Brothers and Sisters (cont.)

(Mess Hall)
Krieg: (picks up brass shell) Have either of you boys ever heard of the shell game? No, well it's really quite simple, all you really gotta do is just keep your eye (puts down shell, picks it up again) on the ball. (puts down shell again) Ready, simple, follow me. (shuffles shells, Matthew and Brawley point to middle shell, Krieg picks it up, reveals ball) That's right, very good, beginner's luck, except now is where we move into the danger zone. (shuffles shells, Matthew and Brawley pick up middle shell, revealing ball) You guys worked in Vegas, didn't you?

Hitchcock: (operating H.R. Probe) There it is.
Bridger: This is the most treacherous part of the trench.
Hitchcock: (operating H.R. Probe) Earlier landslides must have buried the evidence, that's why WSKRS had problems finding anything.
Bridger: Can we get in there?
Hitchcock: (operating H.R. Probe) I … I'm fighting the currents, it may take some time.
Bridger: Do the best you can. (into comlink) Doctor Westphalen?
Westphalen: (on comlink) Captain?
Bridger: (into comlink) How are you doing?
Westphalen: (on comlink) Tony's condition's improving, I'd have to say we're doing OK. Thank you.
Bridger: Lieutenant O'Neill, the wheel is yours. (leaves)
O'Neill: Aye, aye, sir.

(Sea Deck)
Crocker: OK, guys, what are you up to now? Ah, the old shell game, huh. Who taught you boys this? Still not talking I see. OK, you get over there and sit next to your brother. Let's see how good you are. Show me your stuff. (they shuffle the shells) Ha, ha, ha, right there. (they pick it up, the ball's not there) All right, all right, we go two out of three. Let's go. (they shuffle the shells again) Right there. (the ball's not there) Wait a minute. (Crocker tries the other two shells, no ball) What the heck is this? You tricked me. Where's the ball? Let me see the ball. (one holds the ball in his hand and throws it in the moon pool) We don't throw things in the pool around here, all right. Now, you boys have got a whole lot to learn about sportsmanship. (he turns to get the ball from the moon pool) I'll tell you, when I was your age … (they push him in the moon pool, and run away) If I get my hands on you …
Bridger: (entering) Chief!
Crocker: Don't even ask, Cap.
Bridger: (walking over to hyperbaric chamber) How is he?
Westphalen: He needs to sleep for a couple of days to let his lungs repair. Haven't I just told you that?
Bridger: I heard something else in your voice. (Westphalen smiles) Is there something else?
Westphalen: Yes, I'm worried about the children. What's going to happen to them?
Bridger: I think they're a lot stronger than you or I can even imagine. They're gonna be OK, they're survivors.
Westphalen: Yes, when they're together. That's where they get their strength from, each other. But what about if they're separated? Nathan, there're six of them. Do you have any idea how difficult it's going to be to keep them all together? I mean, two or three children, OK; but six.
Bridger: The most important thing is keeping them all alive, and right now I've got to worry about getting a frightened sixteen year old boy out of a munitions depot.
Westphalen: Yes, and then?
Bridger: Then it's out of my hands.
(As they walk away Cleo comes out from behind the Hyperbaric Chamber. She watches them walk away, then she looks down to some surgical knives that are lying on a tray nearby.)

(Lucas's Room)
Cleo: (enters) Lucas.
Lucas: Yeah, what's wrong? (notices knife in Cleo's hand)
Cleo: You have to…Lucas you have to… (Lucas takes knife, sets it down) I'm sorry.
Lucas: What's the matter?
Cleo: Zack won't leave.
Lucas: Well they're gonna go get him.
Cleo: No, they won't. He won't listen to an adult, he hates them. All they do is desert us. I'm so sorry, I was gonna try to force you to take me back.
Lucas: Listen, they're not gonna leave him there. I mean, even if they gas him to knock him out, they're gonna bring him back.
Cleo: You don't understand. I heard it in his voice, he's lost it. Zach has been out father, our protector, since he was thirteen. He's not like you, he's not a normal sixteen year old. He can really get out of control.
Lucas: He'll only hurt himself.
Cleo: Lucas, he's going to die.
Lucas: (thinks) Are you sure he'll listen to you? No, Cleo, are you sure? (Cleo nods he head) I'm gonna take you to Zack. I'm gonna steal a launch. Just come with me before I change whatever's left of my mind.

(Landau Munitions Depot)
Ford: Hear that, current's getting stronger.
Zack: The noise always comes.
Ford: That noise gets louder every time I hear it.
Zack: You're afraid to die.
Ford: (shows Zack his officers stripes) You don't get one of these if you're afraid to die. But it's stupid to just sit here while this place collapses around us.
Zack: Than leave.
Ford: We can't leave this place without you Zack.
Zack: This place is my home, I'll never leave.

