaria with the pool cue; she screams and turns to dust.) Aah!
Angelus: (sighs) Everybody wants a piece of you. (waves away the dust from Rosaria; walks up to a demon at the bar) I'm looking for the Beast. A guy over there told me you might know where he hangs his horns.
(The demon at the bar is ugly, fat, and fleshy. His jowls sag below his jaw line and he has numerous double chins. Furthermore, he has 5 conical horns of various sizes sticking out of his skull. He's wearing a flannel shirt with the arms ripped off.)
Demon: Whoa. You're him. Talking to me. Not usually impressed by vampires, but this is such a—such an honor. Hey, could ya sign a little something for my hell-spawn? Make it out to Ashley. She's a beautiful little— (Angelus stabs the demon in the hand; he writhes in pain) Oh!
Angelus: (grabs the demon's face) Maybe some other time. Where is the Beast?
Demon: (panicky) I—I don't know, I swear!
Vampire2: (leaning on a pool table) I seen him. The Beast. Seen him a couple of times. Down by the building by the wash.
Angelus: Show me.

(Hyperion – Basement)
(Wesley's standing in front of a table on which Lilah's plastic-wrapped body is stretched out. He unwraps it just enough that he can see her face and grabs his battle-axe. Tenderly, he brushes her hair out of her face. Then her eyes open slowly as he gazes into her face.)
Lilah: Why so glum? It is kinda what you wanted, isn't it? I mean, deep down. Me out of the picture—utterly, finally. You can't get outer than this. It makes your life simpler, doesn't it? Cleaner?
Wesley: I didn't want this.
Lilah: Come on, what are you worried about, Wesley? (sits up, on the far edge of the table, facing away from him) You hated yourself for being with me. Or maybe you just hated yourself for loving being with me. (laughs) Hey, semantics. (stands, walks to Wesley) In any case, we both knew, sooner or later, it would come to a messy end. For one of us, anyway. (pulls him to face her; she touches his face and arms) So ease up on that furrowed brow. You're free now. No longer encumbered with the secret shame of our relationship.
Wesley: It wasn't a relationship.
Lilah: There's a signed dollar bill in your wallet I think proves different. You knew how I felt.
Wesley: You don't feel.
Lilah: The only true thing I ever—
Wesley: (faces away from Lilah to look back at the table) You didn't love me. (stares at her corpse that's still on the table) You couldn't.
Lilah: (standing beside him) We'll never know now, will we?
(Pan out to show Wesley is standing alone, looking at Lilah's body as it lies on the table, wrapped in plastic.)

