The Price

(Hyperion – Angel’s Room)
(Angel stands looking at some cracks in the walls.)
Groo: (os) Angel... (Angel looks over at him, and Groo steps up and speaks to Angel with his voice full of concern.) You and I have fought side by side on more than one occasion – Fellow warriors, shoulder to shoulder. By now, my counsel must assuredly hold weight, so I beseech you to heed my words...
Angel: (shrugging) Okay.
Groo: "Pomegranate Mist" is the wrong color for this room.
Angel: What?
(Around the rooms the others are trying to clean up what’s left of the mess since the earthquake. Cordelia polishes away at a dresser (in what was once the baby's area); Gunn slides the scorched stove back into place; Fred spackels away at a large hole in the plaster.)
Fred: We were just thinking... Well, I was thinking and Groo agreed... That, well, since we have to repaint your room anyway, maybe you'd like a change. Y'know, for a change.
Angel: Groo agreed?
Cordelia: Don't mock. He's actually got a surprisingly good color sense.
Groo: (holds up a color chart) "Sunburst splendor" is a hue more worthy of a champion. Or perhaps this unique one called...(sounding it out) "Purr-Pleh."
Angel: (correcting him) Purple. And yet you had no problem pronouncing "Pomegranate."
Groo: (sadly) It was my mother's name.
(Gunn walks past carrying a charred end table. Angel stops him.)
Angel: Hang on. Where you going with that?
Gunn: I'm tossing it.
Angel: It's an antique.
Gunn: It's a charcoal briquette.
(Angel takes it from him.)
Angel: We're not throwing it out. And the wall color stays, too. Look, guys, I appreciate everybody's help... Really. But I just want everything back the way it was, okay? (then, as he moves) Or... close to it.
(Angel carries the end table back near Cordelia.)
Cordelia: Not gonna be, y'know? (Angel looks at her. She gestures to the wall and molding.) Unless we pay for real, dishonest-to-goodness, overpriced, contractors, those cracks are always gonna show.
Angel: Let 'em.
(As he sets the end table down, he notices something stuck behind the dresser that Cordelia is working on.)
Cordelia: Ah, the old "gives the place" character" philosophy. Guess that served you pretty well living in rotted out mansions and…(She stops when she sees him reach down and bring up a snow globe.)
(Inside, a primary colorful fairy-tale castle, a cat, in a suite of armor engaged in an action tableau with a cartoony dragon. Angel sits on a chair as he turns the globe over, revealing a turnkey. He winds it. "Brahm's Lullaby" plays as he turns it upright, the faux snow falling on the scene.)
Angel: Don't know why I bought this for him. A whim, I guess... Thought he'd like to look at it. The snow. Doesn't ever snow in Southern California.
Cordelia: Did, once.
(He looks up at her. Then turns and notices the others looking at him as well. After a moment, Angel stands.)
Angel: Hey, y'know... we shouldn't be wasting our time fixing up my place when we've got work to do. (He starts toward the door, the snow globe still in his hand.)
Gunn: What work?
Angel: Our jobs. The business. We're neglecting our cases.
Fred: Um, Angel? We don't have any cases. We haven't had a call in over a week.
Angel: (disappointed) Really? (peps up) Well, somebody ought to be downstairs. In case a walk-in should... walk in. (as he exits) 'Cause we get those. Sometimes.
(As he walks out the others just watch after him.)
Cordelia: (with a sigh) Never on Sundays.

(A middle aged man walks into the lobby through the front door.)
Spivey: (calling out) Um... Hello? Angel Investigations? (a bit louder) Excuse me! Is anybody here? Hey! Hell…(He stops suddenly when something at his feet catches his eye. He glances down and sees the Pentagram that Angel painted on the floor in episode 17. As Spivey looks down at the pentagram a translucent, slug like creature slithers quickly past, on the floor.) Uh, look... Unless you want me to take my business someplace else... (He waits one more moment for a response.) Fine. (turning to leave; under his breath) Probably couldn't find my dog anyw…
(All of a sudden the slug creature is on his face. He staggers back as two of the creature's tentacles insert themselves into his nostrils, instantaneously injecting him with paralyzing toxins as he makes no move to stop it. His eyes go wide with terror as the slug forces and folds itself into his mouth. Angel comes down the stairs and spots Spivey in the lobby.)
Angel: (to himself) Yes... (brightening, to Spivey) Hi! Sorry. Hope you weren't, uh... Can I help you?
(Spivey slowly turns to look at Angel. The slug is gone, but Spivey’s expression and demeanor have changed. He seems distracted and odd. Angel's too anxious to notice.)
Spivey: What-- what was that?
Angel: I was just saying... If you're looking for Angel Investigations, I'm he. Him. Angel. And you are...?
Spivey: I... I need...
Angel: Don't be embarrassed. Whatever your problems are, I'm here to listen. And help, of course.
Spivey: We have to go.
(He spins on his heels and moves to the exit. Confused, Angel moves after him.)
Angel: Whoa, wait. What-- Something wrong? (noticing the floor, understanding) Oh! The pentagram? Don't-- It's just a... Don't worry about it. Old case. I'm totally available to give you my full...(He turns to see Spivey's gone. Angel stares after him.)(weakly)...attention.

