
(Los Angeles – Street)
(A stack of newspapers, bundled for delivery reads "Crime Wave Shuts Down City." Connor grabs the bundle and swings it at a vampire's head. Connor's fighting several vampires at once. They're jumping out from every direction, each time he knocks one down, another shows up to take its place. One of the vampires pushes Connor into a metal canister. Connor twists the wheel at the top, releasing gasses from within. The vampires shriek, disoriented. Connor manages to knock a couple of them down now, but two more vampires grab him by each arm, holding him for a third vampire.)
Connor: Lemme guess. Out-of-towners?
Vampire: Yeah, Tucson.
(The vampire comes toward Connor, but Connor kicks him in the chin, knocking him down. Then he gets free of the two vampires that were holding him and engages them in a fist fight. Connor triggers the release of a concealed stake from a device attached to his wrist. He dusts one of the vampires, dodges another who was coming at him, sending him through a window, then stakes him. He punches the last vampire, throwing him into a billboard. When he falls to the ground, Connor picks up a stake from the ground.)
Connor: Welcome to L.A. (hurls the stake at the vampire, dusting him) Tourists.
(When he looks around, Connor sees a dozen or more vampires walking toward him from either end of the alley.)

(Hyperion – Angel Investigations)
(Close-up of a drawing depicting the aerial view of of a park. Wesley walks up to the picture and opens it like a door, revealing a safe behind it. He twists the dial on the safe door to the right combination. Cordelia's standing behind him, holding the receptacle that's contains Angel's soul. Fred, Gunn, and Lorne are also in the room.)
Fred: Seeing Angel's soul all floaty like that kinda makes me crazy.
Lorne: Yeah, it's not forever, sugar plum. We're just borrowing it.
(Wesley opens the safe door and holds out his hands to Cordelia.)
Wesley: Cordelia. (she hands him the receptacle)
Fred: Don't drop it.
(Wesley puts the receptacle in the safe, closes the safe door, then closes the picture over it, concealing the safe.)
Wesley: (turns to face everyone) Angel is gone.
Cordelia: I can't's done.
Gunn: Taking out Angel's soul. Putting it in a jar. I hope we know what we're doing.
Wesley: If Angelus knows how to destroy the Beast, it's all we've got.
Lorne: Yeah, otherwise, permanent midnight.
Cordelia: He's dangerous. I know. I've seen it. But we're doing the right thing.
Wesley: As long as we're very careful. Before Angelus was ensouled, his viciousness was mythic. You all know his history.
Fred: Killing, maiming, torture...
Lorne: Puppies nailed to walls. Thank you, Cordelia, for that lovely image. But, uh, I think that brings us up to speed.
Wesley: There's only one thing Angelus will be focused on: getting free so that he can slaughter us.
Cordelia: We're Angel's only link to humanity. Angelus will hate us for that. He'll want to make us suffer.
Wesley: Watch the monitor when I go down. Pay attention to everything he does, everything he says. He'll try to confuse you, to play on your emotions so you drop your guard. If he succeeds—even for an instant—we're all dead. (stands, paces) I spent my life training for this, and I'm still not ready. (pan out, viewing them from outside the room) He's smarter than I am, and a great deal more focused. (pan over to the front desk where there's a monitor showing Angelus in the cage) He'll exploit everything Angel knows about me and go for the jugular.

Wesley: (os) Whatever he's got, I'm not gonna see it coming. (Zoom in on the darkest back corner of the cell. Angelus is sitting on the floor, singing "Teddy Bear Picnic" to himself.)
Angelus: (singing) If you go into the woods tonight, you won't believe your eyes. If you go into the woods tonight, you're in for a big surprise...