(The two pool-playing vampires from the bar lead Angelus down a dark street at a highway underpass.)
Vampire2: Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the place. (to his buddy) This is the place, right?
Vampire1: Hey, man, you saw the thing. I didn't.
Angelus: Where was the Beast headed?
Vampire2: Uh, I can't remember, man.
Angelus: (grabs the vampire by the collar and talks in his face) Try remembering harder, Paco.
Vampire2: OK, I was just trying to steer clear of the mammoth, all right? You know what I'm saying, man?
Angelus: Listen to what I'm saying. I don't have time to— (stops and turns to look further down the street; puts down the vampire and walks away)
Vampire2: (calls after him) Hey. Hey man, you want we should come with? Uh, all right, we'll just stay here. (to his friend) Man, you made him nervous.
Vampire1: Me?
Vampire2: Damn.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Gunn and Fred bring spices to Lorne, who's talking on the phone at the front desk. Cordy and Connor are also in the lobby.)
Lorne: Mm-hmm. Yeah, OK. All right, well not so fast, girls. Yeah, one at a time. Yeah, OK. (writing) Violence restrained. Uh-huh. Go on.
Fred: That's everything we could find.
Lorne: (takes the phone away from his ear, covers the mouthpiece with his hand, talks to Fred and Gunn) They say we need bloodroot.
Gunn: Bloodroot? Man, we just raided the spice rack in the kitchen. There ain't no bloodroot in there.
Lorne: (puts phone to his ear again) Uh, 86 on the bloodroot, ladies. Anything else we can— Well, yeah, I have, uh, (reads off the labels on the jars Fred and Gunn brought) paprika, ginger, allspice, clove— Cloves? That'll work? Oh, got it. Beautiful. Hey, soon as FTD's delivering in the city again, expect a big "Thanks a Bunch" bouquet from me, girls. Ciao! (hangs up) Ha ha ha!
Cordelia: Looks like we got our home security spell.
Lorne: Right you are, missy. As soon as we sprinkle burnt clove dust around the perimeter, light a few candles, incant a few choice phrases, we'll be—
Connor: (pacing) Hurry up and do it. The sooner we quit playing with magic tricks, the sooner we find and kill Angelus.
Fred: Wesley says we shouldn't go after him.
Connor: I don't give a flying slop what Wesley says. He's not my boss. Where the hell is he, anyway? How long does it take to chop off Lilah's head?
Gunn: Boss or no, he's right when he says we stay together 'til we know what we have to do.
Connor: I know what we have to do. Angel told me. Something goes wrong, I kill him.
Lorne: Oh ho ho. Now you listen to him?
Fred: Aren't you forgetting something? Angel's soul is still out there somewhere. That means there's still a chance we could bring him back.
Connor: How many people have to die before we give up on that plan?
Cordelia: I don't know, Connor. How many people have to die without Angel around to save them?
Connor: (softly) It's way too late for that. I've seen his true face. And he's tasted blood. There's no going back now. He has to be destroyed. And I'm the destroyer. (turns to walk out the front door)
Cordelia: Connor, don't do this. It's too dangerous. Come back! You can't— (faints, falls to the ground)
Fred: Cordy!
Gunn: Get her to the couch.
(Fred, Gunn, and Lorne move Cordelia to a nearby chair)
Cordelia: (comes to) What happened?
Fred: You fainted.
Cordelia: Oh. You mean like this? (faints again)
Gunn: All right. Let's get her upstairs.
Connor: I'll do it.
(Connor and Fred carry Cordelia upstairs.)
Gunn: We're not gonna be able to stop him.
Lorne: Angelus?
Gunn: Connor. The first chance that boy gets, he's gonna kill Angelus.
Lorne: Yeah, more likely die trying. Trouble is, we can't keep that boy in check.
Gunn: Yeah, well, Angel aside, who could?

(Stockton, California – Northern California Women's Facility)
(Coils of barbed wire top a chain link fence. Women inside the fence are playing cards at picnic tables, playing basketball, working out. A security guard announces to the crowd.)
Guard: 430019 Coming out.
(The gate buzzes, and Faith walks out into the yard. Armed guards are watching over the "C-Block Exercise Yard" as female prisoners get their recreation outdoors.)
Basketball Players: Come on, girl. Over here, over here.
(Faith is doing pull-ups with ease as she gazes away from the yard, through the fence. A tough-looking frowning woman wearing a bandana walks toward Faith and reaches inside her shirt for a knife. Before the woman can get a swing at Faith, Faith turns around on the bar and kicks the woman in the face, knocking her down. Faith flips forward, dismounting from the bar, landing on her feet. The woman who attacked her is lying on the ground, reaching for her knife.)
Faith: OK, you got my attention. What's your beef, Deb? (Deb stands, holding the knife at Faith) You really ought to think twice. (Deb swings the knife at Faith, but Faith pushes her away) Or not.
Deb: Nothing personal. (jabs the knife at Faith, who punches Deb in the face then knocks her down) I need the money.
(Faith grabs a bell bar with a huge weight at either end and jabs one end in Deb's face, breaking her nose. Faith drops the bell bar.)
Faith: For a nose job?
Guard: (enters the area where they were fighting) Come on, come on.
Faith: (raises her hands immediately) Hey, hey, self defense. She attacked me, Eddie.
Guard: Yeah, I saw the whole thing. (to the other guard) Get her to the infirmary.
Faith: Wait, you saw?
Guard: Hey, caught us by surprise. I mean, who'd be crazy enough to try to take you out? (holds the silver curved knife Deb used against Faith in his hands)

