
(seaQuest DSV - Sea Deck)
Bridger: Twenty-two hours, Commander. How does it feel?
Ford: (in DSL) Like I’m breathing through an old pair of socks. My air’s getting pretty foul, Captain. How deep am I?
Bridger: We’ve got you at thirty four thousand two hundred seventeen feet. You’re on the last level now. You’re almost home. What’s it look like down there?
Ford: (in DSL) Looks like lonely. I’m starting to feel kinda weird, Captain.
Bridger: (to Westphalen) How’s he doing?
Westphalen: Pulse two ten, blood oxygen forty three percent of normal, CO2 is on the rise. He could be feeling a little drunk.
Bridger: Doc says you’re doing fine. Enjoy yourself, go for a walk.
Ford: (in DSL) It’s a desert down here, Nathan.
Bridger: Take a camel.
Ford: (in DSL) Funny stuff, Bridger. It’s starting to get a little creepy down here.
Bridger: Settle down. First stage is almost over.
Ford: (in DSL) You settle down, pal. I want outta here.
Bridger: (to Westphalen) Captain to Nathan, Bridger to pal? What's next, insulting my parentage?
Westphalen: It's the CO2 building up. He's probably starting to feel a little wiggy.
Bridger: Not him. This guy could do a crossword puzzle in a plane crash. He’s got the toughest psych profile on the boat.
Ford: (in DSL) (sees a woman swimming around under the ocean.) Oh my God!
Bridger: What is it? Commander, what is it?
Ford: (in DSL) This sucks. I’m gone.
Bridger: (to Westphalen) Override his DSL surfacing system.
Ford: (in DSL) No way, Captain. I’m driving.
Bridger: Ford, you come up that fast and your head'll come apart like a pizza in a windstorm.
Westphalen: I’ve got him. OK, Commander, breathe deep and slow.
Ford: (in DSL) OK, I’m better. I can make it, Captain. Sorry.
Bridger: Just remind me not to invite you to the office Christmas party, you're a lousy drunk. Take it slow now, he still has a little gas in his head. Halfway home, Commander, we’ve got you at twenty-one thousand feet.

(Sea Deck – The Next Day)
Bridger: Easy, Commander. Slow down.
Ford: (in DSL) Come on, Captain. This is great. I’m fine.
Westphalen: Amazing what a good night's sleep'll do, isn't it?
Bridger: I wouldn't know. All right, Commander, standardized tests now. Recess is over.
Ford: (in DSL) You know, Captain, this thing is great. We oughtta get a couple dozen of them and start an underwater football league.
Bridger: There he goes again. Every time he gets close to the twenty hour barrier he turns into Mr. Potato Head.
Ford: (in DSL) How deep am I, Captain?
Bridger: Deep enough. You’re coming up.
Ford: (in DSL) Aw, come on, Captain. I wanna try a handstand in this thing.
Bridger: That’s it. Prepare for ascent.
Ford: (in DSL, singing) Sounds of the rude world heard in the day. Lulled by the moonlight have all passed away. Shoo be dop ba. Thank you.
Bridger: (to Westphalen) Bring him up before he decides to play Vegas. (to Ford) We’re bringing you home. Relax, enjoy the ride.
Ford: (in DSL) No problemo.
Bridger: How you doing, Commander? Everything OK?
(In the DSL, Ford once again sees the woman swimming around.)
Westphalen: Commander? Commander?
Bridger: Are you there?
Westphalen: Commander Ford?
(The woman touches Ford’s helmet before swimming off.)
Bridger: Commander? Ford, what’s wrong?
Westphalen: Commander Ford, are you all right?
Ford: (to Westphalen) What the hell’s going on with this guy? Monitor these stats. I’m bringing him up at speed.
Ford: (in DSL) Help me, Captain.

(Lucas’s Room)
Lucas: No. No. I can’t.
Biff Pickering: (on screen) Why not?
Lucas: Because.
Biff: (on screen) How old are you, two?
Lucas: Where is it?
Biff: (on screen) Sanger Institute. The janitor gave me the keys. He owes me.
Lucas: For what?
Biff: (on screen) IRS wanted some dough, so I hacked in, tapped his file, and now he’s getting a refund.
Lucas: Oh, so you guys are felons?
Biff: (on screen) Give him a break, he’s a working stiff. Look, I told my old man I’m staying on seaQuest this weekend. You tell Bridger that you’re staying at my place, that we’re studying up for some grad school courses.
Lucas: Biff, that would be lying, and I always tell Captain Bridger the truth.
Biff: (on screen) Why?
Lucas: Because it’s the easiest thing to remember.
Biff: (on screen) Truth is a flexible perception based on need, Lucas. Julianna’s gonna be there, and Roberta told me that Julianna wants to go all the way with you. So don’t wimp out. OK?
Lucas: I can’t lie.
Biff: (on screen) So it’s a conference … on the social phenomenon of post-adolescence.
Lucas: Julianna’s gonna be there?

