Season Four

(Synopsis Taken from

Deep Down
With Angel and Cordy missing for three months, Fred and Gunn are frustrated at the lack of clues regarding their friends' disappearance, especially after Connor is forced to kill the only eyewitness to Angel. Of course, actually Connor knows all about where Angel is and disposes of the vampire witness to cover his tracks. Meanwhile, Wes has captured Justine and while maintaining a sexual relationship with Lilah, is searching for Angel's sunken box. He eventually finds Angel, whose brain may be damaged from lack of blood. Giving up his own blood and letting Justine go, Wes tells Fred and Gunn about Connor's betrayal. They capture him and he escapes to confront Angel, who tells him he loves him but he has to get out. Meanwhile, Lilah arranges to get ahead in the ranks of Wolfram & Hart and Cordy is bored.

Ground State
When Wesley advises Angel to visit Dinza, a dark "goddess of the lost" who has valuable information on how to find Cordelia, he learns that a certain mystical antiquity called the axis can locate souls across dimensions. Angel, Fred and Gunn break into an auction house to retrieve the object only to discover that an electrifying cat burglar has the same intentions.

The House Always Wins
Angel, Fred and Gunn take a road trip to Las Vegas to enlist Lorne's help in finding Cordelia, but get caught up in a supernatural—and literal—"futures" trading scheme. A ruthless casino owner holds Lorne hostage, exploiting the popular entertainer's psychic abilities to steal unsuspecting patrons' destinies.

Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Cordelia returns, but since she has no memory of who she is or that Angel is a vampire, everyone tries to keep their demon-hunting business a secret. After rescuing Cordelia from a demon, Connor takes on the role of her protector and Lorne reads Cordelia's future to help restore her memory but sees an approaching apocalypse involving Angel.

Fred pays a visit to her old professor, and discovers that he was responsible for her being sucked into Pylea. Meanwhile Angel visits a comic book store to try and find out about some of Fred's missing classmates, and discovers that he is very popular in online chatrooms.

Spin The Bottle
When Lorne performs a spell on Cordelia to restore her memory, it inadvertently causes the gang to revert back to their high school personas and leaves them with no memories of each other. Eventually, they discover that the only way to reverse the spell is to kill a vampire, just as Angel realizes that he is one.

Rain of Fire
When Cordelia's apocalyptic nightmares become a reality, Angel, Wesley, Gunn, and Lorne find themselves powerless against The Beast who has risen from the center of the Earth, bringing earthquakes and a rain of fire to Los Angeles. Bloodied and beaten, Angel and his friends realize that they may not be able to stop the impending doom.

Habeas Corpses
When Angel realizes that there may be some connection between Connor and the Beast, he learns that Connor is trapped within Wolfram & Hart where the building is under lock-down and the Beast is on a brutal killing spree. Angel, Wesley, Gunn and Fred break into the building, only to be encountered by zombies of dead lawyers. After finding Connor, the gang try to escape in an elevator. They are taken to the very top floor, 'The White Room'. They see The Beast standing in front of the little girl in the red dress, she tells the gang that 'the answer is among them'. The Beast destroys her and the gang are magically transported to the hotel. After arriving back, Angel angrily reveals to Cordelia that he knows about her and Connor.

Long Day's Journey
The Beast is searching for 5 mystical Totems, he has slaughtered 3 of them, plus the little girl in Wolfram & Hart. The last Totem is a guy named Manny, he seeks help from Gwen Raiden and Angel Investigations. He hides out in Gwen's panic room, guarded by Angel and Cordelia. When Angel and Cordelia are mysteriously drugged, Manny meets a nasty fate at the hands of The Beast, this causes the sun to disappear from Los Angeles. After trying to learn more about The Beast's connection, the gang accuse Connor. It is only when Cordelia has a vision, that she discovers who the culprit really is...Angelus.

Cordelia reveals that The Beast and Angelus used to be a team. She had a vision which let her sample the past of Angel's alter-ego. Wesley arrives at the hotel, he brings a Shaman with him named Wo-Pang. He has the ability to extract and replace souls. After much discussion, the gang decide that the only way to find information on The Beast is to ask his 'partner in crime'. Wo-Pang sedates Angel and inserts a simulation into his mind where everyone is happy and The Beast is dead, Angel and Cordelia make love and Angel wakes up in reality, minus one soul.