(Juice Bar – Evening)
(It is a small establishment. There are a few customers shooting each other horrified looks. Out of sight we can hear loud slurping noises. Behind the counter the teenager on duty is conferring with his manager. The kids points and the Manager looks at Spivey, standing nearby, guzzling down two large drinks in both hands, almost simultaneously. Finishing them, licking every drop of moisture left around the rims, he drops the cups to the floor. On the floor are about a dozen more empty cups. As he steps back up to the counter, he appears more gaunt since the teaser, his skin's turned ashen, and his lips are very dry. Also, his breathing is harsh and labored.)
Spivey: (to Kid) More. Like the last ones. (He fishes out his wallet as the manger steps up.)
Manager: I don't wanna be rude, sir, but you've been here for almost six hours...
Teenager: (chiming in) And, like, a hundred peach smoothies.
Manager: And I think... I think you're not well. Sir.
Teenager: (to Spivey) Dude, you haven't taken a whiz since you got here.
(Spivey rips apart his cash-empty wallet, a couple of pennies bounce off the counter, and pulls out a few credit cards, pushing them at the Manager.)
Spivey: Please.
Manager: We don't take credit cards.
Spivey: Water. Water, then.
Manager: Sir, if you don't leave, I'm gonna call the pol…
(Spivey grabs the stunned Manager by his shirt and yanks him across the counter.)
Spivey: We're thirsty.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(Someone is watching Angel in his office. He sips blood from a cup, and is seated at Wesley’s old desk. He peruses files - essentially doing busy work. The Snow Globe sits atop the desk.)
Fred: (os) It's funny. Well, sad, actually...(Pull Out to find it's her POV as she watches Angel from the other side of the reception area. Gunn's next to her, leaning on a mop.) I keep expecting to find... I mean, it's weird seeing Angel sitting at that desk.
Gunn: (shrugging) It was his when I got here. Seems right that it's his again.
Fred: Yeah. But, thing's have cooled down a little since...(struggling) I'm just saying maybe it's time to... Look, he doesn't have to forgive Wesley.
Gunn: (snort) Glad you think so, 'cuz not happenin'.
Fred: No. Right. He shouldn't. (unwilling to drop it) But... isn't there some way to, I don't know... come back from this?
Gunn: Not unless Wes comes back with that baby under his arm. And even then, Angel'd probably kill him on principle.
Fred: (uncertain) Y--You don't really think that.
Gunn: He took the man's son. (then) Probably best we never mention the guy's name again. (He walks away.)
Cordelia: (os) Well, I give up...(She is scrubbing away at the pentagram on the floor. There is a bucket of soapy water next to her.) Tried soaking it out, tried scrubbing it out... No question, we got ring around the lobby. (getting to her feet) I say we toss in the towel and buy a big ass throw rug. Who's with me?
(Groo is on his knees on the other side of the pentagram, scrub brush in rubber gloved hand.)
Groo: That honor is mine, Princess.
Cordelia: Aww. (air kisses him) Groo, honey... Do me a favor and dump out the bucket.
(Groo retrieves the bucket, offers her a smile and exits. Fred approaches Cordelia.)
Fred: Cordelia...
Cordelia: (re: Groo) He is such a sweetie. So loyal. And loving. Like a puppy-dog. (She crosses to the reception desk, taking off her gloves, removing her scarf. Fred follows.)
Fred: Cordy?
Cordelia: I know. That didn't sound very good. But he is. A puppy-dog. A sexy, well-built, go-all-night, puppy-dog. (then) Okay, that sounded worse.
Fred: Cor...?
Cordelia: No. (off her look) You want me to say something to Angel about Wesley. Sorry. Can't. Won't.
Fred: Why? Why can't you? You've known them both longer than anybody. Angel would listen to you...
Cordelia: Probably. But he doesn't want to hear it. Which is why I'm not going to burden him…
Fred: Look, whatever he did... It's Wesley. You care about it. I know you do. Can you imagine the pain he's in, how horrible he must be feeling…
Cordelia: Angel's feelings are the only ones I care about. He's my priority. (Just past Cordelia and Fred, Groo stands in the room. He's heard these last words and appears hurt and bewildered by them, though neither Fred or Cordelia notice him.) I got dosed with demon DNA for that man. I'm semi-demon! And I still don't know what that means... Apart from the random floatyness and seizure-less visions, which is keen except sometimes it's hard to tell when I'm having… (She stops when she notices Angel, standing next to her, staring past her at nothing, a look of astonishment on his face. He's wearing the same clothes, thought somewhat disheveled and his shirt's ripped.) Where did you… (Suddenly, Angel puts his arm up, blocking some unseen attack. As she looks behind her to find the assailant, Angel grunts and flies back against the front desk with terrific force.) Angel?! (Before she can move to him, he disappears.)
Angel: (os) What?
(Cordelia looks up to see Angel standing outside the office door, behind the reception desk. No longer disheveled, his shirt no longer torn. It registers on Cordelia that she’s had a vision. The others look at her, then Angel.)
Angel: What's going on?
Lorne: (os) I'll tell you what's going on... (The gang all turn to see him standing near the hotel entrance in a trench coat with the lapels pulled up and wearing a hat.) Big brouhaha at the juice bar across the street. Only, light on the "ha ha." Some guy over there's cracking up.