(Sea Deck)
Bridger: A mermaid?
Ford: Yes, sir. It was a her, sir.
Bridger: It couldn’t be a mermaid, Jonathan, they don’t make them.
Ford: It was a woman, sir. She was swimming unassisted at a depth of over thirty thousand feet. Now she didn’t have a tail or anything like that, but what would you call her?
Bridger: An hallucination. Why didn’t you report it, her, the first time?
Ford: I don’t know. I was scared, I guess. This was a human being and she was down there just swimming around, breathing the water in and out like a, OK, OK, like an hallucination, but, Captain, I saw her. She was real. She even smiled at me.
Bridger: Did you get her phone number?
Westphalen: Jonathan, we’ve never exposed anybody to this level of depth stress.
Ford: I know what I saw, Doctor.
Bridger: And that’s what you want on your report.
Ford: It’s fact, sir.
Bridger: All right, Commander. It’s your report, thank you.
Westphalen: Don’t you think you were a little hard on him?
Bridger: He’s a career officer. That’s why we gave him the test.
Westphalen: So you don’t think it’s possible?
Bridger: Kristin, a mermaid?
Westphalen: Perhaps someone’s moved ahead of our known technology. I mean Darwin, his speech. That’s a breakthrough.
Bridger: He's a dolphin whose sounds are translated through a computer. If he sits down to a piano and starts playing, that'll be a breakthrough.

Bridger: (walks over) What are you looking for?
Ford: What do you think, sir?
Bridger: I think you need some time off, that’s what I think.
Ford: I know what I saw.
Bridger: I’m going to pull you off of these DSL tests, replace you with Hitchcock.
Ford: I’ve never been taken off a project in my life, sir.
Bridger: It happens to everyone. I think you need some shore leave, (takes out beeper) and I want you to take this with you. If you need anything … anybody, you just push this, and we’ll be there. I don’t want to see you for … seventy-two hours.
Ford: What am I gonna do up there?
Bridger: I don’t know. You’ll drink a few beers, look at some pretty girls, sleep in. Give it a try, it’s not so bad. OK?

Lucas: (to himself) The social phenomenon of post-adolescence … the Sanger Institute this weekend … the social phenomenon of … post-adolescence. (runs into Bridger)
Bridger: You’re up kind of late.
Lucas: Yeah, I was up on the computer taking some grad school courses, uh, talking about taking some grad school courses with Biff Pickering.
Bridger: How is the Biffer?
Lucas: Still biffing. How’s it going with the DSL tests?
Bridger: Still classified.
Lucas: All the good stuff is.
Bridger: I’ll let you know as soon as I get clearance.
Lucas: No, it’s OK, I mean, big deal, right?
Bridger: Yeah, it is a big deal. Sorry, you’re just not in the loop.
Lucas: Captain, there is a conference at the Sanger Institute this weekend. I know a lot of the guys that are going.
Bridger: Uh huh.
Lucas: I’d really like to attend.
Bridger: What’s it on?
Lucas: Well, um, the, the social phenomenon of post-adolescence.
Bridger: Post-adolescence? I didn’t know you were interested. Yeah, sounds great. Leave me a number where you can be reached.
Lucas: Uh, well, could I take the Stinger? I, I know how to drive it.
Bridger: OK, just be careful. Good night. (enters room)
Lucas: Good night.