(Time Lapse)
(Wesley walks downstairs into the basement and stands a few feet away from the cage. Angelus is lurking in the shadows.)
Wesley: Angelus.
Angelus: Wes. Why the long face? Aren't you happy to see me?
Wesley: Should I be?
Angelus: Well, if it wasn't for you and your shaman friend, I wouldn't be here. I'm feeling the love.
Wesley: The choice was Angel's.
Angelus: Angel, schmangel. You're the man with the brain.
Wesley: You're comfortable?
Angelus: Nice acoustics. Wouldn't hate a chair.
Wesley: (rearranges the gun he's holding, paces) You'll have to forgive the accommodations. The last time you were free, you terrorized Sunnydale.
Angelus: That slayer—she's a pistol.
Wesley: I've imagined this moment many times. Years of study, research... I've read everything ever written about you...
Angelus: Stop, I'm blushing.
Wesley: To be one-on-one with the legendary Angelus. (sits in a chair a few feet away from the cage) As a former watcher, it's a high point.
Angelus: (walks toward Wes) Buttering me up. Getting me all relaxed, hm? Not the most innovative interrogation technique, but... OK, I'll play.
Wesley: Is it a game?
Angelus: Hey, open book. Anything you want to know. How sweet that virgin gypsy tasted. The special smell of a newborn's neck. My first nun—now that's a great story.
Wesley: We could start there.
Angelus: (shakes his head) Don't be coy, Wes. You're just dying to know about the big Beastie. Fire away.
Wesley: All right. Did you know the Beast?
Angelus: (staring at Wesley) Well, now that's a question. Not a great question. Not even an insightful question. Not a Wyndham-Pryce-worthy question—
Wesley: If you knew the Beast, why wouldn't Angel remember?
Angelus: I don't know. Maybe he doesn't remember the good times. Maybe he won't let himself. (rolls his eyes) So like him. (looks at Wes) Here's one for you: what's he deal with Angel and the ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’?
Wesley: The movie?
Angelus: The "perfect day" fantasy he came up with. Caves, booby traps, the requisite phallic sword.
Wesley: He fought the Beast in the fantasy?
Angelus: Real candy-ass.
Wesley: The Beast?
Angelus: Angel. Not enough to be the hero—couldn't be happy unless the whole gang's pitching in.
Wesley: So, he killed the Beast in this fantasy.
Angelus: Had to. To get what he wanted. We all want something, Wes. It's the way of the world. Everybody's got an agenda.
Wesley: (leans back in his chair) And you want to tell me mine.
Angelus: You want to come down here, get your vital stats on lava boy, play the big hero—
Wesley: I want to know how to kill the Beast. It has nothing to do with being a hero.
Angelus: Sure it does, but why now? Can't be because there's an apocalypse coming—always one of those around the corner.
Wesley: Enlighten me.
Angelus: (walks up to the cage bars) "Foul rag-and-bone shop of the heart." That's where you live.
Wesley: Meaning?
Angelus: You want to impress the girl. Move in, get her to love you, and after a couple days of flowers and chocolate covered cherries, (bangs his hands on the bars) you'll bend her over the kitchen counter—
Wesley: That supposed to rattle me?
Angelus: Kinda bony for my taste, but different strokes...
Wesley: The Beast called you an adversary.
Angelus: (leaning against the bars, fondling them with his hands) Bet he loves to rub that shiny bald head against her soft, milky skin. Mmmm...good...

(Lorne, Gunn, Fred, and Cordelia are watching Wesley and Angelus on the monitor set up on the front desk.)
Angelus: (on monitor) Come on, Wes. Not like your schoolgirl crush is a secret.
Fred: Charles, remember, we can't believe anything Angelus says.
Gunn: (his arms crossed) How 'bout the stuff that's true? (looks at Fred) Can we believe that?
Cordelia: He distorts everything. He lies with the truth. It's part of what makes him so dangerous.
Lorne: Yeah, don't let him get to you, kiwi.
Gunn: He's not the only one that's gettin'.
Fred: Charles...
Gunn: I know. I know.
Fred: It's just words.
Wesley: (on monitor) You've found a vulnerability, exploited it. Well done.