(Juice Bar)
(Spivey now has two deep cracks running across his face. A third crack opens up by his temple. He's further withered, his sunken eyes, bereft of reason. His breathing more labored than before. He’s now behind the counter and has the teenage kid by the shirt and is shaking him. The place is wrecked. The teenager pulls out a key from his pocket.)
Teenager: (terrified) Here. Key to the safe. Take it. just don't hurt me, dude. Don't…
(Spivey tosses him out of the way and the kid falls next to the Manager’s prone and bleeding body. The kid huddles into the corner, whimpering. Spivey then rips the top off a large juice dispenser, picks it up, holds it above his head, and starts to drink. The Kid gets to his feet and runs for the door as Angel and Co. enter. Cordelia is in mid-rant.)
Cordelia: minutes you're standing there, all shocked looking, then…whammo…you're knocked across the…
Angel: Cordy, can we talk about it later? (indicates the situation) Working here.
(The teenager suddenly runs past them.)
Teenager: Look out! Dude's got Ebola or something!
(The kid runs out and Angel and the others turn to look at Spivey, who is draining the dispenser, ravenously.)
Groo: This "Ebola" is a weapon? Forged in magic?
Lorne: Forged in monkey poo.
Angel: (to Spivey) Okay, pal. You wanna put down the Big Gulp, nice and easy, or…(He hesitates as he recognizes him. Then, brightens.) Hey. I know you.
Gunn: You do?
(Angel turns back to the others. Fred notices something on the floor and reaches down to pick it up.)
Angel: This is the guy that came into the office this morning.
Gunn: Didn't mention he was a mummy, man.
Angel: He's not. I mean, he wasn't. He's…
Fred: (holding Spivey’s wallet) "Phillip J. Spivey." From Inglewood. According to his license.
(Angel looks back to Spivey.)
Angel: Mr. Spivey? Phil? (Spivey just gives him a look as he continues to drink.)(cheerful) Hi. Remember me? (He crosses to Spivey, calmly.) We're just gonna take a walk to my office across the street and see if we can figure out what's what. Sound okay with you?
Spivey: (stops drinking for just a moment) We're thirsty! (He raises the dispenser to hurl at Angel.)
Angel: I'll take that as a "no." (He punches Spivey and Spivey goes down. He turns back to the others, happy.) Okay, people. Looks like we got a case.

(Hyperion – Lobby)
(The gang enters, with Groo carrying Spivey in his arms. Angel barks out order, totally in charge.)
Angel: Put him on the couch.
(Groo does so. Another crack appears on Spivey’s face and spreads. Fred happens to see this.)
Fred: My God. Look at his face.
Angel: Fred, any water in the fridge?
Fred: A few bottles, I think.
Angel: We're gonna need 'em.
(She heads for the kitchen.)
Lorne: (calling after Fred) Some Chapstick wouldn't hurt, either, kitten.
Cordelia: Angel…
Angel: (thinking) We…
Gunn: Glad you're having fun with this.
Angel: No. He kept saying "we." This morning is was "we have to go." Now, "we're thirsty..."
Cordelia: Okay, so he's pretentious. Angel, we have to talk about my vision…
Angel: It can wait.
Cordelia: (getting in his face) No. It can't! You think The Powers beam me pretty pictures purely for my amusement?! It tells me when someone's in danger and this time that someone's you!
Angel: Oh, gee, I'm in danger. What else is new? Look, I want to deal with somebody else's problems for a change. I want to deal with Mr. Phillip Spivey of Inglewood...(Spivey’s eyes open, though no one notices.) Who came to use this morning for help. He's the one we need to be concerned with. Not me. This has nothing to do with me.
(Fred walks back into the lobby and gasps. The rest of the gang all turn to see Spivey, up on his feet, pointing an accusing finger at Angel.)
Spivey: (in a dry rasp) This is all your fault.
(With that, he falls face-first onto the lobby floor, dead. The impact causes his head and body to break apart and crumble away in a dusty heap. Everyone stares at what’s left of his body for a moment, before turning to look at Angel, who can only offer a weak shrug.)
Angel: My fault?
Cordelia: (eyeing the dusty rubble) That's what the Sandman said.
Angel: How is this my fault? I was trying to help him. What'd he go and say that for?
Lorne: (noticing something) He didn't...(The back of Spivey's shirt appears to move upward, then move toward the collar. The head further crumbles away, revealing the slug creature.) That did.
(The slug rears up, emits a high-pitched screech, then tears away across the floor, essentially vanishing into the lighted room, its translucence making it difficult to see. Caught off-guard, Angel and the others can only watch, stunned.)
Gunn: Okay, that was a thing.
(Everyone moves.)
Fred: Big ugly slug thing. Where'd it go?
(Angel and Groo start to fan out a bit, looking, to no avail.)
Groo: It has vanished. Like the glass eels of the Krag Swamps in UxenBlarg. (Everyone looks at him for a moment.) Just making an observation.
Gunn: So what the hell was it? (He looks at Angel.)
Angel: Don't look at me. I don't know what it is. Or what it has to do with me.
Cordelia: (while staring at where Spivey fell) Um, Angel...
(He looks at her. Then follows her gaze. The camera pulls up over Spivey’s remains and we see that he has fallen right in the middle of the pentagram.)

(Time Lapse)
(Angel is now at the weapons cabinet. He grabs a dagger and slips it into his belt. He passes a crossbow to Gunn, and a sword to Lorne.)
Lorne: Not really the hunter-type. Couldn't I just come along and cheerlead?
(Cordelia and Groo walk over.)
Cordelia: Hotel's shut tight.
Angel: Good. Don't want anyone else getting infected.
(He hands Cordelia another sword and offers Groo a sabre. Instead, Groo reaches past him and grabs the largest and heaviest battle-axe off the rack.)
Groo: This weapon will serve me better.
Angel: Little big for our purposes, isn't it?
Groo: I have had no complaints.
Angel: Uh huh. Cordy, you and the Groo make a sweep of the third floor and work your way down. Lorne and I'll start at the top.
(Lorne swings his sword around a little awkwardly, trying to get the feel of it.)
Lorne: Uh... Exactly how do we know slicing and dicing will do the trick on Mr. Sluggo?
Angel: That's why Fred's gonna hit the books. See if she can find out what we're dealing with.
Fred: Angel... I--OI don't even know where to being to look...
Angel: Start with thaumogenesis...
(Lorne looks at him. Angel avoids eye contact.)
Fred: Thaumo…?
Angel: Creatures manifested as a by-product of using dark magic.
Fred: (understanding) Ohh.
Gunn: (to Angel) I'll stay with her. Keep watch.
Angel: Watch close. This thing's hard to see.
Cordelia: This thing drank every speck of moisture out of a man's body. (Angel stops and looks at her.) I'm just saying... Shouldn't we wait to see what Fred finds out before we go chasing around after it?
Angel: Longer we wait, the sooner that thing finds a way out of here. And into the world. (He slams the cabinet shut for emphasis.) And I'm not gonna let that happen.
(They separate and move off.)