(Krieg’s Room)
(Krieg is wearing a headset, and watching different girls in bikini’s. Lucas walks in and Krieg quickly takes off the headset.)
Krieg: Hey, you don’t knock?
Lucas: Relax, Ben, I’ve seen it.
Krieg: Seen what?
Lucas: (looks into the headset) “Beach Girls of Barcelona.” You hide this in your closet in your cowboy boots.
Krieg: What’s a guy gotta do to get some privacy on this boat?
Lucas: Hide stuff like that in your sock drawer. Can I borrow some cologne? If you’ve got any.
Krieg: What are you doing, running experiments on Darwin’s olefactory responses?
Lucas: I’m going to a conference at the Sanger Institute.
Krieg: Wearing cologne? What kind of conference?
Lucas: It’s just a conference. Why the third degree? Can’t a guy just go to a conference on postadolescent phenomenon without getting interrogated about it? What, do you think this is going to be an orgy or something? Jeez.
Krieg: Is that girlfriend of yours going to be there?
Lucas: I don’t have a girlfriend, Krieg. And if Julianna just happens to be there, well, then it would just be a coincidence, because nobody’s planning anything.
Krieg: Oh. (crosses room, tosses bottle to Lucas) You be careful with that stuff. Last time I used it I almost had to get married again. So, uh, is it really a conference?
Lucas: OK, it’s a party. The janitor gave a friend of mine the keys.
Krieg: Oh, Lucas, this doesn’t sound like a good idea.
Lucas: Ben, I’m already in. If, if I don’t go I’ll look like a wimp. … And Julianna’s gonna be there.
Krieg: Oh, well, is there anything else you wanna borrow?
Lucas: Oh, uh, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, if you got any, sure. I’d appreciate it.
Krieg: You’re not planning on doing anything stupid, are you?
Lucas: No, but in case I do something stupid, I wanna be prepared to do something stupid. Although I don’t think I’m ready.
Krieg: Neither do I. And you have plenty of time to be stupid.
Lucas: Yeah, but in case stupid wins, I better be ready.
Krieg: How old are you?
Lucas: Almost seventeen.
Krieg: (gets out packet) You know how to use one of these?
Lucas: I’m not that stupid. Thanks. (turns to leave)
Krieg: Hey, take it slow, OK? Growing up isn’t a race.
Lucas: That’s easy for you to say. You’ve already been stupid. (leaves)

(Sanger Institute)
Biff: There she is, and she wants you. I can tell.
Lucas: Come on, Biff, she’s not even looking at me.
Biff: You’ve got to go on instinct with these things. Hey, women are something I’m good at.
Lucas: She’s a girl, Biff. Not a hard drive.
Biff: Trust me.
(Lucas goes toward Julianna, sees guy give Julianna drink and sees Julianna kiss the guy on the cheek. He walks back to Biff.)
Lucas: Who’s that?
Biff: (shrugs) But he’s taller than you are.
Lucas: Yeah, thanks.

(Abalon’s Lair)
Kaman: We looked everywhere for her, Father. I’m sorry.
Abalon: Mika’s gone up top.
Kaman: But why?
Abalon: She wanted to see it. There’s nothing to see. I can’t let what’s happening up there happen down here. This is the new world. It’s alive, living; what’s left up there is dying. Find her, please.
Kaman: What if she won’t come home?
Abalon: Mika’s life is down here, with us, Kaman. Or, she can choose to have no life at all.

(Sanger Institute)
Julianna: You don’t own me, Lucas.
Lucas: There’s a concept that went out with flair pens.
Julianna: You don’t.
Lucas: Who said I did?
Julianna: You did.
Lucas: No, no, I just asked who that goon was with the perfect hair.
Julianna: He’s not a goon.
Lucas: OK, OK, a geek.
Biff: (comes over) Hey, what do you guys think of the party? (looks at Lucas and Julianna’s faces) That bad, huh? (walks off)
Julianna: And you have the perfect hair.
Lucas: No, I don’t. You were all over him.
Julianna: I kissed him on the cheek.
Lucas: Well, what’s next?
Julianna: (kisses Lucas) He’s my older brother, Lucas. And it was the only way my parents would let me come here this weekend. And I wanted to be with you.
Lucas: Oh.
Julianna: So you don’t have to be jealous.
Lucas: I wasn’t jealous.
Julianna: Sure.
Lucas: I was, uh, I was disappointed.
Julianna: You won’t be, I promise. (they kiss)

(A Bar)
Ford: Give me another.
Bartender: Another lime and soda?
Ford: Yeah, but this time in a taller glass.
Bartender: Tough week, huh?
Ford: You don’t wanna hear about it. You guys got a ballet company in town?
Bartender: Oh, sure, next to the opera house. This is a beach town, pal, we got surfer girls and sunblock.
Ford: What the hell, make it a beer. (Mika enters, bartender returns with beer) You know her?
Bartender: No, but you’re a sailor on leave, right? Take her to the ballet.
Ford: (walks over to Mika) Hi. (no response) Hello.
Mika: Hello.
Ford: You have no idea how happy I am to see you. I mean, for a while there I thought I was going nuts.
Mika: I don’t understand.
Ford: The guys on the ship did, too. But I’m glad you’re you, you’re real, you’re not a hallucination. You don’t remember me.
Mika: No.
Ford: We met.
Mika: I don’t know you.
Ford: I mean, it was underwater at thirty thousand feet, but that was me down there. How did you do that?
Mika: I can’t, um, you don’t understand. This is just wrong. I have to go. (runs out)
Ford: Wait, I was —
Bartender: (whistles) That’s a hell of a technique.
Ford: (runs out of bar and down beach after Mika) Would you wait a second, I just wanna talk to you. Wait! Come on, please! (two men come out of sea and grab Mika) Hey, leave her alone. (pulls out beeper)
Mika: (struggling with two men) No!
Ford: Let her go.
(Mika runs off as Ford fights with men, loses, and is carried into the ocean.)