(Hyperion – Basement)
(Wesley is seated, staring at Lilah's corpse. Lilah's apparition talks to him from across the room.)
Lilah: I know what it is. The reason you're having such a hard time with this. Why you're taking so long to—you know... (makes a creaking noise as she gestures across her throat with her hand) The awful truth: you couldn't save me. And this is the exclamation point.
Wesley: Saved you from the Beast, for all the good it did.
Lilah: (smiles) Wesley, you know that's not what I'm talking about. You couldn't save me from me.
Wesley: Is that what you thought?
Lilah: Me? (laughs) Lover, I'm not even here. I'm just a figment in your devilishly handsome head. So, clearly, it's what you thought. For all your supposed darkness, edge of the razor mystique, (whispers in his ear) there was always a small part of you that thought you could pull me back from the brink of my evil, evil ways. Help me find redemption.
Wesley: Redemption?
Lilah: (stands behind him with her hands on his shoulders) Angel's influence, I suppose. The whole not giving up on someone, no matter how far he—or she—has fallen. Oh, well. Too late for me. (Wes stands) Let's just get it over with. That body's not gonna dismember itself, you know.
Wesley: (lifts the battle-axe) I'm sorry, Lilah.
Lilah: Oh, Wes, we don't have that word in our vocabulary. Not people like you and—
(Wesley swings the axe. When he pulls it back, it's got blood on its edge. He cries.)

(Angelus walks in.)
Angelus: (chuckles) This how you treat an old friend. Kill the chick I was chasing, then lure me here with the scent of her blood.
(The knife Cordelia used to kill Lilah is sitting on a box; Angelus looks at it.)
Beast: (walks out from behind some boxes toward Angelus) We were never friends, Angelus.
Angelus: I know. But calling you a big dumb hunk of rock seemed a little on the nose. Come on... I'm teasing. It's been, what, a couple hundred years. You still want to kick my ass.
Beast: It's true I long to crush your skull, but I didn't bring you here to fight. That wasn't my instruction.
Angelus: Your instruction?
Beast: My master has requested you.
Angelus: Your master. (looks at the knife) Nice workmanship. Did you make this in shop for daddy? (goes to pick up the knife)
Beast: Don't touch that.
Angelus: (chuckles) Sorry. I can see you put a lot of yourself into it. So... the attack on Angel Investigations, rain of fire, blotting out the sun—
Beast: Stealing your soul... All designed by my master to bring forth and keep Angelus.
Angelus: (chuckles) Hell of a plan. Real "big picture" thinking. So, when can I meet the big brain behind my liberation?
Beast: In time. For now, you will take your orders through me.
Angelus: Or, here's a better idea: no, I won't. (walks up to the Beast) Tell your boss I'm grateful for the attention, but I don't take grocery lists from the messenger boy.
Beast: (angrily) I will teach you respect.
Angelus: Look, you may have played those suckers at Angel, Inc., but I don't like having my strings yanked, and I don't like being kept in the dark... (smiles) Figuratively, anyway. And if your boss was half as smart as he thinks he is, he knows I won't take orders from a lackey. (the Beast glares at him) What? You don't like "lackey?" Hmm. Or how about, uh, toady? Or lickspittle? Lickspittle's nice. Oh, wait, I got it. Flunky. That's it. You're just a big, stupid, butt-ugly, (the Beast lunges at Angelus who ducks) slow-moving flunky. (the Beast swings at Angelus, but misses) Ah, come on, Rocky. If that's all you got, you better throw in the towel and call it a night. (Angelus jumps up into the rafters with one swift move, then turns to the Beast) When the Beastmaster's ready to peek out from behind your skirt, have him give me a call. (leaves the building)
(Cordelia walks out from behind some boxes toward the Beast.)
Cordelia: Well, you handled that brilliantly.
Beast: He's not to be trusted.
Cordelia: (hits the Beast) What about you? Letting him bait you into a fight like that. (paces) I haven't spent all this time and energy so you can mess it all up with your petty jealousies. You know Angelus is crucial to my plan.
Beast: My apologies, my master.
Cordelia: You need patience. He'll come around...when he sees what I have to offer. And, if he doesn't, you can pull off his head and tear him to bits. Now... give mama some sugar.
(Cordelia reaches up to the Beast's neck and pulls his head down for a mouth-to-mouth kiss.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Fred lights white candles as Lorne reads off the incantation.)
Lorne: (reading) Violence restrained, demons disarmed. For mortals within these walls, no harm. Protection and safety this charm doth endow to make this shelter a sanctuary now. (with big hand gestures)
(Everyone looks around, waiting for something to happen.)
Gunn: That it?
Lorne: Well, if we followed the recipe...should be cake. A demon violence-free zone cake.
Fred: I don't know, Lorne. It doesn't feel like anything's different.
Connor: (walks away to sit down on the couch) 'Cause it's not. Like every other lame spell you people try, it didn't work. It never works. I've pretty much concluded that magic sucks. I mean, if I were you guys, I wo—
(Lorne sneaks up behind Connor and tries to hit him with a candlestick, but a force field stops him and sends him backward.)
Lorne: See? It works sometimes. Oh. It also smarts like the dickens. (leans against the front desk in pain)
Wesley: (walks in from the basement) Sanctuary spell's working?
Lorne: Yeah, like a charm. Literally.
Wesley: Good. It'll make this easier.
Gunn: Make what easier?
Wesley: Where's Cordelia?
Fred: Upstairs asleep. She still feels weak.
Gunn: Make what easier?
Wesley: (putting on his coat) We're going to bring Angelus in alive.
Connor: No, we're not.
Gunn: I thought you said capturing him wasn't an option.
Wesley: Changed my mind.
Connor: Change it back.
Wesley: We get rid of Angelus, then what? We still have a beast we don't know how to kill. We know it's working for something much worse, but we don't know what it is. We're caught in the middle of a maelstrom, and we can't get out without our champion. We're gonna save Angel, and I know who we need to help us do it.