(Angel and Lorne slowly make their way down the hall. Lorne is slightly behind Angel and peeks over Angel’s shoulder every few moments.)
Angel: I don't want to hear it.
Lorne: I didn't say anything.
Angel: Let's keep it that way.
Lorne: (beat) Well, was I wrong?
Angel: (getting pissed) Lorne... It's my mess. I'm cleaning it up. What more--?
Lorne: I warned you, Angel-face. You mess with powers of darkness…
(Angel stops and turns to Lorne.)
Angel: There's a price to pay. I know. There's always a price. Question is... Is it one worth paying?
Lorne: So... Was this?
Angel: (thinks) That spell I did was for nothing. I didn't find my son. Now he's gone forever. So, you ask me, was it worth it? Would I do it again? (beat) In a heartbeat. Because he was my son.
(Lorne just looks at him, but before he can respond they hear a loud crash. They look toward the end of the hall and break into a run, coming to a partially open door. A slurping noise can be hear. Angel slowly pushes the door open.)

(Vacant Room)
(Inside the room the slurping noise is louder. They follow the sound toward the slightly open bathroom door. Angel flips a light switch next to the door and the floor lamp in the room goes on. He flips another switch and the bathroom is illuminated. He pushes the door open and they see a slug slurping away at the water in the open toilet tank, its porcelain cover shattered on the floor. The creature suddenly rears up, screeches and charges them. Lorne, in a panic, brings up his sword, accidentally smashing the floor lamp, knocking it over, plunging that half of the room into darkness. He's about to bring his sword down again when Angel grabs his wrist.)
Lorne: Angel? What are you--?
(He turns to see what Angel is looking at, and the slug is giving off a slight blue-ish glow in the darkness. It slithers across the floor, leaving a short, dissipating phosphorescent trail behind it. It makes for the door to the hallway. Angel pulls out his dagger and throws it at the slug and nails it. The slug screeches and then goes limp. Angel and Lorne make their way over to it.)
Lorne: Well, go team. (He leans down to get a better look at the dead creature.) That wasn't so…
(Suddenly the slug tears itself away from the dagger and hurls itself up at him and the camera.)

(Angel’s Office)
(Fred sits at the desk with several books open in front of her. Gunn stands in the doorway, his crossbow at the ready, looking absolutely wigged.)
Fred: (frustrated) God... I hate this...
Gunn: (sharing his fear) I'm with you... That creepy crawler was seriously messed up. With those feelers or whatever sticking out of its face... slithering around like a worm with its slimy…
Fred: N-no, Charles... I meant... I hate going through these books.
(Gunn gives her a sheepish look.)
Gunn: Oh. Oh, yeah. Books. That's...rough. (He goes back to looking out the door.)
Fred: Everything on "Thaumogenesis" so cryptic. And full of words I never heard of, like "amulatives" and...and I have to keep cross-referencing "Chaldean" with "Accadian majicks"... (She pauses, noticing he's not looking at her.) Are you listening to me?
Gunn: (not taking his eyes off the lobby) Yeah. "Accordion music." Go on...
Fred: (sighs) I mean, ask me to research stuff on wave-particle dualities or the Schrodinger Equation and I'm a hellcat. But this... (She holds up a particularly large and ancient tome for emphasis.) Angel's just go to realize that I'm just not as qualified for this as...(She stops herself as Gunn looks at her.) Some people. Gunn: (os) Yeah, well, "some people" aren't around anymore. So, you're just gonna have to learn to get good at it...
(As they talk the camera goes past Gunn and into the Lobby. It tilts up to look at the area just above the pentagram.)
Fred: (os) Well, but, what if I fail? What if I can't find anything to help us?
(Suddenly there is a small flash accompanied by a crackling noise.)
Gunn: (os) We'll manage. Not sayin' I don't prefer something I can punch...(Out of the flash comes two slugs. They fall onto the floor.) But I think we can handle once little slug from hell.
(The slugs slither away in opposite directions.)

(Second Floor Hallway)
(Cordelia and Groo walk along looking for the slug.)
Cordelia: Poor Angel. It's eating away at him.
Groo: (looking at her)You are having another vision, Princess?
Cordelia: What? No. I meant... Knowing it was the spell he performed, trying to find Connor, that made this...whatever it is we're hunting. (beat) Knowing that it caused a man's death.
Groo: He is your priority.
Cordelia: What?
Groo: You said... earlier. Angel's feelings were your only concern. He is all that matters.
(Cordelia suddenly recognizes Groo's uncertainty.)
Cordelia: Oh. Oh, no, Grooey... I-- I meant, work priority. Work. You see? You. You're my... other... stuff priority. You get that, right? (Groo doesn’t reply, he just grimly stares back at her. He slowly raises his battle ax.) Groo? Honey? We can talk about this…
Groo: Do not move.
(Cordelia realizes that he’s looking just past her and slowly turns her head. Just on the wall behind her, ready to pounce, is a slug. Instinctively, Cordelia spins and swipes at it with her sword, slicing the creature. It screeches before leaping out of frame.)
Cordelia: Get it! (They go after it. But it jumps down the mail slot.) Going down! Come on!
(They turn and run toward the stairwell exit.)
Groo: I instructed you not to move.
Cordelia: Well, gee, forgive me for saving my own life.
Groo: I would not have let harm come to you.
Cordelia: That's not the…
(She reaches for the door handle, when it suddenly flies open. She yelps with surprise as she runs smack dab into Angel and Lorne.)
Angel & Cordelia: We saw it!
Angel: You saw it?
Cordelia: You saw it?
(Angel and Cordelia share a questioning look.)