Wesley: Can we move on now?
Angelus: I'm just getting started. Tell you this— (lets go of the bars) all that digging you've been doing on the horny giant—wrong place. (paces)
Wesley: (stands) And the right place?
Angelus: I could tell you. (smirks) Wouldn't be sporting.
Wesley: (paces) But you were adversaries—you and the Beast.
Angelus: Guy like me... friends, enemies...hard to keep track.
Wesley: (stops, looks at Angelus) If he was an enemy, I'd be doing you a favor in destroying him.
Angelus: You know, you're not fooling anyone. Get some new clothes, cool haircut, hit the gym—you're still the same loser none of the other kids wanted to sit with at lunch.
Wesley: Yet you're locked in that cage, and I'm out here.
Angelus: So? (walks up to the bars) You've got no leverage. What are you going to do? Kill me?
Wesley: If I have to.
Angelus: (chuckles) Wait 'til they drop, Wes, then try that line again.
Wesley: I'll put your soul back. You won't talk, no problem—we'll bring Angel back and be no worse off than we were.
Angelus: Making you a failure again.
Wesley: You want to waste my time, you can rot down here. (walks away)
Angelus: Nice stamina, Wes. No wonder Fred's not interested. (Wes stops)
Wesley: Whatever your connection to the Beast, clearly you don't know anything that can help us. (starts walking upstairs)
Angelus: Is this the part where I'm supposed to get defensive, start talking to prove you wrong? What else you got? (walks to the back wall, leans against it)
Wesley: (stops) You must hate it—that Angel fights evil.
Angelus: Eats you up inside, doesn't it. Seeing all those idiots flock around him, calling him a champion. Anyone ever call you a champion?
Wesley: (turns to face Angelus) I do my part.
Angelus: Right. Like letting Lilah suck Lorne's brain. Or, here's an oldie but a goodie: Faith. Good job being her watcher. She turned out to be a peach.
Wesley: (walks up to Angelus) And you managed to get your soul back, not once, but twice, saving the world several times in the process. Nobody's perfect.
Angelus: Then there's kidnapping the fruit of my loins. Smooth.
Wesley: He survived.
Angelus: I guess you just can't understand that special bond between dad and son, given that your own father's ashamed of you—
Wesley: And Connor's ashamed of you. The universe's way of maintaining order, I guess.
Angelus: (chuckles) Twerp really gives me the creeps. You?
Wesley: In Cordelia's vision, you and the Beast were standing on a field—
Angelus: Oh, God, yeah. (walks up to the bars) Let's talk about Cordy, shall we? Now, there's a rack to write home about. Too bad about the personality, though. (bobbing his head) "Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap!" (mocking Cordelia) "Oh, God. Oh, Angel. Angel, we can't. I love you, but you were so bad. You ate babies." (scoffs) Chicks.

(Lorne, Gunn, Fred, and Cordelia are watching Wesley and Angelus on the monitor set up on the front desk.)
Lorne: Sticks and stones, sweet potato.
Gunn: We don't have to l—
Cordelia: No, I'm OK.
Fred: Like you said—just little bitty bits of truth twisted all up into lies.
Angelus: (on monitor) Which do you think is worse, Wes? Stealing my kid like you did, or banging him, like Cordelia. (Fred looks at Cordelia then at Gunn, Lorne shakes his head, Cordelia just stares at the monitor deadpan.) All that bumping and grinding. Fire raining in the sky. Quite a picture. Well, more of a snapshot, 'cause Connor— (chuckles)
Fred: Now, that's just ridiculous. Connor's Angel's son. It'd be like sleeping with your own— (Lorne gestures that she stop.) Oh.
Angelus: (on monitor) At least you thought you were doing the right thing. Hey, who's a guy gotta kill to get a drink around here?
(Connor walks through the front door, beaten and exhausted.)
Cordelia: Connor, what happened? Are you all right?
Connor: They're coming from all over. Too many to fight. (realizes everyone's staring at him) What?
Wesley: (enters the lobby) He wants blood.
Fred: I'll get it.
Gunn: Me too.
(Fred and Gun walk out of the lobby.)

(Fred and Gunn walk down the stairs with blood for Angelus. Gunn's carrying a crossbow.)
Angelus: Othello and Desdemona. My favorite couple. Oh, wait, Desdemona wasn't in love with the other guy. So much for stand by your man. (Gunn points the crossbow at Angelus.) Then again, you probably like her on her knees.
Gunn: Keep talking. I'll sweep out the cage when I'm done.
Angelus: Oh. Provocative. Get me all riled up. You think that's what your boss would want?
Gunn: Don't have a boss.
Angelus: You might want to tell Wesley that. Ah, Fred. You look all fresh and sweet, but I hear you at night in your room with Gunn. (Fred walks forward tentatively.) The things you say. I'm lying there, listening, hands under the covers... I can't help myself. It's so... gripping.
Gunn: This coming from a guy who can't get any. Ever.
Fred: (pushing a cart upon which she's paced a glass of blood) You're a pig.
Gunn: (aims the crossbow at Angelus) Step back.
(Angelus steps back, and Fred pushes the cart up to the bars. She stands there, holding the cart, waiting for Angelus to take the glass of blood. He picks up the glass, eyeing Fred who won't even look at him. When she finally meets his gaze, he kicks the cart forward, causing Fred to fall forward on it where he can reach her. He pulls her up, her back toward him, and puts his arm around her neck.)
Angelus: Might get some now. (Fred struggles against him) I like the way you move, Fred. Do it just a little to the left.
Fred: (faintly) Charles...
Gunn: (drops the crossbow and charges toward them) Get off her!
Angelus: Come on, Charles, save her! Come on! Save, her Charles!
(Angelus is interrupted when he's hit in the arm with a tranquilizer dart shot by Wesley, who's standing on the stairs. Angelus's grip loosens and Fred steps away from the bars into Gunn's waiting arms. Wesley shoots Angelus again, in the chest this time. Angelus looks at the dart, then collapses backwards.)
Gunn: Are you OK? Did he hurt you?
Fred: No. I'm sorry. That was so stupid, I—I should've…
Wesley: (walks past Fred and Gunn to look at Angelus) It's not your fault. Angelus is unpredictable. He'll take any opening, no matter how small. (to Gunn) It's understandable, but you played right into his hands. Never drop your weapon. (walks back upstairs)
Fred: Thanks.
Gunn: So you're OK?
Fred: Yeah. I'm just glad you're here. (hugs Gunn)
(Wesley looks back over his shoulder to see Fred and Gunn embrace.)