With Angel's soul locked away in a safe, the gang begin interrogation. Angelus has the gang arguing after he reveals the truth behind their recent actions. Cordelia makes a deal with Angelus, providing he can give the gang the information they need. He agrees and tells them that in 1789, The Beast needed his help while trying to kill a group of Nordic Svea Priestesses. Angelus declined to help and the Svears successfully banished The Beast fom Earth. Angelus reveals the Svears' current location, but when the gang find them, they are dead. The gang decide that they have enough information from Angelus and prepare to restore his soul, but there is just one problem.... the safe is empty.

The gang rush to confront Wo-Pang about the missing soul, but he doesn't have it. When they arrive home they find Lilah on the cameras, talking to Angelus about 'taking care of The Beast'. They follow her and discover the information that Wolfram & Hart stole from Lorne's head. Angelus continues to reveal embarrasing secrets, while Wesley and Connor retrieve the head of a soul eater. The gang perform a spell, using the head and the info from Lilah, and Angel returns. Cordelia opens Angel's cage a little too eagerly, but Angelus comes out and throws her against the bars. He goes upstairs and almost attacks Fred, who is upset after hearing about Wesley and Lilah, and breaking up with Gunn. He finds Lilah and chases her, she defends herself once, but he overpowers her...

Lorne performs a sanctuary spell for the hotel, while Wesley discovers Lilah's corpse. Her spirit haunts him until he decapitates her fully, keeping his anger well hidden. He then pays Faith a visit and tells her about everything, she smashes her security glass and escapes with Wesley. Angelus and the Beast hear about Faith's arrival and lure her and Wesley to a place where they can meet. Angelus orders some vampires to keep Wesley busy, while he and The Beast take on Faith. Just as The Beast is about to kill Faith, Angelus stabs him and sunlight returns to Los Angeles. It is secretly revealed that Cordelia was controlling The Beast, she allowed him to kill the last remaining totem, and she stole Angelus' soul. As the sun sets, Cordelia confronts Connor and tells him that she is carrying his child, and that in order to protect their 'family', he needs to kill his Father. He agrees with her and promises to do it. She grabs him and they proceed to have more sex.

Wesley takes Faith to his appartment, where she has a shower and cleans herself up. Wesley is eager for revenge and tries to make Faith angry by calling her a 'rabid dog', but she doesn't enjoy the violence as much as she used to. Other demons and vampires are not happy about the sun returning to Los Angeles, so Angelus has become very unpopular. Faith and Wesley visit a bar where Angelus was last seen, they question a girl about his current location. When she refuses to talk, Wesley stabs her in the shoulder. This makes Faith surprisingly upset. When the girl finally talks, they discover that Angelus has taken The Beast's place. He now works for Cordelia, who insists to Connor that their child is kept a secret. Angelus enters the hotel looking for a book. He is immune to Lorne's spell, because of an amulet that he is holding. Lorne recognises the amulet to be fake and tells Wesley about a shop that sells them. Wesley and Faith go to the shop, where they see Angelus. He plays with Faith's emotions, he says that she will always be a killer, she could never change. After a very long battle, Faith says "I'm not like you". Angelus gets the upper hand, leans towards her neck and says "soon you will be".

Angelus is feeding on Faith when suddenly he faints. Faith had earlier injected a drug into her blood, making it very lethal. Faith is very near death. She is brought back to the hotel along with a now captured Angelus, who is locked in his cage. Faith is in a coma state, and Angelus is unconscious. The gang are watching over Faith, while keeping an eye on Angelus. We are taken into Angelus' mind, where he and Faith are watching Angel perform good deeds. Willow arrives at the hotel, ready to restore Angel's soul. She performs a spell which requires concentration, Cordelia is countering the spell from her room, but Willow overpowers her and the soul is set free. Everyone is still clueless about Cordelia, including Willow. After being released, Angel is now able to commune with Faith and Angelus in the dream. He and Faith take on Angelus together, but Faith gets badly beaten. She is close to giving up, when Angel gives her some pep talk. As we are taken back to reality, we can see Faith shaking and crying in her coma. Suddenly, she gets up and walks down to the basement of the hotel. She stops Connor from staking a sleeping Angelus, right before the spell registers. Angel wakes up, dazed and confused. Willow tells Faith and the gang about the recent events in Sunnydale, then she leaves, taking Faith with her.