(They have just told Gunn and Fred that there is more than one slug in the hotel.)
Gunn: There's more than one?
Angel: Two, at least. Should probably assume there are more.
Lorne: Do we have to?
Angel: But at least we have one advantage.
Cordelia: What, they glow in the dark? How's that supposed to help us, unless we shut off all the lights in the holy crap you're not serious.
(She says this as she sees Angel pulling a few flashlights out of a drawer behind the counter. As well as a battery powered emergency lamp.)
Angel: These things are hard enough to kill as it is. I speared one and it was still strong enough to attack us and escape. If this makes them easier to find, I say we take the chance.
Fred: (nervous) All the lights?
(Angel hands her the emergency lamp.)
Angel: Here. Take this and lock yourself up in the office. We still need answers, Fred.
Fred: Right.
(She nods, takes the map and heads back into the office.)
Gunn: Boy, this just keeps gettin' funner and funner.
Angel: Glad to hear you're enjoying this, 'cause somebody's got to go down to the basement and shut off the power.
(Gunn looks at him, to see he's not joking.)
Gunn: (shaking his head) Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...

(Gunn walks down the basement steps, sweeping around with the crossbow in one hand. Angel is right behind him, with his broadsword at the ready. Cordelia, Groo, and Lorne are all gathered in the basement doorway, waiting. Angel gestures to Gunn to shut of the power grid while he covers his back. Gunn crosses over to the large power grid. Angel spots something in the shadows, and he deftly strikes at it with his sword. The action startles Gunn who whips around with his crossbow, in time to hear a death squeak. Gunn looks up at Angel as he pulls his sword back. Angel looks back and shakes his head.)
Angel: Rat.
Gunn: (feigning nonchalance) Oh. (He turns away from Angel, toward the power grid, and his eyes and face register how freaked out he is.) Rat.
Cordelia: (calling down) Everything okay down there?
Gunn: (calling back) Oh, yeah! It's a party! (He gets to the power grid and flips open a cover, revealing the main power switch. He reaches up to pull it down.)(under his breath) And here's the icing on the cake.

(Angel’s Office)
(Fred is back at the desk, reading another book. The emergency lamps rests nearby on the corner of the desk as the lights go out. As she leans over to pull the lamp closer, we see a glowing slug on the wall behind her. Fred senses something behind her and she swivels around but the slug attacks her too quickly and its paralyzing tentacles jam into her sinuses, paralyzing her, as it forces its way into her screaming mouth.)

(South Wing)
(The gang slowly walks into the hallway.)
Lorne: Where are we?
Angel: South wing. Haven't found a use for it yet so we keep it closed up.
(Cordelia stops, hanging back.)
Cordelia: Do you hear something?
(They all stop and listen.)
Lorne: Sorry, cupcake. All I'm picking up's the loud, erratic thumping of the heart in my mouth.
Cordelia: Listen... It's like... It's almost like...(She shakes her head, not wanting to say it.)
Angel: Birds.
(Cordelia looks at him and nods, grateful he hears it, too. They both turn toward the sound. They walk over to two large doors and Cordelia tries to open them. They won't budge. She turns to Angel.)
Cordelia: Do we even have keys for this?
(Angel gives her a grin, then brings up his foot and kicks the doors in and they fly of their hinges.)

(Angel’s Office)
(There is a knock on the door.)
Gunn: Fred. It's me. Open up. (Fred shuffles into frame and opens the door. Gunn enters. Fred then returns to her seat behind the desk.) Sorry it took me so long to get back. Did a quick look around to see if any slimeys were lurking. We're good. (Fred, who's partially turned away from him in the dim light of the lamp, seemingly engrossed in her research, doesn't answer.) How you holding up, babe? You okay?
(Fred looks up at him, her face pale in the ghostly light.)
Fred: Scared. Very... scared.
(Gunn takes a step toward her and puts a hand on her shoulder.)
Gunn: I know. It's gonna be okay. Just have to keep it together. Watch each other's backs. (She turns her face downward again. He goes off on his thoughts.) Y'know, when this is over, I think you and me should go away someplace. Like Cordy and Groo got to do. Maybe Baja. A little sun, sand. Think we deserve…
Fred: (not looking up) We have to get out of here.
(Gunn squints at her.)
Gunn: That's... what I'm sayin'. And we will. Soon as we take care of these things, I'll talk to Angel. Maybe…(He stops when he hears something…a slurping noise.) Fred? (She doesn't answer. He reaches for the handle of the lamp, and raises it up, to see her face. Fred is huched over the shattered snow globe drinking the water from inside it.) Aw, no...
Fred: (pleadingly) We're thirsty.