(Cordelia comes into the room where Connor has been washing up. She hands him a black button-up shirt.)
Cordelia: Hope you, uh, like black.
Connor: Thanks. (puts on the shirt, looks at the fit) This is his.
Cordelia: Well, if you don't like it, I could ask Lorne. (grins)
Connor: It's fine. (puts on his weapons)
Cordelia: You're not going back out.
Connor: Somebody has to.
Cordelia: Connor, you're exhausted. You said yourself there were too many—
Connor: I want to get out of here, OK? Everybody still looks at me like I'm the one who's connected to the Beast.
Cordelia: No. The looking earlier—that wasn't about the Beast. (Connor looks at her.) It was because of us. Angelus said some things about the night we—you know. The weirdness is because everyone knows.
Connor: Good.
Cordelia: Connor...
Connor: Angel doesn't care if everyone knows. Why should I?
Cordelia: It's not Angel. Anyway, you should get some rest. (walks to the door)
Connor: You don't want to be with me—fine, you're not, but don't tell me what to do.
(Cordelia walks out of the room.)

(Angel’s Office)
(Wesley's doing research in the office when Fred walks into the room.)
Fred: Hey.
Wesley: Hey. Angelus mentioned something about a sword in Angel's fantasy. I thought...
Fred: I wanted to thank you. If you hadn't've come in when you did...
Wesley: (looks into the lobby, then to Fred) He's not there.
Fred: (awkwardly) It's— Charles heard what Angelus said. The stuff about…
Wesley: Me.
Fred: Yeah, and…
Wesley: How I feel about you.
Fred: (smiles nervously) Yes, which is very sweet. There's nothing wrong with i…
Wesley: Yes there is.
(Walks up to Fred, puts his hand on her neck and kisses her passionately. She puts her hand on his neck, but then slides it down to his chest and pushes away.)
Gunn: Hey, (Wesley and Fred turn away from each other as Gunn walks into the room.) who's watching the monitor? (looks suspiciously at Wesley, then at Fred) What's going on?
Fred: Nothing.
Gunn: Did he just—?
Fred: Of course not. (tries to push him out of the room) Charles, you're right—the monitor.
Gunn: (to Fred) You better tell me what the hell I just walked in on.
Fred: We were just— (looks at Wesley)
Gunn: What? (look at Wesley) Researching?
Wesley: You want to do this, deal with me. Leave Fred out of it.
Gunn: (walks up to Wesley) You ought to be leaving Fred out of it!
Fred: (from behind Gunn) Hello, I'm here.
Gunn: You think I don't see the way you look at her?
Fred: Charles, please.
Gunn: (turns to Fred) And you, running off to him every time you need help, like I'm not good enough.
Fred: No, that's not— This isn't the time.
Gunn: (to Wesley) I'm telling you—stay away from her.

