Splashdown, cont.

Brody: Alpha Team, Bravo Team! By the numbers! Man your assault craft! Let's go! Move it! Move it!
Piccolo: Move it! Move it! Move it!

O'Neil: Board's green, sir.
Ford: (into PAL) You're clear to launch.

Henderson: Launching now! 500 meters and closing.
Brody: Lock and load.
Henderson: 300. Arming laser dock. Brace for docking. Port sealed.
Brody: Let's go. Go, go!

(Mothership, Hallway)
Brody: Bravo Team secure the corridor. Alpha Team follow me.
Piccolo: You two hold your positions. You're with me.
(A Stormer arrives)
Ortiz: Look out! (Fires at the Stormer and kills him)
Henderson: Captain, over here.
(They are standing in front of a locked door.)
Bridger: Blow it!
Brody: (sets detonation device) Fire in the hole!
(They blow the door open. The real Tobias is inside, very weak.)
Scott: Tobias.
Tobias: (to Scott) You're alive? (sees Bridger) Nathan!
Bridger: (to Wendi) Check him out.
Wendi: (to Tobias) Who am I? No, no, don't say it. Focus on your memories of us. Let me hear the human side of your brain. (she does a scan) (to Bridger) Yes, I can read his mind. He's clear.
Tobias: How did you get here?
Bridger: Never mind that. How do we get control of this ship?
Tobias: You can't! They've armed the command decks. There's no way through anymore.
Scott: There's got to be something we can do.
Tobias: There is. Destroy it. Destroy it completely before they steer the comet in. This ship's the only thing keeping them in power. Blow the plasma core.
Brody: But that means we bought a one way ticket here. There's no way to go back home.
Bridger: You have any better ideas?
Brody: What, are you putting it to a vote? In the Navy?
Bridger: You're not in the Navy now.
Brody: What the hell.
Henderson: Yeah.
Ortiz: Let's do it.
Bridger: Take him out.

Brody: Move it! Move it! Double time! (into PAL) Bravo team, we'll be pulling out in two minutes.

(Other Hallway)
Piccolo: (into PAL) That's music to my ears, Lieutenant. (to others) Two minutes!

(Ship's Core)
Tobias: We'll need charges there, there, and there.
(They set the charges)
Brody: (to Bridger) Sir, this is the detonator. The charges are on a fail-safe switch. You touch them and they'll blow.
Bridger: Let's go.
Brody: (into PAL) Piccolo we're clear. Repeat we are clear. Head for the shuttle.

Piccolo: Come on, let's go. Let's go.

Brody: (into PAL) Coming your way!

(They all run into each other.)
Piccolo: Oh man, am I happy to see you.
(Stormers arrive and start firing at the crew)
Brody: Move, they're right behind us! Move it! Faster, faster!

(They get to the shuttle entrance where two guards are standing watch)
Piccolo: Watch out! Behind you!
(The KraTaks and more Stormers arrive. They kill the guards then proceed to fire on Bridger and Co.)
Ortiz: Take cover!
Piccolo: I need some help here!
(To much firing for me to figure out exactly what everyone is saying here. I can only catch bits and pieces.)
Piccolo: I can't hold them back.
Wendi: They're everywhere.
(More firing)
(The KraTaks bomb the shuttle)
Piccolo: They torched the shuttle!
Ortiz: This is it, isn't it?
Henderson: It looks that way.
Bridger: (into PAL) Commander, listen. We are completely cut off.

(seaQuest, Bridge)
Ford: (into PAL) We're coming in.

(Mothership, Hallway)
Bridger: (into PAL) No, no, you can't. There's nothing you can do for us. You've got to stop this mothership any way you can. Do you hear me? Any way you can!