(Stockton, California – Northern California Women's Facility – Visiting Room)
(Faith walks down a corridor of prison bars into a visiting room where prisoners sit on one side of a table, and visitors on the other. Prisoner and visitor talk to each other through phone handsets, separated from one another by a pane of glass. Faith sits in a chair opposite Wesley.)
Faith: (picks up the phone, talks into it) They told me my lawyer was here to see me. You my lawyer now, Wes?
Wesley: (to phone) Hello, Faith. How are you?
Faith: Still alive. Never thought I'd live long enough to see you paying me a visit.
Wesley: A lot's happened.
Faith: Whatever it is suits you. I mean, you're looking... (checks him out) good.
Wesley: You know what's going on in L.A.?
Faith: Seen the news, sure. Never-ending night, rain of fire. Team Angel must really have their hands full.
Wesley: You don't know the half of it.
Faith: (leans forward) But you're here to fill in the blanks for me. Why?
Wesley: We need you.
Faith: (sarcastically) Well, uh, I hate to wet the paper for you, Wes, but I'm kinda unavailable right now. Maybe you want to check back in a few decades when my parole comes up.
Wesley: You need to know—
Faith: It's Armageddon again. I dig. The last thing you need's me in the mix. Besides, Angel'll come shining through in the end like he always does.
Wesley: Angel's gone, Faith. (Faith stops) Angelus is back.
(Faith stares at Wesley worriedly)
Faith: (deadpan) Step away from the glass.
(Faith hangs up the phone. Wesley stares at her, then hangs up his phone and steps back as Faith stands and jumps through the glass headfirst. She tumbles and stands, ready to fight off the security guard. Faith and Wesley jump through the outside window.)

(Faith and Wesley land on a car roof, smashing it in and busting the windows. They jumped to the ground.)
Faith: You OK?
Wesley: Five by five.