After discovering that Cordelia is pregnant, the gang research what type of demon the offspring could be. Meanwhile, Gunn helps Gwen rescue a girl named Lisa from a posh house party, but realises that he has been tricked when L.I.S.A. turns out to be Gwen's latest stolen item.

Inside Out
Desperate to find out why Cordelia has turned to the dark side, Angel goes to demon Skip for answers. Forcing the truth out of him, Angel learns that all that's transpired; Connor's birth, Cordelia's ascension to the higher plane, Angel turning into Angelus and Cordelia's pregnancy, were all a part of a higher being's plan to create something even more powerful than itself. Meanwhile, Cordelia and Connor go into hiding in order to protect their unborn child. After Cordelia feeds Connor a few lies, he is forced to make a decision, which leads him to a confrontation with his dead mother.

Shiney Happy People
Cordelia lies unconcious while her offspring stands next to her. Angel and the gang are suddenly clueless and think that the woman has just arrived, assuming she is in trouble. She tells them that she needs help destroying the extra demons that have been surfacing since the darkness came. She tells the gang that if they want Cordelia to wake up, they will need to help her. They follow her around town, where everyone appears to be kneeling before her and praising her. One man named John calls her Jasmine, saying she isn't as good as she claims and attacks her. Angel viciously intervenes and beats him within an inch of his life. A week later, Fred visits John in Psychiatric hospital. He tells her that it is Angel's mission to destroy the being. Fred rushes back to the hotel, which is full of people worshipping Jasmine. She tells Wesley about John's suspicions, but he and the rest of the gang have been brainwashed by Jasmine. As Fred leaves, Wesley tells Angel and Jasmine what she said. They prepare to eliminate her, as she is now a threat.

The Magic Bullet
Fred is now hiding out at a motel. She visits a man at a bookstore about the current hypnosis in Los Angeles, but he has also been affected. Meanwhile, everyone is looking for Fred. Jasmine knows that she is at the motel, so Fred retreats to a small cave with a demon. Back at the hotel, there is a large crowd. Lorne sets up an open-mic stage where Angel and Connor sing 'Mandy' for Jasmine. The demon in Fred's cave attacks her, so Fred kills it with a hatchet. She returns to the bookstore where she is challenged by some of Jasmine's followers. They are ready to kill her as she knows too much.

At this point Angel, Wesley, Lorne, and Gunn have joined Fred in the fight against whatever Jasmine is. Connor goes looking for Cordelia only have Jasmine tell him that Cordelia is right where she wants her to be. Our gang ends up in the sewers fighting with some street kids who are refugees from whatever is happening in LA. Wesley gets seperated from the group and ends up face to face with a new monster. Apparently this monster is a worshipper of Jasmine and has been for ages. Wesley discovers that Jasmine has as secret name that holds power over her.

Peace Out
While Lorne, Wesley, Fred and Gunn are being held captive in the hotel basement, Angel finds himself in Jasmine's previous dimension. There he encounters a High Priest and a giant demon, who can reveal Jasmine for who she really is. However, Angel must kill the priest and behead the demon in order to bring the head back to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Jasmine is preparing for a giant broadcast to the world, where she will declare peace. She refuses to tell Connor where Cordelia is and orders him to guard Angel's crew. Instead, he sneaks off to a nearby church and finds Cordelia lying unconcious. When Angel arrives back in Los Angeles, he brings out the head and Jasmine becomes her true self. Most of her followers and Angel try to kill her, but it is Connor who finally ends her existence, allowing a lot of pain to be released back into the world. The Senior Partners of Wolfram and Hart like what they see and send Lilah to plan a meeting with Angel Investigations.

Angel Investigations are made an offer they can't refuse, when a newly opened Wolfram and Hart give them the opportunity to work there, allowing them access to every secret file and rewarding Angel with a file on the Sunnydale apocalypse. Meanwhile, Connor realises he has no future with a loving family and goes on an insane rampage, taking hostage families from a nearby mall. When Angel discovers what's going on, he is offered a chance to give Connor what he desires, even if it means giving him up.

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