(Groo tosses a table out of the way, Cordelia stands behind him with her weapon raised. Finding nothing under the table she relaxes. Angel pushes over another table and Lorne stands at the ready with his sword. They also find nothing. The gang continues to move through the room. There are tables and chairs scattered about, some with dusty tablecloths hanging off them. Cobwebs abound on the crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.)
Cordelia: (frustrated) Ugh. Where is that sound coming from?
Angel: Definitely in this room. Somewhere.
Lorne: (admiring the room) Y'know, this space is one part hum, two parts dinger. (Angel checks under a table.) Ever think of turning it into a nightclub? (Angel stands up and looks at him.) Hey. Missing the life. Sue me.
(Cordelia senses something behind her and turns to see Gunn rushing into the room bringing Fred with him. It’s obvious that he’s freaking out.)
Cordelia: Gunn?
Gunn: We got a serious problem.
(He pulls Fred forward. She drinks voraciously from a bottle of water. Angel realizes what’s happened, and Cordelia goes over to Fred.)
Cordelia: Oh, no. Fred...
Gunn: We have to get her help. And we gotta get it fast. I'm not gonna…
(Fred suddenly begins to choke on the water, pulling the bottle away with some effort. Angel goes to her, and sits her down in a chair.)
Angel: Fred? (Fred breathes erratically, and pinches her eyes closed, seemingly struggling.) Fred, can you hear me?
Gunn: It's no good. That thing's jammin' her brain. You can't reach her.
Fred: (with effort) Angel...
(Gunn, Angel, and Cordelia react and look at her.)
Angel: Fred?
Fred: I... feel it. Its needs. Its...thirst. Oh, god, I'm so thirsty!
(She tries to bring the bottle up, but Angel puts a hand on her arm, encouraging her to not give in.)
Gunn: Hang on, baby. We're getting you to a hospital.
Fred: (fiercely) No!!! Charles! We... No... It wants that... To escape. Spread. (She looks up at Angel, desperate.) You can't let it... let us... It...It.. will... kill... (Suddenly, her look grows dark, and her eyes narrow, focusing intently on Angel.) Oh, it really doesn't like you.
(Angel registers the veiled threat. Fred, unable to stand it anymore, desperately begins to drink from the bottle again, her eyes rolling up into her head. Angel looks at her.)
Angel: (softly) Feeling's mutual.
Gunn: That's it. C'mon. (He gets Fred to her feet again.)
Angel: What are you doing?
Gunn: Getting her out of here.
Angel: After what she said...
Gunn: I don't give a damn what she said! For all I know, it's that thing inside her calling the shots. (He starts to lead her out. Angel gets in front of him.)
Angel: Gunn…
Gunn: Get outta my way, Angel.
Angel: Think about this. How's she gonna feel if taking her out of here causes more people to die?
Gunn: She? Or you?
Angel: Me? What's that supposed to…
Gunn: All this is happening 'cause of you. What you did. This is your fault. (Angel reacts, stunned) Messing with scary ass mojo no sane person should be messing with.
Angel: I did what I had to do…
Gunn: You do what you want to get what you want! The hell with the consequences…
Angel: My son…
Gunn: Is dead! Fred's not.
(Angel takes a step toward Gunn. Cordelia jumps in.)
Cordelia: Hey! We have to stick together.
Gunn: Yeah? (cooly) Where's it say that?
Groo: (os) Here! (The gang all turn to see him kneeling in the center of the room, his head cocked to the side, listening.) The sounds. They come from under.
(Angel throws a look at Gunn, then moves over to stand beside Groo. Cordelia takes Fred and follows. Gunn hesitates for a moment, then joins them. Groo raises the battle ax over his head and brings it down, hard, on the floor, splintering the wood. The noise grows louder. The others, including Gunn, help to pry up the floorboards, some using their swords. Then, when a big enough hole is made, they kneel on the floor and peer down into it. They see that there are thousands of slugs in the floor. All of them glowing. It looks like a giant indoor swimming pool.)
Cordelia: Oh my God! (she looks at Angel) We have a pool?!
(Slugs being to slither up out of the hole. Everyone backs away.)
Angel: Run.
(Cordelia grabs Fred and leads the retreat. Angel and Groo cover the rear.)
Cordelia: This way!
(She leads them through doors near the back.)

(Cordelia and Fred enter, followed by Lorne. They run through the kitchen and get to the swinging doors, with small windows, on the other side. She pushes through and finds a swarm of slugs coming right for her. She pulls Fred back into the kitchen.)
Cordelia: Lorne! Bolt the door!
(As he does a slug suddenly alights itself on the window, slapping against the glass. Then another. Angel comes through other door and shuts and bolts it.)
Cordelia: (to Angel) They're all over.
Fred: No more running. Too hot. Too hot.
(Angel looks at her. Then getting an idea, moves to the big, industrial stoves.)
Angel: Groo, lock the other doors! Lorne, turn on the ovens!
Lorne: We're gonna cook 'em?
(Angel starts switching on all the burners.)
Angel: We're gonna cook the air. Dry it out. (Lorne moves to the ovens, and turns up all the broilers.) Make it so uncomfortable for them, they won't want in…
(Suddenly Fred screams. They look at her, panicked, her eyes sweeping the room.)
Lorne: Now, that's what I call uncomfortable.
Fred: (wild eyed) Charles! Where's Charles?!
(Everyone looks around, then at each other. Uh oh.)

(Wesley’s Apartment)
(Gunn pounds on Wesley’s door. Wesley finally opens it. Gunn is defiant, yet he can barely meet Wesley’s eyes.)
Gunn: Need your help.
(Reverse to see Wesley, standing at the door, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. He's unshaven, hair tousled, and his look doesn't betray any emotion to seeing Gunn.)