(Wesley’s Jeep)
(Faith changes clothes in the back seat as Wesley drives them both back to Los Angeles.)
Faith: A kid. Angel's got a kid.
Wesley: Connor.
Faith: A teenage kid born last year.
Wesley: I told you he grew up in a hell dimension.
Faith: Right. And, what, Cordelia spent her last summer as—
Wesley: A divine being.
Faith: Uh-huh. (climbs into the front passenger seat) Can I just ask—what the hell are you people doing?
Wesley: Leading complicated lives, obviously.
Faith: Unleashing Angelus to help you stop this demon who put the lights out. That's just...
Wesley: The Beast. The demon who put out the lights—called the Beast.
Faith: (shakes her head) Gas to the flame's all I'm saying.
Wesley: I wouldn't worry about the police coming after you. Not yet. With everything that's happening, an escaped convict won't even register on their radar.
Faith: (looks out the window) I'm not gonna kill him, Wesley. Angelus. (shakes her head) I don't care what you thought you sprung me for. Angel's the only one in my life who's never given up on me. There's no way I'm giving up on—
Wesley: I know. That's why it had to be you. Just wondering if you're up to it. (stops the car)
Faith: If I'm—?
Wesley: You have no idea what it's like out there. It's a vampire demon free-for-all all the time. Maybe you're a little rusty.
Faith: (nods) Maybe I am.
Wesley: Maybe we should find out.
Faith: What did you have in—
(A vampire reaches in through the rolled-down window to grab Faith by the hair and pull her out of the car. Wesley opens his car door into a vampire, knocking it to the ground. The vampire gets up, but Wesley knocks him down again. It gets up, but Wesley stops him.)
Wesley: Ah. (points over his shoulder to Faith) She's the one you want.
(The vampire looks over to see Faith's fighting off a couple of vampires at once.)
Vampire: Slayer. (panics and runs away)
(Faith's still fighting off the vampires. Wesley tosses a stake to her. She stakes and dusts the vampires with ease.)
Wesley: Thought you could use a little release. Feel natural?
Faith: (shrugs) Ah, it's like riding a biker.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Connor's upstairs practicing sword-fighting on the balcony. Gunn's in the lobby loading his crossbow. Lorne and Fred are also there.)
Lorne: Oh, relax, boys. The spell's working. And I still got the slight migraine to prove it.
Gunn: Yeah, maybe so, but if Angelus shows up, I wanna be ready.
(Wesley and Faith walk in through the front doors.)
Wesley: We
Faith: Suh-weet crib.
Wesley: Everyone, this is Faith, the vampire slayer.
Fred: Hello, Faith, I'm—
Faith: Fred. Yeah, Wes kinda gave me the skinny on you.
Fred: Oh.
Cordelia: (walking down the stairs into the lobby) Faith? What the hell is she doing here?
Faith: (waves) Nice to see you too, Cor.
Wesley: She's here to help.
Cordelia: Oh, gee, that's great. Oh, wait a sec. Wasn't she convicted of murder and sent to a state correctional facility for like a gazillion years?
Faith: (smirks) Murder 2, 25 to life, for the record.
Cordelia: So now you brought psycho slayer out of retirement to kill Angelus?
Faith: (walks up to Cordelia) Cordelia, you have every right to feel that way about me. You have no reason to trust me, but I don't have loads of time, so why don't we save it until after this is over. Cool? (claps her hands) OK, let's get down to it. We're gonna keep this hunting party tight. Gunn, right?
Gunn: Yeah.
Faith: Love the name. I hear you're a good fighter.
Gunn: I hold my own.
Faith: That's a shame. You're with me, Wes, and the kid.
Connor: The kid has a name.
Faith: (turns to look at Connor) Connor. (to Gunn) Arm yourself how you like, but I want you to carry the tranq gun. If I can't take him down, I want you to be ready to take the shot, yeah? (to everyone) In case anyone has any other ideas, this is a salvage mission, not search and destroy, OK?
Connor: No. Not OK. You think you can just breeze in here, telling everyone what to do? You're not a part of this. If you think I'm not gonna kill Angelus if he comes at me, then—
Faith: (in his face) Listen up, junior. When need a blood hound, I'll call you. If Angelus needs putting down, I'll be the one to do it, not you. So... is there anything else you're not OK with? Good. (walks away from Connor) Show me the weapons.

(LA Street)
(A young woman's running away from two vampires who are chasing her. Angelus steps up to her and puts his arm around her.)
Woman: Help me.
Angelus: It's all right, doll. I've got you. Shh.
Woman: I don't know how to thank you.
Angelus: (in vamp face, turns to the woman) I do. Scream for me.
Woman: (screaming) Aah!
(Angelus goes to bite the woman, but is interrupted when he overhears three other vampires talking in the street.)
Vampire1: The slayer? You sure?
Vampire2: I just got word. She's in town.
(Angelus smiles and lets the woman go. He goes to a phone booth, dials.)
Angelus: (to phone) Hi, Dawn. Yeah, it's me. Is your sister home? She is. (hangs up) It's the other one.