(Angelus starts to wake up from the tranquilizer darts and hears the squabbling upstairs. He smiles and laces his hands behind his head, grinning.)
Angelus: That was fast. (chuckles)

(Connor sneaks through the lobby while Gunn and Wesley are still arguing in the office.)
Gunn: —long time since you were out for anyone but yourself.
Wesley: I owe you nothing. Not anymore.
Gunn: You just take what you want, huh…
Fred: (pushes Gunn out of the office into the lobby) Come on.
Gunn: —no matter who it belongs to.
Wesley: I didn't realize Fred came with a deed.
Fred: Stop it! What's wrong with you?
Gunn: You don't realize a lot of things, like the fact that nobody wants you here.
Wesley: 'Cause you do such a bang-up job without me.
(Lorne and Cordelia come into the lobby.)
Lorne: Hey, hey, come on, guys. Let's not say anything that…
Gunn: Shut up, Lorne! (to Wesley) Great idea, Wes, stealing Angel's kid. Oh, was losing him a part of your plan, too?
Wesley: Go ahead. Throw some more blame around. It's what you're best at.
Gunn: (steps closer to Wesley, yelling) You want to say that again?
Fred: Oh, God.
Wesley: (steps up to Gunn, softly) Face it, Gunn, you can't give her what she needs.
(Gunn punches Wesley in the face. He stumbles back, but stays standing.)
Fred: Charles! (Wesley punches Gunn twice in the torso.) Stop it! (Gunn grabs Wesley and pushes him against the front desk.) This is insane! You're doing exactly what Angelus wants. (Gunn ignores her as he and Wesley continue to fight.)
Lorne: Oh, for the love of Mike Tyson—
(Gunn hits Fred in the face with his elbow inadvertently as he rears back for another punch at Wesley. Fred screams and falls to the floor, covering her busted lip.)
Gunn: (looks at Fred and realizes what he's done) Fred...
(Cordelia goes to Fred's aid and looks up at Gunn, then notices the monitor on the desk behind him. Connor's in the basement talking to Angelus.)

(Connor walks up to the cage where Angelus is sitting on the floor in a dark corner. Connor just glares at Angelus.)
Connor: Everyone's afraid of you.
Angelus: Is that my shirt?
Connor: Not anymore. (paces in front of the bars)
Angelus: Looks good on you, son.
Connor: (smirks) So did Cordy.
Angelus: She looks good on everybody.
Connor: Angel warned me about you. Said I should remember you're not my real father.
Angelus: Yeah, (stands) that was a nice speech. Touching. I think it ended with you promising to kill me.
Connor: I remember.
Angelus: (walks toward Connor) Kind of unnecessary, don't you think? I mean, with your track-record, I'll be staking myself by the end of the day.
Connor: It's fine by me. (walks away)
Angelus: (leans on the bars) Darla felt the same way. It made her sick, you squirming inside her. So, she jammed a stake in her own heart, just so she wouldn't have to hear your first whiny breath.
Connor: (scoffs) You don't know anything.
Angelus: Then there was Holtz. It disappointed him so much that he stabbed himself in the neck.
Connor: (angry) My fa— (catches himself) Holtz was a good man. All he ever wanted was for you to get the punishment you deserve. And you will.
Angelus: And now my boy's in love. All hearts and flowers. (shakes his head) But, doesn't it freak you out that she used to change your diapers? I mean, when you think about it, the first woman you boned is the closest thing you've ever had to a mother. Doing your mom and trying to kill your dad. Hm. There should be a play.
Connor: (paces) You think I care what you say? Angel told me how you'd try to hurt me, how you aren't my real dad, just some animal in a cage. Angel's my dad.
Angelus: (flutters his eyelashes) I'm gonna cry.
Connor: That's what he told me. And he thought I believed him. (turns away) The truth is, Angel's just something that you're forced to wear. (looks at Angelus) You're my real father.
Angelus: (glares at Connor) I'm right here. All you have to do is come and get me.
Connor: You'd like that.
Angelus: (shrugs) You couldn't take me anyway. (walks away)
Connor: We'll see.
Angelus: Promises, promises. Don't make 'em, if you can't keep 'em.
Connor: I wouldn't think of it. (walks closer to the cage)
Angelus: It might be your best chance. (turns to Connor) Don't disappoint daddy.
(Cordelia comes down the stairs.)
Cordelia: Connor. Go upstairs.
Connor: (glaring at Angelus) No.
Cordelia: Please, go upstairs.
Connor: (turns, walks away) It's your lucky day.
Angelus: Yeah. Go to your room, mama's boy. (Connor goes upstairs.) Cordy. Cordy, Cordy. Just couldn't stay away.
Cordelia: (walks toward the cage) It's been a long day, and I think you've done enough damage.
Angelus: So, no hug?
Cordelia: You and I are gonna make a deal.
Angelus: Tough. Did you practice that in front of the mirror a few times? Lemme guess. You want to know about the Beast.
Cordelia: Everything you know.
Angelus: (nods) Oh. And in return, I get what? (paces) Wouldn't mind a car. I hear the new Mustang is nice.
Cordelia: (paces) Something better.
Angelus: What's a better ride than a Mustang?
Cordelia: (looks at Angelus) Me.
Angelus: You?
Cordelia: That's the offer. No more stalling, no more games. You tell us what you know, you get me.
Angelus: Must be some confusion. You took out the soul. Still have the brain.
Cordelia: Then use it. The Beast, the darkness—the world is falling apart. We're out of time, we're out of ideas. You're the end of the line.
Angelus: (smirks) Wes was better at buttering me up. (walks away)
Cordelia: You know what it means to be a champion.
Angelus: I'm trying so hard to forget.
Cordelia: Sometimes a sacrifice needs to be made.
Angelus: (faces her) And you're the little lamb. Not that there aren't a few things I wouldn't mind doing to that body—other than the obvious. (walks forward)
Cordelia: Tell us about the Beast, and you can do whatever you want.
Angelus: You're lying.
Cordelia: Look in my eyes. Angel knows me. You know me. Better than anyone. So, when you look at me, you know I'm not lying.