(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
O'Neill: Security breach, docking bay three.
Ortiz: Captain, we just dispatched a launch.
Bridger: What?
Crocker: (into comlink) Bay three, what the hell's going on down there?
Ensign: (hesitantly, on comlink) Chief, I -
Crocker: (into comlink) Report, Ensign.
Ensign: (on comlink) Chief, I lost the launch.
Crocker: (into comlink) You what?
Ensign: (on comlink) Lucas tricked me and that girl was with him and -(Bridger slams hand on table)
Crocker: You ask me, Cap, what these kids need is a good swift kick in the britches.
Bridger: (angrily) Oh, fine, I'll have Commander Ford shoot them.
Westphalen: Chief has a point. (Bridger looks at Crocker, and back at Westphalen) Not that they need to be beaten, but children need role models for their behavior. Well, Zach hasn't had one, he's had to be one. He's been responsible for his family since he was thirteen, three impressionable years. And we come along and we invalidate every good effort that he's made. He is, after all, captain of his crew.
Bridger: This boy's father was a colonel in the Marines, right?
Westphalen: Mmm hmm.
Bridger: Thank you. Chief.
Crocker: Aye, sir.
Bridger: The wheel's yours, Commander. (leaves with Crocker)

(Landau Munitions Depot)
Ford: Not much time left, Zack, what do you say?
Zack: Cleo. (Cleo and Lucas enter)
Cleo Walker: Zack.
Zack: Who's he?
Cleo: This is Lucas. Lucas, that's Zack.
Lucas: Hi.
Ford: What are you doing here?
(Lucas looks down at Ford who's still in the pool of balls.)
Lucas: What are you doing in there?
Cleo: Zack, you have to come back with us. It's a better place where they took us.
Zack: We promised to stay together, here, until they come back.
Cleo: They're not coming back. Nana knew that, it's what killed her. But we can stop it, we can leave.
Zack: No.
Lucas: Are you nuts? She risked her life to come back and get you. This place is disintegrating.
Zack: I don't like you.
Lucas: Now wait a minute.
(Lucas falls into the balls and when he looks up Zack has his weapon pointed at him.)
Cleo Walker: Zack, no.

(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
Hitchcock: (on comlink of launch) Captain, the probe's inside the wreckage of the shuttle.
Bridger: (on launch) And?
Hitchcock: Three bodies inside, one female.
Bridger: (on comlink) Parents of the children?
Hitchcock: Yes, sir. Looks like the shuttle was slammed into the rocks. Captain?
Bridger: (on comlink) Commander?
Hitchcock: I think the children should know, their parents were trying to get back to the depot when they crashed.

(Landau Munitions Depot)
Crocker: (enters) Ten hut!
Bridger: (enters) Commander Ford, move out, on the double.
(Zack still has his weapon pointed at them so no one moves. Bridger moves so that he's blocking the weapon.)
Bridger: I said on the double.
Ford: Yes, sir. (leaves with Torrance)
Bridger: Now Mr. Wolenczak. (Lucas leaves, Bridger turns to Zack, Zack pulls back his spear, Bridger inspects spear) Nicely maintained, Mr. Thomas. (gives spear back to Zack) Your father would have been proud of you. It is my sad duty to inform you of your father's death. Upon returning to this depot, his shuttle was crushed by currents, six kilometers to the east. All hands on board perished. Time to go, son. (takes spear, leaves with Zack)

(seaQuest DSV - Sea Deck)
Cleo: So what's gonna happen to us?
Lucas: You mean will they split you up? (pauses) No. Captain Bridger said he would do his best not to let that happen. He's a man of his word.
Cleo: Do you think we'll ever see each other again?
Lucas: Yeah, yeah sure we will. If you want to. (takes out music disc) This is for you. It's, um, "Take Me With You." (leans over to kiss Cleo)
O'Neill: (on loudspeaker) Mr. Wolenczak, Miss Walker to the bridge please.
Lucas: (laughs) Um, I'll take you there. (both leave)

Nathan Bridger: A moment of silence for brave men and women. (Everyone bows their head for a moment of silence.) Commander.
Jonathan Ford: Tubes one and two, fire.
(The entire crew watches as the Depot is destroyed.)
Nathan Bridger: The greatest legacy of your parents' lives has been the strength and courage that they instilled in you. And in recognition of that, the United Earth/Oceans Organization bestows upon you its highest civilian honor. (Medals are placed on the children, all clap.) (quietly to Lucas) As for you, Mr. Wolenczak, you are grounded. Commander, let's get these kids home.
(Lucas and Cleo share a sheepish smile.)