(Hyperion – Kitchen)
(Fred is sitting on the floor, sucking down more water. She's taken on that withered, ashy look. Her lips are cracked, and her breathing (when she takes the time to breathe) has become wheezy. Cordelia is next to her, stroking her hair, and Lorne, on the other side of her, holding her hand, offering whatever comfort he can. Oh, and it's really hotin here, so people have loosened up their clothes accordingly. Groo walks past them and crosses over to Angel who stands guard at the swinging doors. A few more slugs are on the glass.)
Groo: Angel. There are too many to fight our way out.
Angel: I know. (He crosses to Fred, and grabs the water bottle out of her hand.)
Fred: (delirious) No! Water...(She springs to her feet, reaching for the bottle.)
(Angel pushes her back hard against the counter, rattling the pots hanging there, and grips her at the throat.)
Cordelia: Angel!
Lorne: Whoa! Easy!
Angel: (to Fred) I wanna talk to that thing inside of you. Now! I wanna know what you are.
Fred: We... We are... thirsty...
(She reaches for the bottle. He holds it away and shakes her.)
Angel: Work with me, Fred. Make it answer me. What do you want here?
Fred: To live... To live... To drink... (Suddenly she starts to laugh, raspily, creepily. Angel and the others stare at her.) And be merry. (She continues chuckling for a few beats, then just as suddenly sobers. Fear sinking in.) It hurts. Us. We have to get out.
(Then sounds are heard. Everyone reacts as pipes around them groan and shudder.)
Cordelia: Sounds more like they want in.
(She, Groo, and Lorne bring up their weapons and go into battle ready positions.)
Fred: Have to flee. It brings pain...(staring off) Such pain...
Lorne: "It?" What happened to "we?" What's with the pronoun switcheroo?
Angel: (to Fred) What are you fleeing from?
Fred: The bringer of torment... agony...death...(shudder) The Destroyer.
(The others share a wary look.)
Cordelia: Oh, that's a name you just don't want to hear.
Angel: (to Fred) Why is this "Destroyer" after you?
Fred: It's not... It's coming after you...(whisper) Aaaangel.
(Angel has a shocked look on his face.)

(Wesley’s Apartment) Gunn: Look, I don't have time to get into it with you. I don't even wanna be here. (Wesley just looks at him.) The hotel's infested with something. Some kinda... slug, jellyfish thing. We don't know what they are or how to kill them.
Wesley: (cooly, in a raspy whisper) Well, now, that is a problem.
(Wesley turns away from him and crosses to his desk to pick up a glass of water there. It's all to turn his back on Gunn and Gunn knows it.)
Gunn: These things... there's hundreds of 'em. They get inside you. And... and soak up all the moisture in your body. They drink you alive.
Wesley: (raspy whisper) Why come to me? I expect Angel'll find a way to kill them eventually.
Gunn: That's not what I'm looking for. I need to know how to get these slugs out of someone once they're infected. Force it out somehow...
Wesley: (uncaring) Sorry.
Gunn: (getting pissed) Don't give me that! If you saw what these things do...
Wesley: I wish I could help you.
Gunn: Wes…
Wesley: Sorry you wasted your time…
Gunn: It's Fred! (Wesley stops, stricken. Without another word, he crosses to a cabinet across the room. He opens it revealing his liquor storage, he takes out an almost full bottle of vodka.) What, we're gonna have a drink now? Did you hear what I said? She's dying!
(Wesley crosses to Gunn with the bottle.)
Wesley: I was dying. I knew it laying in that dirty field, life pouring out of my throat. Do you know why I fought to stay alive?
Gunn: Wes, I don't have time…
Wesley: I needed to live to see my friends again. To explain to the people I trusted... and loved... my side of what happened.
Gunn: We know what…
Wesley: (louder) You don't know anything. (He winces from the pain of raising his voice. Then thrusts the bottle at Gunn.) I'll help because it's Fred. But just so we understand each other... Don't ever come here again. None of you are welcome here.
(Gunn looks as Wesley, and then at the bottle in his hands.)

(Hyperion – Kitchen)
(All of the pipes are now groaning. Flames brush up against the pipes and the slugs inside squeal. We see the Groo, holding his axe up high, has a torn table cloth tied around its head set afire. Cordelia holds her sword, watching for any incoming slugs. Fred drinks ravenously from a bottle held by Angel. Her condition has deteriorated. Angel pulls the bottle away. Fred reaches for it desperately.)
Fred: No! We need more!
Angel: I need more. Tell me where you came from.
(Fred just looks down, shakes her head, murmuring incoherently. Angel purposefully turns the bottle over and lets the water pour out onto the floor. Fred’s head snaps up, she shrieks uncontrollably and lunges at Angel. Clawing at him, scratching his face.)
Angel: (shaking her) Fred!
(She suddenly goes weak and limp in his arms. And looks at him with steely eyes.)
Fred: You're gonna die so horribly. (A deep crack opens across her face. Her eyes change, and it’s not the slug inside her but Fred who speaks next.) Oh, God. Help me...
(Angel comes to a decision. He passes Fred to Lorne, then moves to the large metal sink. He grabs nearby dirty dishrags and starts plugging up the drains. Then turns both faucets on, full blast.)
Angel: Cordy, turn off the stoves. Groo, the ovens.
(Groo moves to do it, Cordelia hesitates.)
Cordelia: Angel, why…
Angel: Hurry. (Cordelia hurries to shut off the burners.) Cordy, you and the others get Fred to a hospital.
Cordelia: Didn't we talk about that? Infecting the world blah blah blah.
Angel: We don't have a choice. They can keep her hydrated there, hopefully long enough to surgically get that thing out of her.
Groo: We are surrounded. How are we to get past?
Angel: I'll keep 'em occupied. Slow 'em down as long as I can.
Cordelia: How do you expect to do that?
Angel: By giving 'em what they want. (They look and see the water spilling over the rim of the sink, hitting the floor, puddling near his feet. He picks up his sword.) Groo. Damsel in distress. You know the drill.
(Groo nods, then goes to Fred and lifts her over his shoulder. She drops the bottle and begins to flail weakly, murmuring incoherently. Angel crosses to the side door, the one connected to the ballroom, and unbolts it.)
Cordelia: Angel…
Angel: Go. Save Fred. (off her hesitation) Please. (Cordelia reluctantly turns and joins the others at the door. Lorne unbolts it.) Now!
(He kicks the door open and a swarm of slugs slither in, immediately finding the water. The others push their way out the other entrance. Cordelia turns to see Angel battling the slugs as they attack him. Groo turns back to see Cordelia, at the door looking at Angel. She brings up her sword and runs back into the kitchen. Groo reacts with heartbreak, then turns and continues. Cordelia arrives at Angel's side, fighting by his side.)
Angel: Cordelia! I told you to get out of here!
Cordelia: Make me.