(Angel’s Office)
(Wesley, Lorne, Fred, Gunn and Connor are all staring at Cordelia. Connor's seated behind the desk, Lorne in front of it. Wesley is leaning on one side of the desk and Fred and Gunn are on the opposite end of the desk.)
Fred: I don't understand.
Gunn: Why is Sid Vicious suddenly Mr. Show-and-Tell?
Lorne: Well, honey buns here must have a secret stash of higher-power dust.
Cordelia: Something like that. He's ready, Wes, whenever—
Connor: Why don't you want to tell us what you did?
Cordelia: I did what I had to.
Gunn: Which means what?
Fred: Cordelia...
Wesley: Connor's right. We're all painfully aware of Angelus's ability to manipulate—
Cordelia: I'm not being manipulated.
Wesley: It would be better if I knew.
Cordelia: It's better if you don't.
(Wesley sighs.)

(Basement – Later)
(Wesley is interviewing Angelus, who's standing beside the bars inside his cage.)
Wesley: All right. Shall we start from the beginning?
Angelus: Why not?
Wesley: The year.
Angelus: 1789.
Wesley: So, you were in Prussia.
Angelus: (raises his eyebrows) You have been doing your homework. (smiles) Hmm... those Prussian girls. Must be the pastries. Worth the trip—all that sweetness gets into their blood.

(Connor, Lorne, Cordelia, Fred and Gunn are watching the monitor.)

Wesley: Very interesting. At some point, the Beast would appear?
Angelus: Patience, Wes. I was taking a shortcut on my way to Vienna. Started feeling like someone was watching me. There were troops around.

(Flashback – Prussia, 1789)
(A long haired Angelus walks through a field littered with bodies.)
Angelus: (vo) I’d run into them now and then. Not as sweet as the girls, by the way. But, the little massacre I ran into…seriously lacking in military precision. Bodies, bodies everywhere, and not a drop to drink.

(Hyperion Basement – Present Day)
Angelus: So, I followed the trail, and there was your friend. The one you so cleverly call "The Beast."

(Flashback – Prussia, 1789)
(The Beast is killing people in the field, waiting for Angelus. Angelus walks up and rips the arm off a dead girl. He and the Beast stare at each other.)
Angelus: (vo) We had a lot in common, but he already knew that.

(Hyperion Basement – Present Day)
Angelus: He'd been watching me. He staged the carnage to impress me.
Wesley: So, he sought you out. Why?
Angelus: Girl trouble. Thought I might be able to help him with a situation.
Wesley: How?
Angelus: You've heard of the Svea Priestesses? Very powerful, big into banishing.

(While watching the monitor Lorne mumbles in confusion to Fred.)
Lorne: Vanishing?
Fred: (whispers) Banishing.

Angelus: The Beast was next on their list. He couldn't touch them—some kind of mojo—but a vampire could.
Wesley: So, he wanted you to kill them?
Angelus: We had it all worked out. I'd scratch his priestesses, and he'd scratch my back somewhere down the line. A limited partnership.

(Flashback – Prussia, 1789)
(The Beast is talking with Angelus.)
Beast: You need not be my enemy. Join with me, Angelus.

(Hyperion Basement – Present Day)
Wesley: And?
Angelus: I declined.

(Flashback – Prussia, 1789)
(The Beast punches Angelus in the face.)