(Another Street)
(Faith, Connor, Wesley, and Gunn are walking down the street, looking for Angelus.)
Connor: (to Faith) So, vampire slayers. I was told about them. How come you're always girls?
Faith: I dunno. Better at it, I guess.
Connor: You haven't seen what I can do.
Faith: Let's not.
(They come up to a chain link fence.)
Connor: He was here. Just.
(He goes through the fence and the others follow.)
Faith: Eyes and ears peeled. Watch the periph. Hey, nobody make a move until I—
(A vampire jumps out in front of Connor. Connor immediately swings his sword at the vampire's neck, cutting off its head, and dusting it. Faith pushes him against the dumpster nearby.)
Faith: You deficient? What did I just say?
Connor: He was attacking!
Faith: You thought it was Angelus. (lets him go) You can't listen, you're no good to me. (to Gunn and Wesley) Get him out of here. Someone take him back to the hotel.
Connor: What?
Gunn: Yeah, easier said. The kid's got a history of not doing what he's told.
Faith: (nods, glares at Connor) He'll do what I tell him.
Connor: Yeah, sure I will. (nods and walks away)
(Faith stops Connor by pushing him against the dumpster again. He tries to fight her off but it’s obvious she’s stronger.)
Faith: I get it. You're a super-being.
(Connor pushes Faith away, but she engages him. They fight as Gunn and Wesley look on, not stepping in. Finally, Faith points her crossbow at Connor's neck.)
Faith: Are you a murderer? 'Cause I am. If it comes down to you or Angelus, you haven't shown me a thing to make me want to take your side.
(Connor raises his hands and backs away. He picks up his sword and walks away.)
Gunn: I like her. (follows Connor)
Faith: (to Wes) Come on.

(Warehouse - Outside)
(Faith and Wesley walk out around the corner still looking for Angelus.)
Wesley: Do you know where we're going?
Faith: Not especially.
Wesley: How do you expect to find Angelus without Connor?
Faith: The old-fashioned way. The kid's not the only tracker. Something'll turn up. A trail of bodies, tell-tale clue... (looks up at a huge sign hung from the side of the building that reads "WELCOME FAITH") maybe a carpet fiber.
Wesley: So much for the element of surprise. We'll have to come at him from two sides.
Faith: (climbing up to the roof) You take low. I'll hit him high.
Suddenly Vampires 1 & 2 arrive and attack Wesley.)
Vampire2: (punches Wesley) Pretty ballsy, mister, creeping around my buddy Angelus. (Wesley swings at him) Come on, pretty boy.
Vampire1: (steps on Wesley's sword) Our buddy.

(Inside Warehouse)
(Faith jumps down from the roof into the warehouse. Angelus talks to her from afar.)
Angelus: (os) Hey, Faith. Nice to see you again. Mmm. You're looking choice as ever. Oh, that's right. We've never really met, have we?
Faith: So, what are you waiting for? Come out and gimme a kiss. (She walks through the warehouse among stacks of boxes.)
Angelus: (os) No, no, no. You come to me. That's it. Getting warmer. Warmer...warmer. You're smoking hot.
(Faith turns to see Angelus standing behind her.)
Angelus: But then again, you probably knew that. Honey, I brought a guest home for dinner. (Faith turns to see the Beast standing behind her; Angelus crosses his arms and chuckles) Let's eat.
Beast: What is this, Angelus?
Angelus: This is a slayer. Say "hi" to the nice Beast, Faith.
Beast: You dare to bring a slayer here?
Angelus: Hey, I'm doing you a favor, Stonehenge. (walks up to Faith) She's here to seriously mess up you and your boss's plans. So, question is, what do you do, hot shot? Hmm? What do you do? (Faith shoots her crossbow at the Beast, but his tough skin deflects it. She punches him, but he grabs her throat.) Smile, Faith. I thought you'd enjoy a threesome.
Faith: (punches Angelus and the Beast, wrestling free of his grip) Sure.
Angelus: Oh. (chuckles)
Faith: Let's get it on.
(Faith fights the Beast as Angelus provides running commentary.)
Angelus: Ooh-ee! Watch yourself, big guy, the girl's on fire. (Faith punches the Beast everywhere she can think of, but to no avail. He punches her once, sending her 10 feet backward crashing into the side of a crate.) That's gonna sting in the morning. (the Beast and Faith continue to fight) Nice! (The Beast starts to get the upper hand in the fight with Faith. She's bleeding now and moving slower. He kicks her to the ground, then steps on her as she tries to get up.) Come on, Faithy. You're not even trying. (The Beast grabs Faith and picks her up to face him. She spits blood in his face. He lifts her over his head and body-slams her into the floor.) Better get up. (then the Beast kicks her across the room) Oh! You know, somebody should break this up.
(Faith tries to crawl away, but the Beast walks up to her. Faith's whimpering in pain.)
Beast: This is all you are? I had heard the slayer possessed great strength, but there's no real power here. My master's power is beyond all limits, beyond your petty imagining. You are weak. You're nothing. You could not even defeat me.
Angelus: (stands to the side of the Beast) Ain't that the truth. I mean, look at this guy, hm? Pretty much the only thing that could do damage to that thick, stony himself. Or, maybe, I don't know, (pulls out the knife used to kill Lilah) a piece of himself. (stabs the Beast in the back with the knife)
(The Beast can't reach the knife to pull it out. It screams in agony as the wound starts to glow yellow. The wound glows brighter and brighter, consuming the Beast. Bright light shoots up from its body toward the sky.)
Angelus: I knew it. I knew it!