(Lorne, and Groo with Fred walk in, but as they reach the front steps they hear…)
Gunn: (os) Put my girl down.
(Groo and Lorne turn to see Gunn coming down the stairs to the back entrance rushing over to them holding a paper bag.)
Lorne: Gunn! Where did..
Gunn: News updates later. Just lay her down.
(Groo gently puts Fred down on the steps. She's kinda out of it and her breathing's labored.)
Groo: She requires a healer.
Gunn: No. She requires this. (He produces the bottle of vodka from the bag.) Hold her arms. (off their hesitation) Do it!
(Groo and Lorne comply. And Gunn puts the bottle to Fred's lips. She comes out of her stupor and beings to drinks ravenously, at first. Then, her face registers pain, and she tries to turn away, coughing and choking.)
Gunn: C'mon, baby. Drink. (He continues to pour it down her throat.)

(Angel and Cordelia are valiantly fighting off the slug horde, side by side. Slugs are now everywhere. Cordelia notices two slugs on a cabinet near Angel about to lunge. Angel doesn't notice.)
Cordelia: Two incoming. Four o'clock.
(Angel spins as the two slugs pounce. His sword catches both in mid-air, slicing each down the middle. Cordelia smiles. She fails to see a slug near her head. It leaps at her and her hand snaps out and catches it in mid-air. Angel sees this and is as stunned as Cordelia is herself.)

(Fred is still being force fed the vodka. Suddenly, she seems to convulse, as it she's going to throw up. Gunn pulls the bottle away and the others back up. Fred leans over and the slug slithers out of her mouth. It's smaller and now a cloudy shade of gray. It falls to the floor and weakly tries to slither away. Groo takes Lorne’s sword and jabs it down into the slug which squeals but continues to try and free itself.)

(Cordelia is still holding on to the slug with one hand. Her hand suddenly begins to glow white. Cordelia stares incredulously, and open-mouthed, as the glow intensifies and begins to move up her arm and into her head.)
Cordelia: Angel...? What's... stops fighting long enough to witness a bright white light suddenly bursting forth from Cordelia’s mouth and eyes. It hits the fighting slug in her hand causing it to screech in pain, then explode. Everything gets very still. Cordelia takes short, gasping breaths, then looks at Angel.)...Me?
(Suddenly a blinding light emanates from her whole body - her head, her finger-tips, etc. - and fills the room. Angel puts his arm up to shield his eyes. The slugs squeal in pain and explode.)

(The slug in the lobby explodes as well because the blinding light as filled this room too. Everyone is shielding their eyes.)

(Outside Hyperion)
(The hotel is completely lit up with this bright light. Then just as quickly the light is gone.)

(Gunn, Fred, Groo, and Lorne all lower their arms from their eyes. They all stand there stunned for a moment.)
Lorne: Okay, unless anyone else has something, let me be the first to say WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?
Angel: (os) Cordelia. (He and Cordelia enter the Lobby. He gives Cordelia a warm look.) That... was Cordelia.
(Groo looks just a little sad.)
Groo: You are truly a goddess.
(Cordelia grins.)
Cordelia: (an aside to Angel) Well, demonness, anyway. Sure beats horns and a tail.
Lorne: (offended) Hey. I'm standing right here.
(Angel crosses over to Gunn, with Fred who seems to be resting comfortably, her eyes closed.)
Angel: She okay?
Gunn: Yeah. I, uh... got this idea...(holds up the bottle) Alcohol. Dehydrates the body. Gets the slug out. (Angel studies him a moment, making Gunn uncomfortable.) Okay, so I took off when those things started coming outta the floor. I mean, it's not like I was running out on you. I was...(then) Look, somebody I care about was dying and I just couldn't sit around and debate strategy. I saw an opportunity to... to... get some kinda help...(Angel just stands there, listening, and Gunn gets a little riled.) Hey, I did what I had to do. And if you don't get that…(He stops, recognizing the phrase.)
(Angel just smiles at him, warmly, not smugly.)
Angel: I think I get it.
(Gunn looks at him.)
Gunn: Yeah. Guess you do.
Angel: So... We good?
(Gunn nods.)
Lorne: Good? We're not good. Everybody forgetting a little unexpected company on the way. Goes by the initials of "The Destroyer?"
(Fred suddenly jerks up with a start.)
Fred: The Destroyer! I remember... The Destroyer's coming...
Cordelia: Right. We got that. Any idea when?
Fred: (thinking) Um... I think... (Suddenly, there's a huge electrical charge in the middle of the lobby, accompanied by a loud clap of thunder.) Now.
(A dimensional tear opens up and a huge monster emerges from it. Groo pushes Cordelia back, and raises his axe. Everyone else instinctively steps back, except for Angel, who stands his ground. The monster faces Angel, rears up, roars and then...something else emerges from the tear, somersaulting once, twice. At which time a glistening blade swipes at the monster, cleaving its head and torso in two, and a third time, and lands on its feet as the monster falls dead. We pan up from the feet of this something else and we see that it’s a teenage boy, about 16 or so, adorned with jewelry made from the teeth, bones and other trophies of the many unfortunate demons and creatures he's butchered. Strapped to one forearm is a curved, serrated blade. And in his other hand, an exotic and lethal looking, handheld weapon from which protrude a half-dozen sharpened stakes. The boy raises up his weapon, aims it directly at Angel's heart.)
Connor: Hi. Dad.
(Angel stands exactly where he was in Cordelia’s vision, looking astonished.)

(Black Out)

Season Three Guide