(Hyperion Basement – Present Day)
Angelus: And he didn't ask twice. I probably could have been more diplomatic with my refusal, but I'm not big with teamwork.

(Flashback – Prussia, 1789)
(While the Beast bends down to Angelus who is lying on the ground, a group of Svea priestesses surrounds them. The priestesses are wearing long, blue, hooded robes and carrying staves.)
Angelus: (vo) I thought that was going to be the end of me. But like I said, girl trouble.

(Hyperion Basement – Present Day)
Angelus: So, they just started up the whammy, and there you have it.
Wesley: The Beast was banished. How?
Angelus: Don't know.

(Flashback – Prussia, 1789)
(Angelus passes out on the ground.)
Angelus: (vo) I was busy with the passing out.

(Hyperion Office – Present Day)
(While sitting in front of the desk, Cordelia's looking through a book. Connor's sitting behind the desk. Wesley's looking through a book while pacing. Fred is looking through another book across the room. Gunn and Lorne are also in the room.)
Cordelia: Slarf demons, spell mantras, Srail'gong technique, but nothing on—
Fred: (reading from her book) The Svea priestesses. Also known as the Svear, a mystical order all descendents of a powerful Nordic priestess, Svea.
Gunn: They've been busy.
Connor: Anything about the Beast?
Fred: Nothing definitive, but this one looks like it could match up. (hands the book to Wesley)
(Gunn walks away.)
Wesley: Same region, approximately the same time period.
Fred: I'm shaky on Freyan runes, but kinda seems like it's only a general I.D. of who or what got banished.
Wesley: Translation, something like, uh, big...hard thing.
Cordelia: Sounds like our guy.
Lorne: Fantastico! So where do we find these banishing babes, and, uh, how fast can they get to L.A.?
Gunn: (throws an open phone book on the desk) 'Bout 25 minutes, depending on traffic. They're in Pacoima.

(Svear House)
(Wesley, Cordelia and Connor walk up to the house. The small sign near the door reads as follows:
10 A.M. – 4 P.M.)
(Wesley rings the doorbell.)
Connor: Looks like no one's home.
(Wesley bangs loudly on the door.)

(Wesley opens the door, and walks into the house. Cordelia and Connor follow.)
Wesley: (walking around) It's open. Hello? Anyone home? Hello?
Cordelia: (walking around) Hello? Nordic priestesses?
Connor: (looking at pictures in the foyer) So, the mom's a priestess?
Cordelia: I think all the women in the family are. (smells something) What is that?
(Cordelia looks up to see several bloody, dead bodies on the floor. Everyone in the household has been slaughtered in the kitchen.)
Wesley: We're too late. Again. (walks in to the kitchen to look around at the bodies)
Cordelia: How does the Beast know exactly what we're gonna do? It's like he's psychic.
Wesley: Maybe he is.
Connor: Or he's been watching us at the hotel.
Cordelia: Angelus could have sent him a message, some kind of demon Morse code.
Wesley: (checking the bodies) No, these people have been dead for a few days. Angelus had nothing to do with this.
Cordelia: Which means, by the time the shaman was going all chanty on Angel, it was already too late.
Connor: (sees the bloody children, with their bloody toys) You mean, they've been here like this...for days?
Wesley: With the chaos outside, probably no one even noticed they were gone.
Cordelia: We should have seen this coming.
Wesley: (stands) Of course the Beast would go after the priestesses. Let's have a look around. Then we should call the police. (finds a paper on the desk) Banishment incantation. At least, I think it is.
Cordelia: Then they were trying to get rid of the Beast.
Wesley: Seems so.
(Connor sees a calendar on the refrigerator door. One of the days is marked "Daddy's Birthday" and circled with a red heart. He runs out of the house. Cordelia calls after him.)
Cordelia: Connor!

(Connor runs out to vomit in the front yard. Cordelia follows him. Connor sits down on the front sidewalk. Cordelia goes to sit beside him.)
Cordelia: Connor... (sighs) The sun should be up. It's different, isn't it? (looks at Connor) Dead demons are just a big blob of oozing mess. Vampires turn into dust like they were never anything at all. But humans— (sighs) it's different.
Connor: It's not—
Cordelia: What?
Connor: Family.
(A vampire jumps out of the bushes behind them. Connor punches him, but another vampire comes out and attacks Cordelia, pushing her to the ground. Connor grabs a stake from his side and dusts one vampire. Then the other one comes at him. They fight, and Connor throws him across the street into some garbage cans. Wesley pulls up in the jeep; Cordelia and Connor climb in. A vampire is holding on to the bottom of the door, preventing Connor from closing it. A group of vampires are headed down the street toward them.)
Cordelia: Come on!
Connor: (kicks the vampire out of the door) Let's go. (closes the car door)
(Wesley speeds away.)