(seaQuest DSV – Bridge)
O’Neill: I’m picking up an emergency signal from Ford, sir, but I can’t make voice contact.
Bridger: Get me a location.
O’Neill: Aye.
Bridger: All right, prepare the launch. Let’s go.
Shan: Yes, sir.
Crocker: Vector us in, Lieutenant.

(The Beach)
(Bridger picks up the beeper and a shoe, looks inside shoe.)
Bridger: That’s Ford.
Crocker: You sure it’s his, Cap?
Bridger: Who else would put the date in when they started to wear them? Why don’t you two start a search down current and I’ll stay here.
Crocker: Aye, Cap. (walks off with Shan)
(Bridger looks out to the ocean and for a second sees Mika swimming. He takes of his glasses and she disappears under the water. A minute later he sees her walking out of the ocean. She walks right up to him.)
Bridger: Where did you come from?
Mika: I live in the sea.
Bridger: It’s true.
Mika: Yes, it is.
Bridger: The man you saw, the man you saw in the ocean — he’s my friend. Will you help us find him? Will you help us?
Mika: (scared) But he’ll make me stay there.
Bridger: No, I don’t think so. I don’t think so.

(Abalon’s Lair)
Abalon: Metropolis, Fritz Lang’s wonderful film about the future. You know it.
Ford: Afraid I musta missed that one.
Abalon: Unfortunate, the man was a visionary. I’m sorry you found us.
Ford: I think you’ve got that backwards. You found me.
Abalon: But you found Mika. (nods to Kaman and Shapra, who leave through pool)
Ford: Do they balance beach balls on their noses too?
Abalon: The new breed of men. They’ve spent their lives in paradise while you charge about the oceans of the world in your wonderful boat trying to keep the peace and feed the starving. That’s not the way it was meant to be, Commander Ford.
Ford: How do you know who I am?
Abalon: This is my world, I know everything. Water is so much more than you people think it is, Jonathan. It’s the natural conductor of life, information, and energy. Coursing through its currents are all the memories and futures of man. His poetry, his honor, and his loss. It is the life blood of this planet, just like the blood in your body, it knows everything about its own.
Ford: Who are you?
Abalon: My children call me Abalon. When I lived above I was known as Franklin Wise.
Ford: Doctor Franklin Wise?
Abalon: The same.
Ford: I’ve studied your work.
Abalon: Well, I’m not surprised.
Ford: You were trying to develop a way to breathe underwater. You had some success with rats, as I remember.
Abalon: And people.
Ford: Well two of them died from the experiments, there may have been more.
Abalon: And how many dead astronauts circle the globe?
Ford: You tell me. You died in 1953.
Abalon: My work was outlawed. I had no choice.
Ford: What are you going to do with me?
Abalon: You can leave if you like.
Ford: (looks around) How?
Abalon: Well, we could turn you into a fish.

(Sanger Institute – Hospital Room)
Julianna: Is something the matter?
Lucas: No, nothing.
Julianna: Don’t you like it in here?
Lucas: I kinda feel like I’m getting a tooth pulled.
Julianna: Is this the first time?
Lucas: Oh no, no. I had a bicuspid yanked out when I got braces.
Julianna: No, I meant, ... you know, ... this?
Lucas: Is it yours? (Julianna nods) Me too. No offense, I really like you, I’m a little nervous.
Julianna: Roberta says, you’re supposed to be nervous, that’s part of it. Nervous and scared, that’s why it’s so special.
Lucas: Oh. (they kiss) I think we just need to relax.
Julianna: Yeah. (they lay down on the bed)

(Back At The Party)
Policeman #1: OK, who’s the host? Who’s in charge here?
Biff: Is there a problem here, officer?
Policeman #1: Yeah.
Biff: Doctor Biff Pickering, how can I be of help?
Policeman #1: A doctor? Of what, pimples?
Biff: I’m conducting research on the phenomenon of post-adolescence.
Policeman #1: We’re conducting research on breaking and entering and disturbing the peace, Doc. You got a dad?
Biff: (ashamed) Yeah.
Policeman #1: How ‘bout we call him?
Policeman #2: That’s it, party’s over.