(Wesley looks up to the sky was the blackness that shrouded the sun is dissipated by the light that exited the Beast's body. The vampires Wesley was fighting burn and turn to dust before his eyes.)
Wesley: Faith.

(The Beast's body crumbles to bits in front of Faith, who's still sitting on the floor, weak and beaten.)
Angelus: (looks outside, rolls his eyes) Aw, crap! You mean, killing the Beast really does bring back the sun? I thought that was Angel's retarded fantasy. (stands) Aah! Oh, well, what're you gonna do? Take the bad with the good, I always say. Anyway, I just wanted Beastie boy here to soften you up. I like my meat nice and tender. (Faith stands and swings a heavy hook and chain toward Angelus, but it goes right by him as he dodges it easily.) Ooh, swing and a miss, slugger. Sorry, but— (the hook and chain break through a dirty window to allow sunlight into the room; Faith's sitting in the sunlight; Angelus ducks for cover) God! (chuckles) OK. Well, I gotta give you props. (glares at Faith) Nice move, really. I guess we'll just have to take a rain check on that whole eviscerating you thing. Just you and me, now, Faithy. (winks, walks away) Catch you later.

(Hyperion – Garden)
(Fred and Lorne are in the garden staring at the sky when Connor and Gunn come back.)
Gunn: Ooh-oo. Check it out. We got sun.
Lorne: Well, ding dong, the Beast is dead.
Fred: I've never seen anything so beautiful in all my life. Where are the others?
Lorne: (to Gunn) Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's hear the war stories. How'd you bring that monster down?
Gunn: Well, it wasn't us. Not Connor and me, anyway. We—
Connor: (pacing) She must've fought it. Faith. The Beast must've attacked her, and she must— It's gotta be. Hey, where's Cordy? Does she know?
Fred: She's up in her room.
(Connor runs into the hotel.)
Lorne: Hey, what about Angelus?
Gunn: Well, if that girl can take out the Beast, my money says she'll have Angelus hog-tied and back here by dinner time.

(Cordelia’s Room)
(Connor bursts into Cordelia's room, giddy. Cordelia's staring out the window.)
Connor: Hey! Isn't it incredible?
Cordelia: (reserved) It's...wonderful.
Connor: She did it. Faith. She's... amazing.
Cordelia: Connor…
Connor: I mean, I had no idea what a slayer could do.
Cordelia: A weakness for slayers? You're definitely his son. (walks up to him) Connor, we need— There's something you need to, um— (sits on the bed; he sits beside her) I don't know how— Well, I know how, but, uh...
Connor: What? What is it?
Cordelia: We're having a baby. (Connor looks shocked; Cordelia lifts her shirt to reveal a swollen belly) Touch it. (she guides his hand to her belly)
Connor: This…it's impossible. I…how could…?
Cordelia: All I know is there's a life growing inside of me, and it's ours. (touches his face) We're connected now. (kisses Connor gently on the lips) You and me. Forever. (kisses him more passionately and leans him back on the bed.)

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