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Lorne, Fred and Gunn are sitting in the lobby, watching Angelus on the monitor.)
Angelus: (through the monitor, singing) If you go into the woods tonight, you won't believe your eyes...
Fred: He's so relaxed.
Gunn: It's like, he's not even in a cage.
Lorne: In his mind, he's not. (stands, goes to turn off the monitor)
Gunn: You get anything off him?
Lorne: Let me put it this way, moon pie, you don't want to know.
Fred: I don't. I definitely don't.
(Wesley, Connor and Cordelia come through the front door. Gunn, Fred, and Lorne turn to them anxiously.)
Gunn: What happened?
Connor: Vamps.
Fred: You didn't get the Svear.
Wesley: No, the Beast did. Slaughtered the entire family.
Fred: Guess he found a way to kill them after all.
Gunn: So much for our big priestess rescue.
Fred: Are we sure Angelus doesn't know anything more? I mean, maybe we should talk to—
Wesley: No. I think he's told us everything he's going to.
Gunn: Which means our last-ditch plan, turning Angel into a soulless monster, it's a bust. If Angelus can't help us—
Cordelia: It's time to bring back Angel.
(Connor frowns and walks out of the lobby.)
Lorne: Oh, and he's usually so chatty.
Cordelia: (looks at Connor, then back at Lorne) Rough night.
Wesley: We'll need the shaman.

(Cordelia walks down into the basement to talk to Angelus, who is sitting in the dark corner again.)
Angelus: Here I thought you'd be halfway to Georgia by now.
Cordelia: I told you I'd be back. I'm back.
Angelus: How'd the little field trip turn out? Priestesses still feisty?
Cordelia: We found a little boy, his sister, mom, dad, grandma—all dead.
Angelus: (sighs) Oh, God. I'm always missing the fun stuff.
Cordelia: The Beast butchered them.
Angelus: So? Did you bring me back a souvenir? Maybe a stray baby toe? (chuckles, stands) Come on, Cordy. Where's your sense of humor?
Cordelia: Guess I lost it.
Angelus: (walks up to Cordelia) Well, don't blame me for our little debacle. I told you everything I know.
Cordelia: Too late.
Angelus: And who's fault is that? Doesn't matter. I showed you mine. Now it's time to show me yours.
Cordelia: The deal was: you give us information, we save the world, you get me. Well, world not saved.

(Angel’s Office)
(Wesley opens the picture that conceals the safe, and turns the dial on the safe door to the right combination as Lorne, Fred, and Gunn look on nervously. Wesley presses the lever to open the safe door.)

Angelus: You're not thinking I'm just gonna let this go.
Cordelia: Not seeing a whole lot of other options. With the big steel cage and all.
Angelus: Won't be in here forever.
Cordelia: (looks at her watch) 'Bout another hour. Forgot to tell you the best part. We're putting your soul back. (grins)
Angelus: (chuckles) Not gonna happen.
Cordelia: Oh, but it is. Just in time for the primo apocalypse that's coming. Too bad. I know how you love those.
Angelus: Been looking forward to it all day. Still am.
Cordelia: Thing is, you're never coming back. Angel's going to make sure of that.
Angelus: (whispers) We'll see.
Cordelia: What you don't get, Angelus, is that you're nobody. Just a disease. And Angel can't wait to be rid of you.
Angelus: (walks up to the bars, leers at Cordelia) I think I'll start with the twins. I just love a woman with nice ripe thighs.
(He suddenly reaches out to grab Cordelia, but misses her by less than an inch. Cordelia doesn’t even flinch.)
Cordelia: (smirks, walks away) Not even close.
Angelus: The more you piss me off, the longer I'll keep you alive. Oh, something tells me she's a screamer.
(Cordelia walks back upstairs.)

(Angel’s Office)
(Cordelia walks into the office where Lorne, Fred, and Gunn are staring at the safe.)
Cordelia: OK, let's— (notices the look of shock on everyone's face) What?
Fred: Angel's soul. It's gone.
(Pan over to show the empty safe.)

Season Four Guide