(seaQuest, Bridge)
Ford: (into PAL) You know what they said at the academy, Captain? Always kill two birds with one stone. (to bridge crew) All ahead emergency. Darwin, leave the boat. Follow Lucas away from it.
Lucas: Whoa. What? Wait a minute.
Ford: Listen, take the Stinger and go. There's a tiny point of land bearing south/southwest of here.
Lucas: I'm gonna stay here, Commander. I'm gonna fight.
Ford: No you're not. Dagwood! Get him to the Stinger.
Dagwood: Aye aye, sir.
Lucas: No, no…Dagwood, don't do this.
Dagwood: I'm sorry Lucas, but Captain told me, if Commander says for you to go, you go.
Lucas: Commander.
Ford: Lucas, just go. Dagwood.
(Dagwood escorts Lucas off the bridge)

(Mothership, Hallway)
(Brody gets shot)
Henderson: Jim!
Ortiz: He's hit.
Bridger: Come on!
Ortiz: Tony, take left flank.
(?): Fall back!
Ortiz: Come on!
(They all enter a room)
(They are trying to hold it while the KraTaks and the Stormers try to shoot their way in)

(seaQuest, Bridge)
O'Neil: Stinger's clear.
Helm: On our way.
Ford: (inserts arming key) Computer.
Computer: Computer on.
Ford: Arm all weapons. Unlock code 826242.
Computer: Permissive Action link confirmed. Conventional weapons armed. Nuclear weapons armed. Pulse energy weapons armed. All weapons armed.
Ford: Target the mothership above our people's heads. We're gonna try and flood out the Stormers.
O'Neil: Aye aye, sir. Lasers up. Torpedo's up.
Helm: (alarmed) Commander, what's that?
Ford: (shocked) A barrier mine.
O'Neil: Huh. I guess they had some underwater technology after all.
(The KraTaks fire the barrier mine at the seaQuest.)
Ford: Oh my god!
(The seaQuest takes a direct hit and is hulled. She goes down fast.)

(Mothership, Side Room)
(The Stormers are breaking their way into the room.)
(?): They're coming in through the wall.
Ortiz: Can't! You're gonna have to hold them.
Bridger: All right, watch it!
Piccolo: Reload! Too many of them! Come on Ortiz!
Bridger: (into PAL) Jonathan. Jonathan! (shakes PAL) Jonathan.
(The ship begins to take off.)
Scott: We're lifting off.
Tobias: It's terminal maneuvers to bring the comet in.
Bridger: Lucas! Lucas, can you hear me?

Lucas: (into PAL) I hear you, Captain. I'm coming back.

(Mothership, Side Room)
Bridger: (into PAL) No, no. There's nothing you can do for us. What's happened to the seaQuest?

Lucas: (into PAL) She's down, Captain. She's been hulled.

(Mothership, Side Room)
Bridger: (pauses briefly while he takes this in) (into PAL) We've had it kiddo. You're on your own now, Lucas. Just don't let them take away what you believe. Do you understand me? Not what you believe. You tell them what's happened here today.
Ortiz: They're coming through!
(?): Behind you!
(The Captain's PAL goes out)

Lucas: (into PAL) Captain?

(Mothership, Side Room)
(?): Piccolo, watch the left!
Piccolo: We got no where left to go, Cap.
(Bridger puts his hand over Henderson's and pulls out the detonator.)
Henderson: It's time.
(He pushes the button.)
(The core blows and the ship explodes)

(Lucas and Dagwood can feel the shock wave from the explosion. Lucas is saddened and shocked)

(Hyperion, Surface)
(Lucas and Dagwood are in an inflatable boat on the surface. There is no land in site. Darwin is with them.)
Lucas: Well at least Darwin's okay.
Dagwood: And our friends?
Lucas: Well the comet passed without hitting us, so Scott was right. That means we've won.
Dagwood: So…
Lucas: So we have to find fuel for the Stinger. And then we'll go looking for survivors. They can't all be dead, Dagwood. All right? They can't be. We'll find them. I swear to God we'll find them.
Dagwood: And if we don't?
Lucas: Then we'll rebuild here. Someday, we'll carry their story back to Earth.
(Pan to a shot of the Hyperion sky with two full moons overhead.)

To Be Continued Next Season…